View Full Version : internet harrassment

01-18-2008, 12:17 PM
if i am not talking to you ...
not i m ing you
and pics are in my computer have been given to me and it is not a crime to post a pic .
how are any wheels in motion ?

01-18-2008, 01:13 PM
im confused, i guess thats coz Im a newbie here . . .

01-18-2008, 03:34 PM
Sometimes posting a picture IS a crime. (or in poor taste)

Teabagger Vance
01-18-2008, 03:43 PM
im confused, i guess thats coz Im a newbie here . . .

One does not have to be a newbie to be confused at a thread like this.

Has someone been salvagely attacked again?

01-18-2008, 03:59 PM
I thought you were leaving

01-18-2008, 04:43 PM
That may be the most brilliant question ever asked. I have no idea what it means.

01-18-2008, 06:57 PM
yes faggot youre harassing her.. if she were smarter shed just put the law on you and do us all a favor

01-18-2008, 07:02 PM
Ummm not for nothing but.........

How the fuck could the law tell that's her ass!

Do they have special equipment to scan the butt print??

How would the conversation at the station go???

" I'd like to report a crime, Someone posted my ass on the internet"

"could you describe the ass ma'am"

"just an ass I guess"

"Hmm, ok we'll get right on that"

El Nino
01-18-2008, 07:03 PM
Take your petty, personal drama elsewhere Mimi. Very few here could give a shit.

01-18-2008, 08:01 PM
Ummm not for nothing but.........

How the fuck could the law tell that's her ass!

Do they have special equipment to scan the butt print??

How would the conversation at the station go???

" I'd like to report a crime, Someone posted my ass on the internet"

"could you describe the ass ma'am"

"just an ass I guess"

"Hmm, ok we'll get right on that"

I would have to show it to them. Which I would do gladly.

Seriously. When i went in to report this they did get right on it. Right now it's just a matter of gathering evidence. It's sad really. The more mimi does to impress her teenage friends, here or on youtube or whatever the more she does to hang herself. It's really all in her hands. She should steer clear of me as the judge has told her too. Just leave me alone as if I did not even exist or else she runs a risk.

I have told the authorities of this. Rest assured wheels are in motion.

01-18-2008, 08:31 PM
You guys really don't get the point of "no contact", do you?

01-18-2008, 08:43 PM
I get it zoe. As the judge explained to me. It requiers her to stay away from me. I don't have to do anything to say away from her which is beyond reason.

i.e. if I am someplace and she arrives she cannot remain. However If she is someplace and I approach her then she is not in violation. I can't like knock on her door then call the police on her. However if I did I would not be in legal trouble. If she did likewise she would be in legal trouble.

01-19-2008, 01:38 AM
Ummm not for nothing but.........

How the fuck could the law tell that's her ass!

Do they have special equipment to scan the butt print??

How would the conversation at the station go???

" I'd like to report a crime, Someone posted my ass on the internet"

"could you describe the ass ma'am"

"just an ass I guess"

"Hmm, ok we'll get right on that"

I would have to show it to them. Which I would do gladly.

Seriously. When i went in to report this they did get right on it. Right now it's just a matter of gathering evidence. It's sad really. The more mimi does to impress her teenage friends, here or on youtube or whatever the more she does to hang herself. It's really all in her hands. She should steer clear of me as the judge has told her too. Just leave me alone as if I did not even exist or else she runs a risk.

I have told the authorities of this. Rest assured wheels are in motion.
Dude you fucked up your own case by making that you-tube video, now you did deletethe video, BUT. There are a few copies of the video still in exsistance, see Mimi and I both recorded the video with our webcam. So you fucked yourself dude. What cop cares about some man's nude pics on the internet? I would love to see the judges face when he see's your tiny ass dick shots posted on HA. Or a yotube video.
Hontis Farmer, you are still a fuckin fool. My husband said that you are so ugly, that no dude's dick would ever get hard looking at you. Thats why you are so frustrated, guys like Mimi and will fuck her. NOBODY woulf fuck you, not even for free, much less pay you. Now you even paid a guy to suck his cock, and that didn't even pay off, he stole your phone.
Now freak, fuck off!
You can't say shit about me bitch, I fuck and get paid!
Guys even pay to see me fuck on film, and guys like the way I fuck so they ask to be on film.
And I get paid WAYY more than $50!

