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06-18-2005, 07:06 PM
She's back? (http://www.erostranssexuals.com/new_york-files/ny-olivia41-miriam1.htm)

06-18-2005, 08:01 PM
I can't believe she's back escorting. I thought she hit it big on mainstream UK television.

06-18-2005, 09:22 PM
Uh, maybe it's just me, but, who's back?

06-18-2005, 09:24 PM
I wonder what her requested donation is? I really didn't expect her back on the scene, but she can probably grab a fistful of dollars really quickly and move on if she wants.

06-18-2005, 09:37 PM

Miss Miriam said she UNBOTHERED!

No more FAKE PIXS! She said she is The One. LOL

The pixs speak 4 themselves. LOL

06-18-2005, 10:38 PM
If it is TS Victoria from Transsexual Beauty Queens #09 (http://shop.transsexual.sex-superstore.com/cgi-bin/dvd2.cgi?af=2028&ecode=0268020C&init=&fam=&letter=&last_list=&first_list=&dozen_list=1&text=victoria&criteria=&init1=) and Transsexual Beauty Queens #10 (http://shop.transsexual.sex-superstore.com/cgi-bin/dvd2.cgi?af=2028&ecode=0268026C&init=&fam=&letter=&last_list=&first_list=&dozen_list=1&text=victoria&criteria=&init1=) and the famous TS Miriam from the reality TV series in the UK, Grooby sites need to update their photos of her. :wink:

Vicki Richter
06-18-2005, 10:52 PM

Miss Miriam said she UNBOTHERED!

No more FAKE PIXS! She said she is The One. LOL

The pixs speak 4 themselves. LOL

Can you translate for us please? What does unbothered mean in your strange NYC transsexual hooker slang? "The One" what? Is that like comparing her to Jet Li?

I have figured out the translation of the NYC tranny language I think. Just say something random and throw it out there. Then, throw in the mandatory movie title, but follow it up with a real English statement to at least let normal people understand your point.

Here let me try.

That bitch is unspecific, she's got knee thighs on the ELBOWS (make sure to all caps at least one word so they know it's important) for real. When she walks that ass is down on the big toe and men are all unwashed when they see her. haha (make sure to laugh so they think you might know what you are saying). That's swishy fish on the bakers rack like all cunty like ET on a plant. Oh, and she looks great in picture as well.

Felicia Katt
06-18-2005, 11:05 PM

Miss Miriam said she UNBOTHERED!

No more FAKE PIXS! She said she is The One. LOL

The pixs speak 4 themselves. LOL

If they speak for themselves, why did you post? LOL



06-18-2005, 11:14 PM
Grooby sites need to update their photos of her. :wink:
Grooby sites have never featured photos of her...

Johnny Cocksville
06-18-2005, 11:15 PM
I think he's confusing her set on Bobs-Tgirls (http://www.hungangels.com/links.php?value=Bobs) with the other grooby sites.

06-18-2005, 11:47 PM
I always assumed Bob was part of Grooby's sites, since you have the link on your sites. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

06-18-2005, 11:49 PM
A long time ago - maybe 4 yrs we were part of the same but haven't worked together since then.

06-19-2005, 12:19 AM
Vicki, great SLAM at NYC transsexual hooker slang! Mama's got it GOING ON, yeah. Knee thighs on the ELBOWS, knamean? haha

06-19-2005, 12:51 AM

Miss Miriam said she UNBOTHERED!

No more FAKE PIXS! She said she is The One. LOL

The pixs speak 4 themselves. LOL

If they speak for themselves, why did you post? LOL



She wrote that on her ad...RELAX

06-19-2005, 01:03 AM

Miss Miriam said she UNBOTHERED!

No more FAKE PIXS! She said she is The One. LOL

The pixs speak 4 themselves. LOL

Can you translate for us please? What does unbothered mean in your strange NYC transsexual hooker slang? "The One" what? Is that like comparing her to Jet Li?

I have figured out the translation of the NYC tranny language I think. Just say something random and throw it out there. Then, throw in the mandatory movie title, but follow it up with a real English statement to at least let normal people understand your point.

