View Full Version : New Youtube Music Video

02-26-2008, 04:03 PM
Coming soon -

I'll be dancing to the song

Get Naked by Britney Spears

It will probably be flagged since I'll be wearing a belt around my breast, but it will still be allowed to be seen if you sign up to be a member at youtube and are over 18.

Just letting you know with a heads up!

My youtube is:


P.S. The video on there now is really old before any surgeries (breast augmentation, nose job, forehead contour, adams apple shave, etc)

02-26-2008, 06:16 PM
Coming soon -

I'll be dancing to the song

Get Naked by Britney Spears

It will probably be flagged since I'll be wearing a belt around my breast, but it will still be allowed to be seen if you sign up to be a member at youtube and are over 18.

Just letting you know with a heads up!

My youtube is:


P.S. The video on there now is really old before any surgeries (breast augmentation, nose job, forehead contour, adams apple shave, etc)

are you gonna dance on an 8 count or 4 ...? just asking 8 is very hard
nobody's gonna flag your movie i can't wait to see it ...

02-26-2008, 06:27 PM
I think it's gonna be more of a boobie dance lol

02-26-2008, 09:13 PM
You girls are stars in your own minds and to the pathetic men who have to pay for sex. Time wasters to the max, imagine if you had a job, wow thats scary shit isn't it? God I wish I could be famous like you all, BA HA HA HA HA. :wink:


You tube, has fools everywhere believing they are some sort of celebrity. I need to shave all this body hair and be a celebrity too.

02-26-2008, 09:15 PM
Thx Kel...will look forward to seeing it

02-26-2008, 09:19 PM
keep doing what you do mimi.

02-26-2008, 09:21 PM
can't wait to see it kelly thxs

02-26-2008, 09:22 PM
You girls are stars in your own minds and to the pathetic men who have to pay for sex. Time wasters to the max, imagine if you had a job, wow thats scary shit isn't it? God I wish I could be famous like you all, BA HA HA HA HA. :wink:


You tube, as fools everywhere believing they are some sort of celebrity. I need to shave all this body hair and be a celebrity too.
wow once again putting a drought in a wet dream it's fagot hostile .... :roll:
i can't believe i thought you were a cool guy at first but you turned out to be a big fat hater and i feel bad for the person behind the avatar... because as the rest of the board moves up in popularity you sit behind the picture of a beast and make snide remarks to those of us who actually aspire to be something in life .... you are a really hurting soul and i will hope you come to terms with your loser status and leave people who are winning alone ....

oh and i see you have not been ignoring your spell check ! Nice work ...
with practice you can win a spelling B .

hiya !!!!

02-26-2008, 09:24 PM
keep doing what you do kelly.

02-26-2008, 10:23 PM
You girls are stars in your own minds and to the pathetic men who have to pay for sex. Time wasters to the max, imagine if you had a job, wow thats scary shit isn't it? God I wish I could be famous like you all, BA HA HA HA HA. :wink:


You tube, has fools everywhere believing they are some sort of celebrity. I need to shave all this body hair and be a celebrity too. Dear my post had nothing to do with celebrity. My post had everything to do with me shaking my tits with a belt around them to a beat. So keep your drama for your mama! I'm just doing the video for a laugh.... LOVE YA

02-26-2008, 10:40 PM
On the other hand dear, I'd rather plug my faux celebrity that doesn't hurt anyone, than sit around on a forum all day and night waiting for a girl to post a thread to make a smart ass judgemental comment to so I can feel I did some kind of moral education for the day. Dear your tired, lame, and rude. Get over yourself. Your a poster on a board, with no identity. You are the only one with the puffed up sense of VALUE or WORTH, otherwise you wouldn't go around from thread to thread spreading your "hatorade"

"CHOP CHOP, Served" I believe is how you put it.

02-26-2008, 10:41 PM
I don't hate you Mimi, I don't hate anyone, I think you girls have potential for so much more, its sad to the girls spin into time wasting and sex only! If you knew me you would know that I'm the real deal even though i cant spell. I just see wasted potential all over this board, life passes fast and too many girls get lost in that "its ovah for me" mentality. Labels ( clothing ) are for people who need to wear a sign and make themselves feel worth something! Sex for money is something a retard can do, jumping around wasting time on you tube is time wasted when I think your capable of doing something with yourself. I see the good in you girls, but unfortunately the lazy male mentality ( sex sex sex ) that still lurks in a lot of trannys is a speed bump in your road to a real productive full life, you girls are blinded by easy money and watching America's next top model all day. No I'm not a hater, I have a ts life mate who is real as rain and was once lost now she is in the real world. She is more than a dick, ass and tits , she is a productive part of society, her body can not be bought, it belongs to her only. I respect you but I also feel sorry for you, your lost and blinded by a false light. Your star is within you not on youtube or hungangels. Best of luck from this "faggot" as you called me.

02-26-2008, 10:44 PM
I don't hate you Mimi, I don't hate anyone, I think you girls have potential for so much more, its sad to the girls spin into time wasting and sex only! If you knew me you would know that I'm the real deal even though i cant spell. I just see wasted potential all over this board, life passes fast and too many girls get lost in that "its ovah for me" mentality. Labels ( clothing ) are for people who need to wear a sign and make themselves feel worth something! Sex for money is something a retard can do, jumping around wasting time on you tube is time wasted when I think your capable of doing something with yourself. I see the good in you girls, but unfortunately the lazy male mentality ( sex sex sex ) that still lurks in a lot of trannys is a speed bump in your road to a real productive full life, you girls are blinded by easy money and watching America's next top model all day. No I'm not a hater, I have a ts life mate who is real as rain and was once lost now she is in the real world. She is more than a dick, ass and tits , she is a productive part of society, her body can not be bought, it belongs to her only. I respect you but I also feel sorry for you, your lost and blinded by a false light. Your star is within you not on youtube or hungangels. Best of luck from this "faggot" as you called me. Well great for your girlfriend, but no means does that give you the right to look down on somebody. Especially by being so negative in every post you make. And assuming ever transsexual on hung angels is an escort, like you did with LUNA. You are a fool on how you react at times to things. If you want to change how a girl acts or chooses to live her life, than say it in a positive way like Eric does. You can catch more bees with honey, because your asshat routine IS NOT WORKING.

02-26-2008, 10:47 PM
I don't hate you Mimi, I don't hate anyone, I think you girls have potential for so much more, its sad to the girls spin into time wasting and sex only! If you knew me you would know that I'm the real deal even though i cant spell. I just see wasted potential all over this board, life passes fast and too many girls get lost in that "its ovah for me" mentality. Labels ( clothing ) are for people who need to wear a sign and make themselves feel worth something! Sex for money is something a retard can do, jumping around wasting time on you tube is time wasted when I think your capable of doing something with yourself. I see the good in you girls, but unfortunately the lazy male mentality ( sex sex sex ) that still lurks in a lot of trannys is a speed bump in your road to a real productive full life, you girls are blinded by easy money and watching America's next top model all day. No I'm not a hater, I have a ts life mate who is real as rain and was once lost now she is in the real world. She is more than a dick, ass and tits , she is a productive part of society, her body can not be bought, it belongs to her only. I respect you but I also feel sorry for you, your lost and blinded by a false light. Your star is within you not on youtube or hungangels. Best of luck from this "faggot" as you called me.

i will respond to this in depth when i finish eating.

Floyd R
02-26-2008, 11:57 PM
What's your favorite meal? I imagine you as being a small eater in order to maintain your slender figure.

i will respond to this in depth when i finish eating.

02-27-2008, 04:18 AM
lOl @ Kelly , Whats an asshat?, thats funny! Your a smart girl I hope that one day you find your path, than and only than it will be "ovah for you", but for now, just another mino in a big pond! Say what you want about me, I still wish you well.

02-27-2008, 05:39 AM
lol what a troll. it's just a fricking youtube video and existential drama appears. it's quite odd to talk about "wasted potential" in other people's lives. is there a benefactor behind "hostile"? or does the signature from a twelve year old say it all?

02-27-2008, 10:07 AM
lOl @ Kelly , Whats an asshat?, thats funny! Your a smart girl I hope that one day you find your path, than and only than it will be "ovah for you", but for now, just another mino in a big pond! Say what you want about me, I still wish you well.

That's quite a lot...especially coming from someone who seems to think he's a Lycan. Watched the movie a few too many times, did we?

Do yourself a favor and journey up out of your Mom's basement...there's a whole world to see.

02-27-2008, 08:04 PM
lOl @ Kelly , Whats an asshat?, thats funny! Your a smart girl I hope that one day you find your path, than and only than it will be "ovah for you", but for now, just another mino in a big pond! Say what you want about me, I still wish you well.

That's quite a lot...especially coming from someone who seems to think he's a Lycan. Watched the movie a few too many times, did we?

Do yourself a favor and journey up out of your Mom's basement...there's a whole world to see.

werq !!!!!! yes i spelled it wrong and what of it ???