View Full Version : Girls: Post where you got arrested

Vicki Richter
01-24-2008, 09:15 PM
So far we have Wendy in Atlanta and I think some girls in Chicago. Where are the best places to get arrested?

01-24-2008, 09:28 PM
Ive heard of girls getting busted in Vegas, LA, NYC and most of anywhere CH!

T Oracle
01-24-2008, 09:31 PM
Thought the AVN awards was the gold standard. ????

01-24-2008, 09:42 PM
lol, even though is a thread for you broads to post up locations I'll add to it anyway

Stay away from:

The Kew Motor Inn in Queens, NY
The Red Roof Inn in Westbury, NY
Anywhere in Ronkonkoma, NY (Suffolk County PD will throw your body in the forest if they choose to bitches)
Lynbrook, NY
Garden City, NY (you'd have to have some huge balls to even consider staying in Garden City more than 2 nights trying to escort)

01-24-2008, 09:49 PM
So far we have Wendy in Atlanta and I think some girls in Chicago. Where are the best places to get arrested?

Well judging from her pics she can tackle an officer to the ground! :shock:

01-24-2008, 09:52 PM
So far we have Wendy in Atlanta and I think some girls in Chicago. Where are the best places to get arrested?

Well judging from her pics she can tackle an officer to the ground! :shock:

now that wasn't very nice

sidenote: Wendy you gonna take that?!?

01-24-2008, 10:03 PM
Getting arrested for escorting isnt uncommon MANY and I stress MANY of your favorite girls have been. Its Illegal and through the years you are taking a chance everytime you post an ad.

I was arrested in 2004 but I hear reports constantly of girls getting picked up in Atlanta especially downtown, NO NO NO.

Here are the cities I can confirm of a girl being arrested, if the girl wants to say it was her so be it.

San Fernando Valley/N. Hollywood-----Eros
Chicago---Downtown Eros
Girl 2 Chicago---Airport Eros
GIrl 3 Chicago---City Eros
Troy, Michigan EROS
Las Vegas, Nevada EROS and Craigslist

Vicki Richter
01-24-2008, 10:13 PM
Can we get a list? Which girls have been arrested? What is the typical fine? Lessons learned, what do you do differently now?

01-24-2008, 10:18 PM
Im not here to call out the girls, no need to be ashamed but its up to them.

It was 2004 and at the time Atlanta was a great financial trip for me, very lucrative. I received a phone call from some girl saying if I didnt leave she was going too call the hotel. Sadly it backfired i her face because once she alerted the police of Eros they then did sting operations and still do in the city.

What happen? Since I didnt speak about a fee or service the got me with "operating without a escort license". I paid a 1400 fine and its not on my record.

01-24-2008, 10:29 PM
The client has never tried stiffing me (no pun intended) because I already have their first and last names and I verify this through utility records...better to be safe than locked the fuck up!!!

Sweety nothing personal but I think the client would never try stiffing you because you'd probably beat them to a pulp.


Vicki getting chicks to confess to getting arrested will be harder than you think, sadly enough 98% of you whores have been through the system in some shape or form, yet only a few of you are bold enough to admit it.

TrueBeauty TS
01-24-2008, 10:38 PM

Arrested? Or convicted?

No................................................ ...................... never convicted.



01-24-2008, 10:46 PM
US cops got nothing better to do?

like...ya know.. arrest a murderer every now and then. Shit like that, and stuff......

01-24-2008, 10:48 PM
Best place to get arrested?

Minneapolis summer 2008, Republican National Convention.

seriously though,
Be careful in Portland and Seattle as well, I've never gotten popped and I've never heard of a TS getting busted, but every year around the Rose Festival in Portland the cops make a big show of busting escorts and running homeless people out of town. Stay away from the Kings Row Inn in Milwaukee (OR), and stay away from anything around NE82nd locals have been blaming girls for their own miserable fucked up lives.