Here let me try.

That bitch is unspecific, she's got knee thighs on the ELBOWS (make sure to all caps at least one word so they know it's important) for real. When she walks that ass is down on the big toe and men are all unwashed when they see her. haha (make sure to laugh so they think you might know what you are saying). That's swishy fish on the bakers rack like all cunty like ET on a plant. Oh, and she looks great in picture as well.


06-19-2005, 01:25 AM
anyone ever seen her video shot outdoors where she's with a blonde guy
and wearing a plaid shirt? That was the first one I ever saw. At one point
they're showing her from behind and some pre-cum just kind of oozes out of her in a long string. I...well never mind what I did. Never seen that since. Pretty hot.
It strikes me that the girls getting hormones at such an early age must really be feeling trapped in the wrong body, with no doubts about what they want to be. Did anybody here know someone who knew that early?

06-19-2005, 01:30 AM
Alot of the trannie on EROS started at young ages...such as:

Mia Sterling and Angelica Lovelace...They've been on hormones since like 13 years old.

06-19-2005, 02:03 AM
I have a question for you Shade.
Are the latin girls feeling the reggaeton music?
Im trying to get into it myself.
Is cafe con leche still going on?

I know there are some amazing black girls out there but they dont post.
Why not?

Please post as many pictures as you can......please......I am out here in california and its a wateland.
I know some of the girls walk balls and I wanna see this.

06-19-2005, 03:05 AM
anyone ever seen her video shot outdoors where she's with a blonde guy
and wearing a plaid shirt? That was the first one I ever saw. At one point
they're showing her from behind and some pre-cum just kind of oozes out of her in a long string. I...well never mind what I did. Never seen that since. Pretty hot.
It strikes me that the girls getting hormones at such an early age must really be feeling trapped in the wrong body, with no doubts about what they want to be. Did anybody here know someone who knew that early?

I have that scene. Very hot.

06-19-2005, 07:58 AM
God if vky and Felicia make one more negative coment i think im gonna barf. Who cares if you dont like the nyc transexual slang. The fact that you dont understand it , but are making fun of it is funny. Seeing as you are a transexual, not a real woman, how about if some one made fun of you cause they didnt understand what you are. You can sit here and argue and say its ignorant the way they speak, that women dont speak like that , but everyone has a right to do what ever they want to do so why dont you keep your negative comments to yourself. your not God you have many flaws. Remember vicki one day you may be down on the floor and it may be that queen that speaks with the hooker slang as you say that will help you out while the biological woman spits on your face.

Vicki Richter
06-19-2005, 11:46 AM
God if vky and Felicia make one more negative coment i think im gonna barf. Who cares if you dont like the nyc transexual slang. The fact that you dont understand it , but are making fun of it is funny. Seeing as you are a transexual, not a real woman, how about if some one made fun of you cause they didnt understand what you are. You can sit here and argue and say its ignorant the way they speak, that women dont speak like that , but everyone has a right to do what ever they want to do so why dont you keep your negative comments to yourself. your not God you have many flaws. Remember vicki one day you may be down on the floor and it may be that queen that speaks with the hooker slang as you say that will help you out while the biological woman spits on your face.

blah blah blah... The way they talk isn't the way they were born or the people they grew up around; it is an adult chosen decision to speak in tongues. AS can be very articulate when she wants to be. So yes, it is an ignorant way to speak. An important thing about being a TS should be blending into society as best as we can, not creating a new language/dialogue to make people think we're whack. It's like gay guys talking with an induced lisp. That isn't attractive or necessary. The only slang that I think works is ebonics and that's because the kids were raised with it in tight pocketted communities, but even that gets flack. Anyway, I call it hooker slang because the only people in the world who speak that way as far as I know are transsexual escorts or prostitutes.

You may now purge.

06-19-2005, 05:07 PM
Thats just the way some of them talk Vicki.
Dont criticize what you dont understand.
Some of the lingo even I dont understand but ill give you a quick lesson.

Cunt-meaning a ts or a very fem boy is like a girl "living like cunt".
There is also a song by kevin aviance called "cunty" that goes "feeling like a daisy,feely like a orchid......cunty cunty cunty.
Its usually is a good thing when your called "cunt".

Coins-It means money.

Catra-I have no idea what it means could someone explain it to me?

Pussy-same as cunt when applied to a draq queen or TS.

Fish-having the essence of a real women.being undetectible even to other TS girls.
This is a hard quality to achieve since you are born with it.

Ovah-This is simply about you looking or feeling or doing soemmething better than the rest.
examples....."That bitch is ova,those shoes are ovah,its ovah for her I live for ha"
"OVAHNESS" is a state of mid that all strive for.
Like I could say....."Its ovah for Allanah.....that bitch is ovah"......it means she is doing something or looking a certain way that ellecits praise from others......envy.
"Ovah u" mean I am better than u,looking better,dressing better ect.......

Fierce-has to do with how you look,how you work your look,how you "work it".
Its similar to "ovah" but not as high a praise as being "ovah".
"fierceness" has a lot to do with confidence..........its like if a regular woman walks into the door......there might be something fierce about her but usually not.
Then if Allanah walked in the door,very confident,very well dressed,very beautiful and knowing it.......its a confidence its a fine honing its like saying "look at this hunk of woman".

Work,working it"-usually heard in the form of "work bitch" when walking the runway.
I could mean "working" a certain look.......
an observer can be "worked" by watching someone(someone fierce or ovah) do there thing.
Like I could say....."That bitch worked me........I got enjoyment from her doing her thing,either walking the runway.....or just doing something ordinary.

Life-It keeps you going like oxygen......like something you get immense enjoyment from thats out of the ordinary.......like going to Allanahs club and enjoying yourself.
You can then say"I get my life from her"
Some people get life from going to balls or hanging around certain people,ect..........

Actually quite a few transexuals know this lingo.............you should learn it..anyways......
It all has to do with the socio-economic strata you come from.
As far as the lingo being "gay".....I got news for you Vicki--you are gay.
Almost every transexual starts out as a gay born and goes form there.
Stop criticizing gay people...they are your friends believe it or not.
Its people like you who are so silly acting.........you dont like in a vacuum sweety.
People dont look at you like you look at yourself so even though you may consider your seperate from the gay experience almost everyone else thinks your apart of it.
Believe it.
Im sick of trans people criticizing gay people...stop being silly,they are your brothers and sisters.

Now that my sermon is over.......have a nice day.

Vicki Richter
06-19-2005, 08:01 PM
I'd have to say that I am in denial about the gay thing. I don't really agree with it. Maybe girls like Allanah who grew up in the gay community can accept that statement because their transcendence was different than mine. Guys on this board are afraid of everything it seems. There are hundreds of guys who read these forums and the only support I usually get is typically through private messages and personal emails. Why? Because they don't want to debate their sexuality with morons who already have preconceived notions about what everyone is. It's a grey line to be sure, but sure it's easier to take the easy way out... I've said this to others, but you can't have it both ways. Either TS are "she" and gay with women, or we're "he" and gay with men. Which is it? What a courageous guy. Why don't you head over to your imaginary girlfriends Yahoo group and tell her that she's really a gay man in your opinion. Not that she acknowledges you anyway, but I think that would seal the deal on her not wanting to be. She's even expressed the conflict that other TS, including me, have with being with openly bisexual men (sorry on this one Estatic cause you know I luv ya). It's a doublestandard, but I don't want a guy who likes sucking men off or getting fucked by guys.

As far as the lingo being "gay".....I got news for you Vicki--you are gay.

You calling me gay is essentially calling all TS gay men. Fuck you. It is so much more complex than that and you know it. You are no better than most of mainstream america who would agree with your misguidance. Don't think just because you've hung out in gay clubs with drag queens your entire adult life that you have a clue about the psyche of TS. Well you don't babe. A gay guy just doesn't go along one day and say, "Oh it sure would be nice live as a girl, lets try that."

