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05-23-2008, 01:05 AM
DO Tgrils get kicks tricking straight guys into fucking them,

after kissing her and getting a carzy ass BJ, she/he tells me she is a tgirl, wtf.

05-23-2008, 01:05 AM
did this happen to you?

05-23-2008, 01:08 AM

05-23-2008, 01:11 AM
are you pissed about it?

05-23-2008, 01:11 AM
Yeah, I do it all the time. It's a real blast if the guy doesn't outweigh you or carry a knife. :roll: Seriously, it's not a recommended pastime.

05-23-2008, 01:17 AM
i dnt knw, i hve been confused, i think there is enough guys out there that are into tgirl, why go fuck/trick someone that is not interested in you.

btw im 6-3 225, but would never put my hnds on someone unless it was in self defense

05-23-2008, 01:22 AM
DO Tgrils get kicks tricking straight guys into fucking them,

after kissing her and getting a carzy ass BJ, she/he tells me she is a tgirl, wtf.

Did you also get tricked into creating an account and posting on this website devoted to Trannys, Tgirls, and Shemales?

05-23-2008, 01:27 AM
well no, im not into that at all.

i dont kiss or give bj's after just meeting someone whether he knows i'm a ts or not.

and lmaooo @ scroller.

05-23-2008, 01:30 AM
DO Tgrils get kicks tricking straight guys into fucking them,

after kissing her and getting a carzy ass BJ, she/he tells me she is a tgirl, wtf.

Did you also get tricked into creating an account and posting on this website devoted to Trannys, Tgirls, and Shemales?

good question?

i want to knw this new world of tgirls and find out why would a person do such a thing, its been almost 2 mnths now still dnt have an answer, and i dnt knw any tgirls psychiatrist said the next best thing is blog/forums/message boards

05-23-2008, 01:33 AM
why would you come here and post about it? lol

If you are so upset about it, I wouldnt' give out your stats either :lol:

05-23-2008, 01:38 AM
yea you are wright, i want to meet and fuck some tgril, that make a whole lota sense :wink:

05-23-2008, 01:46 AM
yea you are wright, i want to meet and fuck some tgril, that make a whole lota sense :wink: Oh Okay since we are giving out stats. I am 5'5 119 lbs 34 D bust long brown hair with blonde highlights.

05-23-2008, 01:48 AM
yea you are wright, i want to meet and fuck some tgril, that make a whole lota sense :wink:

be careful not to scratch your penis! after a few uses, those grill grates can get rather jagged.

happy memorial day weekend!

05-23-2008, 02:02 AM
yea you are wright, i want to meet and fuck some tgril, that make a whole lota sense :wink:

be careful not to scratch your penis! after a few uses, those grill grates can get rather jagged.

happy memorial day weekend!

wht does that mean?

05-23-2008, 03:29 AM
yea you are wright, i want to meet and fuck some tgril, that make a whole lota sense :wink:

be careful not to scratch your penis! after a few uses, those grill grates can get rather jagged.

happy memorial day weekend!

wht does that mean?

she means you can't spell.

05-23-2008, 03:46 AM
DO Tgrils get kicks tricking straight guys into fucking them,

after kissing her and getting a carzy ass BJ, she/he tells me she is a tgirl, wtf.

Damn, lucky cunt!!
I'm going to the wrong places!!

05-23-2008, 03:52 AM
This thread is just tooo funny...


05-23-2008, 04:58 AM
DO Tgrils get kicks tricking straight guys into fucking them,

after kissing her and getting a carzy ass BJ, she/he tells me she is a tgirl, wtf.

Ok, I’ll take the bait and give you an educated answered. I would say that most all tgirls take great pleasure in being accepted as women. They go to great lengths to achieve beauty which sometimes includes tens of thousands of dollars of surgeries, etc. I would think that most tgirls would be very cautious with having sex with a guy without telling him, because of its risks. That being said there are probably a small few who feel that tricking a man is confirmation that they pass as women. And don’t forget that the night life involves being intoxicated and quite a few people make bad judgments under the influence. It you were turned on, it was their feminine presence that did it.

Though I too have my suspicions about your posting here, I will say that most people feel guilty when they get pleasure from a new sexual experience. I will say to you to try and not feel guilty, it happened for a reason. The reason was so that you could get to know your self better of what you like and dislike about sex. In the future you will be able to better choose what makes you happy because of the experience.

