View Full Version : question for the angels

02-29-2008, 10:12 AM
This is for the angels that have done porn in the past. When a guy comments on your performance or the porn in general, do you think he is wierd, are you offended, does it bother you that you just met one of your fans of the fleshworks?

Just thought I would ask, these questions are not meant to be offensive so dont send Capernia Addams after me lol :lol:


02-29-2008, 07:07 PM
can you clarify what you mean by doing porn?
If you spot a girl at a NYC party and tell her you loved her vid for shemaleyum, she will immediately assume you're a total loser. If you're talking about somone who's done big budget stuff, it may not be so bad, but still pretty creepy.

hopefully some girls will comment.

02-29-2008, 09:05 PM
Depends on how its said. Some guys are encourage me to try and do bigger budget stuff, because they enjoy the work I have released. I find it flattering. Nice to know people appreciate what we do. They also encourage me to add a pay portion to my currant site so they can buy my independent work. Good to know if I did do big budget stuff, it would sell as I do seem to have ammased a fanbase. In NYC guys have stopped me and complimented me on my work in a gentlemanly, respectful way. Feels Good!!!

03-01-2008, 11:29 AM
can you clarify what you mean by doing porn?
If you spot a girl at a NYC party and tell her you loved her vid for shemaleyum, she will immediately assume you're a total loser. If you're talking about somone who's done big budget stuff, it may not be so bad, but still pretty creepy.

hopefully some girls will comment.

either or, whether its big budget or not. on the website I totally understand, because they are likely to think that you are a pornhog and only watch them for the action. on a big budget movie, alot of work is gonna go into it and it is gonna be somthing to be more proud of


03-01-2008, 01:21 PM
I think it's flattering when a guy comes up to me in a bar and says he's seen / bought our videos and thinks Jessica or I are hot!

That doesn't mean I'll sleep with you for free, :-) but I think it's great!

I've met a few big movie stars from John Wayne on down, and one thing I always noticed is the best never get tired of being appreciated by their fans, they have time for everyone. The one's who get snotty soon seem to fade from view.

TS Jamie :-)