Then there's Absolute Shade... I still can't acknowledge this person as a TS as this person hasn't shown any more knowledge of TS than you. This person calls TS "Fags with tits" and the men who like them "it" thinks of as "fags". Then the person goes so far as to say, that most TS agree. How nice. An anonymous person speaking for the entire TS community.
It's shitheads like this person posting Megabody's personal information that drive people off these boards. The moderators would rather have an imposter TS on the boards stirring up controversy than a guy like Gregg. Pathetic.

Seriously, you're both completely out in left field. You two are the TS bashing board trolls here. Your comments are really the biggest, uneducated insult in my opinion. But, that's how you really think. You're honest. Good for you.

ps - It's a stupid slang language.

06-19-2005, 09:09 PM
My take on this whole subject is that I don't think anyone can put themselves in the position of dictating what another person is or isn't. If someone views themselves in a certain way, then that's what they are. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, naturally, but I think it's extremely rude to attempt to force a particular perception onto anyone else.

Maybe it's the way I was brought up. Here's an example that in no way is meant to be a reflection of or really related to what's being discussed in this thread, but it's just kinda amusing:

The summer Star Wars came out (sure has been alot of SW references lately) I made up my mind to live as a Jawa for several months. I got a hooded robe, wore a spaghetti strainer over my face, and carried a wooden dowel in my belt (I figured I had made some crafty business deal and picked it up off a disgraced Jedi, or something). Whenever my parents or sisters would have people over, there would sooner or later come the inevitable moment where I'd walk through the room and be greated with stunned silence by the visitors. I'm sure they were thinking "who's the mental patient, and why doesn't anyone else find him odd?" My family would dismiss the incident with, "Oh, that's just Jeff."

Like I said, not the same thing at all. That was a imaginative whim on the part of a little kid, and we're talking about profoundly more important things here. Views of self that are ingrained since birth and are far more a part of an individuals identity then just there physical design. But I had to work a little story in somehow, it's been awhile since I did that.

I guess I don't fully understand a lot of things regarding Transexualism, I try to but I don't think a person "on the outside" can ever really fully understand something of that magnitude. The important thing is to keep learning and keep an open mind.

I guess I've always viewed the world as far more maleable and open to personal interpretation then most. I've never really liked the mindset of the majority, and I don't really care what they think. Maybe I should be more concerned about that.

It's possible that my outlook on the world is the result of that damn "Free To Be You And Me" show that was on TV constantly when I was a kid. . .

P.S. who's this Megabody guy we keep hearing about? Must have been before my time.

06-19-2005, 09:18 PM
:roll: wasn't miriam " The WORST Escort Ever " consistently rated a " 1 " :roll:

06-19-2005, 09:56 PM
I agree with Vicki on the gay thing. Homosexuality is a matter of sexual orientation or preference. I t implies preferential sexual attraction to people of the same sex. As Vicki is attracted to straight men and I for one am attracted to Vicki and other shemales (while not being in any way attracted to men), and neither of us are of the same sex, I don't consider either of us gay.

On the language issue again I agree with Vicki. The only place words can mean anything you want them to mean is in “Alice in Wonderland" or other make-believe worlds.

Using words that others don't understand or find offensive is a barrier to communication. A prime example is using the word "cunt", which some consider the most offensive word in the English language (check out http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=cunt&r=f), as a term of endearment. It is hard to see anything other than disrespect when it used as an adjective describing a person.

06-19-2005, 10:39 PM
I agree with that. Vicki could just not respond at all, but she took the time to explain why it's irritating. The problem is that AS's lingo is part of her style. I actually think it's kind of cute the way she calls the girls 'Miss' - are you Southern, AS? Anyway....if people could get past their defensiveness and digest what the other person is saying, it's possible they could change. Imagine that. Acquiring a more likable persona.
On the 'celebrities' thread, that guy continues to be wordy, overuse emoticons and bold type, harp on the same subject, etc., even though many of us have pointed out his barriers to communicating here. He gleefully continues out of a childish need to get attention by any means necessary. "I'm gonna do my thing, and there's nothing you can do to stop me." True enough. But he's not making many if any friends, and I for one have stopped reading anything the man has to say.
It's my nature to see both sides of things. Believers in astrology say it's because I'm a Libra. Whatever. Personally I'd vote for everybody to try to be cool here, say what they think, call others on their statements, but not attack them personally. And consider what other people have to say even if it means changing what they believe or how they act. Anyone here think there's nothing that could be improved about themselves?

