View Full Version : Quesion about doctors

04-09-2008, 07:11 PM
Can just any competant doctor monitor TS HRT progress or does it have to be an endocrinologist?

Because earlier this week, I went to my doctor, I asked to be referred to see an endocrinologist and he said he couldn't refer me to one unless I had some sort of endocrine disorder or something like that because the insurance wouldn't pay for the visit otherwise.

I did not say I was a TG but after the insurance not covering it speech, I didn't think it would mattered if I had said it or not.

I am very worried now about this, I always thought the hard part would be to find a sympathetic doctor towards TG's, not to get to the doctor.

So what do I do? How much do all those HRT monitoring tests cost and what is the per visit cost on average? I really can't afford too much of anything beyond the cost of HRT and I'm just afraid that the months of monitoring will soar into the thousands of dollars range.

Thanx a bunch everyone,

MidWest TG

04-09-2008, 10:57 PM
really, before every 2 month prescription, you should have a blood test. demand one. i've only had one in the 6 months ive been on mine which i'm not too happy about at all, but then again, i've been getting ignored seeminly, so i need to get back in touch with them...

04-10-2008, 01:54 PM
do you really need mones?
mones have so many bad side effects
just for some boobs
and a fat ass

think twice about it

04-10-2008, 04:36 PM
In my many experiences with Doctors I've learned that a lot of them think they're God.I have some great Docs,I've had some that have saved my life in the ER.I've also had some real assholes,I tell them what I need and what I want.If they don't do it I go to another Doctor.
I had this yuppie Doctor lean into the gurney when they couldn't control a very serious condition I had.I was being rushed to the ER almost every day.
He said,"I'm getting sick of seeing you here every day,you're not taking your
meds."I sat up in the gurney and punched him out.
I jumped off the gurney,got tackled by a lot people in blue uniforms and scrubs.I remember getting a real big needle going in me.
Then I remember waking up in velcro restraints,with my Neurologist standing
next to me,smiling.He is way cool.He said,"You caused quite a scene out there."Laughing.He said,"He's an asshole,you didn't hear it from me"
He said,"You gonna behave?","Yep"Then they took the restraints off me.
Point is,they wouldn't have a job if it wasn't for us.Don't take any shit from
them.Go to another Doctor,half of them are full of shit.

04-10-2008, 08:40 PM
Can just any competant doctor monitor TS HRT progress or does it have to be an endocrinologist?

Because earlier this week, I went to my doctor, I asked to be referred to see an endocrinologist and he said he couldn't refer me to one unless I had some sort of endocrine disorder or something like that because the insurance wouldn't pay for the visit otherwise.

I did not say I was a TG but after the insurance not covering it speech, I didn't think it would mattered if I had said it or not.

I am very worried now about this, I always thought the hard part would be to find a sympathetic doctor towards TG's, not to get to the doctor.

So what do I do? How much do all those HRT monitoring tests cost and what is the per visit cost on average? I really can't afford too much of anything beyond the cost of HRT and I'm just afraid that the months of monitoring will soar into the thousands of dollars range.

Thanx a bunch everyone,

MidWest TG

A regular doctor can monitor HRT and yea blood test to monitor endocrine levels and such. Now the medicine isn't covered via insurance, but if you seeing you regular doctor, that can be covered.

04-10-2008, 08:47 PM
do you really need mones?
mones have so many bad side effects
just for some boobs
and a fat ass

think twice about it

is that a joke? if shes not castrated or has srs she will slowly but surely become pickeled with testosterone and look like a crossdresser.
(not that theres anything wrong with cds, but im sure thats not what she is or wants to look like)


04-10-2008, 08:50 PM
OH, and my friend tells me to go to the ER. act like youre weak and have pain in your kidneys. hot flashes..the whole 9.
say youre taking black market hormones!
...theyll test your levels.

thats what im gonna be trying out if this doctor doesnt do it for me next month.

04-10-2008, 09:16 PM
not that theres anything wrong with cds

I'll say, cds earn so low interest these days :(

04-10-2008, 09:39 PM
just for some boobs
and a fat ass

they do far more than just that, and to be honest i feel (for myself) more psychological effects than physical effects from them...

04-11-2008, 01:56 AM
do you really need mones?
mones have so many bad side effects
just for some boobs
and a fat ass

think twice about it

Bat1 I don't usually pick on people - but that comment is just plain IGNORANT!

To MidwestTG:
Go to the Transgender Law Center web site - there is a pdf booklet on dealing with health insurance providers. You may be able to threaten or enact a lawsuit for coverage based upon being transgendered.

I am currently preparing to sue the shit out of Kaiser for a violation of the CA transgender non-discrimination law.

You will need a letter from a therapist - an MD psychiatrist is best - you might even be able to get gender counseling via insurance if you are lucky.

As for blood tests.


This is really helpful in knowing what your male levels were. You do not usually need to test every two months. Here is my non-medical personal experience of Jessica and myself.

When you are first starting you should do your base line test. Then test every 2-3 months as you ramp up to see where your levels are at. After things stabilize for 2-3 months you can test every 6 months or year unless you notice something unusual in your body.


And if you are taking Spironoaldactone get a POTASSUIM test occasionally as it cna cause retention. (Lay off the bananas.)

We receive periodic monitoring from the local GLBT health clinic - which is nearly worthless, but it's $20 vs $200. The rest of the time we self-test at a lab in Tijuana, Mexico (we live near the border) .

In CA you can't even GET a blood test without a doctors order - so it will run roughly $3-500 each time. In TJ it's about $60 depending on the test. They have always been really nice to us, and they e-mail us the results in 6-24 hours. Try getting that kind of service in the US.

I have enough experience to read the tests and have monitored my body and Jessica's long enough to know if anything is out of whack - in which case we will visit the clinic.

But the US health care system as it relates to TG health care SUCKS.

TS Jamie :-)[/img]

04-11-2008, 03:16 AM
do you really need mones?
mones have so many bad side effects
just for some boobs
and a fat ass

think twice about it

is that a joke? if shes not castrated or has srs she will slowly but surely become pickeled with testosterone and look like a crossdresser.
(not that theres anything wrong with cds, but im sure thats not what she is or wants to look like)


I've got to second that emotion.

If a woman is certain that she plans to transition, and is committed to
the process, then she needs to begin HRT as soon as it at all possible.

The longer that testosterone is allowed to maculinize the boby, the more
difficult will be her ability to pass.

So I have to agree unless a woman has had an orchiechtomy or SRS, 'T'
will run unbridled through out her system, negatively impacting her tranition.

Even with the orchi or SRS a woman needs HRT, though in much lower
doses, much like a menopausal woman does.

So take the appropriate dosages for you, get lab work as needed, but
start as soon as you can. :wink:

04-13-2008, 11:07 PM
Hey everyone!

Thanx for the great informative replies! I am glad I only have to be seen once every few months, when reading online, I figured that regular monitoring meant weekly tests and I was concerned there.

justatransgirl, I muchly appreciated your post! Thanx for the very detailed information. I am feeling much better now about the doctors and tests, especially knowing what kinds of tests and such and that any doctor can monitor me.

I would have replied sooner but my ISP was doing maintaince this weekend and the internet just came back up a few hours ago.

MidWest TG