View Full Version : Brother found my escort site

04-01-2008, 02:52 PM
My younger extremely religious brother has apparently been doing a little online investigation. He found a few of my sites and is now passing the addresses to the rest of the family. My older brother who is way cool (when I came out to him his response was "I don't give a fuck what you do as long as you're happy") called me yesterday to tell me. I'm apparently not welcome at the upcoming Passover seder not because I'm TS but because I'm a whore. I knew this would Happen.

On a related note my "happily married" uncle called me four times for a date. What a dick, not quite sure what to do with that info just yet.

I can't tell you how happy I am to be relieved of my familial duties. I always hated going to those stupid events. By the way my brother is a meseanic Jew meaning he believes in Jesus but still practices Judaism. I'm gonna have my own Passover dinner and tell him "sorry love to have you but no hypocrites allowed".

04-01-2008, 04:12 PM
I'm really sorry to hear that, but you know what? good for you for not letting it ruin your life. If they can't accept your decisions and still love you then fuck 'em. If you were a sociopathic rapist or murderer, ok, then I think I'd side with your family, but I don't see that being an issue anytime soon.

I think you're great and I hope you find the success and happiness you're looking for. Screw anyone who doesn't fit into your plans.

04-01-2008, 06:59 PM
What was your religious brother doing looking at tgirl sites to begin with is something I'd love to ask him. :mrgreen:

04-01-2008, 07:05 PM
My parents are fanatical Jehovah's Witnesses and they were really not impressed when I told them I was after an ltr with a TS girl. My attitude was that it was their problem and it's my life and that's what I want out of it. The TS girl in question thought that their reaction was hilarious. :lol:
Live the life you want, Melissa, and be happy. :)
Meanwhile I suggest you take your younger brother to one side and give him a good slapping. 8)

04-01-2008, 08:46 PM
What was your religious brother doing looking at tgirl sites to begin with is something I'd love to ask him. :mrgreen:

Good question. Perhaps he's trying to be fruitful and multiply.

04-01-2008, 08:48 PM
meh tell em u dont care bout it as you are christian and aint bothered melissa hehe

04-02-2008, 02:42 AM
Here's a little story to cheer you up....

An Irish Daughter had not been home for over 5 years.

Upon her return, her father cussed her, "Where have ye been all this time?
Why did ye not write to us, not even a line? Why didn't ye call? Can ye not understand what ye put yer old mum through?"

The girl, crying, replied, "Sniff, sniff .... dad .... I became a prostitute”

"Ye what??!! Out of here, ye shameless harlot! Sinner! You're a disgrace to this family."

"OK, dad .... as ye wish. I just came back to give mum this luxurious fur coat, title deed to a ten-bedroom mansion, plus a savings certificate for $5 million. For me little brother, this gold Rolex. And for ye, daddy, the sparkling new Mercedes limited edition convertible that's parked outside, plus a membership in the country club..." ... (takes a breath) ... "and an invitation for ye all to spend New Year's Eve on board me new yacht in the Riviera, and ...."

"Now what was it ye said ye had become?" says dad.

Girl, crying again, "Sniff, sniff .... a prostitute, dad! .... sniff, sniff."

"Oh! Be Jesus! Ye scared me half to death, girl! I thought ye said a Protestant. Come here and give yer old man a hug!"

04-02-2008, 02:56 AM
My younger extremely religious brother has apparently been doing a little online investigation. He found a few of my sites....

A secret admirer could have told him where to look. Its a secret because he doesn't want your religious brother to know HIS secret!!!

04-02-2008, 02:56 AM
What was your religious brother doing looking at tgirl sites to begin with is something I'd love to ask him. :mrgreen:

Good question. Perhaps he's trying to be fruitful and multiply.

I had never thought about this before, but I guess an observer can't marry a TS.

04-02-2008, 03:12 AM
Now I remember who you remind me of, especially the way you are posing and looking in your avatar: Mrs. Peel on the Avengers.

You can catch me ANYTIME, especially in that black leather\pleather one-piece!!!

04-02-2008, 03:40 AM
On a related note my "happily married" uncle called me four times for a date. What a dick, not quite sure what to do with that info just yet.

Hun I think that he is just busting yor sexy balls :-)
So your brother is.....well he's a Jew for Jesus? Hu....ok that's nuts.
You don't have a thing on him hun.
As for why you do what you do? Ah screw him and his bible thumping ways!
What a dumb ass if you ask me.
But any how, be safe and have fun.

