View Full Version : Clemen's hearing partisonship

02-15-2008, 02:44 AM
why were the Republicans so hell bent with fire on defending Roger Clemens?

02-15-2008, 02:48 AM
why were the Republicans so hell bent with fire on defending Roger Clemens?

Maybe they wanted an autographed syringe or something.

02-15-2008, 02:52 AM
lol, that's funny, but...i thought they were the values crowd, maybe roger was showing the ultimate family values when he let his wife get stuck in the butt?

02-15-2008, 02:53 AM
cause he is down with GWB

02-15-2008, 03:00 AM
yea, i heard he was a big republican donor, and he even mentioned that 41 had called him on the phone, and told him to "hang in there". but honestly, don't they know that 70% of the people think that roger is lying? isn't that political suicide?

02-15-2008, 03:27 AM
Fuck McNamee that backstabbing piece of shit. Just looking at his snake ass face makes me want to break that scumbags nose.

I loved it when the Republicans ripped into him.

02-15-2008, 03:57 AM
The Republicans claim to be the only party that cares about America. Baseball is America's game. Therefore, in their minds, if you say something negative about baseball, you hate America. That and Clemens is a Republican.

Personally I think Clemens is a lying sack of shit. I nearly fell off my chair yesterday when he said he treats everyone with respect, and how much he loves the children and always has time to spend with kids and talk to them and give them autographs. When he was pitching here in Toronto for the Blue Jays I personally saw him tell a little boy to "get the fuck out of my way" when the kid asked for an autograph.

02-15-2008, 04:03 AM
Republicans know a good liar when they hear one.

02-15-2008, 04:10 AM
Fuck McNamee that backstabbing piece of shit. Just looking at his snake ass face makes me want to break that scumbags nose.

I loved it when the Republicans ripped into him.

You want to broke his nose because he chose not going to prison over pretecting a guy like clemens who would put his own wife under the gun,it was funny watching him make up words and stutter through that whole process.

02-15-2008, 04:17 AM
Why is it newsworthy if pro athletes use performance enhancing substances? Why is the US govt. involved in this meaningless issue when we have US servicemen and women dying in Iraq every day for a BIG FUCKING LIE? Anyone who knows anything about anabolics, etc. knows that there will always be another drug coming along that will be undetectable(at least for a short while anyway.)

02-15-2008, 05:27 AM
lol, that's funny, but...i thought they were the values crowd, maybe roger was showing the ultimate family values when he let his wife get stuck in the butt?

HGH isnt injected into the butt,its typically injected right under the skin,typically in the lower abs section,done w/ an insulin needle....It is quite suprising that Clemens' wife would need help w/ that injection as its quite painless and very simple to do.

This whole thing is a joke,a witchhunt,a publicity stunt,a HUGE waste of taxpayers $$$.Most of MLB was on juice and/or HGH...get over it.Why persecute Clemens or Pettite or Bonds when the vast majority of users are getting off scottfree?!

HGH isnt the enemy and is quite beneficial in healing injuries.Only when stacked w/ insulin does it become possibly dangerous and quite anabolic.

Washington needs to focus on real issues like the economy,the FedReserve and the war and stop pretending to do something constructive...typical political bullshit.

02-15-2008, 06:06 AM
Washington needs to focus on real issues like the economy,the FedReserve and the war and stop pretending to do something constructive...typical political bullshit.

Yep, this is essentially a dog and pony show to distract the more retarded segment of our population from focusing upon the real issues Congress refuses to address. Seriously, who gives a shit if professional athletes are on the juice. Considering how many of our high-school and college athletes are doing it, only a total fucking dullard wouldn't expect that many professional athletes are following suit.


02-15-2008, 07:34 AM
OK , I am not a yankee or Clemens fan yet this witchhunt is a joke , like said by most posters don't we have other more important issues to tackle then HGH ? most doctors say HGH is not even useful and even if Roger is lying it's not just him , it's a lot of major league players , why the focus on Roger ? beacuse he is republican maybe ? i don't know !

02-15-2008, 08:05 AM
Clemens is friends with the elder Bush. They both live in Houston.

"Like Clemens, Bush -- who served one term as president beginning in January 1989 and is the father of current president George W. Bush -- makes his full-time home in the Houston area. Bush attends a handful of Astros games each season. During Clemens' three years with the team, 2004-06, he routinely socialized with Bush."

There's speculation today that Bush is likely to pardon Clemens.

But the whole thing is an abominable waste of time. Really pathetic for Congress to spend time on this. I feel kind of dirty for even digging those stories up.

02-15-2008, 08:37 AM
OK , I am not a yankee or Clemens fan yet this witchhunt is a joke , like said by most posters don't we have other more important issues to tackle then HGH ? most doctors say HGH is not even useful and even if Roger is lying it's not just him , it's a lot of major league players , why the focus on Roger ? beacuse he is republican maybe ? i don't know !

