View Full Version : Some of You Guys Are "HATERS"...

06-20-2005, 02:58 AM
and that's spelled with a capital everything!

It was bought to my attention that someone made several post last night or this weekend threatening to out my celebrity status...and to that I say...okay and? It's just seems very stupid to me that someone holds that much misery for themselves and there pathetic lives to piss in someone elses lemonade.

And then you wonder why people don't generally post in here anymore...I will say this though...with excess money comes great privledge, if YOU want to see me that bad, INBOX me, i'll introduce you to a few associates of mine...

cut all the gay chit chat out...handle it like real men


06-20-2005, 03:24 AM
You look like that fat black detective off The Wire?
Nice...ooops that wasn't an out was it? :oops:
BTW what does "celebrity status" mean? Are you at the status of a minor celeb (the guy from Survivor!!!) or is your status rising?

06-20-2005, 03:35 AM
man don't even trip
to be honest no one would know you were even a celeb if you didn't bring it up, shit happens but from what I've seen nothing has happened yet, so you have nothing to worry about.................
and another thing
you have the luxury of being in a group where the moderators read everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they won't let personal info sit on the forums to get you blasted, it's not good for anyone, except the "asshole" that posted it

06-20-2005, 03:40 AM
yeah, dont worry nout it. i was on when money started trippin and the Mods deleted it within like two mins. ure safe. cant sweat those hataz, playa

06-20-2005, 03:47 AM
It was a cowardly post...coming right after and ispired by your rather brave offering.

I would invest no time in debating it's merits.

Overlord Abomination
06-20-2005, 03:49 AM
man don't even trip
to be honest no one would know you were even a celeb if you didn't bring it up

Yea what he said. Besides You can deny it, thats actually the simplest way to get over anything.

Felicia Katt
06-20-2005, 04:07 AM
yes, major props to the Moderators for their quick action!!!


06-20-2005, 04:09 AM
Why would you even mention your "celebrity status" in the first place. I can't imagine an actual celebrity would come on this forum talking about being a celebrity.."uhh hi, i'm a popular celebrity everyone.. i can't tell you who i am though!"

06-20-2005, 04:22 AM
yeah i gotta agree with that. why would you risk your "celebrity status" (not even sure what that means) by being on here.

if you are risking so much then you have some serious compulsion to deal with as well.

weird and stupid.

06-20-2005, 07:42 AM
I dont know who you are but your welcome here but I have a question.
Are you part of the hip hop industry?
If you are how can you reconsile that with liking transexuals?
So many of those dudes beat up and bash transexuals.
Im black but I honestly hate the hip hop scene(except those girls in the videos)......its extremely low class music........its LOW culture.
I dont hate you but being a "thug" and liking TS girls doesnt mix.
So many girls have been beaten senseless by thugs....and put through hell!
I know many of the girls like thuggish guys cause they think they will protect them.........for some reason transexuals are attracted to brutes.

06-21-2005, 02:56 AM
Why would you even mention your "celebrity status" in the first place. I can't imagine an actual celebrity would come on this forum talking about being a celebrity.."uhh hi, i'm a popular celebrity everyone.. i can't tell you who i am though!"

actually, only an asshole would say "hi i'm a celebrity"...which believe it or not many do...that ain't me.

I made a post a while ago talking about what do guys in the position of political figure, entertainer, high profile, etc... do in the case of really wanting to be with a transsexual...I also said that i'm sure i'm not the only one in this boat and wanted to hear from guys like myself (this is a message board believe it or not), discuss what's been done, what worked, what didn't, etc...

trust me, i'm no asshole by anymeans...and online arguing is not my thing.

06-21-2005, 03:06 AM
I dont know who you are but your welcome here but I have a question.
Are you part of the hip hop industry?
If you are how can you reconsile that with liking transexuals?
So many of those dudes beat up and bash transexuals.
Im black but I honestly hate the hip hop scene(except those girls in the videos)......its extremely low class music........its LOW culture.
I dont hate you but being a "thug" and liking TS girls doesnt mix.
So many girls have been beaten senseless by thugs....and put through hell!
I know many of the girls like thuggish guys cause they think they will protect them.........for some reason transexuals are attracted to brutes.

Maybe you missed the second part of my name...Intellect.
Being a part of something doesn't necessarily make that "part" of you, all of YOU. That's a pretty big stereotype my friend. I've really yet to hear of any transsexual being beat up by a "hip hopper"...lol
Life is to short to lend an ear to hatred...why hate a genre of music? There's too many other things I could be doing on God's (or man's if your an aetheist) green earth. If you don't like it, don't listen to it, case closed. I think you're getting your emotions mixed up in good debate, which never makes for...Good Debate. I'm not Thuggish because I think it will get more pussy or ass, I am what I am and I make no exceptions for it...It's a side of me, that no matter how many degrees I attain, or how much money I make, will never die. And a point of clarrification, Thug is not synomous with woman beater. If that were the case, there'd be a hell of a lot of middle-aged white men that would classify as thugs...

Also, what constitues "low-class music." I hope you aren't refering to fans of said genre? In that case, damn near every category would be considered "low-class" music...I don't think you've listened to a good deal of "hip hop" because i'd think you'd realize that there are different variations of said genre...just like rock, just like country, just like...any other genre of music...If you are learned by things you see on MTV and BET, you are doing yourself an extreme disservice dear sir...hip hop is multicultural, multi-lateral, and universally accepted...deal with it :wink:

Ts Laura
06-21-2005, 08:14 AM
i always figured hip hop to be a generalization of a style of music that is energetic. could be wrong as i have been before lol but i listen to just about all genre of musics from metal to country to r&b to classical. they all have good and bad music within them. so am i right to assume hip hop covers a multi range of styles? like rap , r&b and so on?

06-21-2005, 09:58 PM




goodness gracious thuggish u live in your own paradoxes and your spin is out of contol

1. u want to throw parties and contact me about promotions
2. u know all these girls but have never been with one of them
3. u wont attend a party because there is no vip room at the party
4. vip room created and u are still m.i.a.months later
5. now you are a celebrity and can not attend because u will be outed

if the party was good enough for missy elliot sweetheart i am sure it is good enough for you.

celebrety tip numero 1

wear a hat and VERY large sunglasses when you don not want to be recognized

of course u can always pull a "white chicks and come in drag as a white woman.

enough said


06-22-2005, 12:34 AM
um wow hahha that kind of says it all. LOL. kudos Allanah!

06-22-2005, 01:44 AM
Allanah Wise Lady !!!

What brearks ME up is how false this who gangster rap garbage thing is !!

this poster said elswhere in another thread " i fyou're on the hip hop scene with a major , don't let it be known ".

So bwhat does that amount to ? Basically you've got these guys posturing strutting around on mtv , ranting on about uzis m'f**ker this M"f88ker that !! , m'f**cking hoes !! I'm gonna tdke every NYPD cop in NYC out with my uzi NOW !! and at the same hasn't got the guts or be man enough to say what his sexual preference is who he's with or who he might love .

That is just TOOO funny !!!

What a Class One Joke !!

A Man would simply step out and say FUCK YOU this is me THis is my life either deal with it and anyone who can't can just FUCK OFFFF !

A good example is our own Sir Elton John when he came out it was not trendy , not hip , not popular but he was rich enough not to need to work another day in his lofe and he did not give one flying f**k what any old pencil- necked , pigeon - chesrted pen pushing bean counting c**t of an A&R man sitting on his lazy a*s at hislaptop at the record label had to say . He's Sir Elton John knockin 'em dead any day of the week on any stage andywhere you can name , from LV to China To Moscow to Wembly and The Albert Hall London to Blenheim F**king Palace !!! . AND Three smash hit shows running in just about every capital of the world !! What Sir Elton chooses to do behind closed doors by consent with his willie is hos own and hsi partner's f**king business and anybody that doesn't like it can either deal with it or they will understand they can FUCK OFFFF !!!!!!

Anyway so you've got these gangstas rap / hip hoppers posturing with uzis , hoes , singing " I'm gonna take the whole of the f**king NYPD and LAPD out with my m'f**king uzi on mtv . Then in real life they're cringing and cowering too afraid to say who their girlfriend might be . Worried that some old pencil necked pigeon chested ivy league suited ( 32 inch chest of course ) bean counting lazy ciunt of an A&R man sitting on his lazy ass at his laptop in the universa; or warner brothers building might see sales slipping a bit and cancel / not renew his contract , Because of course , bean countere wanrts HIS own stock options to keep on the rise , so he too can afford to pay ts hookers to poke him in his old a*s 24/7 hours a day !!!

What wimps give me abreak pleeeeeze !!!

Sir Elton John's taking advantge of the new gender recognition act in England to publcily marry his partner later this year . If the press want to have a snigger , they can . They won't get any mileage out of it Not in england anyway ! .Sir elton's too respected and far too beloved over here for theri puny little efforts to any effect whatsover on Him or his lfe . As he says on hjis website www.eltonjoh.com " REAL Sir Elton News here !!!