Felicia Katt
06-19-2005, 11:27 PM
Here is what mildly bugs me. People may say things like Dat and Dem and Dose and Sup and Aight in real life. But thats just how they are pronouncing That and Them and Those and Whats up and Alright. Its an accent or dialect, not a new language. The English posters don't change how they type their words to reflect their accent. The southern posters don't try to type in a drawl. (with the exception of Y'all), Texans don't type in a twang, Geekmeat doesn't type in a lisp (just a joke, relax!!!!!!!!LOL) etc etc.

I'm also mildly bugged when people who probably don't normally talk that way in real life do on line. It seems like posing to me. If you are from the suburbs, don't talk like you are from South Central, you know?

or, since I am half Canadian, maybe I should have said

Don't talk like you are from South Central, eh?

or since I am from Southern California, maybe it should have read

Its like, don't talk like your from South Central, I'm soooo sure.



06-19-2005, 11:51 PM
:roll: wasn't miriam " The WORST Escort Ever " consistently rated a " 1 " :roll:

The reviews I recall had high remarks for her beauty, but were consistently bad reviews for her attitude and request for more money (2s and 3s). I was always shocked by the reviews, since her performance in Transsexual Beauty Queens 9 was one of the best TS performances I have seen. She also had a hot scene in Transsexual Celebrity Look Alikes 2, which I believe never came out on DVD.

06-19-2005, 11:51 PM
Lets face the truth, Ebonics is for uneducated morons that want attention. If it is spoken in anyones household, then those parents are bigger morons then their offspring, for not setting a better example!

It is because of these people that the education sysyem in this country is constantly lowering its standards, just to get the dumbasses passed!

06-20-2005, 12:16 AM
She's even expressed the conflict that other TS, including me, have with being with openly bisexual men (sorry on this one Estatic cause you know I luv ya). It's a doublestandard, but I don't want a guy who likes sucking men off or getting fucked by guys.
Hey, it's cool, Vicki. Thanks for thinking of me. For what it's worth, with the exception of one guy about 32 years ago who I had a "thing" with for 2-3 months, I've never been in any way romantically attracted to men, only to women. Yet I very much enjoy all facets of sex play, including oral and anal encounters with men. Once I discovered shemales, my sexual interest in men dropped to practically zero: all of that can fulfilled--and FAR more--with a T than with another guy. But because I love the full range of sexuality, I use the term bisexual to describe myself because it's the most embracing of the common terms. I'm certainly not "gay" nor am I "straight" but I do strive to be a "straight shooter" if you know what I mean.

Now if a girl has a problem with me because I'm attracted to her cock, that's a wholly different issue. All I can say is that her penis is far from the only attraction for me, and I fully support any girl who chooses SRS as the best option in her life. You gotta be who you are, or live in denial, and that is not an option as far as I can see.

Of course, this whole thing is pretty strange from my perspective: bisexual, too old for most of the girls, married, the list goes on. Just how far am I from "dirty old man" status? (don't answer that!) I often fantasize about what it would be like to be 25 now instead of 50+, with the options that simply weren't widely available when I was 25, but I can't change history. Hell, if T's had the presence when I was 20 that they do now, I probably would never have had that first "gay" experience way back when, because I would have been with a T not a guy. But I make the best that I can of the situation.

06-20-2005, 12:21 AM
P.S. who's this Megabody guy we keep hearing about? Must have been before my time.
Check some of his posts, Hondarobot. He's really an incredibly nice guy, though his posts often came off otherwise. He's perhaps the original star of this forum, and oddly enough irrc he stopped posting (a little past his 1000th post--and he was here from nearly the beginning) just about when you started, so you just missed him. He was thought-provoking, opinionated, engaging, funny, and a whole lot more. Some here know him really well. He made a deliberate choice to stop posting, but I saw him a few weeks ago in NYC and had a great conversation with him.

