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02-12-2008, 04:33 AM


Jordanites unite

02-12-2008, 04:38 AM

02-12-2008, 04:43 AM
lol, I'll buy those for you mami.............provided you dont have feet like rumpelstilskin

02-12-2008, 04:45 AM
my feet are adorable

02-12-2008, 04:46 AM
heard that before, bring em in the chatroom later and throw em on webcam

02-12-2008, 05:48 AM


Jordanites unite

Ive never bought a pair of Jordans, but those are tight as hell. Deserve a long look sfor the summer

02-12-2008, 05:49 AM
I like Lilly's better.. :)

02-12-2008, 06:44 AM
Enjoy them now, it might be the last ones made!



02-12-2008, 06:52 AM
Nike will retire the shoe at 23. A year later it will return, then new shoes will follow for a few years, then they will retire again. Then a few years later, the Jordan will come back, but this time with Adidas......

02-12-2008, 07:22 AM
what do they cost...700 dollars? What recession!

02-12-2008, 07:38 AM
Putting aside Nike's sullied subcontractor human rights reputation for the moment, here is the BEST reason I would rather pay more money for a competitor's shoe or simply do without, than to ever purchase a Nike product or purchase anything with Michael Jordan's name/image linked to it (From David Halbertsam's 1999 book, Looking Over Jordan) :

Jordan can also be so protective of his Nike-Gatorade-Coke -McDonald's-Wheaties-Hanes-etc. corporate-sponsoring image -- he is, Halberstam underscores, no Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali or Paul Robeson in the civil rights arena -- that he would not even support Harvey Gantt, an early civil rights leader, when he was running for a Senate seat in Jordan's home state of North Carolina against Jesse Helms, called by Halberstam ''the nemesis of Carolina blacks (among many others).'' Republicans buy sneakers, too, Jordan said.

Fuck off, Jordan. You'll never walk among the Ali's, Robinson's, Brown's, or Carlos, et all, in my opinion. You know what you can do with your shoe, clown.

02-12-2008, 07:50 AM
as Jordan once said, "Republicans buy sneakers, too". Bless his heart.

02-12-2008, 08:27 AM
as Jordan once said, "Republicans buy sneakers, too". Bless his heart.

Yep, truly a man of "great" conscience, compassion, clarity, depth, and calling. :roll:

02-12-2008, 08:37 AM
i voted for obama in my primary, by the way. it's time to roll the bones.

02-12-2008, 08:47 AM
Putting aside Nike's sullied subcontractor human rights reputation for the moment, here is the BEST reason I would rather pay more money for a competitor's shoe or simply do without, than to ever purchase a Nike product or purchase anything with Michael Jordan's name/image linked to it (From David Halbertsam's 1999 book, Looking Over Jordan) :

Jordan can also be so protective of his Nike-Gatorade-Coke -McDonald's-Wheaties-Hanes-etc. corporate-sponsoring image -- he is, Halberstam underscores, no Jackie Robinson, Muhammad Ali or Paul Robeson in the civil rights arena -- that he would not even support Harvey Gantt, an early civil rights leader, when he was running for a Senate seat in Jordan's home state of North Carolina against Jesse Helms, called by Halberstam ''the nemesis of Carolina blacks (among many others).'' Republicans buy sneakers, too, Jordan said.

Fuck off, Jordan. You'll never walk among the Ali's, Robinson's, Brown's, or Carlos, et all, in my opinion. You know what you can do with your shoe, clown.

Dude, so what?!? I remember when he chose not to support Gantt, let's see gambling problem individual being asked to support (i.e. donate millions to fuel a campaign that might or might not cause a win) to someone that had a slim chance of winning?!? Cmon..........

If you don't like Jordan for choosing to avoid being caught up in a political arena where his money for the campaign might have come back to bite him due to the folks he was gambling with at the time are concerned, fine............sorry he didn't help a loser get a Senate seat.

To say that he won't ever sit with Ali, Robinson, etc........ you're out of your fucking mind. Jordan will always be Mr. Basketball.