With CL seems like 1 out of every ten guys is a cop, 1 out of every 10 guys is an angry wife, 1 out of every ten guys is a provider trying to slam the competition, 1 out of every ten guys is a psychopath, the rest are a waste of time, and occasionally you meet someone incredible. Not good odds.

01-25-2008, 12:16 AM
lol, even though is a thread for you broads to post up locations I'll add to it anyway

Stay away from:

The Kew Motor Inn in Queens, NY
The Red Roof Inn in Westbury, NY
Anywhere in Ronkonkoma, NY (Suffolk County PD will throw your body in the forest if they choose to bitches)
Lynbrook, NY
Garden City, NY (you'd have to have some huge balls to even consider staying in Garden City more than 2 nights trying to escort)

Lucky that I only brought "dates" to the Holiday Inn in Westbury (BTW, great place to meet flight attendants from overseas airlines) and the Kew Motor Inn, which was my second home from High School through college. Wondering about any of the new hotels near MacArthur Airport.

01-25-2008, 12:34 AM
Point of thread: When you announce you are hooking through 15 major cities and someone gives the advice of being careful in a particular metropolis, well, everywhere there is a risk of being arrested. like NYC, LA, Dallas, Boston.....well be careful in Boston, five years ago I got busted. I got 22 parking tickets in downtown LA, well, you park where you want.

Again though my world has been somewhat shattered. True Beauty is an escort? And I'm thinking the Virgin Mother. Back to the drawing board.

01-25-2008, 01:13 AM
Mia Isabella and her Elgin gang have had numerous busts. The Elgin police Dept is hoping to crack the gang. Mia also got nailed in NY when she took a NY cop as a client. I have never seen such a group other than the Asian ROB gang on the west coast. The Elgin gang is made up of 10 latin TS and they are ruthless. They will call wives, employers, relatives, if you don't pay up.
I see the end coming as they have become so well known that the local police are being pushed to arrest and break up the gang.

Teabagger Vance
01-25-2008, 01:15 AM
I know of a girl (won't say her name) who got busted in Atlanta 4 years ago. They hit her with the escorting without a license and running a business without a license charges.

She spent 24 hours in jail and had to pay $578.00 to get out. I think she viewed it as cost of doing business, but won't go back to the ATL.

01-25-2008, 01:23 AM
How many girls have escorting licenses, and would that even make a difference. Would they just get you on another charge

01-25-2008, 01:36 AM
...and occasionally you meet someone incredible.

I'm trying real hard to be one of those. So far, so good. One called me crazy (But said so with a smile), one said I was adorable, and one publicly called me 'babe'. :D <Puffing out chest>

Yeah...never convicted here, otherwise they'd convict me of kicking the shit out of my attorney, then I'd have to get another attorney because of that case and if that didn't work out I'd just be kicking the shit out of attorneys thorughout the Northeast!

Ooh, I could give you a list. Most in Boston. <Thinking> One muthahfugga is dead, though. Too bad, he really needed his ass kicked.

Fuck Pemberton Square. :x

01-25-2008, 01:56 AM
Jessica and I got busted last winter in Las Vegas.

I swear it wasn't our fault... :-) I've written about our experience before.

They had a sting on the VERY SAME FLOOR of the VERY SAME HOTEL as we were staying in (the MGM) and we just waltzed down the hall and into jail...

Ok, I admit it - Jamie is a dumb ass.

I mean what are the chances, giggle. I didn't screen properly.

The cops thought it was really funny - we did not think it was funny. We missed a $1,400 video photo shoot the next day as a result.

BUT the real reason behind it was that unknown to us, two days previously Raven Navajo (who some of you may know from CL) killed a GG girl and was on the run. They essentially busted every trans girl in Vegas who answered the phone. They busted 12 of us in that one sting, along with several guys and a GG (who looked trans - giggle). They got Raven a day or so later.

The whole bust was fillmed for local TV. It was a big grandstand BULLSHIT affair designed to exploit transsexuals for ratings.

