View Full Version : Thanks Maury. WTF.

02-23-2008, 04:43 AM
I realize countless threads have been posted on this, but my tivo recorded todays Maury and I just watched it; it was the "man or woman" theme. I've heard about the show from previous posts, but I had to see it to believe it.

The stupidity and ignorance of the audience was shocking. You've never seen an audience so excited to be informed of genitalia.

It appears demeaning to everyone involved, Maury, is this what you pictured yourself doing when you're retirement age?

Watching it was disconcerting, like watching an episode of "Cops" or something.

Thanks Maury, you've done well with your life.

02-23-2008, 06:55 AM
If it wasn't for t-girls and the advent of paternity testing, this moron wouldn't have a job. I mean serioulsy, has anyone ever seen an episode that didn't involve t-girls, or some whore trying for the 9th or 10th time to find her baby daddy?

02-23-2008, 07:54 AM
I am not sure why any girls like us would go on this show. Perhaps the financial incentive is too much to pass up. I can appreciate this as many girls have to resort to prostitution because society can not yet accept us and provide employment opportunities that are commensurate with our many talents. The real prostitutes are the booking agents for these shows. I am sure that their tactics are straight off of a used car lot to gain bookings of these beautiful women. I have seen these shows before and all of you girls should be proud of the women that you are. You are all beautiful, strong women. The audience reactions reflect the lack of education and acceptance that these shows draw upon.

02-23-2008, 08:04 AM
hey i had a blast out of this world and anyone else who has gone on the show can say the same .... give maury a break ... he treats all his guests kindly and makes sure the are comfortable every step of the way

02-23-2008, 09:36 AM
Ok, did we just wake from a 20 year hibernation? The Maury Povich show, though far from stellar is far from shocking! Are you serious? The chants of "woman, woman, woman" ( a new touch) were classless, but in a world where people are blowing themselves up and kids go to school and massacre each other, this is what's shocking and disconcerting to you?
I can only guess that you're Amish.

02-23-2008, 09:42 AM
hey i had a blast out of this world and anyone else who has gone on the show can say the same .... give maury a break ... he treats all his guests kindly and makes sure the are comfortable every step of the way

Mimi, that avatar picture of you is amazing, your legs are insane. You are so beautiful.

02-23-2008, 09:52 AM
Ok, did we just wake from a 20 year hibernation? The Maury Povich show, though far from stellar is far from shocking! Are you serious? The chants of "woman, woman, woman" ( a new touch) were classless, but in a world where people are blowing themselves up and kids go to school and massacre each other, this is what's shocking and disconcerting to you?
I can only guess that you're Amish.

Why do you people watch that shit? If you're really that bored why not find a MASH, Cheers, or Seinfeld rerun...

02-23-2008, 09:56 AM
hey i had a blast out of this world and anyone else who has gone on the show can say the same .... give maury a break ... he treats all his guests kindly and makes sure the are comfortable every step of the way

Mimi, that avatar picture of you is amazing, your legs are insane. You are so beautiful.

Oh yeah those swollen, knobby knees and big gnarly looking feet really do it for me too...LMFAO... :roll:

02-23-2008, 10:06 AM
Ok, did we just wake from a 20 year hibernation? The Maury Povich show, though far from stellar is far from shocking! Are you serious? The chants of "woman, woman, woman" ( a new touch) were classless, but in a world where people are blowing themselves up and kids go to school and massacre each other, this is what's shocking and disconcerting to you?
I can only guess that you're Amish.

Why do you people watch that shit? If you're really that bored why not find a MASH, Cheers, or Seinfeld rerun...
1st--- I don't remember saying I watched it!
2nd--- Why do you people watch THAT shit? There's plenty of stuff in syndication I would watch before I watch any of the shows you mentioned.

02-23-2008, 10:16 AM
Ok, did we just wake from a 20 year hibernation? The Maury Povich show, though far from stellar is far from shocking! Are you serious? The chants of "woman, woman, woman" ( a new touch) were classless, but in a world where people are blowing themselves up and kids go to school and massacre each other, this is what's shocking and disconcerting to you?
I can only guess that you're Amish.

Why do you people watch that shit? If you're really that bored why not find a MASH, Cheers, or Seinfeld rerun...
1st--- I don't remember saying I watched it!
2nd--- Why do you people watch THAT shit? There's plenty of stuff in syndication I would watch before I watch any of the shows you mentioned.

Our taste in reruns notwithstanding, I wasn't disagreeing with you. I thought that your post made a very good point. BTW, if you aren't a fan of the sitcoms that I mentioned may I suggest Andy Griffith? Or are you a godless communist?

