View Full Version : Fascinating- Gender Genie analyses your writing

06-27-2005, 04:41 PM
Gender Genie uses an algorithm to work out if a text has been written by a man or woman. I tried it out on myself (correctly identified as male) and a few bits and pieces from news reports and reviews I could find (all correctly identified). Emily Bronte's writing was identified as female. I then tried it out on some of the posts made by the girls on Hungangels- the verdict: male. (Just so you don't worry girls, none of the material submitted in the form will be published).

Interestingly, I tried a few slices of text by Ann Coulter and the algorithm gave a clear result: male again (although I'm think it's got it wrong here).

Forget Adam's apples and large hands. It seems the best way to identify a transexual is by asking them to write something.


Overlord Abomination
06-27-2005, 06:50 PM
WTF?!? It can't even guess my sex....Sweet.


Everyone has to Rage against the machine

EDIT::ok i typed in more stuff and it thinks im a chick....this shits broke

Vicki Richter
06-27-2005, 07:07 PM
Well it picks me out as male 100% of the time. Ironically, it also picks out my genetic sister as male 100% of the time. This is bad, but I think it just finds intelligent writing as a male trait.


avninsider.com article

Words: 1299

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 1313
Male Score: 1748

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!


My blog #1

Words: 1256

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 2124
Male Score: 2945

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!

my sister #1

Words: 1558

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 1405
Male Score: 2057

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!

my sister #2

Words: 1644

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 1377
Male Score: 2006

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!

Vicki Richter
06-27-2005, 07:08 PM
WTF?!? It can't even guess my sex....Sweet.


Everyone has to Rage against the machine

EDIT::ok i typed in more stuff and it thinks im a chick....this shits broke

It says it needs 500 words to be accurate. You cheated. :shock:

06-27-2005, 07:36 PM
OK, maybe I am a tranny after all :)

Here's my first attempt, concatenating a couple of recent posts I made here:

Words: 679

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 1462
Male Score: 1253

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: female!

And when I submitted my results:

Well, he writes like a girl.

I'm, like, OMG, you know?

At least I don't throw like a girl!

Overlord Abomination
06-27-2005, 10:21 PM
WTF?!? It can't even guess my sex....Sweet.


Everyone has to Rage against the machine

EDIT::ok i typed in more stuff and it thinks im a chick....this shits broke

It says it needs 500 words to be accurate. You cheated. :shock:

Nah I went back and pasted another chunk of stuff and it called me a chick. Its definently broke...It looked at words Like "the" and Classified me as a girl.

06-27-2005, 11:42 PM
I put in a few of my reviews and it called me male each time:

Words: 347

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 335
Male Score: 724

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!

Words: 512

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 515
Male Score: 949

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!

Words: 464

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 298
Male Score: 1152

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!

Words: 400

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 180
Male Score: 1050

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!

06-28-2005, 04:16 AM
It actually works much better when you post more than 500 words. At first I only put in 174 words and it identified me as a female. It wasn't until I pasted in a much larger passage that I came up with a more accurate reading.

Words: 625
(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 774
Male Score: 1134

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!

Felicia Katt
06-28-2005, 04:42 AM
Words: 804

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 1408
Male Score: 1236

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: female



06-28-2005, 11:19 AM
Before I add anything let me say that I really love your new avatar Vicky.

Well, I it hasn't got me wrong yet, but as I can see from everyone's comments, it isn't 100% accurate by any means.

Still, it is quite interesting to see that on the whole, men and women seem to arrange words and to put them down differently and that this might seem to be unrelated to the gender they identify with and more related to their genetic sex.

Well, I find it interesting. Then again. I studied the sciences.

Now for the science bit (from http://www.cs.biu.ac.il/~koppel/papers/male-female-text-final.pdf ):

The short (less than 50) list of features which our algorithm identified as being most collectively useful for distinguishing male-authored texts from female-authored texts was verysuggestive. This list included a large number of determiners {a, the, that, these } and quantifiers {one, two, more, some } as male indicators. Moreover, the parts of speech DT0
(BNC: a determiner which typically occurs either as the first word in a noun phrase or as the head of a noun phrase), AT0 (BNC: a determiner which typically begins a noun phrase but cannot appear as its head), and CRD (cardinal numbers) are all strong male indicators. Conversely, the pronouns {I, you, she, her, their, myself, yourself, herself} are all strong female indicators.