There was one vice cop who was an absolute ASSHOLE for no reason - threatened to shoot us with a taser while we were sitting handcuffed in a bathtub for three hours. Can anybody say civil rights violation? He called Jessica all sorts of vile names, "boy,' "it" etc. and threatened me with all kinds of shit. We just kept our mouths shut - which I guess pissed him off more.

There was no reason for them to be so unprofessional. We are professionals, they caught us. Big deal. They won that round. Take us to jail - I've got a very good lawyer.

All a prostitution bust does is make is necessary for girls to work harder to make up the lost income. It ultimately cost us $250 each in "court fees" to get a full dismissal - heck my last speeding ticket cost me $330. It cost us $1,750 in attorney fees for the dismissal and record expungment.

If you boys ever wonder why dating an escort in the US costs more than in Thialand - this is one reason why - our total costs / loss was about $10,000. But we were back a couple of weeks later. Catch me if you can... giggle.

A soliciting bust in Vegas is not a big deal, except to vice. One girl who got busted with us had 18 priors in 2 years and hadn't spent over 24 hours in jail. She'd been busted by the same girl cop twice before. Another girl hadn't even gone to court for her last bust and she got popped again. In Vegas in 2005 they busted 5,000 girls for soliciting.

The indies and weekend warriors like us have taken a big bite out of the agency business and my guess is they put a lot of pressure on the cops to run the indies out. It's like bailing a sinking boat with a teaspoon.

The jail people are OK if you are TS, and not CD. They have a big processing room split to boy and girls sides. Interestingly enough, of those who got popped with us, there was only Jessica and myself and one black girl who were "real" transseuxals - on hormones, with boobs, etc.

The rest were CD's with wigs and 5 o'clock shadow. It would really suck to have been a CD in jail. They took their wigs and put them in with the men while wearing girls clothes.

Jess and I and the black girl got sent to the girls side. They made all the girls change into jail clothes - but they had a private area screened off and just one cop to watch you. I had no problems with our jail treatment.

Eventually they sent the three of us to a holding cell with two other TS girls who got popped in other busts - seriously they rolled up the whole town lookng for Raven.

Across the hall was a holding room with about 40 guys. They started yelling at us to show our tits - so we did, and nearly caused a riot. Giggle. A couple of guys mooned us - and the others called us faggots - but I noticed they liked the titties. Giggle.

We got OR'd out the next night. They really didn't need to do anything but cite and release but in Vegas they make a big deal out of it - they have a 30 person vice squad - while gangs run wild - and Vegas has the highest car theft rate in the nation.

Also of note in Vegas - I have spoken to other girls who have been busted and seriously abused. One girl who apparently kept arguing wht the vice cops got a can of mace shot into her mouth . Another was hit in the face during a bust when she apparently didn't comply to their satisfaction.

I fell really sorry for cops who get their rock off by abusing prosititutes. Maybe if ONE cop anywhere in this whole fucking country did ANYTHING at all to actually HELP girls, they wouldn't have as much prostitution. Maybe if the media which exploits us actually took some of the hundreds of millions they make on sensational prostitution and sex trade shows and spent it on the training girls for other employment it would make a difference.

So if you work or play in Vegas keep it in mind that you are playing in a game that doesn't have any winners and don't expect to be treated like a human being.

TS Jamie :-)

01-25-2008, 02:06 AM
How many girls have escorting licenses, and would that even make a difference. Would they just get you on another charge

Kira - if you want a giggle, go read the escorting laws in different places. In my town you have to give up all kinds of info, and can't escort in private homes, hotels, etc. I'm not exactly sure where you could. And escorting without a license has the same penalty as solicitation and as being an unlicensed massesuse.

Which is why I am a "companion" nothing more - if you read my web site I do not offer any services requiring a license. Just nice causal conversation. Oh yeah, and I sell condoms for educational purposes...

TS Jamie :-)

El Nino
01-25-2008, 02:10 AM
Cops get a badge and think they are Masters of the Universe. Boy, are they mistaking. We all answer to the same hand, when the lifeline runs out

01-25-2008, 02:33 AM
justatransgirl: Thanks for posting that it was very interesting! Im sorry to hear what you had gone through!