02-23-2008, 10:39 AM
Our taste in reruns notwithstanding, I wasn't disagreeing with you. I thought that your post made a very good point. BTW, if you aren't a fan of the sitcoms that I mentioned may I suggest Andy Griffith? Or are you a godless communist?

Ha! Born and raised in NC. You have to like Andy. It's the law!

02-23-2008, 11:15 AM
Our taste in reruns notwithstanding, I wasn't disagreeing with you. I thought that your post made a very good point. BTW, if you aren't a fan of the sitcoms that I mentioned may I suggest Andy Griffith? Or are you a godless communist?

Ha! Born and raised in NC. You have to like Andy. It's the law!

Ernest T. Bass rules!

02-23-2008, 12:33 PM
Why do you people watch that shit? If you're really that bored why not find a MASH, Cheers, or Seinfeld rerun... the maury show that i saw which had adult star vanity on it, i enjoyed very much. :jerkoff the audience overwhelmingly said that she was a woman. when it came time for the big reveal she said some rhyme which ended with the words i was born a boy just like you and then she lifted up her sweater and flashed the audience. :love1

02-23-2008, 12:39 PM
Mimi, that avatar picture of you is amazing, your legs are insane. You are so beautiful.

Oh yeah those swollen, knobby knees and big gnarly looking feet really do it for me too...LMFAO... :roll: why don't you go down to the bank, get some money out , call mimi up for an appointment to have her shove her huge dick down your throat and straight up you ass. :twisted: you cocky monster. :crap

02-23-2008, 01:17 PM
I realize countless threads have been posted on this, but my tivo recorded todays Maury and I just watched it; it was the "man or woman" theme. I've heard about the show from previous posts, but I had to see it to believe it.

The stupidity and ignorance of the audience was shocking. You've never seen an audience so excited to be informed of genitalia.

It appears demeaning to everyone involved, Maury, is this what you pictured yourself doing when you're retirement age?

Watching it was disconcerting, like watching an episode of "Cops" or something.

Thanks Maury, you've done well with your life.

ugh... yeah one step forward 20 steps back everytime one of these shows airs.... it was listed on the guide channel as "men and women model formal gowns" so i was like... ? .... drawing a blank on what the topic would be so i clicked it and when i realized it was a tranny episode i was totally disgusted and dissapointed... w/ MY community as well as soceity as a whole

Hara_Juku Tgirl
02-23-2008, 01:22 PM
ugh... yeah one step forward 20 steps back everytime one of these shows airs.... it was listed on the guide channel as "men and women model formal gowns" so i was like... ? .... drawing a blank on what the topic would be so i clicked it and when i realized it was a tranny episode i was totally disgusted and dissapointed... w/ MY community as well as soceity as a whole

It's sad really but what can we do? In the world we live in, there are only two types of people..One, people who exploits others for their own gains and benefit and the second are the ones who seek their 5 minutes of fame through exploitation! Add a some money in the mix, hotel accomodations etc. and we're in business. As they say, good or bad publicity is still publicity. We cannot blame people who crave notoriety even if it will demeans them (Still bad for the community as awhole). LOL ;)

Oh and no offense to Mimi. :P



02-23-2008, 05:08 PM
When I hear you guys speak of the "community", it conjures up images of some well organized group with one cause and one train of thought. I submit that this is not the case at all. Just as some t-girls hate having a penis and some love it, some will view Maury as exploitation, and some as opportunity. Everyone does not share the same vision or walk in life.
Some black people see Condoleeza Rice as a hero, some as a sellout. Some women feel Playboy exploits women, some people think it empowers them. I knew a girl who was disgusted by another girl who told her she was a CHEERLEADER in high school. This same cheerleader was disgusted when a guy asked her to come work for him as a Hooter girl. When it comes time to draw a line, we don't all draw it at the same place! Most people here think the concept of bestiality is insane and disgusting, but get upset if others feel homosexuality is insane and disgusting.
I'm just saying we don't all think alike because we all have our own agendas and ultimately our own set of things to accomplish. When will we all realize this. The world cannot survive if everyone thinks alike and acts alike. We need sunshine and RAIN. Everybody has their purpose... Just because it's not the same as yours, doesn't make it less relevant.
Ideally I guess Maury should be a compassionate show teaching people values and what not, just like everything else on TV does. I prefer to look at the glass half full. I think it's utterly amazing the amount of respect afforded the individuals on the show. It could be far, far worse than it is! It also affords the masses, you know the people you have to share this planet with, an opportunity to see that trans girls do exist and they don't all look like Dennis Rodman. Most people never have this opportunity.
Where's the outcry for females on Maury? I would think it more degrading for a genetic female to be called a man on tv, than a man whose goal is to pass as a woman.

