View Full Version : NYS Court Protects Transgender Rights

02-26-2008, 05:41 PM
Dear Friends,
The following appeared in the New York Law Journal this morning. It is a summary of a case decidedin Brooklyn, NY. I think that it says something qabout progress in the eyes of the law. Now, if the politicians only take notice.

Bumpus v. New York City Transit Authority
Civil Rights
February 26, 2008

Justice Miller

DEFENDANT NEW York City Transit Authority (NYCTA) employee moved to dismiss plaintiff's complaint which alleged defendant verbally harassed and humiliated plaintiff, a transgender woman, by using derogatory names and bigoted epithets referring to plaintiff's gender identity and expression. Defendant argued lack of subject matter jurisdiction, alleging she was a NYCTA employee and immune from liability under the city Human Rights Law (HRL) existed. The court disagreed, stating the NYCTA was not exempt from local laws that did not interfere with the function and purpose of the NYCTA. It stated the complaint alleged plaintiff was harassed merely because she was a transgender woman, noting HRL afforded protection to transgender people in New York City. The court stated a transgender person did not become less of a person and lose the protection of the HRL by riding the subway. It found defendant's discriminatory behavior was not within the function of the NYCTA and denied defendant's motion.

I highlighted th last sentence . It says a lot.

Keep the faith, baby

02-26-2008, 06:23 PM
Assuming this applies also to non transgender people does that mean when Mimi calls me a faggot it's harrassment (felony) across state lines? Is the FBI called in?

02-26-2008, 08:17 PM
They say truth is an absolute defense to lible

02-26-2008, 09:12 PM

02-27-2008, 08:06 AM
Welcome to 1984. The liberal wet-dream of hate crimes, hate speech and soon to come... though crimes and thought police are just plain silly. Not to mention the creation of protected class members who now have rights above the rank and file. Obviously, an employee of the transit system can't berate customers. However, there are only a million laws in existence for this situation.

People just need to get real and learn the meaning of "sticks an stones can break my bone, but names will never hurt me."