View Full Version : Opening Day 2008!!!!

03-31-2008, 12:49 PM
Let's go beisbol!

The Mets look good this year.
Boston is the team to beat (*spits on the ground*)
ESPN is already predicting Cubs vs Tigers World Series

Hopefully today's Toronto vs Yankee's game doesn't get rained out, I got my ticket and am ready to go!

03-31-2008, 07:03 PM
Nothing like a rain dellay to start the season. Anyone wants to meet up I'm at the bowling alley across the street from the stadium. I'm the guy in the yankees hat with the beer. :)

03-31-2008, 09:31 PM

Got to do it again tomorrow at 7:05

03-31-2008, 10:16 PM
[quote="NYCe"]ESPN is already predicting Cubs vs Tigers World Series[quote]

I hope ESPN is correct about that, but I won't hold my breath waiting for that prediction to come true.

We are into our second rain delay here in Chicago. The rain is expected to pass soon and hopefully the game will be finished today.