01-19-2008, 01:47 AM
I get it zoe. As the judge explained to me. It requiers her to stay away from me. I don't have to do anything to say away from her which is beyond reason.

i.e. if I am someplace and she arrives she cannot remain. However If she is someplace and I approach her then she is not in violation. I can't like knock on her door then call the police on her. However if I did I would not be in legal trouble. If she did likewise she would be in legal trouble.
Upon calling the poice department, and giving the name of both party's involved, I was informed that NO restraing order has been issued on either parties.
So Brenda LIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-19-2008, 03:27 AM

Reina what do you get out of trying to prove I am a liar. The ID thing. The how I live/look in person thing (I mean come on there are other people around who have seen me in person). Now this.

I am posting this for two reasons. To protect my name from slander by you and as a courtesy to Mimi. Do not tell that child that there is not an order of protection. If it did not come up in the police computer that is for one of two reasons, it has not been entered in their database yet, or I have the wrong Bday for her. None of these things would somehow vacate this order of protection. Nothing I do can vacate, or render useless this order of protection.

There is one and only one person who has the power to do that. The judge who signed the order (those of you in Chicago may recognize the name she was a local politician for a long time....former county clerk). She was real steamed that even after waiting for the appointed court date and time twice Mimi did not show.

When all is said and done the worst I imagine would happen to mimi (if she does not disrespect the judge any more) is being ordered into inpatient psychological care by the judge.

Every once in a while the old Sylvia boots case will be brought up. People wonder why she bought a gun. I know why. Even with protective order some people just cannot stop screwing with you. Then law enforcement and the courts are so slow to act. It's ridiculous. It's totally ridiculous.

01-19-2008, 03:40 AM

01-19-2008, 04:02 AM
What lie did you tell them to get the restraining order?
She never, ever laid a hand on you.
The 2 of had an arguement, and you called the police.
YTou forget I was on the computer IM voice with Mimi the whole ordeal, even when the police arrived, and when the spoke to Mimi privatley in the room.
So faggot, what was the need to get a restraining order for?
How soon you forget, you beat Mimi and she had to go to the hospital, she let it go.
What are you proving?
Everbody who knows that you did that asks the same question. Is your life that pathetic?
So Mimi cannot say anything about Hontis Farmer, but
you forgot to include Brenda and Aisha in your order.
So basically you don't do much.
Aside from HA nobody knows who the fuck you are.
And from the HA members we have met and talked to in person, as well as thrue PM, they are all on Mimi's side. So what did you prove? NOT a daymn thing! Mimi doesn't go anywhere you go, because you don't have a life. So basically the order of protection is for show. I will be bringing her to T-Time myself, and being that she will be there BEFORE you arrive, nothing can be done.
Thats the only place you would run into Mimi. And trust me, the people at T-Time already know you are a weirdo.
Give it up dude, its a wrap!
The fucking nerve.
And there is nothing your porch monkey ass can say about me.
On my worst day, I couldn't be as pathetic of a looser as you are on your best day.

01-19-2008, 04:23 AM
You yourself admitted in a post a while back that mimi did provoke me. I mean you try to make it sound like ya'll was just singing "99 bottles of beer on the wall" and when you got to 75 bottles I just lost it.

I told the judge everything. About how from the front seat I was waving my hand around. And accidentally hit mimi as I was angrily screaming. I told her about our arguement and how you and her said you resented me for "thinking I'm so smart". How mimi said one of the things that got on her nerves was how I would do my home work on the couch. etc. How after I clearly accidentally swiped her she wanted to come over the front seat and beat my ass. The judge basically said that once I asked you all to get out of my car which was before then YOU no longer had any right to be there. That I would have been within my rights to forcibly remove you both.

