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01-21-2008, 06:31 AM
Throwing the topic 'am I gay' vs 'treanssexuals' on its head here. What's the difference???

01-21-2008, 06:33 AM

Teabagger Vance
01-21-2008, 06:34 AM
Throwing the topic 'am I gay' vs 'treanssexuals' on its head here. What's the difference???

I have no idea. What is a "treanssexual?"

01-21-2008, 07:02 AM
Being attracted to the male form or not.


01-21-2008, 07:06 AM
What’s the difference between preferring fruit to cookies and liking the batter before they’re baked?

01-21-2008, 07:17 AM
What’s the difference between preferring fruit to cookies and liking the batter before they’re baked?

My asshole reply.


01-21-2008, 07:40 AM
Gay you will fuck your homie or some form of that in a wig if there is not doubt this is a man and you still want some I would say its safe to say your gay.

Trannie lover you have to either wonder or not know at all if shes a woman.

I dont consider men gay by the things they do in bed but by the packages they choose to do those things with.

01-21-2008, 07:45 AM
Throwing the topic 'am I gay' vs 'treanssexuals' on its head here. What's the difference???

lol WTF are you talking about GAY? if you like these freaks aka FAGGOTs in here that think there actual women then yeah you are 100% a FAGGOT, No strait man in his life time would stick a foot in a cesspool filled with mentally fucked guys who think there chicks....

that is how you tell your GAY or STRAIT.

01-21-2008, 07:50 AM
Throwing the topic 'am I gay' vs 'treanssexuals' on its head here. What's the difference???

lol WTF are you talking about GAY? if you like these freaks aka FAGGOTs in here that think there actual women then yeah you are 100% a FAGGOT, No strait man in his life time would stick a foot in a cesspool filled with mentally fucked guys who think there chicks....

that is how you tell your GAY or STRAIT.

01-21-2008, 07:58 AM
What’s the difference between preferring fruit to cookies and liking the batter before they’re baked?

I like cookies. Therefore, anyone who likes fruit is, well... fruity.

01-21-2008, 08:17 AM
Legend: thank you for the American Psycho pic.

01-21-2008, 05:11 PM
I think Ned Beatty in Deliverance knew the answer to this question. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

01-21-2008, 05:35 PM
No man who likes TS's is ever gay.

However if all you like is TS cock...to the point that the rest of the package does not matter.... you are a cockchaser.

01-21-2008, 06:51 PM
Throwing the topic 'am I gay' vs 'treanssexuals' on its head here. What's the difference???

lol WTF are you talking about GAY? if you like these freaks aka FAGGOTs in here that think there actual women then yeah you are 100% a FAGGOT, No strait man in his life time would stick a foot in a cesspool filled with mentally fucked guys who think there chicks....

that is how you tell your GAY or STRAIT.

How would a guy who's COMPLETELY UNINTERESTED in trannies even find this board? *Gotta wonder*

01-21-2008, 06:57 PM
Her eare 10 signs you might be gay...if none apply they you aren't. There I hope this finally settles it.
Sign #1: You know at least 5 different shades of Red
Sign #2: You feel a tingle when you watch the Super Bowl
Sign #3: On a regular basis you think, "Physical labour is just to tiring. Let's go get a pina colada!"
Sign #4: You can't stand to be away from home for over 2 weeks
Sign #5: You know all the words to "Chicago," "Moulin Rouge," and "Rent"
Sign #6: Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, and Hillary Duff are all on your iPod or other music playing instrument.
Sign #7: Boy Scouts sounds like fun
Sign #8: On a regular basis you think, "Real men don't wear pink, they wear nothing at all"
Sign #9: You watch "I Love Lucy," but not for the comedy...but for the latin flair
Sign #10: You have ever owned a boxing pen (If you don't know what this is, it's probably better that you don't.)

01-21-2008, 09:24 PM
To be honest, i dont consider liking transsexuals to be "gay" in the least bit. Im very attracted to transsexuals, otherwise i wouldnt be a member of this site, but i dont consider myself gay, because i dont like seeing men with a tranny, or even a man going solo, the only way i like a tranny is mainly solo, every now and then with another tranny or a female. The reason alot of people tend to wonder if they are gay for looking at a tranny is because of the penis. But im not just attracted to the penis, they also have breasts, a butt, and a beautiful face just like any normal female. But everyone has their own opinion.

01-21-2008, 09:28 PM
Ask yourself is it important what word you're associated with. As long as it's not "pedophile" or "murderer" you shouldn't mind.

01-22-2008, 03:52 AM
Probably 90% of the guys on this forum are straight. Most are here primarily because we like "females" that are what I call, "ultra" feminine. Most of today's gg's in "my" opinion have abandoned what I call feminine personalities and dress habits. They have abandoned "glamor" for football jersey's and a backwards ball cap. They have ran from the dresses and into the gyms all over America to take karate, trying to build bulging biceps and six packs??? "I" consider these "masculine" characteristics. Also, I don't know "any men" that look like the lovely Vicky Richter or Vanity. Are you gay?? Think about it.

01-22-2008, 04:12 AM
Sign #3: On a regular basis you think, "Physical labour is just to tiring. Let's go get a pina colada!"

Don't confuse gay with lazy.

01-22-2008, 11:54 AM
I don't post often at all, but thought I'd throw my 2 cents into this one. The difference is that Transexuals are women, maybe born in the wrong body, but women all the same & a woman isn't defined by what's between their legs.

01-22-2008, 01:28 PM
Lol..you make an excellent point. I still don't understand how there can be members on here that post often and who think so badly about both ts women and admirers. Why o why are they on here then? Might it have something to do with them actually hating that part of themselves? After all. we truly despise in others what we can't stand about ourselves.

02-08-2008, 12:41 AM
Throwing the topic 'am I gay' vs 'treanssexuals' on its head here. What's the difference???

lol WTF are you talking about GAY? if you like these freaks aka FAGGOTs in here that think there actual women then yeah you are 100% a FAGGOT, No strait man in his life time would stick a foot in a cesspool filled with mentally fucked guys who think there chicks....

that is how you tell your GAY or STRAIT.

So does lookin at pics of trans girlz make you a "FAG"....cause...ummm...your a member of this site aren't you?

02-08-2008, 01:01 AM
I hope this picture helps

02-08-2008, 01:30 AM
Throwing the topic 'am I gay' vs 'treanssexuals' on its head here. What's the difference???

lol WTF are you talking about GAY? if you like these freaks aka FAGGOTs in here that think there actual women then yeah you are 100% a FAGGOT, No strait man in his life time would stick a foot in a cesspool filled with mentally fucked guys who think there chicks....

that is how you tell your GAY or STRAIT.

So does lookin at pics of trans girlz make you a "FAG"....cause...ummm...your a member of this site aren't you?

does looking at post ops make me a fag no, does looking at pictures of chicks with dicks like you fags, make someone a fag......ummmm...yeah. :roll:

plain and simple theres no difference between gays and the freaks, as long as they both have dicks your a bonafide faggot.

02-08-2008, 01:43 AM
Let's hear it, OP! Let's hear what you have to say. :smoking

02-08-2008, 05:02 AM
Transsexualism is a medical condition in which a person developed a gender identity that is directly opposite their assigned sex. The people who experience this condition are called transsexuals.

Female transsexuals (transsexual girl/woman/transwoman): They are the people who have a male sex assignment BUT have a female gender identity.

Sex assignment is the sex assigned by the doctor when you were born and is thus what is entered on your birth certificate.

Gender Identity is the sex/gender we personally declared and feel ourselves to be. This is the sex/gender that we want to be recongized as in our society. This is also the gender where we want to belong.

Transsexual girls like me are women, with that we also strive hard to look like one and our roles in society as one.