04-02-2008, 03:43 AM
I'm apparently not welcome at the upcoming Passover seder not because I'm TS but because I'm a whore. I knew this would Happen.

Please forgive me, but that line made my day. Complete flip of my family though, my mother was always rather loose, one step away from escorting from the way she flipped through boyfriends. However despite being a card caring bleeding heart liberal, she is one of the most unabashedly bigoted people you would ever know. Preaches acceptance out of one mouth (with a lode of tired bush hate) just to turn around and shun when her words should be actions. Sorry to hear it and that busy body brother :x

04-02-2008, 05:05 AM
Hope your bro aint checking yas out :lol:

Joe Dirt: You're my sister! You're my sister! :lol:

El Nino
04-02-2008, 05:27 AM
Melissa, congratulations on your emancipation from religious dogma, over-controlling family members and from societal pressures and "norms" You are just naturally advancing on your path to freedom, which is a great thing!!! Oh yeah, your avatar pic is hot :)

About your uncle calling you for a date though... that's funny shit! Keep us updated.

Felicia Katt
04-02-2008, 05:57 AM
If anyone says, 'I love God,' yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen (1 John 4:20).

sometimes you have to fight fire with fire


04-02-2008, 05:57 AM
OOOPPPPS!!! Hey, Liss....What is it they say, "The truth shall set you free!!! YOU'RE FREEEEEEEE!!!

On the uncle....fuck him....Transmit!!!

We love ya!!! Well, I love ya!!!


04-02-2008, 06:05 AM

I think this turns out to be a blessing as you are "out of the closet" so to speak. It also gives you the opportunity to find out who really cares for you.

Good luck!

04-02-2008, 07:22 AM
Ah, I say be spiteful and send out an e-mail to your whole family saying you want to come out, and then mentioning that you were very disturbed to recently discover through your "web log" (or some other techie talk) that your BROTHER has been viewing your sites.........and how terribly disappointed you are in him.

04-02-2008, 08:37 AM
My younger extremely religious brother has apparently been doing a little online investigation. He found a few of my sites and is now passing the addresses to the rest of the family. My older brother who is way cool (when I came out to him his response was "I don't give a fuck what you do as long as you're happy") called me yesterday to tell me. I'm apparently not welcome at the upcoming Passover seder not because I'm TS but because I'm a whore. I knew this would Happen.

On a related note my "happily married" uncle called me four times for a date. What a dick, not quite sure what to do with that info just yet.

I can't tell you how happy I am to be relieved of my familial duties. I always hated going to those stupid events. By the way my brother is a meseanic Jew meaning he believes in Jesus but still practices Judaism. I'm gonna have my own Passover dinner and tell him "sorry love to have you but no hypocrites allowed".

I know it a bummer dealing with your family. In my own life they have been my worst critics. It took me a long time to realize that we each have to live and die with ourselves, so we have to honestly pursue our own happiness. In the end you will have helped to make them better persons by being more understanding and accepting of others. I think it takes a little time for the to get past some things, and see the you they still love.

On another issue, maybe your uncle would appreciate a good tip on a service provider.

04-02-2008, 10:45 AM
Melissa, congratulations on your emancipation from religious dogma, over-controlling family members and from societal pressures and "norms" You are just naturally advancing on your path to freedom, which is a great thing!!! Oh yeah, your avatar pic is hot :)

About your uncle calling you for a date though... that's funny shit! Keep us updated.

El Nino's quite right Melissa. This exposure allows you to avoid secrets and find out who your friends really are.
Good luck!

04-02-2008, 02:26 PM
My two cents:
Try to take the high road. If your brother and some family members choose to be jerks about this that is their choice. Do not let them drag you down in the mud. I have had a long feud with my father for almost two years and I must say that the extra stress is a heavy burden. My circumstances are different than yours, but I am glad that I eventually decided that it didn't matter who was right or wrong and that we patched things up. Family is family and having them on your side helps. That being said, consider that some of them might feel betrayed by your choices and lifestyle. They might even think that this is something horrible that is happening to them. Try to be the adult in this matter and to get them to realize that you are the same person you were before.. good and bad. I would expect that some of them might take quite some time to adjust... be patient as this is a blessing in disguise... you can finally be who you are around your family and eventually they will learn to deal. As for your brother... t might be the sibling rivalry or he might just need to knock you down a few pegs to feel better about himself and his choices. He might be secretly frustrated and unhappy about his life. As long as you are happy with your choices everything else will eventually fall into place if you are patient. Besides, skipping a few of those family events might be a good thing. Your older brother sounds like he is on the right track and I am sure that he will attempt to get the others to see his point of view. Family is difficult in general and even more so when there are things that are outside the norm. You hang in there and just don't say anything you might regret.

