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View Full Version : Village Voice Michael Musto on the Sat Nite Party .....

06-22-2005, 11:37 AM
Interesting reading, on what Musto (a flamer) and the doorman
Kenny Kenny (flamer?) think of tranny-chasers.
I guess everyone wants to feel superior to SOMEONE.

Kenny Kenny even gets snarky on Allanah. :lol:

good to see the girl below (i always forget her name)
get some exposure though. she gets a nice pic in a
well known publication. she deserves it.


The stick-up-their-butts rich folks might be off to the Hamptons, but way down on Rectum—I mean Rector—Street, the trannies, fatties, and fetishists were in such full force two Saturday nights ago that JERRY SPRINGER must have been on hiatus. See, there was a "big girl" party at some not-quite-large-enough spot down there—LINDSAY LOHAN would have been served as a bread stick—and about six and a half inches away, at the lounge-restaurant Romi, ALLANAH STARR was premiering a weekly transsexual frisson called Gurlesque Burlesque. As a result, the straight male chubby chasers and the chicks-with-you-know fans spent the whole night out-kinking each other on this one tiny strip of salvation by the river.

Gurlesque's doorperson KENNY KENNY was sporting an advanced KYLIE MINOGUE-as-Emma Peel look and cracking, "There'll be no hooking outside. All the hooking will be inside, and I get a commission." He was kidding—no commission.

"Are you here for the transsexual party?" he'd ask the solitary men in pencil-thin mustaches circling the club like scared rodents. Weirdly enough, none of them will ever come right in—they have to traipse around the block a few times and get up the nerve to finally enter, like teens descending on their first dirty-magazine purchase. Kenny explained it to me: "When your whole world is straight but you go to sleep thinking about sucking dick and getting fucked, you push it down, but it comes up again. 'How do I tell my mother?' Guilt and fear feed off each other and voilà, you've got men like these."

Well, they seemed nice—and they were only there to catch a burlesque show, after all (and to mix with some fatties who had either wandered in by mistake or who happened to be trannies too). Besides, they were kind enough to wait outside on command because Allanah had called ahead that she wanted some kind of crowd when she arrived. (It was truly heartrending to see nervous nellies who'd finally gotten the balls to go in having to wait in full view on the sidewalk for 20 minutes.) Eventually, Allanah's limo pulled up, but then it dramatically circled the block—the evening's running motif—as Kenny murmured, "Is that a tranny move or what?" At last she emerged, all vavoomy, along with the cooing AMANDA LEPORE, who cut the pink ribbon as someone yelled a transsexual's favorite expression, "Snip it!" By the way, one of the place's specialties during restaurant hours happens to be "sliced meats." Maybe just stick to the salads.

06-22-2005, 01:31 PM
Yeah I have to agree with you......both musto and kenny ken or whatever his name is are flammers.
Musto always seems like the scared geeky flammer loser kid with rich jewish parents type.
He seems so nuerotic.
It just goes to show you how a lot of gay people look down on transgenders and its a damn shame if you ask me.
Oh well.....any press is good press.
I really hope things go good for the girls in NYC........

06-22-2005, 03:31 PM
Ha Ha

I think it is all writen in tounge and cheek, and it is a gossip column after all. LOL, and by the way there is a BBW party right next to us! We always end up with the most interesting mix of crowds.

The funny part is some guys do circle the block like that-
and Kenny Kenny means no harm, and was not taking a shot at me
The reason the limo had to circle around was that the camera crew that was with Amanda was in the car with us and they wanted to set up as they had arrived already.

Anyhow, I am glad we got a huge mention in the Voice and were the opening of the article & Giselle looks fabulous.

SO, I think it is great.

