View Full Version : UFO's and ET's. Let's talk about them. :D

01-21-2008, 08:53 AM
Being big on UFO's and ET's, I figuered, let's discuss about some of it, like this video for example.


Yay or nay?

I am hard pressed here.....the constant shaking of the camera, and the time records and wind is a bit odd, but the vessel in question is interesting. And the fact it made news in some big Russian magazines and newspapers add to it.

Let's disect this video and go over it, shall we? And both sides can discuss it, just be civil, mmmkay? :)

And post any vids and pics on this stuff too. This could be a good and stimulating thread, discussing about cosmic neighbors. :D

01-21-2008, 09:04 AM
looks like a hoax to me

anyways I dont doubt there is other life in this universe, seeing as this universe is infinite, and hosts to trillions of stars and planets, there is definitely life out there, its just way 2 faraways, life cant be singular to this piece of rock we call earth.

01-21-2008, 09:10 AM
looks like a hoax to me

anyways I dont doubt there is other life in this universe, seeing as this universe is infinite, and hosts to trillions of stars and planets, there is definitely life out there, its just way 2 faraways, life cant be singular to this piece of rock we call earth.

The big problem is 2 actually.

1: The mainstream medias, when handing anything related to UFO's, they treat it as "cute" and snicker at it. And expecting us to look at a sighting or a cattle mutilation like a movie of the week and forget about it the next day :roll:

2: Our space program is way too politcally driven these days. If places like Italy, France, England and especially Japan discuss it and make their documentation available to the public, Yankee Land outta do the same and shred the Brookings report.

Aunt Kay
01-22-2008, 05:53 AM

01-22-2008, 05:57 AM

Something more constructive to the thread would be more appreciated, you know. :P

01-22-2008, 09:31 PM
Missing pentagon trillion$ - where did they come from? http://www.rense.com/general80/missing.htm Clearly there was/is a black ops budget somewhere. I think they know where they spent it. They just won't say where because of "national security" considerations so they it's lost. My guess is the experimental aircraft site out at area 51
where they are trying to "reverse engineer" an alien space craft. Such a project would cost mega bucks. See Bob Lazar: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Lazar

01-22-2008, 09:32 PM
correction: they say it's lost.

01-22-2008, 09:44 PM
I haven't watched the video yet, I'll check it out after work tonight. I do not think it will be of an alien spaceship, though.

Here's the problem with the whole subject, for me. Why is it every single UFO picture or video shot by some guy with a lousy piece of equipment, who doesn't know anything about photography or videography? It's always crappy light, grainy image, shaking around.

The thing is, the people most likely to be outside with proper equipment, who could capture a clear image, are professionals in those fields. Photographers are outside doing shoots all hours of the day, all over the world. Not one absolutely credible picture has even been produced, as far as I know.

But yeah, I'll watch the video tonight, just to see.

01-22-2008, 10:11 PM
Lighting is a problem. It wasn’t until I was halfway through the vid that my brain was able to grasp the object’s intended shape. There’s nothing that allows one to estimate the size of the object. It’s never next to a tree, a house, a hill, a bridge, nothing. Once we see the moon, but not in the same frame as the object. We can’t even verify that it’s in the sky. There’s a similarity between the July 30th object and the Aug 1st one. It would be assumption to take them to be of the same object. Altogether I counted nine separate “sightings” on film here. What’s my verdict? I’m going with nine UPT’s; i.e nine unidentified photographed things.

El Nino
01-23-2008, 12:39 AM
There are civilizations hundreds of millions of years more advanced than ours. Our galaxy is a young one, cosmically speaking of course. We can't even wrap our minds around the types of technologies or unimaginable "stuff" that may comprise their "societies." I'd bet my life on it... The time is coming real soon. Notice all the media coverage and establishment hype these days? Cats outta the bag

BTW, we are aliens

01-23-2008, 01:56 AM
That could be anything. The main question I have is: Why is the backdrop a constant total blackness? Was the month of August 2007, in Turkey, suffering the aftermath of a volcanic explosion which shrouded the skies with smoke? I don't think so, that probably would have made the news.

The time code on the camera is a bit odd, but that doesn't really prove anything. The earliest time stamp is 1:44 pm, and the latest is 4:00 am, relative to what one would expect to be daylight hours. But again, several factors could be at play there.

I also highly suspect the video makers dialog. Very calm, almost bored. They were filming a stationary UFO, at various times of the day, for a whole month and they sound like they are blabbing about having had a long day at work.

Why didn't they tell anyone else about this thing? It keeps showing up, and these dopes think the best idea is to just record the same basic footage repeatedly with the same crappy camera? No way.

I'm sorry, but I think that was nearly as bad as the "George Bush turning into a lizard" video. I'm not stomping on the idea that it might be a UFO, or that some actual UFO footage might exist. I just don't buy it, myself.

01-23-2008, 03:36 AM
Just once why can't two people who don't know each with two different camersa at two different sights record the same immage?

01-23-2008, 04:05 AM
It is my belief that UFO's exist.

It is also my belief that this video is total bullshit.

It is of my belief that videos like this are released so that people can point to them and say "Told ya UFO's are fake"

Nothing more than disinformation.

Quiet Reflections
01-23-2008, 04:58 AM
i think they exist but are way to smart to travel across the cold vast emptiness of space to get caught on tape by some asshole with a shitty HI8.

01-23-2008, 05:16 AM
The observable universe is roughly 12 billion years old and stretches more than 3.7 kilo-parsecs across. It’s homogeneous and isotropic which ultimately implies the chemistry of Earth is repeated elsewhere on myriads of other moons and planets; i.e. we’re not alone.

At least in one sense we are not alone. On the other hand, among other things, we do not understand the evolutionary origins of life well enough to calculate how many civilizations the typical spiral galaxy (like our Milky Way) might house: maybe one, maybe less than one, maybe hundreds. Even if there were a civilization say halfway across the galaxy from Earth it would be 50000 lightyears away. If it were broadcasting a signal today we wouldn’t pick it up until fifty millennia past. We might not make that long. The most likely scenario is a universe which houses uncountably many civilizations but all of them so vastly separated by space and by time that they rarely if ever interact with each other. If a civilization is lucky, astro-archeologists from another and future world may discover its ruins and scavenge its knowledge.

It would be wonderful if warp drives and wormholes made the universe smaller than it seems to be. But so far we haven’t been able to build them; and we’ve seen neither evidence of starships, stargates nor even extraterrestrial signals. Were we receiving signals from another galaxy, or if we are being regularly visited by alien astronauts, we would know about it. Enough independent astronomers, universities and research centers have been gazing and listening with extremely expensive and sophisticated equipment that no government could possibly have made the discovery on its own and kept it secret. No professor or graduate student is going sit on her hands when fame, fortune and the most exciting news ever falls in her lap.

01-23-2008, 05:52 AM
If some form of alien intelligence was observing/visiting earth, this would be my take on the subject:

The rules of what we understand to be Physics couldn't possible apply to who or whatever was observing or visiting us, if that is happening. Crossing vast distances of space, among other things, doesn't work with the math we know. A good analogy would be a hyper intelligent cell in a petri dish (humans being that particular cell).

The cell somehow detects that it's under the lens of a microscope. It would be aware of the lens, but no matter how clever that cell was, it could only understand the presence of the lens. It wouldn't be able to understand that the lens was simply one part of a microscope. The cell couldn't see the microscope or even understand what a microscope was.

And that's just the microscope.

Who's looking through the microscope is the interesting question, and I don't think humans will ever understand it. We are just advanced cavemen, patting ourselves on the back for learning to sharpen rocks really well at this point.

I don't think advanced alien intelligence would arrive wearing silver suits and flying a saucer. I believe they would drive hot rods.