05-23-2008, 05:41 AM
Well hey its time to let it go, it happened, its the past, dont dwell on it. But hey if a TG/TS/TV ever tricked me, Id be as happy as a big in his own shit.

05-23-2008, 05:52 AM
thats what u get letting some queer suck ur dick

05-23-2008, 05:52 AM
This is straight comedy, lol

05-23-2008, 06:03 AM

ted naves
05-23-2008, 08:01 AM
Even though I have never been with a T-girl, and regardless if I even do, I think that that's a kick ass thing to do.

If someone excites you enough in where you end up fucking them,fuckin' A' right !

05-23-2008, 08:24 AM
Oh yes, absolutely, we all spend all our time trying to trick straight guys into having sex with us. It's so much fun to see if we can fake them out and not get killed. Besides who else are we going to have sex with since 99% of the guys who like t-girls identify as straight, even the gay ones. LOL

But look at it this way honey, if it felt good then what's the problem? You discovered a whole new aspect of sex denied to the social puritans. Seriously though, if you see your sex partner as a girl, then you are straight. The fact that she has a dick isn't any different than if she had three boobs, it's just a body part.

PS: The final answer to all "am I gay" questions is listed below...

PS: Kelly, hot new avatar - who is it? :-)

Hugs and Giggles,
TS Jamie :-)

ted naves
05-23-2008, 08:59 AM
YEah, I just re-read my post. I didn't mean that T-Girls do try to trick men. I 'm just saying in a fun and innocent kind of way that if it happened and then that would be a sweet ordeal becuase in the end, the guy wanted it .

Y afollow ? It's all abra-cadabra-ish !

05-23-2008, 09:43 AM
thats what u get letting some queer suck ur dick

Well I do feel it's an honor when someone wants to suck my dick. But whether I let them do it is a whole other set of rules.

05-23-2008, 01:15 PM

05-23-2008, 04:49 PM
thats what u get letting some queer suck ur dick

Ignoring the ridiculous fake thread for a moment so I can say WOW. Love the new avatar Jenn.

05-23-2008, 05:32 PM
I mean those videos of tranny trickers are make believe I hear. So it isn't really a trick. And can you really trick a straight guy into fucking a tgirl. If he does, I dont know is he completely straight? And that is a probably a conservation we dont wan tto get into whether tgirl lovers are straight...that could be 10 more pages of blah, blah, blah...lol

05-23-2008, 07:53 PM
Even though this thread is bullshit, my 1st pay for play episodes were with street walking trannies who worked the same block as GGs. These girls gave head mostly, and usually gave some excuse if you wanted more ( they were usually on their period 24/7). They made a living duping ignorant Johns into thinking they were fish. So, yeah, it happens. I know lotsa guys who are happily married, homophobic, and still to this day don't know they've fucked or got sucked by a tranny! (Yes I said fuck).

05-23-2008, 09:47 PM
Oh yes, absolutely, we all spend all our time trying to trick straight guys into having sex with us. It's so much fun to see if we can fake them out and not get killed. Besides who else are we going to have sex with since 99% of the guys who like t-girls identify as straight, even the gay ones. LOL

But look at it this way honey, if it felt good then what's the problem? You discovered a whole new aspect of sex denied to the social puritans. Seriously though, if you see your sex partner as a girl, then you are straight. The fact that she has a dick isn't any different than if she had three boobs, it's just a body part.

PS: The final answer to all "am I gay" questions is listed below...

PS: Kelly, hot new avatar - who is it? :-)

Hugs and Giggles,
TS Jamie :-) Mine girl, My good friend Kira told me about the shots she was using and I got some they are amazing!

05-30-2008, 03:31 PM
DO Tgrils get kicks tricking straight guys into fucking them,

after kissing her and getting a carzy ass BJ, she/he tells me she is a tgirl, wtf.

Did you also get tricked into creating an account and posting on this website devoted to Trannys, Tgirls, and Shemales?

I think she tricked him into coming here.

05-30-2008, 07:35 PM
I'll bite and give another educated response. The short answer is no. If a man comes up to me and wants my number I give it to him. He is attracted to what he feels is a beautiful woman and I have no reason at that point to tell him otherwise. I mean who is he and why would I discuss my genitalia with him?

