View Full Version : USERPLANE = LINK

03-04-2008, 11:56 AM
YO -

Just making a humble suggestion...

NO ONE uses the gabbly chat. The userplane chat is way better and endorsed by wimmenz and mods alike from HA...

Change the gabbly link to the userplane link.

More traffic more biznez.


03-04-2008, 07:31 PM
theres still a link to gabby?

03-04-2008, 08:08 PM
I wouldn't mind it if UP could get some of their login issues resolved. :)

03-04-2008, 10:53 PM
IMO Why should the minority be forced into chat hyperlink?

Theres on a day to day basis about 9 people average who go into USERPLANE (mostly all mods), yet if you stick around in gabbly for an entire day You will see more than 9 people daily jumping in and out.

When i had signed up for USERPLANE I wanted to take a look yet when I hung around in the room to long everyone started asking personal questions as to who I was, what I did and so forth, then when I didnt answer people became agitated and would simply ban me, Suffice to say with gabbly I cant be banned and I could lurk around all day, speak my mind if I wanted, then join in on a convo that better suits my interest.

Can you do that in USERPLANE? No.

With so many of the Mods being women you cant say your opinion or bad mouth any girl without being banned, Although I must admit being able to view a cam and PM another person is a plus, But again ill emphasize the word "CHAT" and remind people that its a chat room, people come and go to chat, express there minds and opinions freely without moderation.

Another question id like to ask is, Why are there mods in USERPLANE?

With the ability to IGNORE people on gabbly theres no need for moderation since people can simple hit the iggy button and without banning the person can simply ignore them.

Bottom lline, if you want more people in USERPLANE you need to get rid of the MODS and let people speak there minds, I believe I speak for those who dont use USERPLANE when saying, You forfit freedom of speech for the gain of popularity from the mods.

03-04-2008, 11:03 PM
Guess what. Userplane is not the official chat room of HungAngels. It's never been.

The Userplane chat room started as a good idea, that people could go in there and handle whatever business they didn't want on the board but that's failed.

Stuff happens in that chat room that I don't know about and then spills onto the boards, then it's all "why does NYCe let that happen? Why don't the mods do something about that?" (Also chatroom mods ARE NOT HA mods).

We had an official chat room. Few people used it (even though loads of people requested one).

I'm not a big chatter myself so I wasn't aware the Gabby link wasn't being used anymore.

03-04-2008, 11:29 PM
I was just in Gabbly, chatting with a couple of fellows about my latest fall from grace (Another tumble down the fucking stairs). I like how it works. Simple, no this or that.

I also like the UP interface in that I can get a handle on who I am chatting with. Seeing Kira with her cats is a big plus. But UP has login issues, can clog your memory/download speed, and a number of other things.

They both have their plusses and minusses. Work it out for yourselves.

03-04-2008, 11:30 PM
PS: Take note you lazy-ass muddafuggas, at this moment no one is in either chat.

Get off your ass and talk, gawddammit! :x

03-04-2008, 11:32 PM
IMO Why should the minority be forced into chat hyperlink?


When i had signed up for USERPLANE I wanted to take a look yet when I hung around in the room to long everyone started asking personal questions as to who I was, what I did and so forth, then when I didnt answer people became agitated and would simply ban me, Suffice to say with gabbly I cant be banned and I could lurk around all day, speak my mind if I wanted, then join in on a convo that better suits my interest.

Well in reality what do you expect? taking a look is one thing but hanging around not saying anything tends to annoy people IMO. Isn't asking questions what chat is all about anyways? I've set up my profile, uploaded my pic, but the few times I've gone it was just at the wrong times and the place was dead. I have no problem answering questions... that's how you get to know people after all... just my $.02

03-04-2008, 11:48 PM
I stopped going to Userplane altogether. It was getting awfully tiresome going in there and having a couple of mods in there ban me the second I would log on for who knows what reason. Two moderators had issues with me being there, but I have yet to receive an explanation as to what their issues with me were or are? Once while chatting with Tara Emory and another poster late one night, one "moderator" came in and banned me for no reason, and this while no other activity was going on at the time ... Power trip, anyone?

... It was cool listening and seeing people through another medium as it brings out dimensions to them not possible through cold text via a forum posting, but I won't put up with ghetto behavior and mindsets. Sorry, that kind of crap just ain't for me. :)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-05-2008, 12:08 AM
I stopped going to Userplane altogether. It was getting awfully tiresome going in there and having a couple of mods in there ban me the second I would log on for who knows what reason. Two moderators had issues with me being there, but I have yet to receive an explanation as to what their issues with me were or are? Once while chatting with Tara Emory and another poster late one night, one "moderator" came in and banned me for no reason, and this while no other activity was going on at the time ... Power trip, anyone?