El Nino
01-23-2008, 06:41 AM
Trish and Honda, you both make great points. But, Honda I really like your petri-dish analogy. I think similarly, which henceforth, makes their technological capabilities out of the realm, of even our wildest imaginations. In light of this, our boundaries and constraints of "modern" physics, are theoretically nullified. Trish, you have to consider the potential advancements of beings that are so much farther evolved than us, on a cosmic scale. Bottom line is, we are not THAT advanced... or civilized for that matter!

Peace, El Nino

01-23-2008, 08:15 AM
Couldn't resist writing a friendly rebuttal. What can I say, it's a fun topic.

I think you sell us a little bit short. Sharpened sticks aren't nullified by swords and guns and neither will modern physics be nullified by the advances of other civilizations. Our knowledge and technology may be dwarfed by that of an extraterrestrial culture. But what we know will not all be nullified, because truth is independent the intelligence of the civilization that discovers it. Regardless of who knows it, a sharpened stick can puncture a potato, the Milky Way is 100000 light-years across, and Tom Cruise is an idiot. These truths I hold to be self evident to all intelligent agents.

There may well be technologies beyond our wildest dreams. Yet it didn’t take advanced technology for early American natives to see a see to a ship on the horizon and it doesn’t take more technology than we already have to scan the skies today. We spot new comets and asteroids all the time at the outer reaches of our solar system. We discover other planets parsecs from our own. If there were starships in Earth orbit we’d know about it. If the Great Pyramid housed the mouth of a wormhole, we’d already would’ve mapped the gravitational anomaly and traced the residual time dilation. It pretty safe to say no aliens are hovering Earth at the current moment.

If we ever are discovered by a civilization capable of traveling to our planet in a reasonable amount of time, no matter how miraculous their abilities seem to be, I don’t hold out much hope that their moral and spiritual understanding will be much more developed than ours. I expect we’ll be colonized and exploited in every way that we have and continue to exploit each other. When that happens, we’ll know about it.

01-23-2008, 08:56 AM
The observable universe is roughly 12 billion years old and stretches more than 3.7 kilo-parsecs across. It’s homogeneous and isotropic which ultimately implies the chemistry of Earth is repeated elsewhere on myriads of other moons and planets; i.e. we’re not alone.

It would be an awful waste if we were alone. I've always thought that there must be life out there. The numbers alone make it very probable. What kind of life is an interesting question. Will they look like us( I doubt it, as we are the end result of a specific evolutionary track), breath oxygen (which can be poisonous), communicate verbally (?), a million other questions.

Oh, and I think the clip is a hoax.

01-25-2008, 02:58 AM
Latest UFO sighting - Arabia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxEcHrsJuoQ&NR=1

01-25-2008, 02:59 AM
Taos hum - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1361284675892189618&q=taos+hum&total=4&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0

01-25-2008, 04:15 AM
Latest UFO sighting - Arabia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxEcHrsJuoQ&NR=1

from 1' 35" to 1'40" into the video there are four objects apparently spaced equally along a straight line which just happens to be parallel to the edge of the foreground roof. an artful composition, given the random placement of the photographer who (since there were no water drops on his lens) was under cover from the rain. i'd say that's evidence of intelligent design.

01-25-2008, 05:05 AM
Weren't there some UFO's just spotted in Texas?
Multiple video cameras and people?

01-25-2008, 12:47 PM
Yes, but the airforce claims tthey were US aircraft "on a routine training mission."

01-25-2008, 04:39 PM
Taos hum - http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1361284675892189618&q=taos+hum&total=4&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=0

The Taos Hum is gov. LF radio comms facility. It operates at frequencies that fall in some people's hearing range. It's the carrier for slow CW comms to submarines going on and off.

Their used to be a similar facility in Michigan,but it was closed in the mid 90's.

You're dealing with huge antennas buried in the ground pumping out megawatts of power at LF to stay in touch with submerged nuke carrying subs.

If it's getting more active it's probably in response to Russia flexing it's military muscle after a decade and a half.

The Russians and the Chinese have similar facilities. I wonder if there are Shanghai and Sverdlosk "hums" there?