View Full Version : A question for Danielle Foxxx and other postop girls

03-22-2008, 05:27 PM
I read that you went ahead and got rid of it. The way I understand it is that they basically turn it inside out (for lack of a better way to put it). I was wondering how it actually felt when stimulated. Obviously you can no longer ejaculate... but can you actually orgasm from being penetrated in the frankenpussy? (your name for it..not very flattering but hey). I did have sex with a girl that had the same surgery and it did feel a bit strange. At the time I was too polite to ask.. so I'm making up for it now. This is a genuine question and I am not trying to be a smart ass or to start any drama. I just want to know if it is enjoyable physically.

03-22-2008, 06:01 PM
I read that you went ahead and got rid of it. The way I understand it is that they basically turn it inside out (for lack of a better way to put it). I was wondering how it actually felt when stimulated. Obviously you can no longer ejaculate... but can you actually orgasm from being penetrated in the frankenpussy? (your name for it..not very flattering but hey). I did have sex with a girl that had the same surgery and it did feel a bit strange. At the time I was too polite to ask.. so I'm making up for it now. This is a genuine question and I am not trying to be a smart ass or to start any drama. I just want to know if it is enjoyable physically.

What a moron.

03-22-2008, 07:23 PM
I read that you went ahead and got rid of it. The way I understand it is that they basically turn it inside out (for lack of a better way to put it). I was wondering how it actually felt when stimulated. Obviously you can no longer ejaculate... but can you actually orgasm from being penetrated in the frankenpussy? (your name for it..not very flattering but hey). I did have sex with a girl that had the same surgery and it did feel a bit strange. At the time I was too polite to ask.. so I'm making up for it now. This is a genuine question and I am not trying to be a smart ass or to start any drama. I just want to know if it is enjoyable physically.

Peggy takes afew deep calming breaths..... dons her teaching hat,
and reposts one of her many posts on the sex life of the post op.

Well, bob69 you picked a good time to ask this question.

I have just finished masturbating, for about an
hour and a half. :roll:

I was going at it like it was about to become illegal.

I just got a bunch of new sex toys. One of them
was one of those double penetration deals,
you know one goes in the rectum, one goes in the vagina.

Well guess what this one squirts warm fluids, hot damn :twisted:

Now, I usually get very moist in general, with a partner
or without. But, I will admit that after the GRS, I don't
do alot of ass play, kinda every now and then. :roll:

But today, that thing got me super hot, I must have
had about 3 orgasms, I was incredibly wet, my sheets are soaked. :oops:

After that I took a nice hot bath, and have Maxwell,
Teena Marie, etc, on a mix cd playing in the backgound.

I am sitting at my desk eating a bowl of Kellogs Frosted Flakes
as I write this missive to you.

So bob69, to answer your question,
in the words, of a big pussy - cat


"IT'S GREAT" !!!

03-22-2008, 07:32 PM
... but can you actually orgasm from being penetrated in the frankenpussy? (your name for it..not very flattering but hey.

Oh and mine's more like a vampire pussy.

It'll suck the life out of you, but will leave
you feeling like an immortal.


03-22-2008, 07:40 PM
Oh and mine's more like a vampire pussy.

It'll suck the life out of you, but will leave
you feeling like an immortal.



PeggyGee, sharpest wit in the west! :)

03-22-2008, 07:59 PM
Oh and mine's more like a vampire pussy.

It'll suck the life out of you, but will leave
you feeling like an immortal.



PeggyGee, sharpest wit in the west! :)

Naw, Felicea Katt is quicker on the draw, I'm just one
of the deputies in the posse. :D

03-22-2008, 09:31 PM
Though worded roughly, it's actually a fair question.

Danielle posted a YouTube from Thailand just the other day. I think it was taped ten days after her surgery. I don't have the link handy, but she titled it "Finally a Woman". She talks about the procedure and aftercare as well as the new sensations she is feeling.

Keep a towel handy. There are many happy tears in the vid.

03-22-2008, 11:11 PM
Peggy...very well put :)

03-22-2008, 11:51 PM
I cried when I heard what Danielle Foxxx did. It still hurts me when I think about it, but what can you do?

:cry: R.I.P Danielles Pecker :cry:

Such a waste...

03-23-2008, 12:21 AM
I cried when I heard what Danielle Foxxx did. It still hurts me when I think about it, but what can you do?

:cry: R.I.P Danielles Pecker :cry:

Such a waste...

Aw, jeez, guy! Don't be that way. You need to hear her in her vid, she is truly happy and that's what counts here.

