View Full Version : Question about threads.....................

03-06-2008, 11:14 PM
Really a 2 part question

If a thread gets put up regarding something you don't like or you have disagreements with the poster of that thread why even bother responding to it?

Wouldn't it be easier to just ignore it and move onto another thread you like?

03-06-2008, 11:19 PM

03-06-2008, 11:22 PM
Really a 2 part question

If a thread gets put up regarding something you don't like or you have disagreements with the poster of that thread why even bother responding to it?

Wouldn't it be easier to just ignore it and move onto another thread you like?

Haha. That would make too much sense. Too Much Sense.

It's like those posters who go in a post only to post "Not my type". (As if HA is sitting around wanting to know EXACTLY what swededude2342*'s type is).

*Not a real poster.

03-06-2008, 11:31 PM
Myabe moderator you could lock/delete some of the shit threads. That would be quite good...

03-06-2008, 11:42 PM
NYCe, you do realise that now someone is going to create an account in the name of swededude2342 and then start a thread having a go at you for insulting him and his preferred choice of t-girl.

Ignore me - I've had a busy day :king

03-06-2008, 11:47 PM
Watch - this thread will break all records. How many times did Kelly start a bullshit, senseless thread where you thought you could not respond - but just had to? And there are others....not to pick on her..

03-06-2008, 11:56 PM
I've been saying this for years - just move on.

... but then the posting whores wouldn't be able to get their counts up and get all those great free prizes when you reach each 1000 posts!

03-06-2008, 11:59 PM
great free prizes?

oh right, ure talking bout the stars....

03-07-2008, 12:22 AM
Myabe moderator you could lock/delete some of the shit threads. That would be quite good...

I use to do that, but when a mod does that on ANY forum the owner of the site usually gets bombarded with emails, or multiple phone calls from users who have forgotten that this is merely a fantasy realm...........

great free prizes?

oh right, ure talking bout the stars....

nah, every 1000 posts I get a lapdance from Jennifer Paris. seems to make me reply more

03-07-2008, 12:23 AM
Hell, JWBL...that solution makes absolutely no sense. It would have a signigant negative impact on the amount of drama floatin' around!!!

03-07-2008, 12:29 AM
great free prizes?

oh right, ure talking bout the stars....

nah, every 1000 posts I get a lapdance from Jennifer Paris. seems to make me reply more

hmmmm soon to hit 2000 here !

03-07-2008, 01:09 AM
Myabe moderator you could lock/delete some of the shit threads. That would be quite good...

The question is why do people feel the need to start shit threads in the first place.

03-07-2008, 01:21 AM
Haha. That would make too much sense. Too Much Sense.

Really. Who you shittin' here?
I tend to read the first one or two posts (Though now I have the option to mouse-over a thread title to see if it's useless or not) and decide if it's worth my time to read further and/or reply. I have a policy of not feeding trolls, and have seen it proven to starve them out quite nicely at times.

As for the lap dances: JP owes me five, going on six. :wink:

The question is why do people feel the need to start shit threads in the first place.

For the same reason that Paris Hilton breathes:

Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Looki tme!Lookitme!
Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Looki tme!Lookitme!
Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Looki tme!Lookitme!
Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Looki tme!Lookitme!
Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Looki tme!Lookitme!
Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Lookitme!Looki tme!Lookitme!

03-07-2008, 07:02 AM
Myabe moderator you could lock/delete some of the shit threads. That would be quite good...

I use to do that, but when a mod does that on ANY forum the owner of the site usually gets bombarded with emails, or multiple phone calls from users who have forgotten that this is merely a fantasy realm...........

great free prizes?

oh right, ure talking bout the stars....

nah, every 1000 posts I get a lapdance from Jennifer Paris. seems to make me reply more

So who do i see about my lapdance?

wait lemme guess. MS shore.

03-07-2008, 07:11 AM
Myabe moderator you could lock/delete some of the shit threads. That would be quite good...

One man's shit is an another man's caviar

03-07-2008, 11:09 AM
how do you tell if it is a shit thread? by the number of replies? most of these threads that are shit are being made by unemployed, unproductive people who have nothing better to do than waste our time


03-07-2008, 12:27 PM
By banning "shit" threads you will deny some members an opportunity to "vent their spleens". Perhaps lashing out via their keyboards is the ONLY real pleasure in their lives. If someone is in disagreement why not use the PM option and remove the flamming from the sight of disinterested parties.

03-07-2008, 04:29 PM
for me, it has more to to with who created the thread than the actual topic.
There are people here with long standing credibility who honestly have something to discuss and then there are the people who seem only interested in filling cyberspace with nonsense.

03-07-2008, 05:13 PM
Really a 2 part question

If a thread gets put up regarding something you don't like or you have disagreements with the poster of that thread why even bother responding to it?

Wouldn't it be easier to just ignore it and move onto another thread you like?
If a thread is totally "shit", I ignore it. But sometimes if someone who gets on my nerves post something, I'll read it to see how stupid they really are. You can't always let ignorance fester. Sometimes you feel compelled to intervene. I usually respond if a thread stirs my emotions, positively OR negatively!