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View Full Version : Turn around time.

03-14-2008, 05:29 AM
I've noticed that even though I'm better in shape that I'm older (30) my turn around time isn't what it use to be when I was say 20ish.
I don't get it? I'm eating better, drinking much less working out twice to three times a week. But I'm not what I use to be. My sex drive has died down a little and my turn around time, intravel between orgasm and errection, is almost 30min.
Any suggestions as to how I can improve a bit?
Should I maybe take a given type of suplament?

03-14-2008, 11:45 AM
Once you hit 30 your testosterone levels start to decline, you need to take some test boosters. Look for Tribulus, Tongkat Ali (E jack) and my fav is Maca, this stuff is amazing for sex drive.

03-14-2008, 03:36 PM
And I can find these at GNC?
I mean I'm growing as much hair as ever on my freaking ass so I don't want to become some sort of fuzz ball you know.

03-15-2008, 02:10 AM
Yeah GNC should have them, if possible try to get a supplement that has both Tribulus and EJack in the one capsule, Tribex blue pill comes to mind.
And Maca should be available in a powdered form from most health food stores. If you can only afford one product go with Maca this stuff is amazing, rock hard erections, more stamina and it really increases the amount of semen when you cum. These products wont make you any harier either, thats pretty much genetics.