View Full Version : The question many would like to ignore............

01-22-2008, 10:32 PM
Ever catch a tranny you talk to alot in a lie.
What about an exaggeration of the truth?!?
Better yet, did you ever speak to a tranny and she mentions something a friend of hers said and you knew that was a lie?!?

How do you even begin to respond to that?

Do you just nod your head or if on the phone say the typical "uh huh"
Do you confront the individual to see how far she'll go with the story after she's been caught knee deep in shit?!?

01-22-2008, 10:36 PM
Johnny, as long as they keep lieing about how much bigger and thicker they thought I'd be and how I last for hours on end, they can lie as much as they want. Mahalo


01-22-2008, 11:26 PM
After my last gf (A 3G) said she 'loved' me, most other lies are just gnat bites on the big, ass cheek of life. If something sounds exceptionally unbelievable I just pretend that I'm listening to a lawyer or insurance adjuster and it all rolls off.

I'm not aware of any gurl that I've met laying lines on me, but I somewhat expect a little fibbing in a commercial exchange.

01-22-2008, 11:31 PM
I'll have a tranny friend come over and she'll tell me her shoes cost $700 in some nutty Soho store I never heard of.
And I have a male friend who tells me he had $5,000 on the Giants late Sunday night, AFTER the game ended. this guy plays $200/game-tops.

these same people routinely under-tip in restaurants btw.

you can't call these people out on their lies and exaggerations because they are desperately insecure and crave my attention. not sure why I even bother with them.

Sunny Dee-lite
01-23-2008, 12:02 AM
Rule of thumb whenever you catch someone in a lie ....You punch them really hard in the stomach....Then they will think twice before lying again!... :lol:

01-23-2008, 12:29 AM
What about GGs? I'm assuming they never lie?

01-23-2008, 12:44 AM
Depends on the lie. Lies are often offered in order to 1) spare someone embarrassment (the liar, the lie-ee or one lied about); 2) simplify a long story; 3) self aggrandizement; 4) hurt someone etc. etc. etc.

If I think (1) or (2) are at work I just ignore it. If I think (3) applies, I'll probability still basically ignore it, but express a measure of disbelief. (4) I'll come to the injured party's defense, unless I want to hurt them too.
(5), (6), (7), ???

01-23-2008, 01:26 AM
My rule for intimate dealings with any type of woman: If I discover a woman is lying to me, I never let her know that I am aware of it until I've done whatever I plan to do following said discovery. Otherwise, she may become more cunning when practicing any future deception (concealing her tells, covering her tracks better, etc.). In short, it’s better to let her think she is getting over until I am ready to react on my terms, at which time she will be left with a fait accompli.


01-23-2008, 01:32 AM
My rule for intimate dealings with any type of woman: If I discover a woman is lying to me, I never let her know that I am aware of it until I've done whatever I plan to do following said discovery. Otherwise, she may become more cunning when practicing any future deception (concealing her tells, covering her tracks better, etc.). In short, it’s better to let her think she is getting over until I am ready to react on my terms, at which time she will be left with a fait accompli.


01-23-2008, 02:14 AM
What about GGs? I'm assuming they never lie?

of course GG's don't lie, only small children and TS's lie.... Silly!!

01-23-2008, 02:14 AM
Rule of thumb whenever you catch someone in a lie ....You punch them really hard in the stomach....Then they will think twice before lying again!... :lol:

wow sister, never saw this side of u :twisted:

01-23-2008, 02:32 AM
that's assault and battery: Hope you got a good lawyer if you indulge your passions.

01-23-2008, 03:34 AM
Rule of thumb whenever you catch someone in a lie ....You punch them really hard in the stomach....Then they will think twice before lying again!... :lol:


01-23-2008, 03:35 AM
JWBL you hit the spot. I'm a pretty good listener and when I hear the same things being repeated over and over but different each time I have to wonder why? I know a TS that loves to make grandiose claims and I just sit back and say ok. Then I watch and nothing changes. It's really funny that she's been making the same claims for almost 3 years now but it's all the same. Now why would someone lie about things that are tangible and can be checked?
That's what really gets me....lol :lol:

01-23-2008, 03:43 AM
What I wonder is why men call trannies, trannies, when they know it's considered by many trannies to be a demeaning / disparaging term when men use in in discussion about us outside of a porn film or something.

Guess we know how some guys really feel about us. Grade AAA, now STFU Jamie and suck.

TS Jamie :-)

01-23-2008, 10:40 PM
Rule of thumb whenever you catch someone in a lie ....You punch them really hard in the stomach....Then they will think twice before lying again!... :lol:

I love you for that


01-24-2008, 08:32 AM
Here's my policy....Each lie means a blowjob! If she's caught lying enough, she will be so busy giving me blow jobs, she won't have time to lie!!!

01-24-2008, 11:20 AM
I let that shit ride, but I keep it in the background. But if it gets too outrageous Im going to shit on you

01-24-2008, 02:04 PM
bump to show my new avatar... :P

01-24-2008, 02:06 PM
bump to show my new avatar... :P

the new avatar is nice, you look beautiful

01-24-2008, 03:27 PM
bump to show my new avatar... :P

Another great pic Jen, though there are a few too many leaves in that top. ;) Mahalo


01-24-2008, 03:40 PM
I always find it more amusing to let the person dig deeper and deeper... once they are all the way down and have no way out is when things are the most amusing.

01-25-2008, 12:41 AM
I've heard some doozies.

Usually, what I do is repeat what the person said back to them. Then I leave it alone for a while. Then I change some small part of it later on and see where they go with it.

Lies that really bother me, because some things I can't let go:

I'm black and cuban (uhhhh...there are black cubans, how come you don't speak spanish or know what a molleja is?)

I'm Spanish and Chinese (uhhhhh...you're from El Salvador and you have chinky eyes)

I'm in school (I'm not even going there....HOW COME YOU NEVER GO OR CRACK A BOOK?!?)

Grrrrrrrr......I'm annoyed

01-25-2008, 12:59 AM
They all lie. Their life is made up of deception. It's all about money and not much else. I think this will all come crashing down in 2009. We are working on legislation to outlaw the term Female for a non op TS. This has all gotten out of control and the bullshit needs to stop. You are a male until you get a vagina. Stop trying to ripoff the government and you're clients. The TS genre is not real. It is entirely fabricated. Any person that wants or needs to change sex should do so in a discrete, private fashion. There should be no such thing as a woman with a cock. This is an escape and probably a mental illness. Would you mutilate your body unless money was involved? Of course not.
You make it all about sex and then you die. How about some real people that do this for the right reasons. These days there are very few. I think it's time for a documentary on the dubious girls that use sex and ultimately end up looking like a 50 yr old man with fake tits. How short sighted they are and what a pathetic existence they live. It's a sickness.

01-25-2008, 01:01 AM
It was fun while it lasted......

8 pages.

01-25-2008, 06:51 AM
ok u can do moor nice