There's lots of dicks in the world, don't be mourning for Danielle's (And certainly don't make yourself one by doing so).

03-23-2008, 12:33 AM
I cried when I heard what Danielle Foxxx did. It still hurts me when I think about it, but what can you do?

:cry: R.I.P Danielles Pecker :cry:

Such a waste... you're a waste of a post.

03-23-2008, 01:13 AM
Oh and mine's more like a vampire pussy.

It'll suck the life out of you, but will leave
you feeling like an immortal.


LOL! LOL! :)

Aw, jeez, guy! Don't be that way. You need to hear her in her vid, she is truly happy and that's what counts here.

There's lots of dicks in the world, don't be mourning for Danielle's (And certainly don't make yourself one by doing so).

Well said, B1!

03-23-2008, 05:44 AM
Although I havent read up on the subject, my guess would be that they can achieve orgasm, just in a different way, because with a gg, they "usually" achieve orgasm by stimalating the clitoris, however, I do not believe that technology has evolved far enough to duplicate the clitoris, since it contains THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of nerve endings. anywayz just my :2cent


03-23-2008, 07:07 AM
I think Danielle is still a virgin - or at least I would hope so. Ask her in a few months when she's healed and ready to play.

And this is just one more great thing about being trans - we get to be virgins three times. Penile, anal, and vaginal...

PS: I'm taking pre-paid reservations for the lucky guy who get's my virginity someday...

TS Jamie :-)

03-23-2008, 07:12 AM
I am actually going to dilate my pussy now, and yes my clitoris is EXTREMELY sensitive and Dr. Suporn does not damage many nerves. But let me elaborate on that later!

03-23-2008, 07:19 AM
Hey Danielle - great to see you back and having a "good time."

So in keeping with this thread... did it hurt? LOL

TS Jamie :-)

03-23-2008, 12:10 PM
Ok without going too much into detail and yet trying to explain anything to a man, here it goes... ( BTW Peggy is the one to ask educational questions to )

There are 2 different types of operations done at the moment:

1) Penile Inversion - they basically take everything and turn it inside out

2) Not sure what it's called really, but I guess you can call it the Dr. Suporn Technique which he perfected - here are cut/paste from his website:


To describe and present a new method and the results of a sensate clitoris and labia minora reconstruction by using the glans penis with prepuce neurovascular island flaps in 1-stage male-to-female sex reassignment surgery.

Patients and Methods

From September 2000 to January 2002, 100 patients underwent sex reassignment surgery at our hospital. The glans penis and prepuce with the dorsal neurovascular pedicle have been utilized for clitoris and labia minora reconstruction in 1-stage sex reassignment surgery.


All cases of neoclitoris and labia minora survived with good preservation of sensation to light touch and sexual sensation. Partial (superficial) necrosis of the neoclitoris and labia minora occurred in 12 (12%) of patients. The aesthetic results were excellent.


This new method has proven to be a reliable technique that leads to satisfying aesthetic and functional results of clitoris and labia minora reconstruction in 1-stage sex reassignment surgery.

My own experience - Yes I am very much sensate, did not lose much sensation and yet they keep telling me my nerves will start reconecting soon and will begin to get unconfortable. But the whole surgery did not hurt at all. I don't hurt now, and did not hurt the same day.

I am starting to contract my muscles in the mirror and actually make my vagina "clap" LOL. But for that you will have to wait at least a year to see.

I am very happy and feel wonderful.

I have 7.5 inches of depth and I am going for 8"... I will let you know when that happens.

03-23-2008, 01:49 PM
What about the prostrate?
Does someone still have to go in through the anus to stimulate it, or can it be done through the vagina?
Or is it removed?

03-23-2008, 06:13 PM
What about the prostrate?
Does someone still have to go in through the anus to stimulate it, or can it be done through the vagina?
Or is it removed?

The remnant of the prostate gland (long-term hormone therapy causes it
to atrophy and shrink) is left in place, and provides sexual sensation
through the anterior wall of the vagina, analogous to the so-called 'G spot'
of natural-born females.

Additionally, fluid from the Cowper's gland which is found under the
prostate gland, and which is responsible for the pre-cum or clear fluids
that you see emitted from the penis, provides lubrication to the neo-vagina.

If the sigmoid colon technique is utilized this will be produce lubrication in
addition to that which is produced by the Cowper's gland.


03-23-2008, 06:38 PM
Ok without going too much into detail and yet trying to explain anything to a man, here it goes... ( BTW Peggy is the one to ask educational questions to )

Danielle, thanks for the vote of confidence. :wink:

As soon as I get caught up on a few things IRL, expect an
email so that we can get caught up.

Be well,


03-23-2008, 08:20 PM
Me two girl, two sets of dilation a day really take up alot of time on squeduling other things such meetings with friends and time to catch up on blogs.

Thanks for that email a while back. It really focused my mind and allowed me to move into my center.

You are always so supportive to others, one can only aspire to have your wisdom and inteligence... I hope to help others some day as you have.



03-23-2008, 09:26 PM
Me two girl, two sets of dilation a day really take up alot of time on squeduling other things such meetings with friends and time to catch up on blogs.

Thanks for that email a while back. It really focused my mind and allowed me to move into my center.

You are always so supportive to others, one can only aspire to have your wisdom and inteligence... I hope to help others some day as you have.



You're welcome, and thank you as well. :wink:

There's a saying in AA "In order to keep it, we have to give
it away".

Empathy and concern for others not only helps the other person,
but it helps the giver of that concern as well.

03-26-2008, 08:27 AM
Congrats! ...And whatever you do, don't laugh while dilating. Or sneeze. ^.^;

03-26-2008, 08:40 AM
Congrats! 8)

03-27-2008, 06:52 PM
Although my question was crudely worded...I did genuinely want to know. No, it wasn't some strange was of getting aroused. I would like to thank those that gave me constructive answers and especially Danielle and peggygee.

03-28-2008, 01:32 AM
Although my question was crudely worded...I did genuinely want to know. No, it wasn't some strange was of getting aroused. I would like to thank those that gave me constructive answers and especially Danielle and peggygee.

Glad that we were able to be helpful. :wink:

If you are interested in further insights, there's
a plethora of info availible through the search
function, or feel free to ask any additonal questions
that you may desire.

03-28-2008, 01:43 AM
I read that you went ahead and got rid of it. The way I understand it is that they basically turn it inside out (for lack of a better way to put it). I was wondering how it actually felt when stimulated. Obviously you can no longer ejaculate... but can you actually orgasm from being penetrated in the frankenpussy? (your name for it..not very flattering but hey). I did have sex with a girl that had the same surgery and it did feel a bit strange. At the time I was too polite to ask.. so I'm making up for it now. This is a genuine question and I am not trying to be a smart ass or to start any drama. I just want to know if it is enjoyable physically.

What a moron.

Why?........Looks to me to be a question from a guy who genuinely wants to know something.......Actually, I'd like to know too............So that makes me a moron as well?

And as Peggy and others have answered this "moronic" question before I posted this message........I know a bit more than I did a while ago.......Thanks to those of you who answered.........politely.........to the original question

03-28-2008, 03:33 PM
I cried when I heard what Danielle Foxxx did. It still hurts me when I think about it, but what can you do?

:cry: R.I.P Danielles Pecker :cry:

Such a waste...

With a statement like that you prove that your a big enough dick to make up for Danielle's and every other girl that has had the courage to follow through with the final surgery

Hannibal Lecter
03-30-2008, 11:08 AM

are you going to continue with your porn carrier even as a post op girl, or are you going to become a buddhist monk in Thailand, as some mean person newly stated? What are your future goals?

Just curious..

03-31-2008, 02:02 PM
Ok, so... we all know some doctors such as Suporn leave and use some erectile tissue behind...

This is really weird when I get erections now...LOL I feel things swelling up and I am sure my pussy will get tighter as I get excited, which is kinda cool.

I am not sure about the porn thing, however I was offered a job as an editor, camera, p.a. for a porn production company. So I am not leaving the business all together.


04-01-2008, 03:33 AM
wow this Question is very good and the answers by Peg and Danielle are well informed and from first person experience and coming from Danielle. and Danielle i am sure you will be a huge help for those who are on the same path as you.

it was a good question and i assure you that many other wanted to ask but was to afraid as because they didnt want to look like " morons" so thanks bob69

04-01-2008, 09:44 AM
:) Seems like a lot of posts either degenerate due to some guy behaving stupidly, or due to everyone jumping at a poster's throat for asking something they actually want to know. Glad it didn't happen this time. Besides, I was sure Danielle would understand that I actually wanted to know.For a more detailed view of what the surgery is like you really should check out her blog. www.the3rdgender.com Be advised that some of the pictures are very graphic.

06-28-2008, 07:59 PM
do you ever had an prostate orgasm before you are post op ?