Teabagger Vance
01-25-2008, 02:38 AM
Again though my world has been somewhat shattered. True Beauty is an escort? And I'm thinking the Virgin Mother. Back to the drawing board.

What, you didn't know True was an escort? Man, she is an exclusive, upscale escort with a very select clientèle. Very expensive.

All of the girls on here are escorts. Why would any girl come here otherwise? They're all looking for new tricks.

TrueBeauty TS
01-25-2008, 02:46 AM
Again though my world has been somewhat shattered. True Beauty is an escort? And I'm thinking the Virgin Mother. Back to the drawing board.

Virgin Mother???? :shock: Mother? I've been called a "Motha" before. Virgin? Well.... I'm still going to wear white at my wedding. :lol:

Who do you think I look like? Mother Theresa? For your information, I have WAY better T&A than she had.



Teabagger Vance
01-25-2008, 02:49 AM
Who do you think I look like? Mother Theresa? For your information, I have WAY better T&A than she had.

And you put out more than Mother Theresa ever did, too. Barely.

Which isn't saying much for an escort. :wink:

TrueBeauty TS
01-25-2008, 02:53 AM
Who do you think I look like? Mother Theresa? For your information, I have WAY better T&A than she had.

And you put out more than Mother Theresa ever did, too. Barely.

Which isn't saying much for an escort. :wink:

What can I say? I'm exclusive. VERY.... exclusive, with a very select clientèle. And for YOU, very, VERY, VERY expensive.



01-25-2008, 02:54 AM
Again though my world has been somewhat shattered. True Beauty is an escort? And I'm thinking the Virgin Mother. Back to the drawing board.

What, you didn't know True was an escort? Man, she is an exclusive, upscale escort with a very select clientèle. Very expensive.

All of the girls on here are escorts. Why would any girl come here otherwise? They're all looking for new tricks.

For your benefit, from now on, I will preface each post with notes informing the reader of such dynamics as "sarcasm" "irony" "tongue-in-cheek" etc. Overall I'll just keep it at a third grade level. And thanks for that address of the "parking lot." I really needed it. Just a rube here.

01-25-2008, 03:01 AM
Again though my world has been somewhat shattered. True Beauty is an escort? And I'm thinking the Virgin Mother. Back to the drawing board.

Virgin Mother???? :shock: Mother? I've been called a "Motha" before. Virgin? Well.... I'm still going to wear white at my wedding. :lol:

Who do you think I look like? Mother Theresa? For your information, I have WAY better T&A than she had.



Okay.....Mutha......I don't believe you. Send those Side-by-sides of Mother T Nudes. She's a sleeper in my book. And you'll look fabulous in white I'm sure. When is the big day?

01-25-2008, 03:03 AM
Which is why I am a "companion" nothing more - if you read my web site I do not offer any services requiring a license. Just nice causal conversation. Oh yeah, and I sell condoms for educational purposes...

Damn! Those are fucking expensive rubbers, gurl! :wink:

In all honesty, though I expect a little more than dinner and conversation, I've learned that expectations are often shot down early in the evening. Of the gurls I've had commercial exchanges with, a couple got a nice dinner in the bargain because the escort thing is somewhat like a reverse date: The bonus first, dinner and a show later.

My experience, as a client, is somewhat skewed because, in this day and age, I don't have a cell phone and tend to get a lot of the basics hashed out in e-mail or via landline. The point being that the gurl has some basic sense that I am not a stalker or LE before we even meet.

Of course, in my local area, it helps that I was a popular write-in for governor a few years ago. :D I know many of the state and county cops and some, if not most, would look the other way out of courtesy should they find me in a 'compromising position'.

To their credit, the state, county, and local LE in this area really is focusing their attentions on murder, rape, arson, etc. so escorting is low on the totem pole here.

