View Full Version : ALL VANITY.......ALL OF THE TIME!

06-30-2003, 12:51 AM
my favourite latin girl :D

06-30-2003, 12:53 AM
vanity getting blowed :wink:

06-30-2003, 12:55 AM
more of vanity getting sucked :D

06-30-2003, 12:57 AM
getting blowed and blowing :D

06-30-2003, 12:58 AM
giving the blowjob now :)

06-30-2003, 12:59 AM
now for some action


06-30-2003, 01:01 AM

07-02-2003, 07:57 PM
Hey guys, WWE is having a search for new on-air talent and guess who's in the running, none other than our own lovely Vanity!

Go to www.wwedivas.com, click on the "click here to vote" link and she's listed in the Southwest region.

She's easily the hottest girl in that region, but let's go out and flood the ballots anyway! Maybe Vanity can be the breakthrough mainstream transexual superstar!

07-03-2003, 09:16 AM
I'm sure the WWE will know when they do a background check.

Bottom line, she has an incredible look, and a built-in gimmick. Your average Joe Schmoe wrestling fan will have no idea who she is, so when Vince and the writers finally pull the curtain away, some heads will definitely turn in regards to mainstream acceptance and questions about just what your "real woman" is.

I disagree with your statement that she will damage the reputation of transsexuals everywhere. The average person nowadays equates trannies with the "hey tiger" guy in that commercial, so there isn't much damage she could do. Vanity landing a major primetime slot would open doors for other girls.

07-03-2003, 01:53 PM
I feel you Mega.....some true shit.

I'm with u bro...

Vicki Richter
07-03-2003, 07:25 PM
You take this shit way too seriously... She isn't going to win... If she does, great... BUT... seriously, the most that would come of it if she did win is some publicity when they dequalified her for being a T. For all we know she wasn't even the one who entered herself.

She really wants to go mainstream which is cool... but I think she has hurt her chances tremendously by being in the sex industry. It's almost impossible for a GG porn star to cross over into mainstream, let alone a TS where there already isn't a market... I wish her the best, but why get all worked up over something that isn't happening.

That T talk you do busts me up... Gag... lol... Come on now... Normal people don't talk like that. You have it down for sure tho...

BTW - someday it will be OK for kids to have T's on their wall... Society won't be so biggoted or judgemental or to care.

Give it 100 years.


Vicki Richter
07-03-2003, 11:42 PM
!koo koo! !koo koo!


They just have better schools in the Southwest. ;)

07-03-2003, 11:48 PM
Mega I agree with everything you said except for the NY talk part. Guys here don't talk like that (gag, fish, ovah, walk,etc) only trannys and butch queens.

07-07-2003, 08:49 AM
trust me honey, going on the maury povich show has given vanity a huge ego. just because some of the audience thought she was a real woman she thinks nobody can tell now. and if she does get into the wwf is she still going to turn tricks? i think the more respectable trannies who are still beautiful but are too good to sell themselves to anything willing to pay $300/hour should get to be on prime time, not ones like vanity!!!!!!

07-08-2003, 01:32 AM
wow...this girl really is big time controversial :o

07-09-2003, 08:23 AM
She'll get her ass kicked anyway - T or not. And WannabeNYC will still be trying desperately to talk ebonics.

08-11-2003, 01:05 AM
vanity the cunt...sorry mega :wink:

and sorry vanity

just kidding there :P

08-11-2003, 01:06 AM
some more vanity :)

08-11-2003, 09:24 PM
Jeesus H. - Ok Megabody, we get the picture - you had a TS girlfriend for a long time and she died, as important as that is in your life I think you've stated it enough times - we get it.

You need to get off your high horse also (schooling would have helped with that) and appreciate just because all these guys cannot lead the lifestyle you've chosen for yourself, it doesn't put you above them or to comment on every single aspect of transgender lifestyle with your badly written diatribe.
Eevryone on a forum like this are into looking at images as well as general discussion about the girls and mainly the porn industry side of it.

08-11-2003, 09:30 PM
PS - Ghetto talk is just that - talk for the ghetto it comes from, whether it be the Bronx, pidgeon in Hawaii, Cockney or Geordie. If you're trying to communicate with people outside the specific area the slang comes from, don't wonder if people take offense or think you're simply a dipshit.
This is an international community - communicate in an international language.
If I wrote how I speak it would be something like this;

"All rite, this dozy wanker takin a load o bollocks like. A divent nah wha he theenks is he like, a widdent meend dunshin him if he cam aroond he tha."