... It was cool listening and seeing people through another medium as it brings out dimensions to them not possible through cold text via a forum posting, but I won't put up with ghetto behavior and mindsets. Sorry, that kind of crap just ain't for me. :)

Nooo..don't (I'm in there everyone in a while). LOL ;)



03-05-2008, 12:36 AM
Well in reality what do you expect? taking a look is one thing but hanging around not saying anything tends to annoy people IMO. Isn't asking questions what chat is all about anyways? I've set up my profile, uploaded my pic, but the few times I've gone it was just at the wrong times and the place was dead. I have no problem answering questions... that's how you get to know people after all... just my $.02

I have issues answering PERSONAL questions because ("I have everything to hide"), you may not realize it but personal data is like gold to some people especially those who can use it for harm, every time you openly answer a question or say something personal about yourself, every person in that chat room now has just a "pinch" more of info on your life. your sacrificing personal info for the trust of others, EVEN though you may not even know who they are let alone meet them.

IMO its not worth giving personal info out just to satisfy the person who maybe 1200 miles from your place, heres a quick question, what good does it do to build an online relationship when the chances of you meeting that person in real life are slim to none?

I stopped going to Userplane altogether. It was getting awfully tiresome going in there and having a couple of mods in there ban me the second I would log on for who knows what reason. Two moderators had issues with me being there, but I have yet to receive an explanation as to what their issues with me were or are? Once while chatting with Tara Emory and another poster late one night, one "moderator" came in and banned me for no reason, and this while no other activity was going on at the time ... Power trip, anyone?

... It was cool listening and seeing people through another medium as it brings out dimensions to them not possible through cold text via a forum posting, but I won't put up with ghetto behavior and mindsets. Sorry, that kind of crap just ain't for me. :)


03-05-2008, 12:51 AM
Well in reality what do you expect? taking a look is one thing but hanging around not saying anything tends to annoy people IMO. Isn't asking questions what chat is all about anyways? I've set up my profile, uploaded my pic, but the few times I've gone it was just at the wrong times and the place was dead. I have no problem answering questions... that's how you get to know people after all... just my $.02

I have issues answering PERSONAL questions because ("I have everything to hide"), you may not realize it but personal data is like gold to some people especially those who can use it for harm, every time you openly answer a question or say something personal about yourself, every person in that chat room now has just a "pinch" more of info on your life. your sacrificing personal info for the trust of others, EVEN though you may not even know who they are let alone meet them.

IMO its not worth giving personal info out just to satisfy the person who maybe 1200 miles from your place, heres a quick question, what good does it do to build an online relationship when the chances of you meeting that person in real life are slim to none?

I stopped going to Userplane altogether. It was getting awfully tiresome going in there and having a couple of mods in there ban me the second I would log on for who knows what reason. Two moderators had issues with me being there, but I have yet to receive an explanation as to what their issues with me were or are? Once while chatting with Tara Emory and another poster late one night, one "moderator" came in and banned me for no reason, and this while no other activity was going on at the time ... Power trip, anyone?

... It was cool listening and seeing people through another medium as it brings out dimensions to them not possible through cold text via a forum posting, but I won't put up with ghetto behavior and mindsets. Sorry, that kind of crap just ain't for me. :)

it all depends on the questions that are asked......

03-05-2008, 12:53 AM
If people want to steal my identity, they can fucking have it.

If they want to fuck with my life, they can't do any worse than what I am already experiencing.

If they want to rag on my appreciation of T-gurls, they'll have to wait until I get her dick out of my mouth.

Fuck ya! Come in and chat!

03-08-2008, 04:39 AM
finally got in, but no one's there :(

03-08-2008, 06:39 AM
owwwww, cheers

03-08-2008, 07:35 AM
Why isn't there a Userplane room for Hung Angels without all the attitude and ghetto antics of a couple of moderators in there? You know, a room where banning is not so de rigueur and people can actually meet there to hear, see, and get to know one another? What a novel idea, huh?