Instead I choose not to leave you all on a dark country road miles from any help and drove mimi to a hospital. Where she told a police officer what happened. The fact mimi did not feel threatend enough to get out of the car and statement's mimi made are why no action was taken right then.

The law is and was on my side.

Further more mimi took actions being loud and obnoixous to the WHOLE BUILDING including the landlords agent who had the power to evict both of us.

I had to evict her and get her to comply. I have to protect myself from the Tanya Amador of chicago. Preferably before she get's some boyfriend to shoot me.

Last but not least.

STOP ENABLING THAT CHILD! What she needs is someone to set limits and if you won't do it and I cannot do it the Circuit court of cook county and the state of Illinois will step in. Which is not what any of us really wants.

01-19-2008, 07:09 AM
i like how "mimi's" REAL name is on there richard

so apparently mimi is a dick to everyone bc thats her name... im sorry .. his

01-19-2008, 07:56 AM
oh come on nicole. If you really think I fabricated those documents.... I'll just take that as a complement to my forgery skills. What I should be doing is making 10's and 20's in my spare time. Or making fake ID etc to sell to illegal immigrants. :roll:

It will be clear rather soon just how real those documents are. The wheels of the legal system grind slowly but rest assured they grind ahead. I cannot even stop what has been set in motion.

01-19-2008, 08:21 AM
Hi Brenda,

I'm basically sittin here drinkin beer and enjoying the entertainment, but I do have a question for you, and I don't want you to think I'm taking sides, because I'm really not, but I was just curious.

Since according to everyone, you whooped Mimi. So, assuming you did whoop Mimi's ass, why did you need to get a restraining order?
If you whooped her once, so bad that she had to go to the hospital, I'm figuring you could generally whoop her again........no problems.

So, that being the case, why did you need to get an order?

01-19-2008, 12:22 PM
Yeah, inquiring minds want to know.

01-19-2008, 04:52 PM

Another good question would be if I am such an oger then why did she continue to live with me for anther six weeks after that? Why wasn't I taken into custody by the police for so badly beating her? Look it wasn't that one sided. I have described that fight enough times. It was a mutual fight and she lost.


Everyone who was in the building was a witness. The building manager heard mimi threaten me and came up and knocked on the door. He stopped her from attacking me. The across the hall and down stairs neighbord heard her yelling and what she said. Last but not least [i]a long time friend of Mimi's was here. The girl practically lived with us for a couple of weeks and told the police what she saw and heard.

The police then told me that I should get a restraining order and I did.

My last word on this is a question that some of you may have thought of already. If I was so learly in the wrong and Mimi was so clearly in the right then why didn't she come to court? Even after setting new court date she did not come. The child had six weeks to prepare. Think about that.

01-19-2008, 07:37 PM
As you guys can see, Hontis framer has no direct answer to the question.
He lies alot, as we have proven many times here, so imagine what lies he has told the police to get such restraining order.
As I was a witness thoughout the whole ordeal, I can say Mimi never laid a hand on Him. Now Mimi did not press charges on him, which now she regrets, but since when did an arguement become reason for a restaraining order? And if one of Mimi"s boyfriends wanted to shoot him, what good would a restraing order against Mimi do to save his faggot ass.
But As I said, both Mimi and I called the Chicago police department, and we ran both names, and there is no record of a restarining order of any kind against either parties involved.