08-12-2003, 03:03 AM
I don't think I'm an asshole, I don't think you are an asshole either, I think you use it to cover up some rather major character flaws but someone who takes time to give advice to others and write in such length obviously has traits which an asshole doesn't.
If you need to deal with your loss by constantly re-affirming to yourself and others on a public board the "THE LOVE I HAD" and "I RUINED HER AND I RUINED WHAT I HAD" then by all means go ahead, and I apologise if I mis-construed it for something other than a psychological need.

You state you don't think yourself better than anyone on this board, yet you resort to calling me;
rich (by a few standards, not by most - sucessful maybe).
fat (6ft, 208, not a waif but not overtly obese).
old (I'm 32).
ugly (No Tom Cruise but I've never been called ugly, in fact most people think my personality is charming).
man (yes correct)

When people ask me what a girl is looking for in a guy - it's rarely somebody who is so obsessed with themselves and their body (and getting it for free). Most girls are into guys who are fun, self-referential, sense of humour, gentlemen, take care of the way they dress/groom when around her and treat them as a lady. Would seem you're aiming for a different sort of girl than I am. You may look a whole lot better but I'm betting I'm mentally, spiritually and probably physically healthier than you - just because a guy is big doesn't mean they don't take care of themselves.

To re-itterate, I apologise in hindsight for my remarks, that you need to have this board as a catharsis, as an outlet for these thoughts was something I hadn't thought of.

08-12-2003, 07:24 AM
:-) You manage to make my point more succinctly then I could ever wish to.


08-13-2003, 04:51 AM
Anyone else notice how Mega went from calling Sean "old man" to "son" in one post?

08-13-2003, 05:13 AM
I've never had anyone mistake me for someone in their 40's? Just another sign you need some help and have major issues with your appearance, old boy.

Vicki Richter
08-13-2003, 09:19 AM
I luv ya both, but this is some funny sh*t. Don't stop! It's really cute to see the Europian/Hawaii vs New Yorker thing. Totally different styles of communication. I think I missed the point on what you were arguing on in the last 10 or so posts. What was it again? :P

I don't even know that Senchai is looking for a LTR. He doesn't really strike me as the type. He's a sweety though. Who knows?

And Gregg... I think you should move on and have sex with a few girls. I know you are sentimental and everything, but maybe you should just do it to get back into the swing of things. Dare to be shallow. I think your relationship building should be based upon long term goal setting. I think you are what many girls should want. Dedicated, 100% accepting, etc. Despite that it will still probably be hard to find what you are looking for. Probably most girls fear the same thing I do... Get into a LTR... Stay with someone for 10 years, get dumped or break up... Uh oh... Now what?
The market for older TS is probably more brutal than for middle aged divorced women with 2 kids. I guess that saying about "it is better to have tried and have failed than to never have tried at all" totally works here though.

08-13-2003, 10:11 AM
The point?
Why does there need to be a point :-)

08-13-2003, 09:28 PM
Like a guy in a wig.

Like Randy Quaid in Kingpin when he is crossdressed.

08-17-2003, 11:36 PM
that was a good movie though eh, sean? :)

08-17-2003, 11:37 PM
some more vanity :P

Vicki Richter
07-15-2005, 08:30 PM
In all these pictures Vani-ty was truly flawless.

07-15-2005, 08:51 PM
A compliment from Vicki on Vanitty, I'm impressed Vicki. Bravo to you.

Vicki Richter
07-15-2005, 08:57 PM
I have said a million times that she is beautiful. She is an asshole, but she's beautiful.

07-15-2005, 09:03 PM
Vicky, why is she such an asshole? What has she done. How much true is there to the story about her behavior at the AVN awards?

07-15-2005, 09:04 PM
I have said a million times that she is beautiful. She is an asshole, but she's beautiful.

Vicki's claws are comint out.


07-15-2005, 09:23 PM
i never even heard of vanity until i joined this site a week ago and i'm online everyday. it must be a west coast thing.

07-15-2005, 09:38 PM
i never even heard of vanity until i joined this site a week ago and i'm online everyday. it must be a west coast thing.
OMG that was great, but hey let me say you are hot too.