06-22-2005, 03:35 PM
to me, the most fked up thing about that little piece was the sad ass, and maybe true depiction of the guys that pay to hang with t girls at these parties....."straight male chubby chasers"....."solitary men in pencil thin mustaches, cirlcing the club like scared rodents"...very nice imagery...i mean, i've seen that keeny kenny character as a bouncer years ago at fking club usa....hes a hateful mean spirited fk, and looks down at anyone who on his hip scale doesnt measure up.....like in too fking straight.....and musto, i guess is in the same boat......for absolute, i guess this is cause for rejoicing, for guys like a large per cent of the guys who are on this board and goes to parties and want to have something with these girls. sex/connection/ WHATEVER... its a fking slap in the face....scared rodents.....funny when the hip gay fking counter culture has people it doesnt know or like, they show just as much tolerance as the christian fking right of lubbock texas.....fking hypocrites...man, im so tired of the whole fking scene really, tired of lusting after girls who only see$$$$$$$$, like, what i want to know is, how would some of these girls be paying their cellphones and rent, if not for the the "scared rodents.....and is that really the way the girls inside see us.....there would be no fking parties if the guys werent paying big money to go in and feed this insane need...."donations" for overpriced escorts, it all makes me fking sick..everygooddamn thing in this world all aabout cold hard cash....no heart, no soul no compassion in anything anymore.....and maybe its just me, but sometimes when i look, and i do look at these pix from tthese parties, i find it sad....to see beautiful t girls prancin around with dollars hanging out of their g flaps, and a bunch of wuzzzed guys in dockers gawking at them.....im sorry...it just fking sad FOR EVERYBODY......LATER.

06-22-2005, 03:49 PM
hunny are you having a bad day or are you carrying around a huge weight

it´s not that big of a deal
it´s not like musto is writing a hystorical or documentary piece.

its sensational and gossipy

not to be taken serious

06-22-2005, 03:53 PM

and kenny is not a bad person

i don´t think anyone has ever had a problem with him at the door of my parties and he has never turned anyone down....

club usa
now that is a different story and those were very different times in nyc

06-22-2005, 04:47 PM
Do you go to Miami much anymore?
What high school did you go to?
I went to Carol City.
I tried to transfer but couldnt.
Id love to hear some of your stories about your adventures in Miami.

06-22-2005, 05:02 PM
Ha, I went to Southridge.

Miami is a long storrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry, you shall have to wait until I write my book!

06-22-2005, 05:53 PM
LOL...Now imagine...If thats what the FAGS see those guys as...What do you really think the GIRLS see them as?

I nearly pissedd when I read that.

You know what makes me cringe...that these guys think they are the only ones that are into trannies. They think we don't meet GOOD LOOKING guys (not clients) outside a fucking tranny party.

Werk Giselle...Always looking lovely!

Werk Allanah....Lovely! You are always turning it out!

06-22-2005, 06:18 PM
Work Kenny for telling it like it is

06-22-2005, 06:27 PM
yea, allanah...i'm a head case, with too much weight....no arguement....there....but, still i resent the characterization that we're "scared rodents"..and "chubby chasers"...its okay for you, hun, you're the diva getting out of the limo...You're the boss counting the $50 buck a head door take....but if i was a paying costumer to one of your parties, i wouldn't want to read that i was some asshole nervously circling the block before going in....and all the rest...yea yea, its just some flip bullshit in a bulsshit rag...and yea i have fking issues, so fking sue me...as far as absolute shade is concerned....no amount of cute bullshit, no amount of hip talk can mask the fact that she hates every guy that wants to have sex with a tranny.....what a hypocrite...if i am to read this right, making her "coin" off of the fag tranny chasers, and playing them, and riping them in here, like we are some kind of diseased species....fk that hunny and fk you....you're are a hater....and take every chance to look down your nose at guys who "admire"....yea yea, we just a bunch of fags, masquarding as "trannie chasers"....yea, i've heard it before, you really ought to get a soap box....ahhh yea, but then your identity would be revealed and your clients would know who the fk you were and you might have to actually work for your coin....what a jive ass

06-22-2005, 06:38 PM
LOL...You are soooo rite. I might even have to put a fake ad out since every single client in the world goes on this site. Every single client goes to tranny parties.

06-22-2005, 06:40 PM

06-22-2005, 07:10 PM
lol that cartoon is hysterical

juicy lighten up, i don´t look down on anyone and i don´t think the musto column is derogatory. for god sakes, he pokes fun at the chubby chasers as well.

no everyone circles the block before they come in, i am sure some people do but it is an interesting behaviour, hence i am sure those are the men who have more issues.

anyhow, as far as me being the diva getting out of the limo that was of course a publicity stunt, the Amanda Lepore ribbon cutting, i thougt would be so off beat and funny that indeed it did work.

and the sat party is not $50 and don´t think its a huge profit margin babe for a new party. it takes a while before i will see a profit from saturday night.

here let me give u a little insight on how the party works

2 ads 2 weeks prior to the party int he voice $1,000

plus flyer design, plus flyers

expenses for opening

amanda lepore
kenny kenny
2 security gaurds
one door controller
4 dancers
cocktail waitress
candis cayne
stage director

and lets us not forget the limo, my new dress, shoes, etccccccccccccccc

there so u do the math love.

if you can´t laugh at your self then u can´t laugh at anything-it´s not that serious.