Back to the original topic: Jordanites unite

02-12-2008, 09:02 AM
good point johnny, but realgirls has some very valid points, as well. i will turn your thread back to it's regularly scheduled programming. btw, my all-time team is Magic Johnson at point, Oscar Robertson at the 2 guard, Bill Russell at center, and Larry Bird and Tim Duncan at forwards. Take your guy, and anybody else, and beat that! lol

02-12-2008, 09:09 AM
"So what" ??? Many political pundits thought that Jordan could have tipped the scales in that election. They didn't ask Jordan for money, just to appear in a commercial or two. ... Hello ??? He could have helped defeat a segregationist and he instead cowardly went for the easy money. Gantt at one time held a lead, only to lose it to the racial card played by the Helm's camp (Remember the commercial Helms used?) That doesn't mean anything to you?

And you are out of your fucking mind if you think you can equate a man who lives a hollow, empty life of basketball, golf, women, and selling shoes -- brought to this era's athletes at a tremendous cost by outspoken African-American athletes who broke down doors before him, mind you -- to athletes such as Robinson and Ali who heard the bell outside of their sports realm and answered it. Does he really impress you as a man via his interviews?

... We've been down this issue before.

02-12-2008, 09:16 AM
good point johnny, but realgirls has some very valid points, as well. i will turn your thread back to it's regularly scheduled programming. btw, my all-time team is Magic Johnson at point, Oscar Robertson at the 2 guard, Bill Russell at center, and Larry Bird and Tim Duncan at forwards. Take your guy, and anybody else, and beat that! lol

Uh, I'd go with Wilt, at his offensive peak, at center. :)

02-12-2008, 09:22 AM
My apologies for hijacking your thread, Johnny. It's just that any time I see the names, Michael Jordan, or Tiger Woods, etc., I see empty, hollow suits, and I can't help reacting at times.

Back to the topic at hand -- the shoes.

02-12-2008, 09:24 AM
so much for the regularly scheduled programming. realgirls, Curt Flood did the same thing when he challenged the reserve clause in baseball, saying he was a "well payed slave". since then, countless have cashed in multi-millions for his stand. jordan is doing the same for the road that Robinson and Ali paved for him. Bush and Cheney are doing the same for the road our founding fathers paved for them. it's a shallow world we live in now. that's why i voted for Obama. ok, once again, now back to our regularly scheduled programming. btw, i like your attitude realgirls, and johnny's, as well

02-12-2008, 09:28 AM
realgirls, tiger woods has established a foundation called 'first tee', that provides educational opportunities for minorities. it's a multi-million dollar operation that is growing by leaps and bounds. and I put in Bill Russell for his defense, I figured the others could score the points. I'll give you the Stilt, though. He was awesome

Buddy Wood
02-12-2008, 09:33 AM
Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player ever to step on a court.

Yes I'm from Chicago and yes he was at his peak when I was in my early twenties and I was going to tons of games and watching every game religiously.

He can do no wrong in my book though. He brought my friends and I and my hometown so much joy and pride. I haven't seen that anywhere in any sport since.

I've never bought any of his shoes though.


02-12-2008, 09:34 AM
so much for the regularly scheduled programming. realgirls, Curt Flood did the same thing when he challenged the reserve clause in baseball, saying he was a "well payed slave". since then, countless have cashed in multi-millions for his stand. jordan is doing the same for the road that Robinson and Ali paved for him. Bush and Cheney are doing the same for the road our founding fathers paved for them. it's a shallow world we live in now. that's why i voted for Obama. ok, once again, now back to our regularly scheduled programming. btw, i like your attitude realgirls, and johnny's, as well

Thanks. Good point about Flood, and the sad part of it all, is that most baseball players today probably wouldn't know him -- there should be a statue of Flood in front of every ballpark in my opinion -- Really!

I got a vibe for Johnny over at UserPlane, as I did for a couple of other posters here, and my sense is that we'd get along on most things, but just not on this one. ...I wonder if Jordan would know what Tommy Smith and John Carlos did in 1968 and why it mattered?

By the way, what is a foundation for, John?

02-12-2008, 09:40 AM
good point buddy. i'm from Missouri, and the Cardinals have done that to me as well, many times. (sorry about the Cubs, lol) Favre has done it to green bay, and the Mannings have done it to Indy and NYC, too. It's good to have a home team to root for. It does bring people together. Realgirls, Smith and Carlos, raised fists at the medal podium. peaceful protest at it's best!

