View Full Version : Letterman Calls Pregnant TransMan an 'Androgynous FreakShow'

04-04-2008, 02:20 AM


04-04-2008, 02:25 AM


Letterman is an idiot thats all

04-04-2008, 12:12 PM
Just consider the fact that he is payed to be the way he is.... I wouldn't take his opinion into account. Besides, most talk show hosts get higher ratings by being asses... it comes with the territory. If you want an enlightened show.. watch opera or Dr. Phil (he scares me sometimes though) :)

04-04-2008, 01:11 PM
Just because that MESS and her / his wife feel that want to have a kid doesn't mean that they should bring a kid in thier bizarre world. The drama that poor kid will face in life will be crazy! And don't give me that BULLSHIT about how kids are abused today and these will be loving parents, please be real. Think of the kid first, not your selfish needs. MY 2 cents.

I hope its a Girl because girls deal with shit better then boys especially when his Screwball Father is really his Birth Mother! He will be the talk of his school and fucked with, the kid will have to see a shrink. MIND FUCK, YES I HOPE ITS A GIRL! SELFISH MESSES! 2 more cents

04-04-2008, 08:13 PM
i dont think the kid will be treated all that badly.
no worse than kids who actually come across as gay to other kids.

i was treated pretty shitty, and i THINK i made it thru okay and i grew up in a nasty neighborhood.
im sure this kid will come up in the burbs.

04-05-2008, 10:28 AM
I would have to agree with Hostile that this kids is DEFINITELY going to be picked on..probably even by the kids that have same sex parents. It would not surprise me if, when the kids reaches high school he/she makes several suicide attempts. other kids will be cruel and tease endlessly and it might be a bit selfish to have a child when you know this will be the case. Still, it is their right to do so and I really hope for their child's sake that they turn out to be outstanding parents to make up for the hell this poor child will have to go through.

04-05-2008, 10:35 AM
Gosh as a kid who was harrased and teased every single day during my entire school years I can tell you a lot about bullys from personal experience. You will go through this experience no matter how you are- just for being different. My parents could not protect me from that, and they were a 'normal' couple. I went through extreme harrasement and it had nothing to do with my parents.

I saw this couple on Oprah and they look like a very normal couple.

No diferent than TS women that have children,and there are plenty of those.

Only difference is it's a f2m ts.

I am not shocked by it.

04-05-2008, 04:58 PM
I think the point was that this kid will be teased because of his parents. I also used to be bullied because my parents were a minority where we lived until a certain age when I learned to defend myself and to exude an aura of self confidence. Kids are cruel in general and they seem to delight in picking/bullying those that are different. It is their right to have this child, all I am saying is that I hope they thought this through and that they are prepared to be supportive when this child will invariably be subjected to abuse in school. Then again, I do not think that people in general should have kids without thinking it through. It is a huge responsibility and one should be prepared for the sacrifices that it entails. Too many couples ("normal" or otherwise) simply do not take this into account and proceed to procreate and them complain that they are unhappy about the things they have to do for their kids.

04-05-2008, 06:55 PM
so lack of good parenting in other peoples kids is reason enough to not have kids yourself?

04-05-2008, 07:10 PM
so lack of good parenting in other peoples kids is reason enough to not have kids yourself?

My point exactly.

I would personally never have childrein myself biologically if I was able to as I believe there are too many unwanted children in the world that need homes. Being a parent is one of the most difficult jobs on earth.

Still, I respect anyone who chooses to have their own children. And I think that all people- such as gay couples, ts couples, bi racial couples- etc have the right to adopt or have their own children if they can provide well for them and good homes.

All people who want to have children should ask themselves those questions and if not, they should be practicing birth control.

Just on CNN yesterday I saw a story about a meth addict who put meth int he baby's formula by 'accident' according to her claims. Also a story about a 14 year old who had a baby in her shcool toilet and the baby died in the toilet. I think our society should be much more worried about children being born to drug addicts, providing birth control in our school and teaching young women and men about birth control, as well as children being born into poverty in this country than if a f2m ts has a baby.

This is sensational at the moment. It will die down and this child will most likely have a normal school life- less he is different by birth.

The problem is not the couple- it's our society.

04-05-2008, 10:19 PM
Right on, muhmuh and Allanah. You said it all. I just want to add my support.

04-05-2008, 10:20 PM
I just watched the Letterman clip and the comment is waaaayyy out of context, though he is clearly having a giggle over the basic situation.

It's one of his Top 10 lists featuring the Top 10 Messages Left On The Pregnant Man's Answering Machine. I actually found it pretty humorous, in context, especially the two jabs at Maury Povich and his obvious fetish for trans people.

To other notes, both from this thread and at least three others on HA and other trans forums, I am stunned (Yah, there's that word again) by how some of the people on these forums have shown their true face over this. :shock: From transpeople that should certainly know better to the cockhound gutterrsnipes that endlessly profess how open-minded and understanding they are, I have been reading such vile, unbridled, ignorant hatred as I have never in my life seen before. The 1940's comedy team of Hitler and Stalin has not stirred this much negative emotion, in such a short period of time, over something that should be seen by all as a positive miracle for those involved.

Shame on the lot of you! :x

This subject was all the rage over the watercooler today and I became physically ill at the heartless bullshit that poured from the mouths of my coworkers as they commented on it. Intervention was met with a cold shoulder and/or more ignorance (Many of them are aware that I know 'differently defined' families).

In the Oprah interview, Mrs. Beattie said something to the effect of "If we have to go away and hide, that's what we'll do.", and the very need for that thought speaks volumes about the failure of the human race as a whole. :cry: [/i]

04-05-2008, 10:24 PM

The problem is not the couple- it's our society.

And that's it. There's no mystery to this. If the child has any grief in its life it won't be from within the home or how it came to be, but how society as a whole perceives it.

04-06-2008, 10:21 AM
Thank you for stating your position so eloquently Allanah. You definitely made me think. I was thinking that it was a bit selfish of them to have this child, but you made several good points and the problem is with our society and not with them. I was just looking at it from the point of view of the kid and from that of a parent that doesn't want their own child to suffer. Although, if I really think about it... most kids will be picked on at some point for one thing or another anyway. So yeah, if the two parents love each other and thought about what being parents is all about.. then I can only wish them all the best.

04-06-2008, 10:59 AM
Bearded One - as one of the people who expressed unease on this issue I've listened to views from Trish, Allanah and others and have come to accept the situation. But no reason for you to be stunned - lots of people are resistent to change. Doesn't make them wrong - just means they need time to get used to it.

With so much hatred being displayed between countries, communities and individuals, when two people express and exhibit love then I guess it should always be supported.