06-22-2005, 07:40 PM
4 dancers
I was wondering if I missed one of the dancers. I remember three, Giselle, Cassandra and Abie. Did one not show up?

06-22-2005, 07:59 PM
Was Bianca (tall and blonde chick) one of the dancers? She got out the limo with Amanda and Allanah?

06-22-2005, 08:56 PM
listen, im not saying anything negative, allanah about what you do, or why...as far as im concerned you fill a big hole, guys have a place to go where they can meet girls, and talk/whatever and girls get a chance to strut their stuff and make some bread...better all that then dudes snaking around the back streets of the stroll, and girls ducking in an out of doorways to avoid the cops...it aint about that....its about having repect for everyone in the game....and dealing with people as individuals and not "faggots" or "chubby chasers"....yea, yea, ill stop, ill lighten up...its all good.....im obviously in a very very small minority here....

06-22-2005, 09:00 PM
Was Bianca (tall and blonde chick) one of the dancers? She got out the limo with Amanda and Allanah?
If she danced I must have missed it. I don't know if she was in the limo.

06-23-2005, 12:22 AM
shade says .........

LOL...Now imagine...If thats what the FAGS see those guys as...What do you really think the GIRLS see them as .......

:roll: It's a guy (1) with breast implants (2) on female hormones (3) wanting to be poked in its old a*s !!! and it's calling the other men " gay " or " fag " LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL !!!! :roll:

:roll: Now ! How f**ked up is THAT :!! LOL LOL LOL roll: !!! :roll:

:roll: Self - deluded old " man in a dress " hookers selling thri old a**ses on the side walk , thinking they're women ! Don't you just LOVE them !!! :roll:

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06-23-2005, 12:29 AM
hey its accurate. i laughed. shit early on i use to circle like i was invisible. now well now i charge right in.

its funny don't take yourselves or this whole scene too seriously. we're all just passing through.

06-23-2005, 02:44 AM
Whu de fuk?! Don't be messin' with Felicia, fizzyziffyzippideedoodah. You're gonna get burned you play with fire.

06-23-2005, 03:23 AM
People...let's remember we're here to enjoy ourselves and meet good people. Sure some have agenda's, who doesn't at one time or another? The name calling should stop. I'm no expert but I don't think men who are interested in the women at Allanah's parties are interested in other men. If they were they would be at another party...there are plenty elsewhere in NYC! It's true that sometimes it feels like a meat factory but I've met some great people (men and women) who I've known since Gloria's at the Now Bar.

So let's lighten up! We're all adults and don't need anyone's approval or praise. Everyone has issues and insecurities and if we can't stand together and laugh at ourselves or support each other (and that's what we're doing at the parties, supporting each other) then we just have to try harder. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Me...I'm going to continue to support and enjoy myself while I do it!

06-23-2005, 03:24 AM
typo: aren't interested in other men

06-23-2005, 04:02 AM
Whu de fuk?! Don't be messin' with Felicia, fizzyziffyzippideedoodah. You're gonna get burned you play with fire.

:roll: DON'T EVER issue threats to me over the internet you old loser and moron . We have all your IP no.s here at City Hall :roll:



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06-23-2005, 04:16 AM
[b]Whu de fuk?! Don't be messin' with Felicia, fizzyziffyzippideedoodah. You're gonna get burned you play with fire.
:roll: DON'T EVER issue threats to me over the internet you old loser and moron . We have all your IP no.s here at City Hall :roll:
Sure you do, Ziffy. Sure you do. There's no way you know my IP address. None. Why do you make claims you can't back? Especially about things of which you have little or no knowledge? (See your previous post where you admitted your relative paucity of knowledge regarding the Internet in comparison with my own; I'm an IT professional, unlike yourself, unless you're disguising it very well.)