01-25-2008, 03:18 AM
Ladies: don't feel singled out or take it personally. You are just a source of income, one of many others. See: "From an Inner City Press correspondent in the North Bronx we have this -- Saturday January 19 near 241st Street, on an elevated train stopped between stations, police lay in wait to issue tickets to riders who walked between cars. Feeling it was a set-up, our intrepid correspondent got off at the next stop and stood telling entrants what the police were up to. And soon enough, the police left..."

01-25-2008, 03:21 AM
What can I say? I'm exclusive. VERY.... exclusive, with a very select clientèle. And for YOU, very, VERY, VERY expensive.

Not me baby - I'm a cheap whore with expensive tastes...

And oh yeah B1 - for you I have a special private sale on condoms.

TS Jamie :-)

01-25-2008, 03:34 AM
Who do you think I look like? Mother Theresa? For your information, I have WAY better T&A than she had.

And you put out more than Mother Theresa ever did, too. Barely.

Which isn't saying much for an escort. :wink:

What can I say? I'm exclusive. VERY.... exclusive, with a very select clientèle. And for YOU, very, VERY, VERY expensive.



Ha ha, I always wondered what the hell your deal was. It all makes sense now.

Vicki Richter
01-25-2008, 05:24 PM
Don't let TrueBeauty fool you - lets hear more about the girls getting busted. I love tall tales.

Vicki Richter
01-25-2008, 05:58 PM
What the hell kind of sig is that???

01-25-2008, 06:01 PM
My best story involves some fat bastard in Norwalk Connecticut and a Marijuana possession charge along with a Prostitution charge...held up the damn system in CT from May 1st, 2007 until Dec 19th...lots of bullshit and high profile shit going on...problem with the commonwealth states is that they have those damn Mandatory Minimum guidelines for Marijuana...
A simple possession of less than a gram of weed (a fuckin dimebag people) and my one hitter pipe would have landed me in Prison for over 4 years...
I was facing 1 year for the weed PLUS additional 2 years for possession of same within 1500ft of a school (there are schools throughout Norwalk so everything overlaps that 1500ft) PLUS another 3 months for the paraphernalia and another 1 year for the same within a school zone, so at the very minimum the judge would hand me 51 months. Yeah I fought the hell out of it until we could not fight anymore...I even wore these shirts to court LMFAO!!!
I'm sure the judge was loving that...

Norwalk huh? I had some not so fun times hitching rides out of there on my way from Philly to Boston years back, did finally get picked up by a couple of cute high school boys listening obsessively to the Strokes (nerds...chuckle.) What a dump.

In fact almost all my stories involving police officers have hitchiking involved. Not always bad either. Had one officer pick me up 30 miles south of Worcester in a blizard (I had a bag of weed on me too, at the time) he didn't search me (lucky for me he didn't follow protocol), gave me a ride to the commuter station and paid for my ticket to Boston, had something very similar happen in Temple Tx. With LE its always a matter of who you bump up against, ya know. I can safely say, without those two cops help, I very well might be dead. The cop at the Mackinack (not sure of the spelling...) bridge, who confiscated my ID, Name change form, and Birth certificate, however, can drown himself in the icy waters of Lake Michigan for all I care.

02-11-2008, 05:49 PM
I would suggest renting a car in the future just in case.
Those cops have way too much time of their hands.
If you have a link to the newspaper I'd love to see that.

big pal
02-19-2008, 08:18 AM
Mia Isabella and her Elgin gang have had numerous busts. The Elgin police Dept is hoping to crack the gang. Mia also got nailed in NY when she took a NY cop as a client. I have never seen such a group other than the Asian ROB gang on the west coast. The Elgin gang is made up of 10 latin TS and they are ruthless. They will call wives, employers, relatives, if you don't pay up.
I see the end coming as they have become so well known that the local police are being pushed to arrest and break up the gang.

