View Full Version : Ugh

04-01-2008, 08:27 PM
so it's less than 18 days to my birthday now, and I'm going to be 26.

I am not happy about it all. It seems so old to me. :?

So probably for my birthday I'll get some restalyne or something so I can feel younger lol

It just seems yesterday I was 21, where did the time go?

04-01-2008, 08:45 PM
I'd goes by quick kiddo. But i'll tell you what, I wouldn't go back to 26 for all the cash in the world. I like who I am at 37 way better.

04-01-2008, 09:06 PM
I agree. My 20's were a blur, 30's were spent focusing on career and family, now 40's is when I get to live.

04-02-2008, 01:21 AM
Oh, to be 26 again...or 36...or 46....

04-02-2008, 02:37 AM
so it's less than 18 days to my birthday now, and I'm going to be 26.

I am not happy about it all. It seems so old to me. :?

So probably for my birthday I'll get some restalyne or something so I can feel younger lol

It just seems yesterday I was 21, where did the time go?

Why don't you just marry the teenager in your avatar and then maybe you'll feel younger, ya old maid... :lol:

I thought you Kentucky gals were usually married off by the age of 14, anyway... :)

04-02-2008, 03:47 AM
Ehh, I am 29 and I still feel like kid, probably looking like a kid too. I'm in better shape and health than what I was 10 years ago, hell, my paletes instructor thought I was 23 or 24. :mrgreen:

I don't get it with this notion chicks came up with that once they hit the BIG TWO FIVE, it's all down hill. :roll:

14 in KY, huh? Would have made life in high school better for me. :P

04-02-2008, 04:04 AM
As one Taurus to another.

We rule the Zodiac so just rejoice in that.lol

you're still hot as hell to me kelly

Felicia Katt
04-02-2008, 05:42 AM
so it's less than 18 days to my birthday now, and I'm going to be 26.

I am not happy about it all. It seems so old to me. :?

So probably for my birthday I'll get some restalyne or something so I can feel younger lol

It just seems yesterday I was 21, where did the time go?

well, with 7500 posts here at 5 minutes per post, 26 days of your life were spent typing here LOL

happy early birthday little sister, but if you get stressed about turning a whole 26, you will never survive turning 30 or (gasp) 40!!!! 26 is young!! You go out and celebrate not get embalmed!! :)
