View Full Version : A fantastic night....Giving back a little bit...

03-29-2008, 03:51 PM
Last night was an unbelieveable party!

I could not have imagined a better party. Both floors were PACKED and so many beauties were in the house that it was INSANE.

One of the highlights of my evening was meeting LOLA MALONE who was so incredibly sweet and nice and gorgeous in person. What a doll!

It was great to see so many people inspired to dress for the theme and so many new faces-it was just one the best monthly events in a long time. A return to the old times.

TIME OUT Magazine was covering the event and James Smith was taking images so we will have those soon!

I would like to thank my unbelieveable staff who worked their buttss off last night. Dina Delicious-who it would be IMPOSSIBLE to do that monthly party without. All the beautiful girls and fans-it is you that make the parties happen!

Last my new hair dresser who made an amazing hair pierce that was almost two feet high. My look was a cross between Elizabeth Taylor in the 60's and The Bride Of Frankenstein (hair wise). I had not turned a look so glam in a long time. IT felt FAB!!!

Because we are so blessed and so many people give us their adoration, We have decided to give BACK a little bit.

We would like to announce that now each and EVERY FRIDAY, we will be donating partial proceeds from our profits to selected AIDS organizations that help our community.

Making it the world's ONLY weeklyTS benefit party.

So not only can you now have a good time each Friday, but you will be doing some good for some people as well!!!

More details to be revealed soon...


03-29-2008, 04:42 PM
Cool.Stay sexxxy baby.All the guys at SEXXXY JADES forum say hi.

03-30-2008, 12:26 AM
That's so cool, Allanah.
You are a beautiful person on the inside as well! :)

03-31-2008, 12:08 PM
Because we are so blessed and so many people give us their adoration, We have decided to give BACK a little bit.

We would like to announce that now each and EVERY FRIDAY, we will be donating partial proceeds from our profits to selected AIDS organizations that help our community.

Awesome initiative Allanah. Hope the parties get better and better!