Although a given feature’s usefulness for distinguishing male documents from female documents, as determined by Balanced Winnow, does not necessarily reflect the feature’s mean frequency difference between males and females, a comparison of male and female usage of pronouns and determiners (Table 1) reveals significant differences both for fiction and for nonfiction. These differences are significant both with regard to mean frequencies and median frequencies.

06-28-2005, 03:34 PM
Sorry, but THE ONE writing this post (who wants for THE sake of emphasis to avoid even ONE, let alone TWO or THREE uses of THE personal pronoun so as not to appear to be MORE female than male) sees little science in assigning female value to pronouns and male value to articles and quantifiers. THESE presumptions make Lawrence Summers appear liberal.

06-28-2005, 04:09 PM
Ecstatic wrote:

Sorry, but THE ONE writing this post (who wants for THE sake of emphasis to avoid even ONE, let alone TWO or THREE uses of THE personal pronoun so as not to appear to be MORE female than male) sees little science in assigning female value to pronouns and male value to articles and quantifiers. THESE presumptions make Lawrence Summers appear liberal.

True. But it's interesting how the algorithm does seem to work most of the time. Well, some of the time, at least. Well, it worked for me.

I actually found it after googling up "Ann Coulter transexual" and seeing how someone suggested it was additional proof that Ms Coulter is in fact a tranny. I don't think it offers any kind of conclusive evidence, but had to throw it into the forum to see everyone's reaction.

Clever post by the way. Now we'll all have to double check our writing so that no one can tell us that we write like girls.

06-28-2005, 04:16 PM
Yes, THE fact is that THIS ONE is now refraining from MORE use of personal pronouns and increasing THE use of articles and MANY MORE quantifiers and will henceforth objectify THE girls rather than respectfully refer use THE feminine pronoun (as in "isn't that babe smokin'" rather than "isn't S..H..E hot"?) :twisted:

Really, though I don't buy into it, I have found myself thinking about it when I'm writing a post (whoa, three I's and a reflexive "myself" in a short sentence -- maybe I need a testosterone injection...shit! there's another I!)!! Is solipism a feminine trait?

Did you notice that one Tgirl was id'd as male and none as female (thus far)?

06-28-2005, 04:28 PM
Just for kicks, I tried it again with an excerpt from a novel I wrote a few years back (sadly unpublished), and this time the genie guessed right:

Words: 858

(NOTE: The genie works best on texts of more than 500 words.)

Female Score: 1239
Male Score: 1397

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!

Still, the score is rather close. I also tested it with a couple of technical documents I've written and published as a webmaster, and in both cases came up male. I wonder if Lawrence Summers is behind the gender genie?

07-02-2005, 02:43 PM
How about this test:


This is what I got:

Your Brain is 33.33% Female, 66.67% Male

You have a total boy brain
Logical and detailed, you tend to look at the facts
And while your emotions do sway you sometimes...
You never like to get feelings too involved

07-02-2005, 02:54 PM
Sheesh, maybe I should start taking hormones...I don't know about these tests!


Your Brain is 73.33% Female, 26.67% Male

Your brain leans female
You think with your heart, not your head
Sweet and considerate, you are a giver
But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you!

So these tests seem to be biased totally on male and female stereotypes. Some of these questions don't provide the options that I would pick, like the one about what you would talk about with your friends:

What's going on in your lives and people you know

Politics, sports, or news

Actually, I tend to talk about other things with friends than in either of these categories (like art, literature, science, nature, travel, photography, music, etc.) so neither applies.

So I tried again, answering with a bias towards macho:

Your Brain is 6.67% Female, 93.33% Male

You've got the brain of a manly man
Feelings, schmeelings... tears aren't for you.
You could break both legs and not get misty eyed.
A great problem solver, nothing ever phases you.

So being cold and inconsiderate and self-centered is male? Bah!

Felicia Katt
07-02-2005, 06:01 PM
Your Brain is 93.33% Female, 6.67% Male

You have the brain of a girly girl
Which isn't a bad thing at all
You're emphatetic, caring, and in tune with emotions.
You're a good friend and give great advice

07-04-2005, 05:41 AM
Now that analysis I believe, Felicia!

(looking for my hormone shots, might as well get started....)

07-05-2005, 11:03 AM
This is what this test gave me and i'm happy with the results, it describes me well :-)

Your Brain is 60.00% Female, 40.00% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

as to the Gender Genie, it scored me as 'female'!

07-05-2005, 11:35 AM
Your Brain is 46.67% Female, 53.33% Male

Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve

Sounds okay, I suppose.