View Full Version : A new girl looking for advice (with pics)

05-06-2008, 09:05 PM

05-06-2008, 09:10 PM
Be who you believe you are at your core. If thats a woman, pursue transitioning...you are still young and have alot of life to live beyond when your mother passes, and to live on with pain or conflict in your core with confusion is going to pain you immensely. Don't seek physical perfection, seek inner peace and beauty will radiate to the outside.

05-06-2008, 10:52 PM
Thanks for your advice :)

I would like to read any advice of a t-girl that was in some similar situation that mine.

05-06-2008, 10:59 PM
u need laser hair removal.

you can do that and take hormones and still live as a man.

i was a lil crazy dragqueen running around in my teens, without hormones, but i know thats not everyone's experience.

it doesnt have to be as life changing as u think.

05-06-2008, 11:41 PM
^^^what she said, and a better wig. other than that, I think it helps that your body frame is thin and not built, bulky, what have you...

05-07-2008, 12:34 AM
Alizia , i love unique names( Great name)! 1st and foremost, before giving you advise on hormones , lazer etc... I feel if this is what you have longed for in your heart and have felt this way since you were little , and you are ready to start taking steps towards your transition , , go for it, but with all due respect towards your mother, Yes it will be hard for her i mean its a touchy subject especially when your mother is envolved, i understand were you are coming from, even thou my family knew since I was born I was going to be some other than " MASCULINE" they would of liked me to just be gay,, but since I saw gay men and found i had nothing in common with them....AT ALL., what i did know i felt like a woman in every way, even thou at the time my physical attributes weren't, but no one could take away that longing feeling i had to be myself...( WOMAN) Its even harder when you get older and put your feelings of being who you are on the burner , but for some reason you always go back and reheat those feelings and it makes you think of what could of been. Alizia its never to late, sure of course there are more advantages to transitioning young, but with work you can be who you always longed to be. I know a girl who started at 38, she had alot of work done and I only thought your could look passable if your start young, but she started and at 38 and now at 44 she looks amazing for starting so late,, but its never to late, just focus and if you really want it , dream, live it , BE IT!!! Much luck sweety OLE OLE LOL.... VAS HACER UNA TIA HERMOSA... .

05-07-2008, 02:35 AM
i agree with the previous posts, you have to do what makes you happy,not for anyone else.the true friends and family will stick by
you no matter how you decide to live.i am also a beginner at this,but
this board seems to have a lot of positive (and honest)feedback.
but i wish you luck sweets!

cute pics by the way!

05-07-2008, 08:02 AM

05-07-2008, 08:38 PM

05-07-2008, 08:50 PM
I don't want to repeat what everybody else said, but I agree with everyone that you should do what you feel best with. I think you really should start transition.

About your pictures, as you also asked opinions about, I think you - totally honest - are on the right track to become a woman. You need some facial work, starting with laser hair removal, as already mentioned. Maybe a nose job and a few other minor adjustments, just to get the feminine look. You are not overly masculine looking now, but if you want to look real feminine and sexy, this is where you need work. Your body shape is already slim and with the right workout and some hormones, you would probably get a real nice female body.

Go for it girl! :)

05-08-2008, 02:32 AM
Hi hun,

congrats on making the right steps towards being your trueself...life is for living and you should always do what is right for you....

In regards to hormones....if you are going to play with these please do so correctly and i would not advise self medicating as there are potentially some serious issues that you can cause to yourself.....Liver, DVT etc to name a few.....

I would advice going to see a Gender Specialist, here in the UK that is what i did,...you have a consultation, usually 2 or 3 before hormones will be prescribed.....

In regard to anti-androgens, they more than likely will be part of your hormone treatment. remember the a-androgens are in essence blockers of testosterone so you absorb and the etstrogen takes more affect..yes there are side issues to these as well...

Laser treatment is a great move to start asap, this takes a long time to have its full affect on hair removal....

If you want some links to some sites about information/help regarding transitioning please mail me i will be more than happy to help out...

Liberty xxx

05-13-2008, 07:00 AM
Since criticism is ok...

You're not a blonde. Stick to being a brunette.

05-13-2008, 06:37 PM

05-14-2008, 11:24 AM
You shouldn't let the age thing bother you. My girl didn't begin transition and go full time until she was 40, and now 5 years later is a gorgeous and wonderful woman. And I know that there are plenty of girls out there that began at an even later age.

05-15-2008, 01:48 PM

05-16-2008, 08:15 AM
The world needs more tgirls so my first response is to say go for it but it's not that simple...

1. If you want to know your Mum's response, tell her before you do it - have a deep heart to heart conversation with her, not a quick chat that leaves her confused and angry. Then give her time to think about it and go back to her. After that you will feel more comfortable about your decision whatever you take.
- this will be very real for her, and she may love you no matter what, but respect her emotions before you start.

2. There are other real costs about making the transition - with traits of both sexes, people may look at you as if you are a 'weirdo'. Not everyone is as warm as the people on this forum. Don't underestimate the pain this can cause. Alot of Tgirls go through periods of very deep depression. Hormones too can contribute to emotional swings.

3. This sometimes puts pressure on you to look more like a woman and you start spending money on cosmetic surgery, and at times this can be dissatrous (look at Patty Araujo -it ruined her). You can end up looking false.

4. If you do it do it because you want to do it, I mean you really want to do it. Dont do it because you think your life will suddenly become happier. It may not. In fact it may get worse.

This is a real change that will have serious effects on your life.

I wish you all the best whatever you decide!

Fetish Fanatic
05-16-2008, 09:13 AM
That's right. We have to do what the fuck we want to do. The world would be better if people could live the way they wanted(if it doesn't involve hurting others of course) without other people saying something about it..

05-16-2008, 09:36 AM
Hi Alizia,
Your pictures are nice. You have potential girl!

I have never been to Spain, so I don't know how you would be treated or accepted, especially if you must transition in place, due to job and family. Though your country is obviously much more progressive than mine (USA) by supporting same sex marriage.

Also I understand regarding your Mother. This is very hard on parents, especially elderly ones, who did not have any idea of your inner needs. Personally I waited until my Father died before I began my transition (a month later). I couldn't wait anymore for my Mother, the witch will probably out live ME... and it's been very hard for her. I wish I could have spared her.

Things your can do in the meantime, as others have suggested.

Get laser to reduce/remove your facial (and body) hair.

You could proceed with hormones and even an orchiectomy without going "full-time."

You could grow your hair out.

You could get your ears pierced.

You could begin to slowly dress more androgenic.

You could eventually have some facial surgery - but you will be surprised at how hormones can/will affect your facial appearance.

Take small SLOW steps and see how it goes. Let your friends and family and employeer get used to it. Take a couple of years. I think where many older t-girls run into trouble is that we "spring" our transition on those around us and they aren't expecting it and can't deal with it.

WE know what we are about, but it's all new to them. Give it time.

Best wishes on your journey.

TS Jamie :-)

05-16-2008, 02:58 PM
you are men

05-16-2008, 05:50 PM

05-16-2008, 10:52 PM
You can repay me by letting me suck your cock, lol!

I gather from the fact you didnt tell your Mum the full story that you are still nervous about this - That's OK - you don't need to rush this. In fact it is probably best that you take it slowly. I would still make telling your mum the full truth a first step.

Good Luck

05-17-2008, 01:24 AM
laser depends on the person
i get once a year touch ups now but i had regular laser for 3yrs every 6 weeks kind of stuff on my face

infact i had my yearly face touch up i thought i had like 5 dark hairs she found about 10 and 2 white ones done w/electralasis

05-17-2008, 12:11 PM