Just a thought. :)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-08-2008, 08:05 AM
I could make sub chatroom one if you wish! lol ;)



03-08-2008, 08:08 AM
I could make sub chatroom one if you wish! lol ;)



Will there be any dom games going on in there? If so, I'm in. ;)

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-08-2008, 08:34 AM
LOL :lol:




03-09-2008, 01:04 AM
Why isn't there a Userplane room for Hung Angels without all the attitude and ghetto antics of a couple of moderators in there? You know, a room where banning is not so de rigueur and people can actually meet there to hear, see, and get to know one another? What a novel idea, huh?

Just a thought. :)

gl with that dude.
I myself keep the room flowing in spite of the few random retards and such,but if you cant take the heat
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

03-09-2008, 01:12 AM
Why isn't there a Userplane room for Hung Angels without all the attitude and ghetto antics of a couple of moderators in there? You know, a room where banning is not so de rigueur and people can actually meet there to hear, see, and get to know one another? What a novel idea, huh?

Just a thought. :)

gl with that dude.
I myself keep the room flowing in spite of the few random retards and such,but if you cant take the heat
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

which further more emphasizes why there should be no moderation because of bias views like that.

03-09-2008, 01:16 AM
Why isn't there a Userplane room for Hung Angels without all the attitude and ghetto antics of a couple of moderators in there? You know, a room where banning is not so de rigueur and people can actually meet there to hear, see, and get to know one another? What a novel idea, huh?

Just a thought. :)

gl with that dude.
I myself keep the room flowing in spite of the few random retards and such,but if you cant take the heat
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

which further more emphasizes why there should be no moderation because of bias views like that.

LOL yeah good luck. if you want no moderation, find the gabby link. You find it very nice, queit, and Sans beatches

03-09-2008, 01:27 AM
Why isn't there a Userplane room for Hung Angels without all the attitude and ghetto antics of a couple of moderators in there? You know, a room where banning is not so de rigueur and people can actually meet there to hear, see, and get to know one another? What a novel idea, huh?

Just a thought. :)

gl with that dude.
I myself keep the room flowing in spite of the few random retards and such,but if you cant take the heat
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

which further more emphasizes why there should be no moderation because of bias views like that.

LOL yeah good luck. if you want no moderation, find the gabby link. You find it very nice, queit, and Sans beatches

Just proving a point, after all hardly anyone uses both chats.

03-09-2008, 01:31 AM
nope. Funny how having jobs and friends slows us down from talking bout each other in a room

03-10-2008, 06:15 AM

I'm not afraid to mix it up with anyone(Are you kidding?), but I've really never understood the premise of a "fight club", why we must "fight", or how one can fight/argue if they are not allowed to get in the ring in the first place. Hello-o-o-o-o? I never had any issues with you, Johnny, Hara, Tara, Juliana, Carla, or for that matter, the majority of the chatters there when I did get to stay and participate, but I still can't figure out -- nor do I really want to -- the attitudes behind those with itchy trigger fingers who seem to get their jollies unreasonably and/or maliciously banning people they don't know, or employ even the slightest effort to get to know, and ban them for simply no friggin' reason. ...Who needs or wants that ? It's childish.

03-10-2008, 06:35 AM

I'm not afraid to mix it up with anyone(Are you kidding?), but I've really never understood the premise of a "fight club", why we must "fight", or how one can fight/argue if they are not allowed to get in the ring in the first place. Hello-o-o-o-o? I never had any issues with you, Johnny, Hara, Tara, Juliana, Carla, or for that matter, the majority of the chatters there when I did get to stay and participate, but I still can't figure out -- nor do I really want to -- the attitudes behind those with itchy trigger fingers who seem to get their jollies unreasonably and/or maliciously banning people they don't know, or employ even the slightest effort to get to know, and ban them for simply no friggin' reason. ...Who needs or wants that ? It's childish.

Dude i dint name it. Frankly, the name is misleadin as we rarely fight. The itchy trigger fingers are people looking for the kind of response you and others made. They LIKE when you get mad, and honestly its funny to watch you bitch myself, cause you fall for their simple trap. And as far as gettin to know, asking personal shit off jumpstreet isnt a good plan. How about the cliche "how are you today?"

03-10-2008, 06:42 AM

I'm not afraid to mix it up with anyone(Are you kidding?), but I've really never understood the premise of a "fight club", why we must "fight", or how one can fight/argue if they are not allowed to get in the ring in the first place. Hello-o-o-o-o? I never had any issues with you, Johnny, Hara, Tara, Juliana, Carla, or for that matter, the majority of the chatters there when I did get to stay and participate, but I still can't figure out -- nor do I really want to -- the attitudes behind those with itchy trigger fingers who seem to get their jollies unreasonably and/or maliciously banning people they don't know, or employ even the slightest effort to get to know, and ban them for simply no friggin' reason. ...Who needs or wants that ? It's childish.