I've heard about this little group of girls. I live near Elgin and have though of using them. Good thing I heard about their shit before calling.i'am new to this site and never take sides. i like reading about so many interesting things. i know alot of the women personally from HA, but when someone lies about a person being arrested and involed in gangs, that blackmail, and ripping off people, then i must speek up. as a person with connections in law enforcement i ask my friend to look into the info this person is saying. its all bullshit.
my information comes from elgin police logs for the past 5 yrs, and nyc police logs for the same time. i did not find the name of( will not reveal her real name) aka mia isabella on any of the police logs. this is known as slander in a court of law, and the person who is writing this would be sued. thats why people here hind behind sceen names and are not man enough to print his or her own name if you want to meet me, or speek to me, contact me via HA and i will be glad to dicuss this face to face. and speaking for all the people that know mia know that she is the most sincer and loving person.

my name is Big-Pal

02-19-2008, 09:06 AM
and a GG (who looked trans - giggle).

Now that's embarrassing

02-19-2008, 09:10 AM
big pal(?) would a police website have the name mia isabella?or her real name with the mug shot?

gummi baer
02-19-2008, 09:23 AM
Where are the best places to get arrested?The best place for you Ms. Richter would be at my place. 8) Of course if you (as a star of the silver screen) or I had some kind of script in our possession, there would be no probable cause for the suspicion of something illegal giong down. Well my cuffs are broken anyway. Never mind. :(

02-19-2008, 09:28 AM
In all the years in the biz I never got arrested. Got asked to "come in" a few times, got detained in raids, etc. a few times, got cuffed more than a few times.... but never arrested.

A helpful hint for working girls: don't wait till you get arrested to get an attorney. Go find an ex-ADA in whatever jurisdiction you're going to be working out of and give him a small retainer to represent you. this helps in all sorts of ways: if you get popped at 2AM, they will think twice about dragging his ass downtown to come bail you out, because they know he's going to be a hard ass next time they see him. Also, after you get popped and represented by him the first time, he'll be in their system (unless it's a hick town) as representing you. As soon as they check their system, they'll know they can't even ask you any questions without dragging his ass down. On more than a few occasions where I've been someplace which got hit, I got released hours before anyone else because they knew it was useless to detain me because they couldn't ask me anything (unless they dragged his ass down, and then if it was for BS they knew next time they wanted to convince him to have his client cooperate they weren't going to get too far). A couple of years ago I was at a place which was an underground stripclub. The came with a no knock warant, in full riot gear, guns drawn. about a dozen PO's, 2 or 3 stripes at least one lieutenant and captain (I saw 2 white shirts, didn't get a better look than that). When they came through they were super pumped up on adrenaline. They were carrying those barriers with the plexiglass on top and 2 spotlights built in. They were turning shit upside down, swearing, and i was thinking some poor asshole is going to go towards his pocket to get his ID and become a red inkspot.

It was obvious to me this wasn't a prostitution raid, it was a "guns and drugs" raid (BTW, if you wanna get the police to crack down on some hooker in your building, don't say she's hooking - use the words guns and drugs to get their attention). They took all the girls and put them on a daisychain, and the guys they paired off and cuffed to each other. I knew the guy who i was cuffed to and he was shitting a brick. I told him not to worry. Pretty much as soon as they collected the contents of everyone's pockets, one of the stripes gave me a nod and said "you're Danny, right?" and I nodded. A little bit later they took the cuffs off and let me go.

It wasn't till about a year later that i heard what really happened: I ran into one of the girls that night and she asked me "Danny, how come they let you go an hour before they let anyone else go that night?". I instantly knew what happened: i know they were running everyone's IDs to check for outstanding warrants. When they ran mine, I was in the system and they knew it didn't merit dragging my ex-ADA out late at night, so they couldn't even talk to me. So rather than ask me questions about what was going on in the spot (and making me wait an hour or two to get seated), they let me go.

02-19-2008, 09:41 AM
A Theraputic RUB.
Never put massage.
You need a licence for that.
But I am sure the police , who have noting to do, know about it. But RUB is safer.

02-19-2008, 09:43 AM
i was in one of those raids for guns and drugs like 8 years back...my friend was like meet me at this bar one Friday afternoon....that shit was scary...guns drawn with the blinding lights on the guns w/ full riot gear...they just ran my id and let me go...one of the fucking cops backed into my car...no real visible damage....just some rubber i buffed out...he was like we were even for my expired emissions sticker....fucking pigs, lol

02-19-2008, 10:38 AM
and a GG (who looked trans - giggle).