06-20-2005, 12:53 AM
This is what I find so funny the topic is about Miriam and absolute shade comments in her "lingo" and that becomes the topic. I mean if she wants to talk in her lingo then she can talk in her lingo, God get a life.
Again bringin Allanahs name in to a conversation that she is not a part of by saying oh shes been around gay people since she was young.
Mami relax! Your not any better then anyone else your an escort in the porn industry . So please relax if you were such a women you would have a regular job and you wouldnt be using your tool to have intercourse. Last time i checked women dont top men. So really stop trying to make yourself look better then evryone else its too much of desperate cry for attention.

Vicki Richter
06-20-2005, 02:05 AM
<grin> Spec. I never said I was better than anyone else. I never put down escorts. I've "put down" the way that a group of them talk and I've made comments about how many of them blow through money without looking towards tomorrow. I have friends who do both things. Why don't you be helpful and supportive instead of condoning ignorance. TS escorts should be thinking of ways to better and sustain themselves long term and not just through surgery but planning alternate careers, and not just in the entertainment business. Small things like speaking like the norm make this easier.

As far as women topping men... Have you seen Joey Silvera's strap attack? If Christian were on here, he'd tell you that a lot of the porn girls in it requested to be in it and not because of the $. One of the originators of the female/male strap on genre, Kevin Ducati, is wealthy today because of the significant sales of his sites and video series. A good number of women (although I am sure not a huge percentage) do it in their personal lives too. I've known 3 non-industry women who "top" their husbands or boyfriends regularly. Many lesbians have strap on's for sex with their lovers. Is that considered topping? I think, by definition, it is.

Anyway, this thread is pretty fun. If you want to go back to talking about Miriam escorting please do so. I wasn't trying to steal her thunder.

06-20-2005, 07:04 AM

I know all the guys are living that Miss Vicki is sticking up for them!!!!

Now they don't feel like fags! LOL

They have their tranny 2 sugar coat things 4 them.

Back to the lovely Miriam..................

06-20-2005, 07:13 AM
Absoluuuute...play nice honey! And please..lose the f word. We're past that now, unless this is the Groundhog Day movie.
Vicky can 'stick up' for me anytime.

06-20-2005, 07:32 AM
OK I am not EXACTLY calling you gay but............
you do top guys in movies and real women DONT do that......
What I am saying is that the gay thing and the transexual thing are connected...they are fluid.
Its kind of complicated because it has to do with self-indentity and not sexual acts......in other words even though you have a penis you indentify as a women therefore your not gay even though a lot of sex between TS and men is gay sex.
There are some girls that are purely TS like KARA who had the operation done and did not have sex with guys because the thought of a guy wanting her for her penis disgusted her.
There are many degrees vicki....
I didnt mean to insult you but lets be clear here.........just being a transexual is putting yourself way out there.
We are all ignorant about this TS thing its kinda new so lighten up will ya'

I'd have to say that I am in denial about the gay thing. I don't really agree with it. Maybe girls like Allanah who grew up in the gay community can accept that statement because their transcendence was different than mine. Guys on this board are afraid of everything it seems. There are hundreds of guys who read these forums and the only support I usually get is typically through private messages and personal emails. Why? Because they don't want to debate their sexuality with morons who already have preconceived notions about what everyone is. It's a grey line to be sure, but sure it's easier to take the easy way out... I've said this to others, but you can't have it both ways. Either TS are "she" and gay with women, or we're "he" and gay with men. Which is it? What a courageous guy. Why don't you head over to your imaginary girlfriends Yahoo group and tell her that she's really a gay man in your opinion. Not that she acknowledges you anyway, but I think that would seal the deal on her not wanting to be. She's even expressed the conflict that other TS, including me, have with being with openly bisexual men (sorry on this one Estatic cause you know I luv ya). It's a doublestandard, but I don't want a guy who likes sucking men off or getting fucked by guys.

As far as the lingo being "gay".....I got news for you Vicki--you are gay.

