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View Full Version : 1000 POST WHOOT WHOOT!!!

03-09-2008, 09:02 PM
Well people I have been here for long enough to write 1000 post. I would like to think that my post have been set apart by their quality rather than their quantity. Their are those who have been members for shorter and longer times. People with many more post.

I have been asked: Why should someone like you come here? You are too smart for this place? (or some variation there of) This is a porno board why talk about politics?

1.) Why not. I am a transsexual all publicity is good publicity. Ad's posted to smear me on Craigslist resulted in more kept dates than ad's I post myself. Yes their is a business angle to all of this even for me.

2.) Bull shit. First of all what happens here is about a persons basic sexual impulses. Being brainy does not mean that you don't have those.

3.) Because not everyone is interested in the same things. I am interested in politics, religion, and science. Those are things I know. Those will be what I write and talk about. Another reason is that the climate that enables pornography to thrive as an industry is linked to politics. (Consider the fact that for a long time California had the most liberal political situation. That most US porno was made there for a long time is not a mistake.)

What's more HA is usually interesting if nothing else. So I'll be around.