View Full Version : chlamydia

01-20-2008, 08:29 AM
I found out, I got this bug.

I'm cured thank goodness.

but now I am scared out of mind. My sex drive is non-existence because it.

It could have something worst, you know?

What can I do to deal with this fear and move on.

01-20-2008, 04:18 PM
Find out who you got it from. Then avoid him/her till it's treated successfully. Until then you'll have to wear a condom because you don't really know who has what out there. :>(

01-20-2008, 04:20 PM
don't post shit like THAT HERE !!! LOL

01-20-2008, 04:21 PM
" Reply with quote
Find out who you got it from. Then avoid him/her till it's treated successfully. Until then you'll have to wear a condom because you don't really know who has what out there. :>("

Good advice. You really just never know. I always use a condom, and if I see something developing into a lTR relationship with condom free sex, i have both of us get tested for STD's. Sex just isnt worh screwing life up over.

01-20-2008, 04:52 PM
@Mimi: you can have condomless sex with me. I'm drug and disease free. RU D & D free too?

01-20-2008, 07:40 PM
i like o add.

What scares me the most.

I always always use protection.

I don't know what it could have been. One of those times it rips, slipped off.

I don't know. I'm just going to abstinent from it.

I think I got it from my partner but the blame and denial game erupts.

01-20-2008, 08:17 PM


01-20-2008, 08:57 PM
I found out, I got this bug.

I'm cured thank goodness.

but now I am scared out of mind. My sex drive is non-existence because it.

It could have something worst, you know?

What can I do to deal with this fear and move on.

Thats terrible. But not at all uncommon. I know several people whove gotten chlamydia and they all got it from people they 'thought' were clean. Sucks. But what can you do. Just take it as a lesson learned. At least it was something curable. Couldve been herpes, or WORSE! :evil:

01-20-2008, 10:53 PM
I was totally in love with a girlfriend many years ago when I was touring the country in a band. She lived in another state. I was her second lover. We had been going out for many months when we stopped using protection. It had been many months since I had been with anyone else, and I felt fine and had no idea I had Chlamydia. But one day she burst into tears as we were making love, saying it hurt too much. We went to the clinic and got the news. It was easily curable, but since then I've learned the fact that many STD's show no signs and some can be transmitted with a condom, like HPV. And there is no way for men to know if they have it, no test we can take. Almost everyone has some form of HPV, but only a few are really dangerous to GG's. You have to request the HPV vaccine Gardisil from your doctor to be sure; it's not approved for men yet, but does no harm - you simply have to find a doctor who will do it. The bottom line - if you are having sex without getting the HPV vaccine, you WILL get the gift that keeps on giving for which there is no cure, and may eventually hurt someone that you really love. Hard news but those are the facts.

01-21-2008, 11:48 AM
Guess what people - you can get Chlamydia WITH a condom on. All you need is to get vaginal secretions into a microscopic opening in your skin.

And the really good news - it's becoming resistant to antibiotics. And there's usually no way to tell if someone is infected.

But that's OK - I just read there's a new epidemic of flesh eating bacteria making the rounds through the San Francisco gay community - which means it will be coming our way soon.

Now go have a nice time...

TS Jamie :-)

01-21-2008, 06:11 PM
But that's OK - I just read there's a new epidemic of flesh eating bacteria making the rounds through the San Francisco gay community - which means it will be coming our way soon.

Staph is everywhere now, its been going through east coast jails and schools for a while. There was a girl in FL a few months ago who give birth (csection), woke up 6 months later with no arms or legs- there was a guy with staph in the hospital, she caught it, and almost died.