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View Full Version : RIP Arthur C Clarke

03-19-2008, 09:28 PM
One of the greats has passed away. Arthur C Clarke, inventor, futurist, and acclaimed science fiction writer died at the age of 90 in his Sri Lankan home. He wrote over 100 SF books, including the classics Childhood's End, The Sands of Mars, Prelude to Space, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Rendezvous with Rama, and is credited with formulating the concept of the communications satellite.

03-19-2008, 09:36 PM
Patrick Moore gave a very humbling and moving eulogy to Clarke on the radio this morning.

Basically he said Clarke preempted everything Moore said by about 10 years. They were great buddies and colleagues.


03-19-2008, 09:39 PM
Pity, Authur wanted to see disclosure about alien life before he died. Hope he got his answers at least now. :\

Richard C. Hoagland, one of Authur's best friends, talked to Geroge Noory on Coast to Coast AM last night about Mr. Clarke. Good stuff.

03-19-2008, 09:39 PM
Thanx for posting this E. Just read the news last night.

The only thing he (Or Kubrick) missed in the film 2001:A Space Odyssey was the fact that Pan Am wouldn't be around to be involved in commercial space flight (Which is coming about a decade later than he predicted).

It's sad to see these visionaries pass. Some years ago I was seated at a table with authors Charles Harness, Jack Chalker (Both now deceased), and Dave Kyle and we were playing with a pile of gadgets we'd all brought to work with that weekend. Cell phones, PDAs, a folding pocket keyboard, laptops. Dave Kyle scoffed, "When I was writing about this stuff fifty years ago I never expected they'd actually make it!" and we all nodded in agreement.

03-19-2008, 10:05 PM
Fuck Off, Patrick Moore can't still be alive!

My Dad ran his bike over on a trip to Devon or Cornwell back in the early 80's, I'll never forget that huge eye glowering at us!

03-19-2008, 10:16 PM
I spent many happy childhood hours reading Arthur C Clarke's science fiction novels. Not 'til I was older did I come to appreciate Kubrick's 2001. Today it still counts as one of my favorite films. I know the Clarke doesn't share the enthusiasm that others have for this film...but still it's part his film and due credit belongs to him. I miss you Arthur and I'll remember, read and re-read your work fondly.

03-19-2008, 10:22 PM
Fuck Off, Patrick Moore can't still be alive!

My Dad ran his bike over on a trip to Devon or Cornwell back in the early 80's, I'll never forget that huge eye glowering at us!

Well, he was alive and kicking on the radio this morning.

Not 1000% all there, ifyaknowwaddamean, but alive, yep.

03-19-2008, 11:56 PM
I was always more of a fantasy/horror fan than a science-fiction fan, but I loved the whole 2001 series. I picked up the first one at the library at school and read the entire series in about a week. I'm very sad to hear he's gone but he's left quite a legacy for all fans of literature to enjoy.