02-12-2008, 09:42 AM
realgirls, tiger's foundation is to provide opportunities to those who probably otherwise wouldn't get the opportunity. is that the right answer?

02-12-2008, 09:45 AM
realgirls, tiger's foundation is to provide opportunities to those who probably otherwise wouldn't get the opportunity. is that the right answer?


02-12-2008, 10:47 AM
Forgive me for not giving a fuck but I don't give a fuck...................

For you to think that Jordan would ONLY have had to do a few ads or promos and not shell out some $$$ for a campaign is comical at best. For the record I never said Jordan was the greatest of all time, I said he was Mr. basketball. The greatest of all time in basketball IMO was Wilt Chamberlain. BUT as far as a basketball player that dominated the court, sneaker industry, sports drink industry, etc. Michael Jordan is by far the most advertised basketball player to ever grace the court.

I could care less that he didn't back up someone politically, he did what he was expected to do by the NBA, promote a positive image for the sport giving kids a role model and a love for the game.

If you want to feel better about spending money on sneakers by all means go pick up a $30 pair of Hakeem Olajuwon Spaldings @ Walmart, I'll be on the list for the day ahead of launch call from Niketown to pick up my Jordan 23's..............

02-13-2008, 05:56 AM
Forgive me for not giving a fuck but I don't give a fuck...................

It's a good thing others in and out of sports history gave a fuck, huh? I wonder where we would be today if Jackie Robinson or Curt Flood, et all, had not given a fuck? Could a shallow, hollow, detached, selfish, cardboard cutout of a "man" such as Michael Jordan have made his hundreds of millions had it not been for the activists and outspoken athletes before him ? I have to wonder whether those courageous outspoken TRUE heroes of the past who broke down barriers and set the table for the likes of Jordan to make his financial killing did it so that Jordan wouldn't give a fuck? Ya think?

For you to think that Jordan would ONLY have had to do a few ads or promos and not shell out some $$$ for a campaign is comical at best. For the record I never said Jordan was the greatest of all time, I said he was Mr. basketball. The greatest of all time in basketball IMO was Wilt Chamberlain. BUT as far as a basketball player that dominated the court, sneaker industry, sports drink industry, etc. Michael Jordan is by far the most advertised basketball player to ever grace the court.

Too much assuming on your part here. They didn't ask him for financial support, only to do an ad. And what if -- what if -- the Gantt camp had asked him for financial support? What's $1000.00, $10,000.00, or even a million dollars to someone worth in excess of 100mil at the time, particularly when it meant defeating a segregationist FROM HIS OWN STATE ??? We're not talking standing up for the Nike workers in China inhaling toxic glue fumes, but his own people, AND HE COULDN'T COME THROUGH.

My argument has never been about his basketball prowess, but about him as a man.

I could care less that he didn't back up someone politically, he did what he was expected to do by the NBA, promote a positive image for the sport giving kids a role model and a love for the game.

In other words, he played it safe in order to placate the NBA, his managers and handlers(parasites) who have a vested interest in how he is perceived in the public arena. What a "man", huh? And what could have been more positive than knocking out a segregationist, particularly in one's own home state? A "role model" ? For what? How to put a ball through a hoop, become a shallow huckster, or worse, the mindset of, "I got mine and fuck everyone else" ?

If you want to feel better about spending money on sneakers by all means go pick up a $30 pair of Hakeem Olajuwon Spaldings @ Walmart, I'll be on the list for the day ahead of launch call from Niketown to pick up my Jordan 23's..............

When possible, my dollars become activists by proxy as to where they shop and what they purchase. I do not shop at Wal-Mart because of their sordid history as an employer, nor do I buy anything just to conform, be the item priced $30.00 or $300.00. The last thing I want to be is a pawn of caprice manipulation by some Wall Street executive, or pay $175.00 for something made for pennies on the dollar, while six figure Nike shoe reps take home my hard earned money. Can't do that. No way.

I guess we are just going to have to agree to disagree on this one, Johnny. I'll go out of my way to buy a Magic Johnson endorsed product given how much he gives back to the inner city, or a Warrick Dunn who helps single moms own their first home, but Michael Jordan can choke on his shoe and money for all I care. In my view he is not a man AT ALL.