You calling me gay is essentially calling all TS gay men. Fuck you. It is so much more complex than that and you know it. You are no better than most of mainstream america who would agree with your misguidance. Don't think just because you've hung out in gay clubs with drag queens your entire adult life that you have a clue about the psyche of TS. Well you don't babe. A gay guy just doesn't go along one day and say, "Oh it sure would be nice live as a girl, lets try that."

Then there's Absolute Shade... I still can't acknowledge this person as a TS as this person hasn't shown any more knowledge of TS than you. This person calls TS "Fags with tits" and the men who like them "it" thinks of as "fags". Then the person goes so far as to say, that most TS agree. How nice. An anonymous person speaking for the entire TS community.
It's shitheads like this person posting Megabody's personal information that drive people off these boards. The moderators would rather have an imposter TS on the boards stirring up controversy than a guy like Gregg. Pathetic.

Seriously, you're both completely out in left field. You two are the TS bashing board trolls here. Your comments are really the biggest, uneducated insult in my opinion. But, that's how you really think. You're honest. Good for you.

ps - It's a stupid slang language.

06-20-2005, 10:09 AM
yes the loveley Miriam is back
And vicky tops just like men do, not women
Dont mention the few freaky women you know that is unatural for a woman to top a man, not created by nature that way.
And u feeling so much like a woman should follow in that or not get offende when people dont see you as the woman you claim to be

"Im so real your so real why dont we get together and make some realness happen"

06-20-2005, 11:31 AM
I'm not so sure I agree that women topping men is "unnatural". I suppose to some degree many people could see things that way, but not too many years ago girls weren't suppose to wear pants, vote, or do many other things.

We evolve and adapt, that's what people do.

But I agree, everyone getting together to make some realness happen does sound like a good idea.

06-20-2005, 12:31 PM
Here let me try.

That bitch is unspecific, she's got knee thighs on the ELBOWS (make sure to all caps at least one word so they know it's important) for real. When she walks that ass is down on the big toe and men are all unwashed when they see her. haha (make sure to laugh so they think you might know what you are saying). That's swishy fish on the bakers rack like all cunty like ET on a plant. Oh, and she looks great in picture as well.
you're a pisser.
I could learn to like you lots :) :oops:

06-20-2005, 04:57 PM
I have always loved Vicki's posts on here because she speaks her mind......and she has one. Too many people on here just go along with everything to fit in...to avoid conflict. Megabody was in many ways the same. He said what he thought and felt. Some people didn't like it....oh well.

In my mind it's better to have posts that make you think, and lead to dialogue and debate. Much better than turning this into Stepford TS.

And I'm sure I just made some enemies now. C'est la vie!

Vicki Richter
06-21-2005, 04:24 AM
yes the loveley Miriam is back
And vicky tops just like men do, not women
Dont mention the few freaky women you know that is unatural for a woman to top a man, not created by nature that way.
And u feeling so much like a woman should follow in that or not get offende when people dont see you as the woman you claim to be

"Im so real your so real why dont we get together and make some realness happen"

That was a very nice and thoughtful post Spec. See we can all live together in peace and harmony. To be honest, it would be easy to asy that everything about transsexuals is "unnatural"... God (or nature if you prefer) didn't create an asshole for it to get fucked either. It was obviously created as an option though. I mean the size ratio of asshole to a dick is pretty convenient don't you think?

Seriously if you keep posting messages like this one I am going to start liking you. It's funny but I actually end up liking everyone I disagree with at some point or another. I'm still waiting for Absolute to come around.
For example, geekmeat is bipolar like I probably am. He runs hot and cold. Some days I love Allanah and want to kiss her (figuratively), but mostly I just end up wanting to say the first thing that comes to mind.


06-21-2005, 05:32 AM
yes the loveley Miriam is back
And vicky tops just like men do, not women
Dont mention the few freaky women you know that is unatural for a woman to top a man, not created by nature that way.
And u feeling so much like a woman should follow in that or not get offende when people dont see you as the woman you claim to be

"Im so real your so real why dont we get together and make some realness happen"

Miss Spectator...I LOVE YOU 8)

Werk for the realness quote