04-02-2008, 05:20 PM

I think this turns out to be a blessing as you are "out of the closet" so to speak. It also gives you the opportunity to find out who really cares for you.

Good luck!

Thank you but I've been out for a long time now. The only new thing for my family is that now they know how I pay my rent.

04-02-2008, 05:23 PM
My two cents:
Try to take the high road. If your brother and some family members choose to be jerks about this that is their choice. Do not let them drag you down in the mud. I have had a long feud with my father for almost two years and I must say that the extra stress is a heavy burden. My circumstances are different than yours, but I am glad that I eventually decided that it didn't matter who was right or wrong and that we patched things up. Family is family and having them on your side helps. That being said, consider that some of them might feel betrayed by your choices and lifestyle. They might even think that this is something horrible that is happening to them. Try to be the adult in this matter and to get them to realize that you are the same person you were before.. good and bad. I would expect that some of them might take quite some time to adjust... be patient as this is a blessing in disguise... you can finally be who you are around your family and eventually they will learn to deal. As for your brother... t might be the sibling rivalry or he might just need to knock you down a few pegs to feel better about himself and his choices. He might be secretly frustrated and unhappy about his life. As long as you are happy with your choices everything else will eventually fall into place if you are patient. Besides, skipping a few of those family events might be a good thing. Your older brother sounds like he is on the right track and I am sure that he will attempt to get the others to see his point of view. Family is difficult in general and even more so when there are things that are outside the norm. You hang in there and just don't say anything you might regret.

Outstanding response. Thank you so much.

04-02-2008, 05:24 PM
If anyone says, 'I love God,' yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen (1 John 4:20).

sometimes you have to fight fire with fire


Aren't you the tranny that said I look like Mick Jagger?


Felicia Katt
04-02-2008, 07:05 PM
If anyone says, 'I love God,' yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen (1 John 4:20).

sometimes you have to fight fire with fire


Aren't you the tranny that said I look like Mick Jagger?

I'm the one who pointed out you were hurling bricks at other girls from your own glass house, yes. That doesn't mean I can't still offer you a brick to throw back at your hypocritical brother in his stained glass one.


04-02-2008, 08:17 PM
Aren't you the tranny that said I look like Mick Jagger?

I'm the one who pointed out you were hurling bricks at other girls from your own glass house, yes. That doesn't mean I can't still offer you a brick to throw back at your hypocritical brother in his stained glass one.


I don't throw bricks I speak my mind. On this board the norm appears to be attack people personally instead of debating respectfully. Re-read my statements, they were never directed at anyone personally. Reader comprehension is an acquired skill.

04-02-2008, 09:42 PM
Well if that happened to me I would personally go to my little brother and kick the shit out of him for being such a prick. Also just tell your family that he likes TGirls as well lol.

P.S. You don't have to take this post seriously.

Felicia Katt
04-03-2008, 07:39 AM
I don't throw bricks I speak my mind. On this board the norm appears to be attack people personally instead of debating respectfully. Re-read my statements, they were never directed at anyone personally. Reader comprehension is an acquired skill.
You spoke your mind but you sure didn't mind your speech. and we did. What you effectively said was that no tall person should ever transition, or could ever look good or be passable. Maybe you didn't identify the tall people by name, but that kind of generally insulting statement doesn't have to be personalized. I wasn't the only one who took notice and offense to it. And the heat you took for trying to build yourself up by tearing others down was the exact response your cold comments deserved.

You did look like Mick Jagger in that picture.
and people thought I looked like Jeri Hall in this one. she's tall too.
But I never would have said a thing either way if you had been in any way respectful or contrite. And I never would have bothered to offer any kind of support for your present situation if I thought you were going to exhume and try to rewrite the past the way you did.

can you read and comprehend that?


04-15-2008, 02:43 AM

04-15-2008, 05:00 AM
No Cat Fights,Be Nice.Melissa check this out.In 2001-2002 I was living at
an apt at my brother's house with his doucebag wife.Upon moving in she told my brother that I couldn' smoke in the house (fuck you) have any firearms in
the house (fuck you,I was working Contract Security down the Coast Guard
Base,making great $$$).She is the nosiest woman in the world.I never bothered her.I don't drink,do drugs(more on that later)pay my rent,and mind my own business.
At the time I had a couple of Transexual Affiliate porn sites going which where going real well.Lot of checks in the box.
Some idiot hits me with a forklift down the Coast Guard Base,rips my knee and a few other things to shreds.
I'm at home,2 surgeries,all Perc'ed out of my mind.My wimp brother comes up stairs and says,Jenn doesn't feel comfortable with you taking Percocet and
Xanax while you have firearms ."Me:"How Does She Know What I'm Taking?" Him:"I...Uhhhh.Welllll'''"
Me:"She comes in here again I'm calling the cops."

