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View Full Version : S6XN9NE I had a wonderful time with you

04-16-2008, 11:53 AM
I met a really sweet man ( S6XN9NE ) from HA yesterday. Thank you for driving up to Milwaukee to see me, I really enjoyed your company and the Margarita's.
I told you the Tamarindo Margaritas's were awesome. They kicked my ass after you left...

Here's the pic's you wanted to see

04-16-2008, 12:11 PM
A sweet man from HA? Better marry him right away. There are not many guys like him around. :>)

04-16-2008, 01:54 PM
A sweet man from HA? Better marry him right away. There are not many guys like him around. :>)

I believe there are good men on here as well as the girls. Not everyone is tainted and corrupted. I know I'm not. I just know exactly what I want in a man, which will make it difficult to meet someone...