Nor did I threaten you. I don't threaten. I merely stated a fact: if you play with fire, you're going to get burned. That's not a threat, it's an empirical deduction based upon prior inductive observation of the causal relationship between a flammable object (e.g., a person) and fire. Yes, I said "don't be messin' with Felicia" and I meant it; I have a great deal of respect for her and am very disturbed by your constant, and unwarrented, attacks on her--but enough said, Felicia can certainly take care of herself.

Oh, I love the playground 3rd-grade "He started it" mindset you're evidencing, Sniffy. I refrained from issuing any insult or namecalling until long after you issued the initial volleys. Of course, I should never have deigned to stoop to your level.

Do you have any friends? No, not that six inch one-eyed fellow.

Where's Megabody when you need him?!

06-23-2005, 04:24 AM
:roll: anyway without us BRITS you would not even be on the internet surfing perv sites !!! :roll:
What are you on about the BRITS and their incomparable contribution to the Internet? One Brit, who did his work in England, Switzerland, and the USA? Merely one rung on the ladder.

Let me tell you who we'd be lost without today (among many others): An American named Jack Kilby, the Nobel laureate who invented the integrated circuit in 1958 and who passed away this past Monday (June 20) at 81. Without Kilby's groundbreaking work, not only would there be no Web, and likely no Internet, there would be no modern PCs, no cellphones, no high definition flat screen TVs, no Martian robotic explorers, no microwave ovens...in fact, virtually all aspects of our daily lives would be inconceivably different. May he rest in peace.

06-23-2005, 02:48 PM
Musto is a good writer, and it's his job to make comedy out of the events he covers. I'm probably one of those guys who would circle the block a couple times, so I found that observation pretty funny. As a black man, I can understand the tendency in gay people to come off a little defensive and critical toward other groups. They've been attacked simply for being themselves since childhood, so when they have an opportunity to be in a space that accepts them, they feel at liberty to let it all hang out. Every time I've been on Christopher Street at night over the years, the gay kids are as loud and wild as the straight brothers in my old neighborhood. That's what oppressed and suppressed people do: They wild out. They overcompensate. They project their perceived "otherness" onto... others. As they get older, they either mellow out or become more obnoxious.

But I take all the tranny-chaser-bashing in stride. It WOULD be cool if we so-called "chasers" had a place of our own, though, where we could chill and talk to a nice girl who wasn't out to sell us something, and where gay haters weren't constantly out to remind us that we like dick.

06-23-2005, 05:41 PM
I have to chime in on this Ziffy guy - you keep saying how brlilliant the Brits are and how you invented the internet blah, blah blah but lets not forget if it was not for the good ols USA you would all be speaking German.

06-23-2005, 06:00 PM
Missy007, this one's for you

06-23-2005, 07:21 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol: 8)

Felicia Katt
06-24-2005, 07:25 AM
When the Katt's away, the mice will play.

But sometimes a mouse is really more of a rat.

I was out of town for the last two days, and missed alot of the drama. Thanks to everyone who spoke up for me or against all the disjointed and discourteous posts.

William Shakespeare, an Englishman worthy of admiration, and quoting, once said

Brevity is the soul of wit

I guess the corollary would be that Verbosity is its lifeless body.

There have been too many posts with too many words, and too little thought and too much anger behind them. "full of sound and fury signifying nothing". Some people apparently would rather be hated than ignored. And someone will now be both.

I'm not going to waste any more time or keystrokes on them that way. I hope that is behind us all now, and instead of one sided screaming contests and unprovoked verbal assaults we can get back to again having real discussions.


06-24-2005, 11:17 PM
That Ziffy guy is on a "vacation". He won't be here for a while.

06-25-2005, 02:45 AM
haha thats a funny pic

kenny looks like candy darlign with purple hair and michael musto looks like michael musto- is it me, or has he not aged in the last 20 years.

06-25-2005, 02:46 AM
He's skinnier in person. I was surprised because he looks huskier on those VH1 specials.

06-25-2005, 03:10 PM
I have this gay friend at work and a while back I decided to tell him I was into being with trannys. His take on the whole thing is that I'm just a supressed homo and it's only a matter of time before I'm chasing cock. I thanked him for his brilliant insight. It's like dajuicy said, gay people can be as dumb and bigoted as the assholes in Texas.

06-25-2005, 04:14 PM

That's kind of funny because that's how a lot of girls view us too.