Few months later I move out forward my mail,a few sneek through and stay at the old adddress.I get a call from my wimp,pussy brother."I gotta
talk to you." "Ok,pick me up" He comes over,picks me up,we go to a Dunkin Donuts,get coffee have some seats.
Him:"Do You Know What You Caused?"
Me:"What Did I Cause?"
Him"Running Transexual Porn Sites Out Of The House."
Me"How Do You Know That?'
Him"Jenn Opened An Envelope By Accident,She's Calling The FBI."
Me"No,Jenn Is A Nosy Pshycotic Douchebag Who Opened It On Purpose.
They're Snapchecks,I'm Missing A Few.I'm Going To The The Postal Police
And Postal Inspectors Tomm,We'll Let A Judge Decide.I Want My Money
I Did Nothing Illegal,And It's None Of Her Or Your Fucking Business.BTW,
Before You Got Your Life All Straightened Out.Why Don't You Tell Her About When You And Gizelle (TGirl heroin addict) used to run around the Combat Zone shooting dope...and more?And how come "Jenn" didn't come
tonite?Him"She's scared of you." She fucking should be,cunt.
She had opened up an affiliate check I got in the mail,the type you have to snap to open,no mistaking the name,they usually say ABC Industries.This one said something like,"Shemale DoubleDick Productions.
She's a geek and started her own little investigation.I called a friend of mine who works for the Postal Police and he said,"People open other people's mail by accident all the time,it's called an accident,the fact that she started conducting her own little investigation via information contained in the envelope brings it to a felony and an indictable offense."
I called my dickhead brother and said I got no problem going to court,so if you want to get it on go ahead and tell your cunt wife that.
Douchebag.Your uncle asking you out for a date.Families Suck.Keep your head high.

04-15-2008, 10:24 AM
I solve any potential problems by telling everyone I know what I do.

Generally I think such people are just jealous. They are jealous that someone gets to have sex anytime they want. They are jealous of people who make more in an hour or two of fun than they do in a week. And they substitute a holier than thou attitude to bolster etheir low self esteem.

TS Jamie :-)

04-15-2008, 01:00 PM
And they substitute a holier than thou attitude to bolster etheir low self esteem.

TS Jamie :-)

Thanks Jamie, that was nice of you. By the way, I've been watching your posts on the Erotic Review discussion board and all I can say is: You tell 'em babe! Don't take any crap!

04-15-2008, 01:38 PM
Sorry Melissa,BTW,Great Avatar.Fight On.Tim.Don't Take Any Shit

Felicia Katt
04-16-2008, 09:07 AM

thank you for not saying Dog fight!! LOL

My claws were completely withdrawn two weeks ago, right after that exchange.


04-16-2008, 11:01 PM
Is it weird that finding out you're Jewish makes me three times hornier? I spent my life avoiding the Jewish girls my mother would approve of. Can you imagine if I brought you home. "But Mom, she's a nice Jewish girl!" Ha!
BTW if you ever come to Hawaii, send me a PM, I'd love to meet you!

04-17-2008, 03:47 PM
Is it weird that finding out you're Jewish makes me three times hornier? I spent my life avoiding the Jewish girls my mother would approve of. Can you imagine if I brought you home. "But Mom, she's a nice Jewish girl!" Ha!
BTW if you ever come to Hawaii, send me a PM, I'd love to meet you!

A recent date said "I don't know whether to fuck you or take you home to meet my family".

04-17-2008, 05:36 PM
...he took my line. I've been wondering if (other than the Israelis) if there are some nice Jewish girls. If you were anywhere near KC I'd love to have you at my seder... then find out how you pay your rent.

04-18-2008, 12:22 AM
What was your religious brother doing looking at tgirl sites to begin with is something I'd love to ask him. :mrgreen:

Good point! He's probably a closet porn-hound, and just stumbled across your site on the Net.

Tell him the Virgin Mary was a whore too and millions of people worship her.

05-26-2008, 11:50 PM
I think the "virgin" mary was a temple worker, no? A little different from being a common whore.

Melissa, it's a shame that we can't rely on our families for unconditional love and support, but hey, that's what friends are for. You can choose your friends, and you can choose your enemies. But family is in the lap of the gods.

