View Full Version : Question for the Brits...........................

02-29-2008, 12:31 AM
Has Prince Harry serving in Iraq solidified his popularity in the UK over anyone else in the Royal Family besides the Queen?

02-29-2008, 12:54 AM
He served in Afghanistan.

I don't know that the royal family is that popular really, and he is certainly not.

Dressing up as a Nazi, and acting like a spoiled 'yah' will have that effect.

Princess Di was the Royals' saving grace. They really messed up when they let her Charles dump her for ol' horse face Camilla.

02-29-2008, 02:11 AM
In the end, it's all relative, as it were.

Camilla is the great-granddaughter of Alice Keppel, mistress of King Edward VII, Charles' great-great grandfather.

02-29-2008, 02:42 AM
Its all relative, its a good move for him in the public opinion i think, makes a change to see them putting themselves out on a limb.. The royals are pretty popular from where im from in england though to be honest.

02-29-2008, 05:46 AM
Seems stupid to give the bad guys in Afghan a high profile target like Prince Harry.
Why put the Royal kid in harm's way? The UK public already hate their government for sleeping with Bush and his crazy war

02-29-2008, 05:47 AM
In the end, it's all relative, as it were.

Camilla is the great-granddaughter of Alice Keppel, mistress of King Edward VII, Charles' great-great grandfather.

So that's why the long face! Ureakka!

02-29-2008, 06:16 AM
Its all relative, its a good move for him in the public opinion i think, makes a change to see them putting themselves out on a limb.. The royals are pretty popular from where im from in england though to be honest.

As you say...it's all relative.

In New Zealand, where the queen is still head of state, the royal family are seen as quaint but archaic and pretty irrelevant. Still a good money earner for the UK.

02-29-2008, 06:33 AM
Seems stupid to give the bad guys in Afghan a high profile target like Prince Harry.
Why put the Royal kid in harm's way? The UK public already hate their government for sleeping with Bush and his crazy war

Not quite that simple mate.

It is british tradition that members of the royal family go into the forces and serve.

It was harry's choice to go to sandhurst officer school and look after his own troops. Harry himself wanted to go with his troops to afhanistan to serve. When you spend your time with people in the army, your other soldiers, you care for them, harry is their officer and he wanted to make sure he fullfilled his duty to be their officer in afghanistan when they were sent.

You could say that they become more of a target, or you could say that they will become a better fighting unit because they will have higher morale and more determination. If you were fighting back to back alongside royalty (the prince) then you are going to feel good. Morale will be sky high, these boys can deal with the taliban, so can harry!

As for the war, it is only in the media that you see 'everyone' in britain is against it. This is not the case. The fact is that many people are pleased saddam has been removed, but the planning of the war was the disaster we have been sucked into. Nevertheless it is only the 'anti war' people who have the biggest mouths, thats why it is blurted in the media so much.

Much the same as the men who insist they are straight yet nothing makes them more happy than a big cock in their arse (sorry, as long as its a t-girl cock, as if theres a difference between male or t-girl cock?). These men are the most vocal of the ts admirers. Where as the guy who would rather pin that bitch onto her bed and grind into her arse for a good sex, these guys dont scream their heads off about 'how big is her cock', 'did she top you', 'how many inches', 'oooooh shes gorgeous, look at that sexy cock' etc etc, you know how it is :wink:

Anyway, it was actually the american media who leaked the info. The british media knew that harry was in afghanistan but they made a pact that they would not leak the info because it would be potentially dangerous for our troops, esspecially those under harry's command.

Its just another example of the greedy fuckers in the media who couldnt care less about any soldiers (on the uk/usa side) that they endanger, but only care about making the report and getting the $$$.

Just my opinion, hope that helps :)

The Rossatron
02-29-2008, 04:10 PM
Seems stupid to give the bad guys in Afghan a high profile target like Prince Harry.
Why put the Royal kid in harm's way? The UK public already hate their government for sleeping with Bush and his crazy war

Congrats on the yanks though for blowing his cover. No one knew he was there therefore he wasn't any more of a target than the rest. Now thanks to those across the pond he is. Real smooth.

02-29-2008, 05:17 PM
THe story i read was leaked by some of your well restrained, British tabloid insiders actually to German Bild then to the "yank" media... :roll:

02-29-2008, 10:13 PM
Seems stupid to give the bad guys in Afghan a high profile target like Prince Harry.
Why put the Royal kid in harm's way? The UK public already hate their government for sleeping with Bush and his crazy war

Congrats on the yanks though for blowing his cover. No one knew he was there therefore he wasn't any more of a target than the rest. Now thanks to those across the pond he is. Real smooth.

It was an Australian woman's magazine that blew Harry's cover so don't get your limey balls in a bunch at the Yanks rossatron


02-29-2008, 10:25 PM
Seems stupid to give the bad guys in Afghan a high profile target like Prince Harry.
Why put the Royal kid in harm's way? The UK public already hate their government for sleeping with Bush and his crazy war

Congrats on the yanks though for blowing his cover. No one knew he was there therefore he wasn't any more of a target than the rest. Now thanks to those across the pond he is. Real smooth.

It was an Australian woman's magazine that blew Harry's cover so don't get your limey balls in a bunch at the Yanks rossatron


LMFAO.... Nothing like the facts to take the wind out someone's sails. Ouch...


02-29-2008, 10:29 PM
Not blaming the yanks for everything is a hard habit to break. :lol:

02-29-2008, 10:39 PM
Not blaming the yanks for everything is a hard habit to break. :lol:

LOL. True enough, but at least we can't be blamed for the Spice Girls. Some horrors are truly domestic in origin.


02-29-2008, 10:55 PM
LMFAO! Touche, mon brave! haha. Well, at least Posh is now you guys responsibility now she's stateside...

03-01-2008, 10:35 PM
Hahaha, you can keep Posh, thanks for taking her off our hands :P

03-02-2008, 03:59 PM
Prince Harry was never in Afghanistan, this is all a PR swindle to make the Royals look more egalitarian. He probably got no further than Dubai to shoot that recent footage.

Fuck the royal parasites

03-02-2008, 07:26 PM
lol, republicans...

They should have kept him there, yes hes a high profile target, but if that draws out more taleban to eat .50 cal rounds, then surely thats a good thing. Bleed the fuckers dry.

Anyway, how does him being in the military make him more egalitarian? The military don't exactly 'exert the equality of mankind'.

At least the royals actually DO something, rather than be famous for absolutely fuck all like the rest of todays vacuous 'celebrities'

03-03-2008, 01:04 AM
Harry looks a lot like that Hewwit guy (Diana's lover) not at all like Charles.

03-03-2008, 01:09 AM
In New Zealand, where the queen is still head of state, the royal family are seen as quaint but archaic and pretty irrelevant. Still a good money earner for the UK.

It's pretty much the same way in the UK. People complain about how much they cost but they're a huge tourist attraction for the Septics, Japs and Chinks!

03-03-2008, 01:42 AM
^ No one but a Brit will get that. Superb!

03-03-2008, 01:47 AM
Lmao!!! Good shit :D

Well, since we're one of the few countries left to have a monarchy guess its a little nice to be different anyway right? :D

08-01-2008, 10:24 PM
Harry looks a lot like that Hewwit guy (Diana's lover) not at all like Charles.

You're not allowed mention that in the UK. :)

At least for several years, it was a bit of a forbidden topic on television. Recently, in the last year or two, I've seen some comedians make reference to it, but only rarely. Maybe the heads at the Beeb and ITV have changed their minds regarding that topic, or maybe the heads of the corporation have changed.