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View Full Version : Any TS Girls Here Like Bush

07-15-2005, 04:35 PM
Just curious on how many of you support Pres Bush and/or
are politically conservative at any level.

I'd love to hear your opinions and comments:

War on Terror
Gay Marriage
Current Affairs
NASA/Space Program

Anything else that piques your interest.

By the way I'm a Republican and Bush supporter. I consider
myself to be socially liberal to moderate. I think that gay
marriage should be a federal right. I think we need to pump
up the volume a little more on the war on terror and
temporarily halt all immigration and scrutinize visas. Until
those terroist motherfuckers start wondering why the civilized
free world wants to see them destroyed, we will never win.
Shut NASA down until poverty is eliminated here in the US.

07-15-2005, 04:45 PM
how bout shutting down that losing money draing effort in Iraq to eliminate poverty and invest in alternative energies? much much more money being spent there and you'll have to tell me for what?

if anything your guy Bush has only antagonized the problem. for what? you'll have to tell me how that war in Iraq is going to stop our next American/Pakistani terrorist?

one might theorize that if spent money employing disenfranchised Muslim youth then we would have less radical Muslim youth. i'm not sure i subscribe to that theory but i do like that more than the death toll in Iraq. are you willing to give up you brother to Bush's "war"?

07-15-2005, 06:21 PM
Since I am not a TS-TG I should leave this one the fuck alone, but alas

I don't like Pres. Bush as a whole, he has done some "ok" things but as a whole no.

War in Iraq= Mattered little in the war on terror now that we are there....have to stay...we pull out we will be up to our assholes in Terrorism and problems.

War on Terror= was going great until Iraq. When fighting an Ideal you cannot eliminate the ideal by invading a country and giving them Democracy.....Democracy cannot be dictated by gunpoint.

Gay Marriage= It should be up to the two people involved who want to get married, on whether or not they get married. We allowing the Gov't to dictate certain people to marry or not makes about as much sense as allowing Gov't to dictate who eats what in day to day life.

Current affairs= the leak is just more bullshit coming from on high that will achieve nothing in the end. Bushie will not get rid of Rovy. so save the taxpayers some money

Immigration= Those who want to be US citizens should be able (certain criminals excluded of course). But illeagal immigration should not be tolerated. it is too much a burden on the infrastructure.

NASA= This one pains me I love space exploration, I also think that we will need it in the future. But Bushie's speech about being the 1st people to land on mars was that a speech to get a certain number of voters that feel similar to me about NASA.

Education= Bushie fumbled, fell down, and screwed the pooch on this one. Of all the problems we have in education he declares an unfunded mandate that heaps more costs on the school systems. then his cronies want to set us back even farther by wanting Intelligent design (aka Christian design) to be taught as ascientific theory instead as faith like it should be, over theory that actually adheres to scientific method.

all in all Bushie has only done a very mediocre job as presi. not that John "stiff board" Kerry would have done better, face it people we have no good choices when it comes to that office....most people know better than to run for it. :lol:

07-15-2005, 06:23 PM
I don't think that Allanah is GWB's biggest fan either.

07-15-2005, 06:51 PM
yes im sure allanah wept for a few days after the results were in :lol:

07-15-2005, 08:05 PM
When I saw the title of this thread I thought the question being asked was if any t-girls onm this board liked bush (as in pussy) :lol:

07-17-2005, 01:27 AM
Kerry was not my first pick, but he sure as hell was a better alternative than Bush- a fuckin blind monkey would've been a better alternative than Bush aka shrub...as former texas governor Ann Richards once said "poor george bush, he was born with a silver foot in his mouth" ... or you could say he was born on third base and thinks he got a triple...besides, its dickhead cheney and criminal karl rove who really run the show! get real!

07-17-2005, 01:36 AM
Kerry was not my first pick, but he sure as hell was a better alternative than Bush- a fuckin blind monkey would've been a better alternative than Bush aka shrub...as former texas governor Ann Richards once said "poor george bush, he was born with a silver foot in his mouth" ... or you could say he was born on third base and thinks he got a triple...besides, its dickhead cheney and criminal karl rove who really run the show! get real!
That can be true, but do you think he likes ice cream maybe he's hiding some flavors. Do you think there is more than 31

07-17-2005, 01:51 AM
uh....I must confess...ya got me trippin on that one...