Since your brother believes in the whole Jesus thing, perhaps remind him "Judge not, lest ye be judged" and the whole ""Why do you see the speck in your brother's eye but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?" quote.

Fundamentalist religious types always seem to forget about the tolerance and forgiveness aspects of their faith, don't they?

05-27-2008, 05:08 PM
I think the "virgin" mary was a temple worker, no? A little different from being a common whore.

Melissa, it's a shame that we can't rely on our families for unconditional love and support, but hey, that's what friends are for. You can choose your friends, and you can choose your enemies. But family is in the lap of the gods.

Since your brother believes in the whole Jesus thing, perhaps remind him "Judge not, lest ye be judged" and the whole ""Why do you see the speck in your brother's eye but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?" quote.

Fundamentalist religious types always seem to forget about the tolerance and forgiveness aspects of their faith, don't they?

Thanks Belgie. In all honesty, I'm happier than I've been in years. Part of that happiness is distancing from my family, I was looking for a reason and they gave me one. I never got the family thing, always felt uncomfortable at get togethers.

People inevitably go where they're appreciated.

11-24-2010, 08:24 AM
On a related note my "happily married" uncle called me four times for a date. What a dick, not quite sure what to do with that info just yet.


So did you finally fuck your uncle? :)

11-24-2010, 10:24 AM
wtf are you dredging this up for????? ffs I am starting to think maybe we should do a wipe of everything pre 2009 just to prevent this from happening

let it lie!

11-24-2010, 10:55 AM
wtf are you dredging this up for????? ffs I am starting to think maybe we should do a wipe of everything pre 2009 just to prevent this from happening

let it lie!

:iagree: Very strange behaviour...

11-24-2010, 02:54 PM
I will come to your Seder!

The King Down Under
11-24-2010, 02:59 PM
On a related note my "happily married" uncle called me four times for a date. What a dick, not quite sure what to do with that info just yet.


So did you finally fuck your uncle? :)

Seriously dude, give it up!
What the hell is with dredging up old threads all the time to ask inane questions to people who haven't been on here for two years!

11-24-2010, 03:35 PM
YouTube - The Beatles - Yesterday (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxaXKJD9jso)

11-24-2010, 06:41 PM
Sometimes bringing back old threads is cool if it stimulates new posts but I have to agree: bringing back an old thread when the poster is long gone is somewhat inane.

11-24-2010, 06:43 PM
Sometimes bringing back old threads is cool if it stimulates new posts but I have to agree: bringing back an old thread when the poster is long gone is somewhat inane.huh?didnt you mean insane?

11-24-2010, 06:46 PM
I think you can safely say it's both inane and insane!

11-24-2010, 06:49 PM
Naw. In this context his bumping of the thread was inane. Just by being here we all prove ourselves to be insane.


  http://sp.%3Cspan%3Edictionary%3C/span%3E.com/dictstatic/g/d/speaker.gif (http://%3Cspan%3Edictionary%3C/span%3E.reference.com/audio.html/lunaWAV/I00/I0093400) /ɪˈneɪn/ http://sp.dictionary.com/dictstatic/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/help/luna/IPA_pron_key.html) Show Spelled[ih-neyn] http://sp.dictionary.com/dictstatic/g/d/dictionary_questionbutton_default.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/help/luna/Spell_pron_key.html) Show IPA

1. lacking sense, significance, or ideas; silly: inane questions.

2. empty; void.

–noun 3. something that is empty or void, esp. the void of infinite space.

12-01-2010, 10:03 PM
At least you have your one brother in your life. It's their loss, not yours.

12-01-2010, 10:45 PM
That is awful.

12-02-2010, 12:30 AM
My younger extremely religious brother has apparently been doing a little online investigation. He found a few of my sites and is now passing the addresses to the rest of the family. My older brother who is way cool (when I came out to him his response was "I don't give a fuck what you do as long as you're happy") called me yesterday to tell me. I'm apparently not welcome at the upcoming Passover seder not because I'm TS but because I'm a whore. I knew this would Happen.

On a related note my "happily married" uncle called me four times for a date. What a dick, not quite sure what to do with that info just yet.

I can't tell you how happy I am to be relieved of my familial duties. I always hated going to those stupid events. By the way my brother is a meseanic Jew meaning he believes in Jesus but still practices Judaism. I'm gonna have my own Passover dinner and tell him "sorry love to have you but no hypocrites allowed".

Thats got to be weird you uncle trying to fuck you. :fuckin: