View Full Version : cost of living and work

03-01-2008, 04:04 PM
Hi, I've decided to start to transition and wanted to know if anyone on this forum knows where i could get transgender friendly employment or help with funding as i'm only 20 and good high paying jobs are hard to come by especially where i currently live, job offers would be great even if out of state.

right now i work for a friends business doing subcontractor work in the IT industry, but we aren't busy enough and i haven't been making much plus i don't want to come out in this town.

03-02-2008, 12:14 PM
Uh, honey this may not be the best place to ask that - then again maybe it is...

Well you could go get a job - it you can find one that will hire a transitioning trans girl with little experience. There really is very little TG friendly employment that most girls can obtain. There's lot's of big talk by large companies about how GLBT friendly they are, but the reality is you'd better have a degree and be top in your field, and REALLY passable or foget it.

Or you could work as a boy and transition in private - a sucky situation.

Or you could become a whore. Unfortunately most whores don't make much, there's only a handful of TS escorts who earn 6 figures, the vast majority earn under 20G a year. For that you risk disease, jail, loss of friends and family, perhaps turn to drugs, and so on. Not really recommended if you have another option.

You could also stay in school, get a degree in Computer Science, live on grant $$ and loans, and part-time work for a few years. Transition in college and when you get out you ought to have a job in the mid 5 figures leading to the upper 5 figures within 3-4 years. IF you can get hired.

You are 20, if you are going to transition, get into gender counseling asap and get on hormones and get on with it. The eralier the better - however don't rush things, and be damn sure this is your correct path in life. It's a hard one honey.

TS Jamie :-)