The long answer....A TS academic named Julia Serano has basically said this about that:

That straight cisgendered people cause the so called "deception" in the first place by assuming that anyone they see, who passes, is also cisgendered.

I can agree with that. All any transsexual who passes and looks good usually does to attract men is practice good hygiene and walk out of the house. Guys will ask for and give you their numbers.

Some other influential members of the transgendered community say:

Passing is based on deception.

:-/ me thinks they are jealous and resentful of the so called passing privillage.

Ralph Lauren
05-30-2008, 09:47 PM
DO Tgrils get kicks tricking straight guys into fucking them,

after kissing her and getting a carzy ass BJ, she/he tells me she is a tgirl, wtf.

Ok, I’ll take the bait and give you an educated answered. I would say that most all tgirls take great pleasure in being accepted as women. They go to great lengths to achieve beauty which sometimes includes tens of thousands of dollars of surgeries, etc. I would think that most tgirls would be very cautious with having sex with a guy without telling him, because of its risks. That being said there are probably a small few who feel that tricking a man is confirmation that they pass as women. And don’t forget that the night life involves being intoxicated and quite a few people make bad judgments under the influence. It you were turned on, it was their feminine presence that did it.

I completely agree with you that for most girls it affirms whether or not they pass as real women (or at least can attract a REAL straight guy- with this I mean someone that isn't directly seaking a t-girl). It's somewhat similar to t-girls going on straight websites and on their profile it says female. Most guys would not think this meant t-girl.

09-04-2008, 03:30 AM
yea you are wright, i want to meet and fuck some tgril, that make a whole lota sense :wink:

be careful not to scratch your penis! after a few uses, those grill grates can get rather jagged.

happy memorial day weekend!

You are quite the clever girl LOL. Awesome!

09-04-2008, 03:37 AM
DO Tgrils get kicks tricking straight guys into fucking them,

after kissing her and getting a carzy ass BJ, she/he tells me she is a tgirl, wtf.

Where would this place be located, where you met this evil she temptress, you know, so we can all avoid it.

09-04-2008, 05:30 AM
Ummm thats like a every wknd thing for me here in Vegas, making out, giving crazy bj's... U know these horny Vegas boys! But then when I tell them after "tricking" them, I dont have a high rejection rate! Although its like Come on guys! When your at a club, and some HOT GIRL is making out with you, grabbing your cock, and sucking you off, all in the first hour you meet her, somethings gotta give! You are not the CHOSEN one :roll: Im a girl who likes a challenge, str8 taste so much yummier :wink:

09-04-2008, 05:36 AM
yea you are wright, i want to meet and fuck some tgril, that make a whole lota sense :wink:

be careful not to scratch your penis! after a few uses, those grill grates can get rather jagged.

happy memorial day weekend!

You are quite the clever girl LOL. Awesome!

its like shooting ducks in a barrel 8)

09-04-2008, 06:42 AM
Ummm thats like a every wknd thing for me here in Vegas, making out, giving crazy bj's... U know these horny Vegas boys! But then when I tell them after "tricking" them, I dont have a high rejection rate! Although its like Come on guys! When your at a club, and some HOT GIRL is making out with you, grabbing your cock, and sucking you off, all in the first hour you meet her, somethings gotta give! You are not the CHOSEN one :roll: Im a girl who likes a challenge, str8 taste so much yummier :wink:

Lol, shit that's funny

Shining Star
09-04-2008, 08:07 AM
Girls are still out there "flat-backing"? *LOL*

Sure it's done, but one needs to be very careful about the chosen male. It might be one thing for a post-op to have relations with a man, but if something that isn't supposed to be there pops up or out, things might get a little crazy.

Far too many men out there into trannies, why take the chances?


09-04-2008, 07:17 PM
i dnt knw, i hve been confused, i think there is enough guys out there that are into tgirl, why go fuck/trick someone that is not interested in you.

btw im 6-3 225, but would never put my hnds on someone unless it was in self defense
If you werent interested in her, why did you let her blow you??????????????????????????????????????????

09-05-2008, 12:09 AM
Far too many men out there into trannies, why take the chances?


Since you havent payed close attention to the girls, Ill fill you in.