07-17-2005, 04:22 AM
uh....I must confess...ya got me trippin on that one...
You think you are trippin, check this out i'm inside watching the tube and counting my $$$$ and I hear this noise outside; Now remember it's dark as hell out and there's tupac outside mowing my lawn damn i was blown away, then there was a knock on the door and it was elvis. Now this didn't shock me until he ask who is shade. WWWWWWOOOOWWWWWW! So i tip him cause i aint trippin.

07-21-2005, 01:58 PM
We finally have a president with balls ... hmmm ... just like the TG's in here.

07-21-2005, 03:22 PM
how bout shutting down that losing money draing effort in Iraq to eliminate poverty and invest in alternative energies? much much more money being spent there and you'll have to tell me for what?

if anything your guy Bush has only antagonized the problem. for what? you'll have to tell me how that war in Iraq is going to stop our next American/Pakistani terrorist?

one might theorize that if spent money employing disenfranchised Muslim youth then we would have less radical Muslim youth. i'm not sure i subscribe to that theory but i do like that more than the death toll in Iraq. are you willing to give up you brother to Bush's "war"?

The notion that terrorism is a byproduct of poverty and not Islamofascism can easily be disproven by the fact that most of the 9/11 terrorists were not from poor backgrounds. Most of them were from well to do families and had priviledged upbringings.

12-03-2005, 11:38 PM
well there is still a high number of people out there who suffer from BAD (bush approval disease) so i wouldnt be surprised if there were T-girls actually in favor of our beloved chief-chimp.

monica foxxx would b a candidate if she knew who is present president.....

12-04-2005, 12:05 AM

12-04-2005, 02:54 AM
Its not Bush and his administration that is against gays and gay marriage, its Christians. Bush needs votes, and theres a lot of Christians.

Basically, God told George that gays are bad.

12-04-2005, 03:03 AM
The only BUSH I trust is my own- and I don't have one.......

God- I hate that hillbilly, ignorant, can't speak a word of English, idiot.

This is the kind of man we have leading the country-

When Bush met Charlotte Church in 2001-

Dubya: SO where are you from?
Dubya: Oh, what STATE is Wales in?
CC: It's a seperate country next to England.
Dubya: OH.

Anyone who supports the president and the conservative Republican agenda and is involved or a fan of ANY alternative lifestyle is a HYPOCRITE.

God, I hate the right wing in this country that tells people what they should believe in, what diety they should worship, and what we can do with our bodies and the bedroom.

Bush is part of that crap-AND in my experience through my job- the biggest Republicans are the first ones taking it up the ASS.


12-04-2005, 08:47 PM
The only BUSH I trust is my own- and I don't have one.......

Bush is part of that crap-AND in my experience through my job- the biggest Republicans are the first ones taking it up the ASS.


hmm interesting, Allanah. this post of yours leaves me with a few questions:

first do you ask your clients which political preference they have?

second: if a republican wants it up the ass, do u fuck him extra rough to make sure hes get outta that session with a bonafide sore ass for the next couple of days?

12-04-2005, 08:56 PM
The notion of terrorism definately has NOTHING to do with poverty. Osama has huge money. It has everything to do with revenge. We dont see what caused a terrorist attack, we just see the aftermath. Something very bad happened to those people to make them do the evil deeds they do.

12-04-2005, 09:13 PM
I'd bone....bet he got sum good bussy.

12-04-2005, 10:16 PM
Wait wait wait......Historical Terrorism may have had to to with class and poverty, because it was relatively easy to perform... Definetly know this from my Ancient Studies classes..

MODERN Terrorism requires lots of money and organization, and someone gifted to mastermind it all. And theres plenty of different kinds of Terrorism as well...the good ol' physical kind were used to, but theres also social and financial Terrorism as well and those two kinds have very sharp people behind them.