06-25-2005, 04:28 PM
we're ticking time bombs waiting to become queers. well, I'm gonna be 50 this year, and if it hasn't happened yet, it aint gonna.

yea, SHADE. I know you think my friend at work is right. save your energy, you don't have to post a reply.

06-25-2005, 05:27 PM
That's one reason I've always used the bisexual tag: it seems the least troublesome to mention if indeed I have to state my orientation. But there are so many types and layers and levels of attraction and orientation, I don't see why labels mean so much to so many. So many guys are afraid of being seen as "queer"; so many trannys it seems consider all "tranny chasers" (another label I hate) fags because such guys remind them of what they're transitioning from. It's such a paradox when girls who work it for a living (whether as escorts, actresses, models, or in some other capacity) cater to the very guys they otherwise put down as "fags."

I don't care about the labels; I love many kinds of sex, with male, female, and transsexual partners, because I love the variety. In the purely physical sense of sexual orientation, then, I'm bisexual (or omnisexual), but in terms of sexual attraction, I'm only attracted to women and TS; my only attraction to men is purely physical sex, and since my first encounter with a TS, I've had zero interest in men. I get all the "gay" physicality I need with the girls, so that attraction has basically dropped away.

Flabby, I've 53 and I know there's no "ticking time bomb" which will explode at some future date. Besides, what difference does it make? It's what's going on in the present between you and your partner(s) that matters; nothing else does. I think the problem for some guys is fear that they are closet homosexuals, and for some girls that they have to do for a living that which they despise, and so they transfer that despite to their clients.

06-25-2005, 08:53 PM
That's one reason I've always used the bisexual tag: it seems the least troublesome to mention if indeed I have to state my orientation. But there are so many types and layers and levels of attraction and orientation, I don't see why labels mean so much to so many. So many guys are afraid of being seen as "queer"; so many trannys it seems consider all "tranny chasers" (another label I hate) fags because such guys remind them of what they're transitioning from. It's such a paradox when girls who work it for a living (whether as escorts, actresses, models, or in some other capacity) cater to the very guys they otherwise put down as "fags."

I don't care about the labels;

I'm definitely with you on most of what you said Ecstatic. Except I don't call myself bisexual.

There are guys that like girls and t-girls, t-girls and guys, t-girls, guys and girls. You would think girls trapped in a man's body would understand this and be the most understanding of this, being that they are descriminated against in the gay and straight community. It's funny to read some of the girls calling us fags because we like them, yet they believe they are girls that like straight guys only.

The girls I had really good conversations with always have a boyfriend, and I always wonder what's the difference between their boyfriends and me. I've come to the conclusion there isn't one, it's only in the mind of the girl. Those guys are probably wondering "What the hell is wrong with me?" like guys who seek the girls out do too. At the same time I hear, he doesn't like dick or he doesn't think about dick. He's got to, because it's there. The only difference between their boyfriend and me is he met her on the street somewhere and I met her in a club. He got lucky and stepped to her without knowing what he was stepping to. They don't realize that you can't just meet a girl like them anywhere. You don't walk out of your house in the morning and say, "There's a trannie! Let me go talk to her." not even in New York City.

Another thing Ecstatic, while we know what they are right off the bat, their boyfriends don't see through the illusion right off the bat and that makes a big difference. Maybe that's a problem for many of them too, only "fags" can see through the illusion. Faulty logic and a huge oversimplification, I know.

06-26-2005, 04:51 AM
He got lucky and stepped to her without knowing what he was stepping to.
I think you hit it there for a great many--if not most--tgirls, TomSelis: they want to be desired as women, not as women-with-dicks, so anyone who approaches them knowing what's going on down there is automatically cast in the chaser category. But a guy who "doesn't know what he's stepping to," who is attracted to a girl as a girl and only finds out "the truth" later on, is different. Now what if he enjoys her dick? Does he then get disqualified? or does the initial attraction prevail?

I know one very beautiful TS who had a guy fall for her big time, having met her socially with no idea that she was a tranny. Several days went by as they dated (without getting to sex), and she finally decided to tell him. He was shocked, but seemed fine with it, and they had a fine romance for going on a year, and when they broke up, it was for other reasons.

