View Full Version : NYC Restaurant Poll

01-24-2008, 06:26 AM
Concentrating simply on the food, assuming your meal was prepared in the particular kitchen and magically transferred to your home, which NYC restaurant ranks the best food?

(I'm working on a project, so if you've eaten at any of these places, please cast a vote, or add your own choice)

01-24-2008, 06:51 AM
I cant afford these French restaurants. They are too fucking expensive.

01-24-2008, 07:35 AM
These are expensive places, but if you view food as art, they are worthy of examination, just as certain hot dog stands are. That's a different poll all together.

I think food is legitimate art, I just don't fully understand the whole subject yet. It's a process.

01-24-2008, 08:24 AM
Les Halles is ho hum and in a dead neighborhoood. Plataforma is more fun.

Le Bernardin could be better, the raw bar rocks if you like uncooked molluscs.

Can't help with the other ones, sorry.

01-24-2008, 09:11 AM
I imagine there's better places to post this.

01-24-2008, 09:44 AM
I wanted to try per se.

01-24-2008, 03:12 PM
dude..............how could you possibly forget White Castle???

01-24-2008, 03:30 PM
I voted for Le Bernardin, but I also like Joel Robuchon and David Bouley. The warm sea urchin dish at Joel Robuchon and the seared foie gras at David Bouley are outstanding. I would like to try Masa someday.

01-24-2008, 05:01 PM
taking everything intoo consideration i go with Le bernadine, eric rippert does great things with seafood, per se is excellent as well but i cant get over the fact im paying that kind of money in a mall and since thomas keller is never there and i have eaten at french laundry i dont see the reason to go back, Daniel is always good, same with JG, Les Halles is more a mid prices place to me although the steak frites are still very good. I have not been to the other 2 mentioned so i wont comment on them. Also for my 2 cents, several old stand byes are still worth mentiong. Gramercy is still excellent, as is gotham. Just about any Danny Meyer rest is consitently good Table, union sq, gramercy etc. I tend to stay away from Chowdorow places, as they are more concened with looks than substance. And Veritas for the wine of course even though the pricing is a bit high. Etats Unis on the upper east for a changing menu is very cool also.

01-24-2008, 05:04 PM
I voted for Le Bernardin, but I also like Joel Robuchon and David Bouley. The warm sea urchin dish at Joel Robuchon and the seared foie gras at David Bouley are outstanding. I would like to try Masa someday.

Somehow, K, I knew you would have sampled some of these fine restaurants. ;) I have not eaten at any of them. I do have a favorite NY restaurant....

01-24-2008, 06:58 PM
I don't go to any of the places in the poll. I'm not on a company expense account anymore, so if you're paying for a meal with your own money, it just doesn't make sense to pay hundreds of dollars on a meal when there are so many quality restaurants in New York that deliver great value.

sweetCheri. lots of great pasta places in the city

01-24-2008, 09:56 PM
Lot's of interesting and informative posts so far. I'll make up a poll for LA/West Coast later tonight, if anyone has any suggestions for that one please post here, or has further suggestions for this list (like some folks have already posted).

Looks like Le Bernardin is winning so far in the NYC area. It's funny because before I'd heard him talk on TV, I always figured that Eric Rippert was a complete dick. He's just got that look, but it turns out he's a pretty interesting guy from what I've seen.

I find this stuff fascinating, so I'll keep cranking the polls out on occasion if anyone else is interested in this topic.

01-24-2008, 10:17 PM
Not to be a prick but it's "Le Bernardin"

And as an animal rights activist, I'm shocked and saddened that Kalina is eating Foie.

Let's hope for a more humane treatment of our fowl for this purpose or outlaw like in Chicago and soon to be in CA.

About the restaurants.....they are all top notch obviously. Boulud's place gets all the nods. I like Lombardi's, John's, Two Boots, and Spumoni Gardens (Brooklyn) better than all of those. Really I do.

01-25-2008, 12:09 AM
dude..............how could you possibly forget White Castle???

You mean Le Castle du Blanc?

01-25-2008, 01:25 AM
Not to be a prick but it's "Le Bernardin"

And as an animal rights activist, I'm shocked and saddened that Kalina is eating Foie.

Let's hope for a more humane treatment of our fowl for this purpose or outlaw like in Chicago and soon to be in CA.

About the restaurants.....they are all top notch obviously. Boulud's place gets all the nods. I like Lombardi's, John's, Two Boots, and Spumoni Gardens (Brooklyn) better than all of those. Really I do.

What a prick! Haha, just kidding. Actually, I'm glad you pointed that out and I have edited my post. I can't edit the actual poll itself, so the mistake will have to remain as a reminder to myself that I still many things to learn.

Now I have to begin work on a West Coast or strictly LA poll.

Also thanks for the new suggestions for establishments. I will research those as well.

01-25-2008, 01:32 AM
when dealing with PETAarseholes/animalrightsactivists/vegans/veggies/wetblankets REMEMBER...

never trust anyone who refuses to enjoy a bacon sarny..

interesting thread hondarobot

01-25-2008, 03:54 AM
OK, so what restaurant and when are we going? BTW make sure they have a great Vegetarian menu...

A great Thai fusion restaurant, and yes, they do have vegetarian. How about Friday at 8? Kidding; I really don't know when I'll be down in NYC again.

01-25-2008, 04:31 AM
And as an animal rights activist, I'm shocked and saddened that Kalina is eating Foie.

Let's hope for a more humane treatment of our fowl for this purpose or outlaw like in Chicago and soon to be in CA.

Well, you might have to cross off Chicago from that list this year. The restaurateurs have sued to overturn this incredible waste of taxpayer money which is rarely enforced and you can still order it off menu frequently. In fact, I never had foie gras until after the ordinance was passed as an act of civil disobedience. :) But I'm sure PETA was so happy the city council was wasting their time debating this while our entire public transportation system went bankrupt. Bravo.