I agree the whole hearing was a fucking joke and when one of the representives told roger he was going to heaven i busted out in laughter but that doesn't take away that clemen is a lying sack of shit who thinks he can intimidate everyone,it obvious he has done hgh and steriods why is he willing to commit perjury so he can get in the hall of fame.

02-15-2008, 09:50 AM
OK , I am not a yankee or Clemens fan yet this witchhunt is a joke , like said by most posters don't we have other more important issues to tackle then HGH ? most doctors say HGH is not even useful and even if Roger is lying it's not just him , it's a lot of major league players , why the focus on Roger ? beacuse he is republican maybe ? i don't know !

I agree the whole hearing was a fucking joke and when one of the representives told roger he was going to heaven i busted out in laughter but that doesn't take away that clemen is a lying sack of shit who thinks he can intimidate everyone,it obvious he has done hgh and steriods why is he willing to commit perjury so he can get in the hall of fame.

How is it obvious that Clemens has done either?Because some clown said so?That and a cup of coffee amounts to hearsay,a case of he said/she said...there is ZERO evidence...!

Physical evidence of steroid use is easy to spot by a trained eye,which I have,and he has never shown the telltale signs,unlike Sosa,McGwire,Beltre,Bonds and about 250 other major leaguers.

HGH on the other hand has no physical telltale signs at all,except in extreme dosage cases,which results in a slightly distended abdominal area,but that again is typical only in pro bodybuilders.

So again how is it "obvious"?

02-15-2008, 10:12 AM
OK , I am not a yankee or Clemens fan yet this witchhunt is a joke , like said by most posters don't we have other more important issues to tackle then HGH ? most doctors say HGH is not even useful and even if Roger is lying it's not just him , it's a lot of major league players , why the focus on Roger ? beacuse he is republican maybe ? i don't know !

I agree the whole hearing was a fucking joke and when one of the representives told roger he was going to heaven i busted out in laughter but that doesn't take away that clemen is a lying sack of shit who thinks he can intimidate everyone,it obvious he has done hgh and steriods why is he willing to commit perjury so he can get in the hall of fame.

How is it obvious that Clemens has done either?Because some clown said so?That and a cup of coffee amounts to hearsay,a case of he said/she said...there is ZERO evidence...!

Physical evidence of steroid use is easy to spot by a trained eye,which I have,and he has never shown the telltale signs,unlike Sosa,McGwire,Beltre,Bonds and about 250 other major leaguers.

HGH on the other hand has no physical telltale signs at all,except in extreme dosage cases,which results in a slightly distended abdominal area,but that again is typical only in pro bodybuilders.

So again how is it "obvious"?

There is physical evidence but you really can't go by that until it comes back from the lab but his best freind andy petite gave an affidavit that clemens told him has has done steriods before which backs up McNamee.

Felicia Katt
02-15-2008, 10:25 AM
Why is it newsworthy if pro athletes use performance enhancing substances? Why is the US govt. involved in this meaningless issue when we have US servicemen and women dying in Iraq every day for a BIG FUCKING LIE? Anyone who knows anything about anabolics, etc. knows that there will always be another drug coming along that will be undetectable(at least for a short while anyway.)
Because steroids are a WMD (weapon of mass distraction) that they actually can find.


02-15-2008, 10:32 AM
OK , I am not a yankee or Clemens fan yet this witchhunt is a joke , like said by most posters don't we have other more important issues to tackle then HGH ? most doctors say HGH is not even useful and even if Roger is lying it's not just him , it's a lot of major league players , why the focus on Roger ? beacuse he is republican maybe ? i don't know !

I agree the whole hearing was a fucking joke and when one of the representives told roger he was going to heaven i busted out in laughter but that doesn't take away that clemen is a lying sack of shit who thinks he can intimidate everyone,it obvious he has done hgh and steriods why is he willing to commit perjury so he can get in the hall of fame.

How is it obvious that Clemens has done either?Because some clown said so?That and a cup of coffee amounts to hearsay,a case of he said/she said...there is ZERO evidence...!

Physical evidence of steroid use is easy to spot by a trained eye,which I have,and he has never shown the telltale signs,unlike Sosa,McGwire,Beltre,Bonds and about 250 other major leaguers.

HGH on the other hand has no physical telltale signs at all,except in extreme dosage cases,which results in a slightly distended abdominal area,but that again is typical only in pro bodybuilders.

So again how is it "obvious"?

There is physical evidence but you really can't go by that until it comes back from the lab but his best freind andy petite gave an affidavit that clemens told him has has done steriods before which backs up McNamee.

The report Ive read mentioned Clemens told Petitte he used HGH,which isnt a steroid,and wasnt made a banned substance until quite recently by MLB.Later Clemens said Pettite didnt hear him correctly...a case of he said/she said.

As far as physical evidence goes allow me to shed some light...