Gay men are only attracted to other genetic males like them because they like them as men. Physically and their role in society.

02-08-2008, 05:11 AM
Some of these guys are here for the fetish. I wouldn't call them 100% gay.

I love tranny. I say get rid of all the females and make the world into 1 big tranny. :D There would be no war. Just lipstick fight...

02-08-2008, 05:15 AM
Transsexualism is a medical condition in which a person developed a gender identity that is directly opposite their assigned sex. The people who experience this condition are called transsexuals.

Female transsexuals (transsexual girl/woman/transwoman): They are the people who have a male sex assignment BUT have a female gender identity.

Sex assignment is the sex assigned by the doctor when you were born and is thus what is entered on your birth certificate.

Gender Identity is the sex/gender we personally declared and feel ourselves to be. This is the sex/gender that we want to be recongized as in our society. This is also the gender where we want to belong.

Transsexual girls like me are women, with that we also strive hard to look like one and our roles in society as one.

Gay men are only attracted to other genetic males like them because they like them as men. Physically and their role in society.

What about Trannys who don't mind doing other guys?

02-08-2008, 05:24 AM
Transsexualism is a medical condition in which a person developed a gender identity that is directly opposite their assigned sex. The people who experience this condition are called transsexuals.

Female transsexuals (transsexual girl/woman/transwoman): They are the people who have a male sex assignment BUT have a female gender identity.

Sex assignment is the sex assigned by the doctor when you were born and is thus what is entered on your birth certificate.

Gender Identity is the sex/gender we personally declared and feel ourselves to be. This is the sex/gender that we want to be recongized as in our society. This is also the gender where we want to belong.

Transsexual girls like me are women, with that we also strive hard to look like one and our roles in society as one.

Gay men are only attracted to other genetic males like them because they like them as men. Physically and their role in society.

What about Trannys who don't mind doing other guys?

Whatever is in between your legs is just a piece of flesh. It doens't think for you nor does it tell you what your gender is. You're brain does it for you. Transsexuals who top are just being sexual about it. They like feeling in control. It's like how gg's are when they are playing dominatrix. But after the sex, they still assume the role of a woman, like nothing has changed before you had sex with them.

02-12-2008, 12:21 AM
Her eare 10 signs you might be gay...if none apply they you aren't. There I hope this finally settles it.
Sign #1: You know at least 5 different shades of Red
Sign #2: You feel a tingle when you watch the Super Bowl
Sign #3: On a regular basis you think, "Physical labour is just to tiring. Let's go get a pina colada!"
Sign #4: You can't stand to be away from home for over 2 weeks
Sign #5: You know all the words to "Chicago," "Moulin Rouge," and "Rent"
Sign #6: Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, and Hillary Duff are all on your iPod or other music playing instrument.
Sign #7: Boy Scouts sounds like fun
Sign #8: On a regular basis you think, "Real men don't wear pink, they wear nothing at all"
Sign #9: You watch "I Love Lucy," but not for the comedy...but for the latin flair
Sign #10: You have ever owned a boxing pen (If you don't know what this is, it's probably better that you don't.)

Gulp. I do know at least five different red pigments, but that's because I'm an artist. :lol:

But I know nothing about interior decoration. :wink:

And none of the other nine items apply to me.

02-12-2008, 12:23 AM
Matty0960, Sweet Cheri, and Nicole--you have the hottest avatars here!

02-12-2008, 09:22 AM
i dont know in what classification i am, before tgirls i do guys, then when start doing tgirls i dont wanna do guys anymore only tgirls :)

02-12-2008, 11:37 AM
Am I gay or straight? I'll let Nicole and Mimi decide. They are in charge of important matters such as these.

02-21-2008, 02:05 PM
i love cock but not guys :P

02-21-2008, 02:26 PM
Throwing the topic 'am I gay' vs 'treanssexuals' on its head here. What's the difference???

lol WTF are you talking about GAY? if you like these freaks aka FAGGOTs in here that think there actual women then yeah you are 100% a FAGGOT, No strait man in his life time would stick a foot in a cesspool filled with mentally fucked guys who think there chicks....

that is how you tell your GAY or STRAIT.