01-25-2008, 05:58 AM
And as an animal rights activist, I'm shocked and saddened that Kalina is eating Foie.

But wait... so if I eat a live lobster that the chef threw into a vat of boiling water, is that cruelty?

Or a live blue crab that's split down the middle and thrown into a frying pan?

Or a live sea urchin that has it's shell cracked so I can eat it raw?

Or a live chicken that's freshly beheaded, cut up, and thrown into a wok?

Or a cow that has its head bashed in after it was fed beer and chocolate for all its life and kept in a contained box?

Or a fish that's taken out of water so it could suffocate and then descaled and then thrown in a frying pan?

It's all cruelty and by certain animal rights activists' accounts, we shouldn't be eating any of these animals at all. Y'know what the funny thing is? I eat mostly vegetarian meals for lunch... things like tofu meatballs, faux pepper steak, tempeh, falafel, hummous, baba ghannouj, etc. I love all food. Foie gras is just one of them.

01-25-2008, 07:16 AM
Central Mass??? Sweetie you are closer to me up this way then if either one of us went down to NYC...

That's true! Maybe we can split the difference and meet in Springfield for dinner...any good restaurants out that way? ;)

01-25-2008, 07:20 AM
But wait... so if I eat a live lobster that the chef threw into a vat of boiling water, is that cruelty?


It's all cruelty and by certain animal rights activists' accounts, we shouldn't be eating any of these animals at all. Y'know what the funny thing is? I eat mostly vegetarian meals for lunch... things like tofu meatballs, faux pepper steak, tempeh, falafel, hummous, baba ghannouj, etc. I love all food. Foie gras is just one of them.

Unless you're strictly vegan and getting all your food organically produced from local sources using solar powered cars made from recycled wood, there's always some cruelty involved!

We could be like the Jains who sweep the bugs out of their path so they don't accidentally step on them. :lol:

01-25-2008, 08:49 AM
And as an animal rights activist, I'm shocked and saddened that Kalina is eating Foie.

But wait... so if I eat a live lobster that the chef threw into a vat of boiling water, is that cruelty?

Or a live blue crab that's split down the middle and thrown into a frying pan?

Or a live sea urchin that has it's shell cracked so I can eat it raw?

Or a live chicken that's freshly beheaded, cut up, and thrown into a wok?

Or a cow that has its head bashed in after it was fed beer and chocolate for all its life and kept in a contained box?

Or a fish that's taken out of water so it could suffocate and then descaled and then thrown in a frying pan?

It's all cruelty and by certain animal rights activists' accounts, we shouldn't be eating any of these animals at all. Y'know what the funny thing is? I eat mostly vegetarian meals for lunch... things like tofu meatballs, faux pepper steak, tempeh, falafel, hummous, baba ghannouj, etc. I love all food. Foie gras is just one of them.

Going to have to disagree with you Kalina however I respect everyone's freedom, just hope they would be willing to give up a delicacy that has pain involved in the animal's entire existence. Only your Veal comparison is relevant to these others. I personally don't eat anything you mentioned, but the point was to be humane. For Fote Gras to be of quality the process is a cruel one. Few people would argue that. Enjoy it though. The animal suffered mightily for a long time.

01-25-2008, 04:55 PM
once u explore all NYC has to offer u will never look at those tourist Zagat spots the same !!!!

01-25-2008, 05:16 PM
Johnny brings up a point about these spots, I agree per se is a tourist trap, as are most of the placesin time warner, but many of them like JG nd Le Bern dDani etc are ny institutions and around longer than the celeb chef craze. As for what NY has t ooffer he is dead on. Head over to Blue Ribbon or Inoteca, Corner Bistro for a burger, Pladar for a chef is sorta celeb and shys away from it, or any number of other places. and lets not forget the best deeal in the city at 3 am. a grays dog.

01-25-2008, 05:49 PM
Actually, y'know which restaurant I think is a tourist trap? Nobu. I was hoping for something really good when I ordered their omakase... because that's where Morimoto worked before his Iron Chef fame. The dishes I got were good, but would've been considered standard (i.e. cheap) stuff at Morimoto... like Black Cod Miso and Rock Shrimp Tempura.

I don't know if Nobu 57 has the same exact food, but maybe I'll try that someday. It being closer to Times Square might mean it's more the touristy version of Nobu.

Does touristy often equate with silliness? Because David Burke has some silly stuff on their menu, like the lollipop cheesecakes for dessert, but they do have good entrees there. Oceana has that tacky ocean liner decor, but the food is good, just not "the best seafood restaurant" as Zagat claims.

Geisha looks cool. When there's a cool vibe, one often glosses over the food a little. I remember having decent, not earthshattering sushi there and a tasty deshelled lobster pasta. Still, Joel Robuchon's warm sea urchin (and the same can be found at Le Bernardin sometimes) is like orgasm in your mouth. What else did I have? My friend took me there and we shared 7 dishes. I only remember the sea urchin and frog leg lollipops, the sea urchin being my fave and the lollipops being my least fave.

01-25-2008, 06:23 PM
Kalina, it's been way too long since we enjoyed the provisions of a fine restaurant together. I hope to amend that situation in the near future, but work keeps getting in the way of travel. :(

Cheri, we'll do it! Springfield: haven't really been there since my college days at ZooMass.

01-25-2008, 06:50 PM
Now this thread is moving somewhere. I figured the poll choices were pretty easy calls, but now people are posting more interesting alternatives. It's becoming increasingly more informative as more people contribute.

I just hope I can breath some life into the LA thread. . .