Most, not all, but most tgirls hate being a fetish, a fantasy, or a piece of meat. A fair majority of them don't like being used as an excuse for sucking dick and pounding out "virgins".
Since a straight guy is treating them as a woman, no matter how degrading, in his eyes, before she spills the secret, shes a woman and thats how many of these ladies wanna be labeled.
Best believed if you had a good TS friend, chance are she'd tell you how many times she told a straight guy she had a dick, he'd ask "how big is it?" or "Can I see it?" or some variant, and its not a good thing. Hence, they try to keep it till the last minute, especially the young girls just starting out.

Shining Star
09-05-2008, 01:02 AM
Oh I understand the rationale behind their actions, just think it is a VERY dangerous game to play.

Maybe years ago when trannies weren't "all over the place", but with even high school boys (at least around my area), knowing about trannies, a girl is going to have to have some special skills to fool a man more than once, if that.

Hey, guess some people like living on the edge.


09-05-2008, 01:44 AM
is anyone sexier than Alyssa 87???

09-05-2008, 02:03 AM
DO Tgrils get kicks tricking straight guys into fucking them,

after kissing her and getting a carzy ass BJ, she/he tells me she is a tgirl, wtf.

I wish!
Girls...ladies...feel free to get some kicks off of me! I promice I won't tell any one :P

09-05-2008, 03:51 AM
I'm a "t-girl" and I have never had to trick any guy into fucking me.
And trust me, there never is a shortage of straight guys who want to fuck me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-05-2008, 03:55 AM
is anyone sexier than Alyssa 87???

uhh.. maybe a few 8)

09-05-2008, 04:02 AM
don't be coy Alyssa-there arent many
you're yummy!!

09-05-2008, 04:02 AM
don't be coy Alyssa-there arent many
you're yummy!!

09-05-2008, 10:08 AM
The only TGirl encounter I ever had, we talked for weeks, hung out, a totally passable asian beauty and the only asian I have ever been with, we made out and I didnt know, then one night she invited me in and told me..and I rolled with it. It was top only and I actually never even saw any male parts. She is post-op now but was a very super-sweet girl. Then I looked up some stuff and found this site which interested me even more.

So you got tricked, big deal, happens a lot.. Lots of guys would love to be with a girl beautiful and passable enough to "trick" a guy, so consider yourself lucky! I don't regret what happened to me, doubt it will happen again though, you learn a bit after readin these forums a while.

09-06-2008, 10:15 PM
What's the trick ... you wanted your dicked sucked. It got sucked. LOL. The trick woud have been if you wanted to get to know the girl. Or at a minimum treat her like a woman and maybe try to give her some pleasure and a dick popped out - maybe then you were tricked. But hooking up to get or dick sucked ... and it gets sucked - sounds like mission accomplished.

P.S. I'm more suprised you were gentlemen enough to stay for the 25 seconds it took her to tell you (what everyone suspects you already knew).

Nuff Said.

09-10-2008, 08:01 AM
This shit was too funny!

12-28-2010, 10:23 AM
yea! many do

they want you to see in there minds that there is no difference between a tgirl and a woman(gg).


This shit was too funny!

Even though this thread is bullshit, my 1st pay for play episodes were with street walking trannies who worked the same block as GGs. These girls gave head mostly, and usually gave some excuse if you wanted more ( they were usually on their period 24/7). They made a living duping ignorant Johns into thinking they were fish. So, yeah, it happens. I know lotsa guys who are happily married, homophobic, and still to this day don't know they've fucked or got sucked by a tranny! (Yes I said fuck).

12-28-2010, 09:09 PM
Even though this thread is bullshit, my 1st pay for play episodes were with street walking trannies who worked the same block as GGs. These girls gave head mostly, and usually gave some excuse if you wanted more ( they were usually on their period 24/7). They made a living duping ignorant Johns into thinking they were fish. So, yeah, it happens. I know lotsa guys who are happily married, homophobic, and still to this day don't know they've fucked or got sucked by a tranny! (Yes I said fuck).

That might be true but im sure most of them probably knew they were getting sucked off by a tranny.

12-28-2010, 09:19 PM
DO Tgrils get kicks tricking straight guys into fucking them,

after kissing her and getting a carzy ass BJ, she/he tells me she is a tgirl, wtf.

this happen to me almost everyday lol :fuckin:

12-28-2010, 10:43 PM
this happen to me almost everyday lol :fuckin:


01-03-2011, 10:27 PM