07-15-2005, 09:46 PM
i wasn't being mean i was just being honest. i just heard about her dancing on the stage with chingy but there were like 100 other people dancing on stage too. he wasn't even payin attention cuz he was busy performing.

u want gossip? i'll show u a pic of me in the le parker meridian elevator with hip hop star ****** ***** with his arm wrapped around me and his hand on my ass cheeks. lol. sike i would never do that to him. how bout ya'll replace the stars with letters? see who can figure it out first. :D

Vicki Richter
07-15-2005, 09:49 PM
There is so much to really say about why she is an asshole. First she totally screwed over her boyfriend Ryan aka Donnie. She promised to marry him publicly announcing it to her fan club members. After building him up, she totally devastated the guy and came up with some lame excuse not to do it. Something like, "Oh I don't know what I was thinking. Bad idea I can't give up escorting. Ho hum". Having talked to Ryan, he is a nice guy. She had every perrogative not to marry him or whatever, but building him up like that only to pull his carpet out from under him... well..

Second she always always always sits around saying how great she is. I don't care who you are. That is an assholish quality. I have a lot of factual reasons that I could constantly build myself up, but that is just poor taste. The great ones don't have to brag and posture to get fans. They just perform and do their thing. Either people love them or they don't.

Third, when she was in LV at this past year's AVN, I attended the Evil Angel party. She was there. The guy who took me there knew her and she came up to him, hugged and kissed him and slurred something. He said to me, "Vaniity has had a little too much to drink tonight". She then hugged me and said, "Hi, I'm Vanniiiiiiiiiittttyyyy". There was no doubt she was pretty buzzed. She didn't even know who I was or remember meeting me.

2 hours later I got a call from a mutual friend Sam, her former roomate and someone who was supposedly one of her close friends. Well Sam is in LV and he doesn't have a place to stay (he had arranged to be staying with Vaniity but they didn't fly together). He's been trying to call Vaniity and she was making up all these stories about trying to find a place. Meanwhile, she was out at the Evil Angel party drinking and doing whatever else she was doing. I had a guy staying with me and there was no way I could put Sam up in my room and I wasn't the one who had told him they would find him a place. Regardless, he ended up hanging out wandering around Vegas until 3-4am until she finally got done doing whatever she was doing and took care of him.

That is a self absorbed asshole.

There are all these other little things like her reaction when I won performer of the year this year. Her reaction to girls trying to be nice to her... I mean what other TS would bring two bodyguards with her to Peanuts because she is afraid of getting beat up by other TS. Nobody hates her and wants to beat her. That is retarded.

Bella had asked Vaniity to be in the scene with Danielle and I (or Danielle or I) and I think Joey had wanted to shoot Vaniity and Danielle together. She refused. I know her reaction, but I am not going to share it. Geekmeat comes up with, "haha that's funny, she is above it". But it's really just ignorant. For someone to suggest they are above porn but then take dick for $400 on eros is just hypocritical. I mean I just look at her fucking over the fans of the genre by being like that.

To answer your other question, I don't really know much about her getting arrested in Vegas. There are a lot of different stories. The popular one was that she got caught sucking dick in a bathroom (as reported by Lukeford.com). She was definitely arrested but who knows for what. I honestly don't care about that. That is just someone being human and making a mistake. That doesn't make her a bad person.

07-15-2005, 09:54 PM




07-15-2005, 09:56 PM
i kinda understand the body guard thing tho. at the upcoming party i'm having i plan on having personal security. there's alot of haters and i dont fight fags, they bite n scratch and i value my health. i say if u can have someone else do your dirty work by all means have em do it.

07-15-2005, 10:13 PM
I really can't blame her for having bodyguards, and thats based on some of scary postings I have seen on her yahoo group. Some of those people are kind of whacked. She seems to really work the whole "diva" thing and maybe thats how she protects herself emotionally. She's been sweet to me the few times that I have posted on her group.

My opinion of her is totally based on what I have read on the internet, other than that I have only seen her once and that was when she was in San Diego a few years ago.

She is awfully nice to look at. Also, at certain angles her face reminds me of another famous hispanic lady I used to fantasize about when I was a kid.

07-15-2005, 10:42 PM
I don't care if she's an asshole. She looks good, she got the right to be. Lots of hot GGs are the same fucking way!

I know if I saw Vaniity in person I'd be star struck!

07-15-2005, 10:45 PM
I don't care if she's an asshole. She looks good, she got the right to be. Lots of hot GGs are the same fucking way!

I know if I saw Vaniity in person I'd be star struck!
True That, but do you have any pics of here man she is smoking hot and Jade looks great too.
Hey do you know who Shade is?

07-15-2005, 10:52 PM

I think everybody knows who Shade be


07-15-2005, 10:56 PM

I think everybody knows who Shade be

Ok i'll start a post who is shade nah the almighty tranny gods here might BAN BAN BAN me

Vicki Richter
07-15-2005, 11:02 PM
Maybe they should. You don't add any value.