Yet we love them for who and what they are. Yes, I'm attracted to a beautiful woman with a dick because I love women and I love dick, but that doesn't mean I'm not attracted to her as a woman. I am. But I'm a tranny chaser in their eyes. Fortunately, not all girls are that narrowly focused, especially girls who enjoy topping. It's like they aren't "true TS" if they don't hate their dicks and don't want to touch them or have a guy interested in them, but why not? It feels good! If she enjoys it, why does that make her less of a woman? In my eyes, it doesn't. We are culturally and perhaps biologically (thanks to the imperative of propagating the species) conditioned to either/or thinking: either a man or a woman, either you're straight or you're gay (which is why I prefer bi: at least it's one classification which straddles the two). But things are not that black-and-white; I know many g-girls who are far more masculine in their behavior and character than t-girls. There's too much emphasis on what's between your legs. If you've got a cock, use it and enjoy it. If you've got a cock and don't enjoy it, go for SRS--that's totally cool, be who you want to be. But let's not pass judgement on one another so much!

06-26-2005, 06:25 PM
He got lucky and stepped to her without knowing what he was stepping to.
But a guy who "doesn't know what he's stepping to," who is attracted to a girl as a girl and only finds out "the truth" later on, is different. Now what if he enjoys her dick? Does he then get disqualified? or does the initial attraction prevail?

I know one very beautiful TS who had a guy fall for her big time, having met her socially with no idea that she was a tranny. Several days went by as they dated (without getting to sex), and she finally decided to tell him. He was shocked, but seemed fine with it, and they had a fine romance for going on a year, and when they broke up, it was for other reasons.

Right, the first thing I noticed when I was with a TS was, there was a hard dick rubbing up against me. While, I'm not a bottom at all, and despite her efforts to tuck it and hide it, it would pop out every now and then.

I'm of the mind that these are the girls' versions of the story and there's are reason this ends up happening eventually. It's the flip side of the coin, just like we can't really understand what they go through, they can't understand what guys like us go through either.

Again, it all comes down to oversimplification. I think most girls expect guys that seem not to know to either go ballistic and commence to some ass kickin' or just humbly accept this strange development out of "love." If it's not one it'll be the other. But, it's never that simple. I'm pretty sure most guys that didn't know in the beginning, go through a really tough struggle inside while trying to maintain the relationship. They're thinking how didn't I know? Is she going to tell people I know? Who else knows about her?

When I was younger, I used to think how could a grown man, not know when he's looking at a tranny? But when I was about twenty, I was showing my cousins from Virginia around NYC and somehow we ended up in the meatpacking district. It was summer and girls we out that night. They were cat-calling! (remember those days?) One of my cousins said, "She looks good!" I shook my head, "That's a man." We all laughed, but I...the spotter...found myself going back there from time to time.

What was the difference between him and me? We thought the same thing, only I knew and he didn't. He was repusled (maybe), I was attracted. I get penalized for knowing.

06-26-2005, 07:04 PM
i think men who like transsexuals, just as transsexuals, are often stigmatized and looked down upon by other men, other sexual minorities, and sometimes transsexuals themselves.

the act of self actualization and discovery, and self acceptance, can be a tricky process for anyone. living a lie is sometimes so much easier for so many people.

the funny thing about your story is that maybe your friend liked her as well. a lot of men will put up a front and talk shit about what they really like in front of their friends-including puttting down what they are secrety attracted to, and then go do it in private.

the problem here lies in social stigmas and the lack of a support system for many men who discover this world and begin to question their sexuality. no one generally talk about this with their friends, hence they feel like they are the only ones.

which of course is a misconception. anyone directly or indrectly involved in the ts erotica business knows this. if you look at the top dvd sellers or rentals in specialty categories, ts titles are always on top. ts websites probably get millions upon millions of visitors daily, etc.... clearly, this is a huge attraction, but the problem is no one talks about it or would readily admit it to many people.

the buttom line is that because of this i have met very few men in the ts world who truly accept themselves for who they are and treat transsexuals with the same respect and courtesy they would another genetic woman. these are men who see us beyond ovjects of sexual gratification, which trust me, they are in the minority.

not that i am being judgemental or putting anyone down. everyone has to make their own choices about who they fuck and who they want to be with and they want to live their lives. i have chosen to objectify myself as a sexual object as a means of making money and a career. but by no means is that the only part of me.

trust me, i have been judged alot in my life and will continue to be judged, often very negatively.and i have been subjected through alot of negative things because of what i am, but that does not stop me from being who i am and doing what i do. you only have one life darling and there is no return and no deposit-so make the best of it and live your life for you.

