View Full Version : The Killing Fields of the Big Easy

03-29-2008, 06:37 AM
Mayor Ray Nagin promised to make murder his number one priority. But several months later, he seemed to have found a silver lining to the crisis, telling reporters that the murder rate "keeps the New Orleans brand out there." Nagin was looking on the bright side again when he reassured a group of Carnival Cruise executives that they needn't be concerned with the killings, because only black drug dealers were being slain. "You don't have anything to worry about," Nagin told the crowd. "I'm looking at this audience and you all don't look like young African American males who are involved in drug activity."

http://www.radarmagazine.com/from-the-magazine/2008/03/new_orleans_murder_rate_katrina_ray_nagin_elton_ph illips_the.php

03-29-2008, 06:51 AM
I saw a great documentry on showtime called " Americas War On Drugs". They go somewhat into depth about Racial cleansing. I's so sad to see the hippocrasy and corruption within our own country. You have to see it.

Dino Velvet
03-29-2008, 07:24 AM
Ray Nagin makes Kwame Kilpatrick seem like a good mayor. How those idiots down there could re-elect Nagin is beyond me. I guess you get the leadership you deserve.

03-29-2008, 08:13 AM
man i lived there for like 12 yrs and still own a house ther but that place is fucked up on so many levels....the napoleonic code of laws,the corruption from top to bottom,the drugs,the floods,i miss it a lot but nagin never ever should have been re-elected.he lost all credibility with me during the katrina crisis when two days befoe it hit he never got the school buses out and bused poor people out of the city..here in miami they come and pick your ass up at designated hurricane evac points with city buses or school buses...

03-29-2008, 04:15 PM
It is amazing that huckster Nagin got re-elected, but just take a look at Marion Berry's career and maybe it's not so amazing after all...