Now that's embarrassing

It's true, she was one handsome woman. A weekend warrior trying to earn a little extra $$ for her two kids. She was crying and the cops were so mean to her joking how she looked like a man and that she'd fooled them.

I never was afraid of cops until that experience. Now I see them all as psychos with guns who get a perverse joy from ruining people's lives.

TS Jamie :-)

02-19-2008, 04:22 PM
justatransgirl: Thanks for posting that it was very interesting! Im sorry to hear what you had gone through!

Hello Jennifer, what would be the best place to see someone like you then???

02-19-2008, 09:28 PM
Hello Jennifer, what would be the best place to see someone like you then???

Well, if you follow this thread......... in jail? j/k

02-20-2008, 01:17 AM
I've noticed that, in the UK, advertisement from escorts clearly states that

«The fee you pay is only for my time. What we do during our time together is a matter of agreement between consenting adults».

Maybe, you should to the same in the US.

02-20-2008, 01:07 PM
I've noticed that, in the UK, advertisement from escorts clearly states that

«The fee you pay is only for my time. What we do during our time together is a matter of agreement between consenting adults».

Maybe, you should to the same in the US.

What an ironic post:

a) because a lot of them already do,

b) because it's bullshit and doesn't save you; just like the myth that if you ask a cop if he's a cop he's got to tell you the truth,

c) because escorting is legal in the UK.

02-20-2008, 06:05 PM

05-28-2008, 05:35 AM
Semper Fi has left the building!

Don't applaud, just throw money LOL

05-28-2008, 08:32 AM
blah blah blah something about nothing blah blah blah... I hired a very hot TS escort, even took her to the Marine Corps Ball. Personally, it wasn't all that great of an experience. She really didn't want all the social stuff. She wanted the $2500, but all the conversation was tense and forced. The sexual part was... blah blah blah something about how the hooker only wanted what she was there for, business, not a boyfriend... blah blah blah i didnt get fucked like a bitch blah blah blah...

you do realize that youre an idiot and that not everyone on this board is, right? i mean granted most are.... but not everyone.
log off, come back w/ a new name, a fresh start, no more fake pics, stop posting BS, and stop being such a woman :roll: :idea:

05-28-2008, 08:58 AM
blah blah blah something about nothing blah blah blah... I hired a very hot TS escort, even took her to the Marine Corps Ball. Personally, it wasn't all that great of an experience. She really didn't want all the social stuff. She wanted the $2500, but all the conversation was tense and forced. The sexual part was... blah blah blah something about how the hooker only wanted what she was there for, business, not a boyfriend... blah blah blah i didnt get fucked like a bitch blah blah blah...

you do realize that youre an idiot and that not everyone on this board is, right? i mean granted most are.... but not everyone.
log off, come back w/ a new name, a fresh start, no more fake pics, stop posting BS, and stop being such a woman :roll: :idea:

lmao good one tsntx

05-28-2008, 09:52 AM
blah blah blah something about nothing blah blah blah... I hired a very hot TS escort, even took her to the Marine Corps Ball. Personally, it wasn't all that great of an experience. She really didn't want all the social stuff. She wanted the $2500, but all the conversation was tense and forced. The sexual part was... blah blah blah something about how the hooker only wanted what she was there for, business, not a boyfriend... blah blah blah i didnt get fucked like a bitch blah blah blah...

you do realize that youre an idiot and that not everyone on this board is, right? i mean granted most are.... but not everyone.
log off, come back w/ a new name, a fresh start, no more fake pics, stop posting BS, and stop being such a woman :roll: :idea:

Ahh, whadda you know Jen - you're "just a woman." :-) :-) :-)

TS Jamie :-)

05-28-2008, 10:27 AM
Prostitution is perfectly legal in New Zealand.

Come and enjoy a fun, safe time :)