Dude i dint name it. Frankly, the name is misleadin as we rarely fight. The itchy trigger fingers are people looking for the kind of response you and others made. They LIKE when you get mad, and honestly its funny to watch you bitch myself, cause you fall for their simple trap. And as far as gettin to know, asking personal shit off jumpstreet isnt a good plan. How about the cliche "how are you today?"

Well, I welcome them -- and they know who they are -- to try it here, where they can't drive by and then cut me off before I can respond. Do you not find it a bit strange for people to ask members here to come and join them on Userplane, only to ban one as soon as one logs on? You don't find that strange, if not childish, to say the least?

03-10-2008, 06:47 AM

I'm not afraid to mix it up with anyone(Are you kidding?), but I've really never understood the premise of a "fight club", why we must "fight", or how one can fight/argue if they are not allowed to get in the ring in the first place. Hello-o-o-o-o? I never had any issues with you, Johnny, Hara, Tara, Juliana, Carla, or for that matter, the majority of the chatters there when I did get to stay and participate, but I still can't figure out -- nor do I really want to -- the attitudes behind those with itchy trigger fingers who seem to get their jollies unreasonably and/or maliciously banning people they don't know, or employ even the slightest effort to get to know, and ban them for simply no friggin' reason. ...Who needs or wants that ? It's childish.

Dude i dint name it. Frankly, the name is misleadin as we rarely fight. The itchy trigger fingers are people looking for the kind of response you and others made. They LIKE when you get mad, and honestly its funny to watch you bitch myself, cause you fall for their simple trap. And as far as gettin to know, asking personal shit off jumpstreet isnt a good plan. How about the cliche "how are you today?"

Well, I welcome them -- and they know who they are -- to try it here, where they can't drive by and then cut me off before I can respond. Do you not find it a bit strange for people to ask members here to come and join them on Userplane, only to ban one as soon as one logs on? You don't find that strange, if not childish, to say the least?

Which you think more childish? blockin someone, or bitching about it?

03-10-2008, 07:01 AM

I'm not afraid to mix it up with anyone(Are you kidding?), but I've really never understood the premise of a "fight club", why we must "fight", or how one can fight/argue if they are not allowed to get in the ring in the first place. Hello-o-o-o-o? I never had any issues with you, Johnny, Hara, Tara, Juliana, Carla, or for that matter, the majority of the chatters there when I did get to stay and participate, but I still can't figure out -- nor do I really want to -- the attitudes behind those with itchy trigger fingers who seem to get their jollies unreasonably and/or maliciously banning people they don't know, or employ even the slightest effort to get to know, and ban them for simply no friggin' reason. ...Who needs or wants that ? It's childish.

Dude i dint name it. Frankly, the name is misleadin as we rarely fight. The itchy trigger fingers are people looking for the kind of response you and others made. They LIKE when you get mad, and honestly its funny to watch you bitch myself, cause you fall for their simple trap. And as far as gettin to know, asking personal shit off jumpstreet isnt a good plan. How about the cliche "how are you today?"

Well, I welcome them -- and they know who they are -- to try it here, where they can't drive by and then cut me off before I can respond. Do you not find it a bit strange for people to ask members here to come and join them on Userplane, only to ban one as soon as one logs on? You don't find that strange, if not childish, to say the least?

Which you think more childish? blockin someone, or bitching about it?

In this case blocking someone -- by far! I would posit that most in here who have experienced it would agree. Let's see, one invites people only to arbitrarily ban them? Yeah, real adult-like, huh? ...I already said I got tired of that stuff so I won't be going in there anymore and I haven't. I just don't understand the idea of inviting participation, but then having these "moderators" banning people for no reason. I guess I don't get it. I was hoping someone might explain it to me. You haven't. I guess I don't find it (being strung along for no reason) humorous.

03-10-2008, 07:12 AM
Everyone is free to go to

It has about 300 new members in the last 2 weeks.

There are 3 chat rooms there including 3D virtual world chat.

I don't moderate it and everyone is welcome.

I also put up FREE new videos and pics almost everyday.


03-11-2008, 11:29 PM
no more UP, no more people there huh?

Hara_Juku Tgirl
03-12-2008, 08:18 PM
I think NYCe liked gabbly more hence it's now made as thee OFFICIAL HA chatroom Juliana. ;)