07-15-2005, 11:05 PM
Maybe they should. You don't add any value.
But Vicki i'll never ever say anything bad about you.
I love Vicki

07-15-2005, 11:06 PM
oooooooooo i been here too long today. vicki i want to hang with u. i'll be in los angeles in 2 weeks with Vanilla. she is in Vegas right now but is traveling to LA. we are meeting up there and shooting our movie. but um...er...uh... we need to get a drink or something.

damn ur not in cali anymore. i forgot. how often are u in Los Angeles?

07-16-2005, 02:39 AM
I don't care if she's an asshole. She looks good, she got the right to be. Lots of hot GGs are the same fucking way!

I know if I saw Vaniity in person I'd be star struck!
True That, but do you have any pics of here man she is smoking hot...







Vicki Richter
07-16-2005, 02:49 AM
Maybe they should. You don't add any value.
But Vicki i'll never ever say anything bad about you.
I love Vicki

STFU Seba you jackass.

07-16-2005, 02:52 AM
Maybe they should. You don't add any value.
But Vicki i'll never ever say anything bad about you.
I love Vicki

STFU Seba you jackass.
I STILL LOVE YOU VICKI remember that always

Vicki Richter
07-16-2005, 02:58 AM
Burn in hell you suck ass prick.

07-16-2005, 03:01 AM
Burn in hell you suck ass prick.
Vicki i've never said anything bad about you and i said sorry to all those i talk crap too please have mercy on my soul you my not be the best looking girl but you are the best looking lady I LOVE YOU KISSES

07-17-2005, 11:38 PM
My favorite of all time.....the one and only queen T,Vaniity!!

07-17-2005, 11:43 PM
Shes hot!

07-17-2005, 11:51 PM
Shes got the look!

07-17-2005, 11:54 PM
I'm beginning to hate Vaniity :cry: ...thanks Geek

07-17-2005, 11:58 PM

07-17-2005, 11:58 PM
This babe is SMOKIN' hot - she is one for the ages - BTW I love those gold pants - JD

07-18-2005, 12:39 AM
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?

07-18-2005, 12:46 AM
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?
So why does Vicki hate Vanity?

Overlord Abomination
07-18-2005, 12:50 AM
Wow I knew she was beautiful but i never really took notice of how attractive she is.

07-18-2005, 12:58 AM
Vaniity is the epitomy of beauty.

Her voice is very feminine. She's dainty and feminine, she never looked like a line backer in drag, ect

07-18-2005, 01:10 AM
As my last post I will simply state

Nothing special

Nothing special at all

what beauty she had has been razed by Geeky's obsessive behavior about her "looks"

Again seek help there Geeker

Overlord Abomination
07-18-2005, 01:23 AM
As my last post I will simply state

Nothing special

Nothing special at all

what beauty she had has been razed by Geeky's obsessive behavior about her "looks"

Again seek help there Geeker

I agree the 100 threads a day about her will make u insane But You cant deny she isnt gorgeous. If she did more scenes where she can just sit there and get fucked Id be a huge fan.

07-18-2005, 01:55 AM
Dude - why worry about it - it is btw them...there are better things to discuss - like mo' shemale asses


07-18-2005, 02:05 AM
Vanity is cool when she has a few rails of crystal meth in her. With her lifestyle she won't be around much longer. At least she won't have to worry about getting more botched plastic surgery.

07-18-2005, 06:26 AM
i never even heard of vanity until i joined this site a week ago and i'm online everyday. it must be a west coast thing.

methinks you need to pull your head out of the sand (or where you have stuffed it).

Vanity has been around for about 10 years, she's been in more TS flicks that just about any other TS I can think of.

And she's sreiously pretty too, but not quite as nice as Lilienne Li

Who's got the Lilienne Li pics??? :P

07-18-2005, 06:36 AM
How can you not know who Vaniity is? She's the most popular tranny in history! She can 'get' any straight dude, not many trannies can. Plus some trannies 'look' good in pics, but in real life they don't. I saw Vaniity on Maury Povich, she had the audience completely fooled and when she revealed she was a transsexual they still didn't believe she was a tranny. Her voice is so sexy too. That's how I know she looks good in person. Pics don't do her justice.

07-18-2005, 06:39 AM
extremely pretty but i think allanah or gia are technically most popular. i didn't even know who vanity was until i came here a week ago and i been in the biz and online for years.

07-18-2005, 08:13 AM
i never even heard of vanity until i joined this site a week ago and i'm online everyday. it must be a west coast thing.

methinks you need to pull your head out of the sand (or where you have stuffed it).