06-26-2005, 09:32 PM
No Doubt,

A* that was kind of the point of my story, that we did like the same thing, we didn't talk about it, we just both (all) of us kind of laughed about it and kept going. That was when I definitely became curious and it's possible that he did too from that day onward. But we'd never talk about it. That's probably why guys circle your parties. (P.S. you still didn't tell me what the Thursday and Saturday parties are like). I thought the article was funny, but I also don't like being judged. Like Kierkegaard said, When you judge me, you invalidate me." It's a bitter pill to swallow when the thing you like, doesn't like you....for liking them for what they really are. But, I'm sure you girls have reasons for feeling the way you do about that. Which gives me an idea for a new thread.

06-26-2005, 11:06 PM
to me, the most fked up thing about that little piece was the sad ass, and maybe true depiction of the guys that pay to hang with t girls at these parties....."straight male chubby chasers"....."solitary men in pencil thin mustaches, cirlcing the club like scared rodents"...very nice imagery....

I thought the "straight male chubby chasers" line was in reference to the "big girl party" that was next door to Allanah's party...

Felicia Katt
06-26-2005, 11:17 PM
I thought the "straight male chubby chasers" line was in reference to the "big girl party" that was next door to Allanah's party...

I re-read the article, and I think that is exactly right.


06-26-2005, 11:17 PM
Right, the first thing I noticed when I was with a TS was, there was a hard dick rubbing up against me. While, I'm not a bottom at all, and despite her efforts to tuck it and hide it, it would pop out every now and then.
Depends on how big she is and how clever she is at tucking (if she doesn't want you to know, that is). Allanah, I still can't figure out what you do to hide "it" at your parties, lol.

I'm of the mind that these are the girls' versions of the story and there's are reason this ends up happening eventually.
I never met the guy, though I was having dinner with my friend one day when she got a phone call from him and talked for about 20 minutes. Yes, of course her transgenderism was a factor, but so was the fact that she's an escort. Neither of these--to my knowledge--were the decisive factor, however. I think the biggest factor was that they lived 6,000 miles apart.

When I was younger, I used to think how could a grown man, not know when he's looking at a tranny? But when I was about twenty, I was showing my cousins from Virginia around NYC and somehow we ended up in the meatpacking district. It was summer and girls we out that night. They were cat-calling! (remember those days?) One of my cousins said, "She looks good!" I shook my head, "That's a man." We all laughed, but I...the spotter...found myself going back there from time to time.

What was the difference between him and me? We thought the same thing, only I knew and he didn't. He was repusled (maybe), I was attracted. I get penalized for knowing.
Interesting story. When I was twenty, there weren't many trannys around altogether--at least not in any real public way. I don't think the distinction between tranny and drag queen had been made as yet. But I remember seeing this absolutely gorgeous woman, I mean drop-dead beautiful, and being told by a gay friend of mine that she was really a he. That opened my eyes.

i think men who like transsexuals, just as transsexuals, are often stigmatized and looked down upon by other men, other sexual minorities, and sometimes transsexuals themselves.

the act of self actualization and discovery, and self acceptance, can be a tricky process for anyone. living a lie is sometimes so much easier for so many people.
So true, Allanah. I was surprised to find out that so many transsexuals look down at me as bisexual, equating that with being gay, and wanting to separate themselves from gay men. Now that last part I definitely understand; regardless of degree of transition or desire for transition, I think most TS want to be seen as women, not as gay men. Thus, although so many of us guys love them at least in part because of their euphemistic "something extra," they associate that so strongly with "gay" that they consider "chasers" to be "fags." Maybe some guys are indeed closet homosexuals who haven't been able to admit it or even see it in themselves, but I think most guys are straight in terms of their attraction and just kinky enough to enjoy the alternative. A small percentage of us are bi, but even then, as is my case, the attraction is always to the feminine except that we really enjoy the pleasures of both "straight" and "gay" sex. I think that's the difference between attraction and orientation, just as there's a profound difference between gender identity and sexual orientation.

I think progress is being made, slowly, and I hope that one day we'll simply accept each person as he or she is and wants to be, and not pigeonhole or negatively judge someone because of their attractions and orientation.