Furthermore if Sir Elton wanted to marry a T-Girl he F**cking well would He wouldn't give a toss !!! He wouldn't "casue it's not that much of a gay thing !! However he does live on Peachtree Road , Hotlanta , where the Miss Peachtree Pageant is held . On his latest album Peachtree Road , he sings about " they called her the cat " about transsexual girl and in the film of " Tiaras and Tantrums " he was happy quite comfortable to enbrace pose on camera in drag with kylie minogue for duet and to also embrace adn pose ON CAMERA with Ru Paul , ( the hypocrite george michael by contrast wwas in teh same toom but when Ru called " Hey George we're doing the picture now " , micheal could just be seen cringing and cowering off camera not wanting to be photographed with Ru , Sir Elton , John Reid Sir Elton's then manager , to preserve the myth of his fake phoney hetro straight geroge michael ( l;ass me the sick bags pleeeeze !!!!! ) What a hypocrite michael is !!

When Sir Elton came out which he did not have to . He was thinking of others . Other gays so they can say when peole might say gays are just losers , they can say SORRY WRONG gay is your friend. gay your brother gay is your uncle , gay is your favourite favourite superstar . He has also shwon his commitment to other gays, raisng and giveing well over 40 MILLION UK POUNDS to AIDS charities .

So all this cowering i reminds me i fthat hypocrite eddy murphy when caught with ts hooker in LA . Mounting a huge cover up , marrying a model trophy childhood sweetheart wife and having the poor ts girl run out of town . She still lives in London all these years later surbivin gby escorting and too scared to return to US to see her freinds and family as the crooks working for murphy have arranged for warrants to be put out in every state in the us agaisnt her on false trunmped - up " lewd and indecent behaviour charges "

Although I USED to find murphy amusing even funny in Beverly Hiils Cop and stand up I cannot stand to watch him anymore . I would NOT pay to see any of his films . He is and acted like a cowereing cringing hypocrite .At the time he was caught , he wa already super star staus with hundreds of millions in the bank, homes all over the world , garages filled with bentleys and ferraris , three G5 Gulfstream private Jets , and certainly no need to ever work another day in his life. It would have been eady for him just to say if asked "yes I had fun with the transsexual ladies and we kick it sometimes ...... and by the way my next film release will be ........ starting on the ..... " END OF STORY > And he would have made it easier for other people . But waht does he do go into some fake rock hudson bogus act and cover up , thinking only of his own greedy over stuffed bank account !!! ( bring me the sick bags please ).

A refreshing contrast was Allanah . I don;'t mean to grovel here but , she appeared on plastic surgery show here . She appeared tatal buttnaked and shoed adn taled about all she done adn had doen and was having done even having the courage to show picture when she if I can saay this boy ( although I cannot imagine Allanah ever having ever been enything buy the most feminine of females ) . Hoeever she appeared and teh presenter vanessa feltz a hard nosed journalist who thinks he's very clever andd sarcastic was there fready with her clip board of questins ready to taek Allanah apert on air . ( she must have been exdpecting atruck driver in a dress ) Poor old vamessa take son lokk at thsi vison of loveliness before and cannot say a word oh oh hoh ho that's amazing dear !!! cause allnah looked 1000 time MORE femnie than that hard nose dold bag of abio woman fetlz . LOL LOL Go ALlahah Statt ( Starr by name - Starr by Nature !! )

Seriously though I resepct that sort of bravery guts hoensty and seincerity

Go litlle allanah Starr !!!
Hypocrisy ! Don't YOU just LOVE it [/b]

06-22-2005, 04:17 AM
JohnnyWalker got it right. Thuggish... chill. If it was a real issue - would you have brought it out here? Thank you to the moderators - for the quick delete too.

Really now ... can we not simply enjoy one another, the posts, the chats and the pics.

"Three may keep a secret, if two of them are dead"


"Conceit is God's gift to little men."


06-22-2005, 04:23 AM
I don't think I am a HATER, but I know I am a lover, hence the name. :wink:

Felicia Katt
06-22-2005, 05:19 AM
As usual, Zippy, you have fiction trading places with fact. Atisone Seiuli aka Shalomar , the girl who the cops caught with Eddy Murphy died tragically a year or so later, falling while trying to get into her own locked apartment in LA through a fifth floor window. Eddy didn't run her out of town, and she sure as heck isn't working in London.

for Zippy, here is an English reference for the same facts.

If you want to boycott Eddie Murphy, he has done plenty to warrant it (Pluto Nash, Metro, Daddy Day Care. I Spy) but don't get on his case too hard for not confessing to criminally soliciting a transsexual prostitute!