Vanity has been around for about 10 years, she's been in more TS flicks that just about any other TS I can think of.

And she's sreiously pretty too, but not quite as nice as Lilienne Li

Who's got the Lilienne Li pics??? :P

That woman Lilienne Li is amazing........unspookable......unbelievably real!
We should talk about her more........
I think she is even more unclockable than Vaniity and thats saying something.

07-18-2005, 05:16 PM
You want Liliene Li photos? Your wish is my command; she's incredibly beautiful and smart (iirc correctly, she at one point at least was working towards her doctrate? anybody know more?)

07-18-2005, 05:21 PM

07-19-2005, 01:59 AM
I agree that she is a major fox, but I dont think that she can muster up a hard on, any one out there have some pics of her hard - if so I will gladly eat her all up - HA!!


07-19-2005, 02:47 AM
Liliene Li is one beautiful lady and very intelligent like you mentioned. I believe in one TS videos she talked about being a psychologist specializing in human sexuality (transformation). Do not quote me on it. It may have been in Dr. Shemale MD.

07-19-2005, 04:02 AM
Well, in that vid as I recall she plays the character of Dr. Sh'mal (sound it out), but I think you're right in real life. At least, a few years ago I read somewhere that she was working on her psych degree. I wonder if she ever got it?

God, a beautiful TS with a bigger cock than mine and a more advanced degree (I've got an MA)...maybe a higher IQ (mine is around 135-140)...makes one weak in the knees....

07-19-2005, 04:08 AM

Too funny. Not only do we both know who Zamfir is -- which is perhaps not so good -- we both have the same IQ range and an MA.


07-19-2005, 04:17 AM
Mine's in English--a fact which I try not to emphasize here, lol! I did teach college English for about a decade, but for the past 8 years I've been a webmaster/web designer: the coin is better, word.
What's your field?

07-19-2005, 04:26 AM

The MA is in International Relations, and I also have an MBA. I here you on the whole coin thing. Working in IT is what allowed me to move into investments, etc. Anything IT related, particularly in NYC and the surrounding tri-state are can make you a lot of green real quick. I'm sure the English background doesn't hurt you when it comes to writing proposals, project plans, or any professional document for that matter.


07-19-2005, 04:31 AM
You're right there. Hell, I've often finished second instead of dead last in bid wars thanks to my writing alone (but of course it's better to win). LOL

I backed into IT, and I'm still not much of a programmer. My wife's been a software engineer for 18 years, makes me feel stoopid sometimes. But I'm in the middle: a good programmer for a designer, and a good designer for a programmer. On the web, I'm what's known as a presentation layer or front-end developer. All open source stuff: php, apache, mysql.

07-19-2005, 04:43 AM

I never picked up any real programming skills, though I often wished that I had. My background was infrastructure, security, and messaging. I did a lot of WAN design and implementation work (Cisco Routers, Checkpoint Firewalls, Solaris servers, Lotus Notes for groupware, and some Windows NT). A Great industry to work in that still employs my wife.


07-19-2005, 04:58 AM
Ah, complimentary skill sets, I love it. I'm lost when it comes to infrastructure, networking, security...I'm pleased as punch that there's a cool dude at my colo who handles all the tech support that goes over my head.

But what I need is a marketing genius. I need to figure out how to get more paying clients....since I can't charge $200/hour!

07-19-2005, 05:27 AM
I agree that she is a major fox, but I dont think that she can muster up a hard on, any one out there have some pics of her hard - if so I will gladly eat her all up - HA!!


Go get shemale shenanigans # 1 & 2. Lilienne hosts these and is in one scene each, she getsid hard and cums.

she's also in some of the vero old color climax transexual climax magazines. I think she's in 1 or 2 (i have them buried in the garage) somewhere).

She's just about the prettiest there is or was :P

Hugh Jarrod
07-21-2005, 08:45 AM
I've been with Vaniity more than once actually it went beyond a "business" relationship is all that I'm going to say without delving in to it too much. She was sweet and treated me very well. From what I hear from other T's though is that she isn't very nice to them. What she got arrested for in the bathroom at the AVNs I can't say as I was almost the one with her. I think what she did to Sam kinda sucked though man (the guy waits on her hand and foot and is almost as obsessed as the meat man, yet she abandoned him) I didn't make it that year (I was in the hospital) or else I would've let him crash with me. All in all Geek is somewhat obsessed and we all know it, V is a sweetie but a 100 posts a day like someoen said above is a lot to have to put up with Sebastion.

07-22-2005, 02:58 AM
Here she is