View Full Version : Have You Heard of the Planet Nibiru? If Not You Will.

02-29-2008, 04:20 AM
This is something that the government has been hiding from us. Infact, hiding this fact about our history and future has been the responsiblity of many people and secret societies some of which weve heard of and other we havent. I can kind of understand because if this information was public knowledge we would have hell on earth. Still sucks though. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4b5a4hxAu8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pZhEU6jA5o

02-29-2008, 05:28 AM
Wow! I am shocked that no one finds this the least bit interesting. Maybe I should have left the first video off because that might be a little too much for most people to grasp. Watch the second video because regardless to whether or not the first video crosses your religious bounderies or you just think its b.s. the second video is rooted in absolute scientific fact.

02-29-2008, 05:32 AM
Have You Heard of the Planet Nibiru? If Not You Will.

I don't think so. The cover has been blown. The information is there for all to see. It's already been posted on YouTube since the end of August! Yet knowledge of the existence of Niribu hasn't yet created "hell on earth". Why does no one believe it? Why is the government 1) the only source with enough credibility to convince us of truth of the story; and 2) the only source with so little credibility we should believe it's covering up the existence of Niribu? Seems this is a reef upon which many a conspiracy theories have floundered.

02-29-2008, 06:03 AM

02-29-2008, 06:13 AM

02-29-2008, 06:15 AM
Hard to believe, but who the fuck knows? Governments from around the world would never tell us pions. Yet this is probably just fake. 8)

02-29-2008, 07:11 AM
ok lets see: first they said god made us. Then they said we came from a single cell. Then we evolved from monkeys. Now they say lizards and snakes made us. what's next humans was once trees

02-29-2008, 08:58 AM
Have You Heard of the Planet Nibiru? If Not You Will.

I don't think so. The cover has been blown. The information is there for all to see. It's already been posted on YouTube since the end of August! Yet knowledge of the existence of Niribu hasn't yet created "hell on earth". Why does no one believe it? Why is the government 1) the only source with enough credibility to convince us of truth of the story; and 2) the only source with so little credibility we should believe it's covering up the existence of Niribu? Seems this is a reef upon which many a conspiracy theories have floundered.

Reason being that most people will rather listen to an authority figure on something, rather than what their own eyes and ears see with the evidence at hand.

For example, me and Trish could be standing in the middle of the White House lawn, butt naked, with an alien, and many people would STILL not believe it and rather listen to what the flunkies and lackies at NASA says.

I myself listen to guys like Richard C. Hoagland so on than what NASA ever says.

:arrow: One needs to use one's own brain when looking at something cause authority figures will only give you the gift of blissful ignorence. Just look up Nasa's Brooking's Report and see for yourself.