A syringe used for taking most steroids(there are few oral ones) is a two part mechanism.The needle locks onto the syringe,typically by screwing it on.The needle is then plunged into the steroid,vitamin D,whatever...substance drawn up into syringe,withdrawn,and if the person administrating the injection is thorough will replace the needle again before injecting into the body

Now lets say that this trainer injected Clemens with vitamin D,lactated ringer,mothers milk...whatever...all he has to do to create "evidence" is take the needle w/ Clemens DNA on it and put it on a syringe used for containing steroids...and suddenly you have "evidence"?!?

You have no idea what this guy was threatened with by the Senate...for all we know he was threatened to turn in big names or his ass was grass.And since this freak supposedly kept used syringes laying around his pad for years,one has to wonder why the hell was he keeping them anyways...perhaps saving them for a rainy day??

Again Im not buying it....maybe he did use,maybe he didnt but this "evidence" and Pettites testimony alone isnt enough to deem Clemens a liar and tarnish his remarkable career accomplishments.

02-15-2008, 10:35 AM
they shouldn't make such a big deal...everyone is in on it....just like most of the nba is a bunch of tokers !!!!! damn i got the munchies , lmfao....

02-15-2008, 10:41 AM
OK , I am not a yankee or Clemens fan yet this witchhunt is a joke , like said by most posters don't we have other more important issues to tackle then HGH ? most doctors say HGH is not even useful and even if Roger is lying it's not just him , it's a lot of major league players , why the focus on Roger ? beacuse he is republican maybe ? i don't know !

I agree the whole hearing was a fucking joke and when one of the representives told roger he was going to heaven i busted out in laughter but that doesn't take away that clemen is a lying sack of shit who thinks he can intimidate everyone,it obvious he has done hgh and steriods why is he willing to commit perjury so he can get in the hall of fame.

How is it obvious that Clemens has done either?Because some clown said so?That and a cup of coffee amounts to hearsay,a case of he said/she said...there is ZERO evidence...!

Physical evidence of steroid use is easy to spot by a trained eye,which I have,and he has never shown the telltale signs,unlike Sosa,McGwire,Beltre,Bonds and about 250 other major leaguers.

HGH on the other hand has no physical telltale signs at all,except in extreme dosage cases,which results in a slightly distended abdominal area,but that again is typical only in pro bodybuilders.

So again how is it "obvious"?

There is physical evidence but you really can't go by that until it comes back from the lab but his best freind andy petite gave an affidavit that clemens told him has has done steriods before which backs up McNamee.

The report Ive read mentioned Clemens told Petitte he used HGH,which isnt a steroid,and wasnt made a banned substance until quite recently by MLB.Later Clemens said Pettite didnt hear him correctly...a case of he said/she said.

As far as physical evidence goes allow me to shed some light...

A syringe used for taking most steroids(there are few oral ones) is a two part mechanism.The needle locks onto the syringe,typically by screwing it on.The needle is then plunged into the steroid,vitamin D,whatever...substance drawn up into syringe,withdrawn,and if the person administrating the injection is thorough will replace the needle again before injecting into the body

Now lets say that this trainer injected Clemens with vitamin D,lactated ringer,mothers milk...whatever...all he has to do to create "evidence" is take the needle w/ Clemens DNA on it and put it on a syringe used for containing steroids...and suddenly you have "evidence"?!?

You have no idea what this guy was threatened with by the Senate...for all we know he was threatened to turn in big names or his ass was grass.And since this freak supposedly kept used syringes laying around his pad for years,one has to wonder why the hell was he keeping them anyways...perhaps saving them for a rainy day??

Again Im not buying it....maybe he did use,maybe he didnt but this "evidence" and Pettites testimony alone isnt enough to deem Clemens a liar and tarnish his remarkable career accomplishments.

Clemens should hire you as a attorney maybe bonds should give you a call as well.

02-15-2008, 11:04 AM
Its the simple truth man. The fact that they wasting one second on this should be a national outrage...but its not.

Im not one of these guys who opens his mouth about topics that I dont know anything about...an old saying goes "as long as your lips are moving you wont learn anything"

Read my blog on Myspace RE: Barry Bonds and steroids.

Love to sit here and talk 2 of my fav topics,sports and juice,but Ive got a naked ladyboy waiting for me in the other room...see ya

south ov da border
02-15-2008, 10:39 PM
even if clemens is guilty or not, the game itself is stained.

The repubs are protecting their boy GWB, since he did own the Rangers and had to know what was going on, firsthand even...

02-15-2008, 10:48 PM
It's all about votes people. They're taking a baseball icon and using him for their own gains.

02-16-2008, 06:49 AM
Gas and heating oil is over $3 per gallon. People have been stealing real estate using sub-prime mortgages. Exxon posted the largest profit in history of any company. Halliburotn....fuck!

But our esteemed representatives are more interested in baseball steroids and football spying.

People we are FUCKED! We're addicted to the "soma" pill of reality TV. And we sit back on our couches and eat it up waiting for the crane to come so we can get to the bathroom.


SNAP OUT OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!