01-19-2008, 07:42 PM
:roll: :roll:

Really :-/ Then what the heck were you saying here? (http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=28125&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=88)

We all have your number Mimi. you choose to believe some gossip that some people made up to start drama, and you fell for it. Now I am old as you say, and full of silicone, but I'm stable. Not running from house to house looking for a place to stay because everywhere I move there's drama. Now maybe you will learn your lession and get yourself together. You thought it was cute to air other peoples dirty laundry and don't want yours aired too? Drama. Everywhere Mimi goes, drama follows. Online and in real life. Everybody can't be wrong. Even when I knew you were wrong, I stood up for you and tried to smooth it over. yes Hontis whopped your ass, why, because you provoked her. Yea it was wrong, but you played a major part in it. That mouth Mimi. There is a time and a place. Hontis just whopped your ass, the guy on the train in the you-tube choose to ignore you, but one day, you are gonna run that mouth to the wrong person, and the result is not gonna be nothing cute. So before you go pushing the last few people that look past your drama and try to be your friend, think twice. Oh yea, and being old and full of silicone is not a bad thing.Guys your age pick me over you alot.

So either you were full of shit then or you are full of shit now. Which is it? Because the only person really caught in a lie is you. You say one thing one day and another thing another day. That's the real truth of the matter. At the very least you are an unreliable witness.

01-19-2008, 07:44 PM

Another good question would be if I am such an oger then why did she continue to live with me for anther six weeks after that? Why wasn't I taken into custody by the police for so badly beating her? Look it wasn't that one sided. I have described that fight enough times. It was a mutual fight and she lost.


Everyone who was in the building was a witness. The building manager heard mimi threaten me and came up and knocked on the door. He stopped her from attacking me. The across the hall and down stairs neighbord heard her yelling and what she said. Last but not least [i]a long time friend of Mimi's was here. The girl practically lived with us for a couple of weeks and told the police what she saw and heard.

The police then told me that I should get a restraining order and I did.

My last word on this is a question that some of you may have thought of already. If I was so learly in the wrong and Mimi was so clearly in the right then why didn't she come to court? Even after setting new court date she did not come. The child had six weeks to prepare. Think about that.
Hontis is clearly lyig, Mimi and he were argueing, that was it.
I was on Yahoo messenger with the both of them, thru the new thing where you make calls from computer to computer.
I heard the arguement from the start. I heard when the building manager bust in, and I heard not only the entire conversation with the police with both Hontis and Mimi, I heard the private conversation the police officer had with Mimi in her room when the 2 were seperated.
If Mimi was the one so wrong, why did HONTIS leave the apartment for the time that Mimi remained, until Hontis had to return Mimi's rent money?
An arguement is no reason for a restraing order, people argue all the time, the police department would not waste time on something as simple as an arguement. Hontis either lied to the police to get the order, OR the order is fake.
Either way, since Mimi moved from the apartment, they have NEVER seen eachother in public, as they are 2 totally different peope, with nothing in common, so it is highly unlikely that they would ever see eachother anyway.
Hontis is just jealous of Mimi and this said order is her way of getting attention.

01-19-2008, 07:50 PM
Not to mention this.

being stabbed in the back and not giving a fuck about it ... i will not have this out with you infront of people... now if you think i was wrong the whole time then you have proved what she said to be 100 % true... i stabbed no one in the back . i have had enough problems in chicago thats why i am gone from there and may not come back any time soon .
and you know hontas and colleen was wrong . thats why you even came over and swore her out so idk why you would say all that bullshit about me behind my back i NEEDED to figure out why .... you could not handle that i would confront you in a respectful way (that i would not do for very many people) and you flew off the handle .You go through problems because you causeproblems. The world is not 1 big Mimi Plastique show. You are cute, you are young, but nobody deals with your drama. Running from Chicago will not change that. Where ever you go it will be the same because of the way you are. Now you provoked both Colleen and Hontis, they just upped you one in retaliation. And yes I did come to your defense here and everywhere else. Yet you believed what some fag or bitch told you. Now there is so much more 2 life than turning tricks and moving from place to place because you pissed people off, they get tired of your bullshit and run you off. Like i told Hontis, and I'll tell you. Get your act together. You have to get my age one day, and yet you have nothing going for you. read me if you will, I work consistantly all over the country. Nobody books you. The last paid show you did, I booked you. I didn't have too, I could have called anybody. I choose you because you were my friend. How soon you forhget. You don't get booked, nobody wants to deal with the drama. Your posts on HA more than prove I am right. yet I stood by you. Karma
it exsists!

How soon we forget indeed.

Your story changes with the weather. Why should anyone belive a damm thing you say? One day Mimi was provoking me and was a loud mouthed prostitute etc. etc. The next she is just a lost little white lamb in the woods and I am the wolf. :roll:

01-19-2008, 07:50 PM
:roll: :roll:

Really :-/ Then what the heck were you saying here? (http://www.hungangels.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=28125&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=88)

We all have your number Mimi. you choose to believe some gossip that some people made up to start drama, and you fell for it. Now I am old as you say, and full of silicone, but I'm stable. Not running from house to house looking for a place to stay because everywhere I move there's drama. Now maybe you will learn your lession and get yourself together. You thought it was cute to air other peoples dirty laundry and don't want yours aired too? Drama. Everywhere Mimi goes, drama follows. Online and in real life. Everybody can't be wrong. Even when I knew you were wrong, I stood up for you and tried to smooth it over. yes Hontis whopped your ass, why, because you provoked her. Yea it was wrong, but you played a major part in it. That mouth Mimi. There is a time and a place. Hontis just whopped your ass, the guy on the train in the you-tube choose to ignore you, but one day, you are gonna run that mouth to the wrong person, and the result is not gonna be nothing cute. So before you go pushing the last few people that look past your drama and try to be your friend, think twice. Oh yea, and being old and full of silicone is not a bad thing.Guys your age pick me over you alot.

So either you were full of shit then or you are full of shit now. Which is it? Because the only person really caught in a lie is you. You say one thing one day and another thing another day. That's the real truth of the matter. At the very least you are an unreliable witness.
Dude do not thing you could ever come for me. I don't need to prove shit to your faggot ass, but there is no lie, I stated how I felt about Mimi,
where is the lie?? I posted what I did and told her the same thing in person. And she listened to what I wrote, and she apologized to me, and told me she had respect for me, and she is changing her ways. Sometimes being HONEST works. maybe you should try it. be warned man, the shit you pulled with Mimi does not fly with me.
You could never ever come for me Mr Hontis Farmer. You have been warned!

01-19-2008, 07:55 PM
So basicaly you admit that what you have to say about the situation will change depending on who you are angry at. What ever.

You have called me a liar and I have been able to show proof that the things I say are true.

You have come on here and in front of the nation and made a complete damm fool of yourself for the sake of Mimi. Why? Would she go to bat for you? NO. Yet you still do it.

I have caught you. You can say I am clearly this and that and make claims all day. I have proof of the things I say. I am always careful to have proof of the things I say. You on the other hand CONTRADICT YOUR SELF.

01-19-2008, 07:56 PM
Not to mention this.

being stabbed in the back and not giving a fuck about it ... i will not have this out with you infront of people... now if you think i was wrong the whole time then you have proved what she said to be 100 % true... i stabbed no one in the back . i have had enough problems in chicago thats why i am gone from there and may not come back any time soon .
and you know hontas and colleen was wrong . thats why you even came over and swore her out so idk why you would say all that bullshit about me behind my back i NEEDED to figure out why .... you could not handle that i would confront you in a respectful way (that i would not do for very many people) and you flew off the handle .You go through problems because you causeproblems. The world is not 1 big Mimi Plastique show. You are cute, you are young, but nobody deals with your drama. Running from Chicago will not change that. Where ever you go it will be the same because of the way you are. Now you provoked both Colleen and Hontis, they just upped you one in retaliation. And yes I did come to your defense here and everywhere else. Yet you believed what some fag or bitch told you. Now there is so much more 2 life than turning tricks and moving from place to place because you pissed people off, they get tired of your bullshit and run you off. Like i told Hontis, and I'll tell you. Get your act together. You have to get my age one day, and yet you have nothing going for you. read me if you will, I work consistantly all over the country. Nobody books you. The last paid show you did, I booked you. I didn't have too, I could have called anybody. I choose you because you were my friend. How soon you forhget. You don't get booked, nobody wants to deal with the drama. Your posts on HA more than prove I am right. yet I stood by you. Karma
it exsists!

How soon we forget indeed.

Your story changes with the weather. Why should anyone belive a damm thing you say? One day Mimi was provoking me and was a loud mouthed prostitute etc. etc. The next she is just a lost little white lamb in the woods and I am the wolf. :roll:
No, everybody knows Mimi is loud, and I never changed my story, I told her she needed to change, and she is trying. But that does not change the FACTS. She NEVER laid a hand on you, yet you beat her. Thats a fact.
Bitch you cannot come for me, its going to be a loosing battle.

01-19-2008, 07:59 PM
So basicaly you admit that what you have to say about the situation will change depending on who you are angry at. What ever.

You have called me a liar and I have been able to show proof that the things I say are true.

You have come on here and in front of the nation and made a complete damm fool of yourself for the sake of Mimi. Why? Would she go to bat for you? NO. Yet you still do it.

I have caught you. You can say I am clearly this and that and make claims all day. I have proof of the things I say. I am always careful to have proof of the things I say. You on the other hand CONTRADICT YOUR SELF.
Dude, you lied and said you had a name change, and your id never changed.
And I said what i said about mimi and I stand behind it.
She was loud and she needed to get her own place. She is working on both. So how did I lie?
Dude, you are still making a fool of yourself. Keep it up

01-19-2008, 08:17 PM
You are a sad, pathetic case.
You can pick on Mimi, and beat her and whatever.
Now with me, its gonna be different dude. S
Before you can battle me, you have to come to my level.
EVERBODY know that can never happen.
So let the party begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-19-2008, 08:18 PM
[ either lied to the police to get the order, OR the order is fake.

Not necessarily, it is very easy to get a restraining order in some areas. The fact that mimi was a no show pretty much gave it to Brenda (by "default"). If there really isn't enough evidence to support the petition than Brenda would not have even gotten it had mimi actually shown up to the hearing (which did not happen).

I can take any random person to small claims court, if they never show up I win the case even if I have no legal basis to win it. You can't just refuse to go to court and expect to have your side win, this is how the RIAA screws people when they sue music uploaders (they keep them "jane does" as long as they can so people don't know to build up a defense, hire a lawyer and show up to the hearings- by the time people find out the RIAA is after them, its usually too late).

01-19-2008, 09:21 PM
so can we all just drop it now ????
what warrants further action ????

01-20-2008, 03:16 AM
I think it was all a lie.
There is NO record in of a "alleged" restraining order against Mim.
The officer even said the document posted on HA is a fake.
So NO there are no wheels in motion!
Hontis is a liar, and says stupid shit all the time.
For instance:
I am smarter than 90% of the general population.
Allanah Starr ask me to be a moderator of HA
I have a legal name change.
the list can go on and on. But funny, these outrages posts have actually made both Mimi and I some extra cash and some new friends off here. The guys aare seeing thru his bullshit, and coming out to meet us! And I will be throwing a coctail party in my home in a few weeks for HA members! Yes a party! With me and Mimi, and a few other ts from here in Chicago. So don't elieve those lies Hontis tells about us, meet us and expierence the fun yourselves!
Chicago or NY.
I will be back in NYC Feb 13-19.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mimi and I are guest of a Red Carpet party tonite, and another HA doll will be joining us!

01-20-2008, 04:20 PM
lol can I have the wikipedia summary of this thread coz I still dont get what its about . . .

01-20-2008, 06:19 PM
lol can I have the wikipedia summary of this thread coz I still dont get what its about . . .

Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me, etc.