02-23-2008, 06:24 PM
I realize countless threads have been posted on this, but my tivo recorded todays Maury and I just watched it; it was the "man or woman" theme. I've heard about the show from previous posts, but I had to see it to believe it.

The stupidity and ignorance of the audience was shocking. You've never seen an audience so excited to be informed of genitalia.

It appears demeaning to everyone involved, Maury, is this what you pictured yourself doing when you're retirement age?

Watching it was disconcerting, like watching an episode of "Cops" or something.

Thanks Maury, you've done well with your life.I agree with you on this one all it does is tell the world its ok to call us men or boys its pathetic and a joke and only shows me that the rest of the world is so far behind in who we are and what were all about,we need a television program or channell so we can have all our special sisters share our lives and see that were not so different afterall,i mean christ sakes the gays have there own channell and as far as im concerned we should be ahead of them wtf and i sure as hell aint gay nor do i wanna be put in that catagory to me thats more demeaning then being called a shemale,i dont hang out with gays i have nothing in comman with gays i have only straight friends so tell me why the hell aernt we making a stand on this ill never know sorry friends but glbt i want no part of that accociation i may be the 3rd sex but honestly is there really anything else?

02-23-2008, 07:34 PM
If it wasn't for t-girls and the advent of paternity testing, this moron wouldn't have a job. I mean serioulsy, has anyone ever seen an episode that didn't involve t-girls, or some whore trying for the 9th or 10th time to find her baby daddy?

No if it wasn't for the moron who watch it, he wouldn't have a job :twisted:

02-23-2008, 07:36 PM
Well you can look at it good and bad.

In a way good or bad press is still getting people eyes open that we are here.

02-23-2008, 08:21 PM
I don't ever watch Maury except for the TG shows. The very fact that you have straight guys and girls saying a tg is hot on National TV is overall a step towards acceptance. If you are hurt that your being reduced to a sex object, then I understand why you dislike it. That's why we have Oprah. Has there been anytime in the last 200 years that Gay,TG, pornstars, fetish groups, strippers, Playmates, GG's kissing, have been more accepted in the pop culture?
I find Something about Miriam to be more damaging. It ends in betrayal and humiliation. If the show was knowing Miriam and winning her heart as a TG it would of been better.

02-24-2008, 12:44 AM
I don't have a TV and am better off for it.

However, when I lived with my ex-girlfriend, I used to drive her crazy by watching the "Is it a Man or a Woman?" shows. I'm not really any better at it than the audience.

Which underlines the point that we're not much of a "community". People are going to exploit us as long as we're shocking and we're going to have individuals let themselves get exploited for money and attention.

Mimi, if you want to announce that you're a man on national television, go right ahead but you lose all rights to call anyone else that as an insult. I think it's hilarious that you and Hontas were fighting about going on the show. This is what it means to be a tool.

02-28-2008, 09:48 AM
I missed the show until yesterday, but at the end Nikki Extravaganza was allowed to say that she was born a boy, but is all woman now. She said on her YouTube blog that she had to go through a lot to get to say that. But at least she was allowed to do it.

I personally find it hard to watch the show, with people shouting, "that's a man". I personaly feel that 'man' is more of a social contruct term. For example I feel that a biological adult male, who has children, yet does nothing for them, is not a man.

Willie Escalade
02-28-2008, 10:39 AM
I'll admit I've watched more than a few of those episodes, but none recently; I'm usually at work when they air.

I think my family is suspicious of how I always seem to be correct more than 95% of the time.

02-28-2008, 10:47 AM
I realize countless threads have been posted on this, but my tivo recorded todays Maury and I just watched it; it was the "man or woman" theme. I've heard about the show from previous posts, but I had to see it to believe it.

The stupidity and ignorance of the audience was shocking. You've never seen an audience so excited to be informed of genitalia.

It appears demeaning to everyone involved, Maury, is this what you pictured yourself doing when you're retirement age?

Watching it was disconcerting, like watching an episode of "Cops" or something.

Thanks Maury, you've done well with your life.

OMG I LOVE MAURY!!! I LOVE THAT SHOW!!! LOL Yeah the title is bad but lighten the fuck up people. The girls are absolutely stunning and im sure Maury has gotten it on with at least one of em. :oops: :evil: :twisted:

02-28-2008, 10:53 AM
aye dc_guy my bad i quoted you by accident.

04-15-2008, 07:36 AM
would someone throw this on rapidshare or something? i missed it and would really like to see it.