...and with the handle "carsons_X", is that a reference to being Carson Kressley's old boyfriend.

02-21-2008, 04:12 PM
Probably 90% of the guys on this forum are straight. Most are here primarily because we like "females" that are what I call, "ultra" feminine. Most of today's gg's in "my" opinion have abandoned what I call feminine personalities and dress habits. They have abandoned "glamor" for football jersey's and a backwards ball cap. They have ran from the dresses and into the gyms all over America to take karate, trying to build bulging biceps and six packs??? "I" consider these "masculine" characteristics. Also, I don't know "any men" that look like the lovely Vicky Richter or Vanity. Are you gay?? Think about it. Kelly wears baseball hat here she still glamourous ..lol

02-21-2008, 07:37 PM
Matty0960, Sweet Cheri, and Nicole--you have the hottest avatars here!


Oooh-la-la! Thank you Cheri! :D

02-21-2008, 08:24 PM
Throwing the topic 'am I gay' vs 'treanssexuals' on its head here. What's the difference???

The difference between being gay and liking transsexuals?

One's gay.

02-22-2008, 12:30 AM
If you only "like" them you're not gay. If you want sex with them well, I think you know the answer.

02-22-2008, 12:33 AM
Trannies are women as far as the eyes and the brains perceptions. With a little bloodflow in the right places and an attractive tranny, something WILL happen.

south ov da border
02-22-2008, 12:51 AM
I like what I like. I don't consider myself straight or gay because that doesn't make much difference to me. You like what you like. Honestly even if you're straight (whatever that means) you have to like something about your own form in order to get aroused right? Unless denial is THAT strong.

I can't speak too much on the gay/tranny mindset because that would cause me to go into reincarnation and past lives, etc.

Personally if he wants to be called she, no different to me...

02-22-2008, 03:11 AM
Throwing the topic 'am I gay' vs 'treanssexuals' on its head here. What's the difference???

lol WTF are you talking about GAY? if you like these freaks aka FAGGOTs in here that think there actual women then yeah you are 100% a FAGGOT, No strait man in his life time would stick a foot in a cesspool filled with mentally fucked guys who think there chicks....

that is how you tell your GAY or STRAIT. are you gay for fucking girls as well as girls with something extra :?: you tell me closet cleaner, by the way which girl do you like the best or do you like 'em both you insulted him a little bit

02-22-2008, 07:19 AM
Throwing the topic 'am I gay' vs 'treanssexuals' on its head here. What's the difference???
There'a a difference ???

02-22-2008, 09:31 AM
Am I gay?

TS Jamie :-)

02-22-2008, 01:01 PM
oh boy, i soo remember this topic, and this is one of the reasons that i left for a while. this topic and like two or three others always seems to bring the assholes out of hiding lol. dude your not gay, shemales, transexuals, ladyboys, etc etc, whatever they call themselves are all women, they view themselves as women, and I view them as women. and besides being women, they are also human beings, put on gods green earth with a brain to make up their own damn mind about what gender they are, its just sometimes god gets the bodies mixed up lol, i mean come on he is handling what 1-2 billion births a year, the guy is bound to make mistakes lol. ALL ts's are women who deserve our utmost respect and sincerity.

holy shit, im not even religeous too LOL, and with this i leave you with the longest comment I have ever posted in my life


02-22-2008, 01:04 PM
crossdressers on the other hand are a different subject lol

^^^srry just had to do it

02-22-2008, 06:00 PM
Am I gay?

TS Jamie :-)

If you want to be gay Jamie, then feel free... :lol:

02-22-2008, 06:31 PM
The difference between being gay and liking transsexuals???

The difference? That's easy. Only someone who's gay would start a thread like this. :lol:
