View Full Version : Would You Rather?

01-18-2008, 11:09 AM
Be imprisoned for the rest of your life?
Kill someone?

Be extravagantly rich, but hated by others?
Be well loved and admired, but dirt poor?

always forget your name when asked or
never remember anyone else's name

01-18-2008, 11:20 AM
!/2 the questions easy _ i'm already poor but beloved (well by my freinds and family). as for the other question - I'd kill someone as long as the world was better without them (Osama, Serial Killers etc)

01-18-2008, 11:25 AM
I'd kill

and i want the cash i could care less about other opinions

01-18-2008, 12:22 PM
I prefer freedom so somebody would have to die. If I'm uber-rich I won't care if I'm hated unless the money I'm getting has a REALLY BAD history.

01-18-2008, 12:27 PM
Be imprisoned for the rest of your life?
Kill someone?

Be extravagantly rich, but hated by others?
Be well loved and admired, but dirt poor?

always forget your name when asked or
never remember anyone else's name

I love this kinda stuff.

1. kill some1
2.extravagantly rich and hated
3. never remember any1 elses name

01-18-2008, 12:29 PM
Kill...Be Rich...What was your name again?

01-18-2008, 02:23 PM
Be imprisoned for the rest of your life?
Kill someone?

Be extravagantly rich, but hated by others?
Be well loved and admired, but dirt poor?

always forget your name when asked or
never remember anyone else's name

1. Depends who it is you're killing, if it's someone innocent then I'd rather be imprisoned.

2. Hard choice but as gay as it sounds, love is more important than money.

3. It's embarrasing when forgetting someone's name but I couldn't care less if people forgot my name.

01-18-2008, 05:24 PM
I'd rather be in Philadelphia.

01-18-2008, 05:36 PM
Be imprisoned for the rest of your life?
Kill someone?

My answer to this one depends upon whether or not they've violated my code. If so, then it's game on; if not, then it would have to be prison time.

Be extravagantly rich, but hated by others?
Be well loved and admired, but dirt poor?

I've been dirt poor – and it truly sucks. So, I’ll take the former any day because constantly worrying about where you next meal is going to come from or where you're going to sleep isn't living.

always forget your name when asked or never remember anyone else's name

I don't really care what someone else's name is.


01-18-2008, 05:36 PM
Rather be billionaire buy carribbean island take a women gt away from society ..lol

01-18-2008, 06:51 PM
I think I'd kill someone then forget my name and move back to West Philly where its easy enough to be broke and well loved.

01-18-2008, 09:05 PM
I couldn't kill anyone, it'd be worse in my own head than being unjustly imprisoned.

So if I'm going to be imprisoned for the rest of this life, I might as well be well-loved which would keep my ass from being raped and beaten so much.

Then I would start a prison reform movement. Especially important is getting the recent ban on religious books lifted. We would support education for prisoners, creativity and artistic expression as well as drug treatments and job training so we can actually help people get out of the situations that landed them in prison in the first place.

My name? My name isn't important. The people are important.

Floyd R
01-19-2008, 12:27 AM
Your heart is filled with hate and I imagine you have a very long list of people you would like to kill.

Kill someone

Be extravagantly rich, but hated by others

never remember anyone else's name

01-19-2008, 03:05 AM
I'd rather be in Philadelphia.

Good choice, and I know why you chose it (Besides it's Bartlet history).

I think I'd kill someone then forget my name and move back to West Philly where its easy enough to be broke and well loved.

Also a good choice. Let me know when you arrive. :)

For me...

Well, you're likely to be imprisoned for life if you kill someone, so I'd vote that: Kill someone. If you're going to get slapped, it might as well be for something you actually =did=. Unfortunately, the ones on the short list are either already dead (And none from any cause either amusing or interesting) or living in Benin. :?

Being a hermit, I am somewhat ambivalent to how most people feel about me, so I would choose the filthy rich route. Being stressed about money has been killing me slowly, whereas having gobs of the stuff would kill me much faster and I'd likely have a smile on my face at the wake.

If everybody hates me for being rich, why would I give a flying fart in space about what their names were? Or mine? :P

01-19-2008, 04:22 AM
"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings"
-Optimus Prime

Someone would have to die, because I just don't think I could give up my freedom. Now , that answer changes if I have to kill someone I love, or a child. If that's the case, imprison me forever.

"Money can't buy me love ..."
-The Beatles

And to me love is the most important aspect of this whole question.
I could live without money,
I couldn't without Love and friendship

Oh, and it'd be far better to conatantly forget my own name

Just Sayin'

TrueBeauty TS
01-19-2008, 04:38 AM

I can't remember who started this thread, but I have to hop on my personal Learjet and go kill someone.


01-19-2008, 05:40 AM
Be imprisoned for the rest of your life?
Kill someone?

Be well loved and admired, but dirt poor?

never remember anyone else's name

if you just used those i could name at least 4 trannies that have or are currently going through that scenario[/list]

01-19-2008, 05:42 AM
kill someone, I would not do well in jail

Floyd R
01-19-2008, 06:29 AM
Your personality is like a man and it is almost impossible for me to perceive you as a woman. I will say nothing else to you.

Your heart is filled with hate and I imagine you have a very long list of people you would like to kill.

Kill someone

Be extravagantly rich, but hated by others

never remember anyone else's nameWtf do do you know about my heart? I didn't say who I would kill. But someone who killed or raped a child? You bet I'd kill them to avoid being imprisoned for life. And I've been stabbed in the back by enough so-called friends that I will take the money easily. And why would I need to remember anyone else's name if I can't remember my own?
You're a jerk.http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/violent025.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org)

01-19-2008, 07:28 AM
I would knock off any random stranger , now if you ask would i kill Jesus or some other great humanitarian then i would go to prison ! Poor and loved of course and i am already bad at other peoples name's, doesn't matter , treat them right who cares about the name ?

01-19-2008, 07:32 AM
Having spent a night in jail, and just imagining prison for the rest of my life... I would rather kill 10 people.

01-19-2008, 08:48 AM
Be imprisoned for the rest of your life?
Kill someone?

Be extravagantly rich, but hated by others?
Be well loved and admired, but dirt poor?

always forget your name when asked or
never remember anyone else's name

Like the horror story of 'the monkeys' paw' ; I think the easy answer is to kill someone randomly from this thread who said they would kill someone they didnt know. Ironic justice rules ;)

...in which case it would be handy if the courts and any witnesses couldnt remember my name for any potential outstanding arrest warrants.
If I choose extravagant riches and to be hated by everyone then I can be president like Bush, appoint my own judges and immune from prosecution ;)

The riches thing I cant decide. Its complicated. Maybe you never know how people feel about you and they are lying fuckers yet I have people in my life who do stuff for me and dont keep score so I dunno heres definitely nice people out there who I wouldnt' wanna lose. I think my relationships with other people is the most important thing and the highest meaning in my life.

What would the original creator of this thread do ? What would you do Kelly ? You need to answer too.

Dino Velvet
01-19-2008, 09:04 AM
I'd kill someone. Can I kill more than one?

I'd take the money. If I'm rich enough, I'd still have plenty of people to do my bidding. A wise man once said, "Everybody has a price... for the Million Dollar Man!!!" If I was hated at an OJ level, I would hire an army of giant Skinheads to protect me. I would feed them raw meat, steroids, and gun powder and offer to pay all their legal fees and buy off politicians and judges if the evidence was strong.


01-19-2008, 10:48 AM
Be imprisoned for the rest of your life?
Kill someone?

Be extravagantly rich, but hated by others?
Be well loved and admired, but dirt poor?

always forget your name when asked or
never remember anyone else's name

Kelly how do you come up with this stuff? Sort of gives a window into ones soul doesn't it.

1) I'd rather be imprisioned. All those well endowed black brothers... yumm! And I did time in three foreign rebellions/wars as either a combatant or journalist, I don't like killing.

2) I've been relatively rich and I've lived in a tent. And rich is more comfortable, but I'd rather be loved than love money. I want to be rich again mainly so I can do something effective in the world not just to feed my fat ass.

One of the very best days of my life was when I was in my late 20's and living in a van on the beach in Key West with a alcoholic girlfriend who slept with every one but me... (or so it seemed). It was Thanksgiving and a bunch of us beach bums and homeless people pooled our money and bought a turkey. One guy had recently gotten a job and a room in a house and he cooked the turkey and mashed potatoes. Some of us went fishing and diving and we had blue crabs and conch and some fish and we bought about 5 pumpikn pies and a couple cases of beer.

And our extended "family" had the best Thanksgiving dinner of my life.

3) And I'm sorry, I can never remember anyones name anymore. It's a wonder sometimes that I can remember my own.

BUT in reality.... I'd rather be imprisioned for life on a desert island with Jessica and let the rest of the world kill each other and go to hell.

TS Jamie :-)

01-19-2008, 10:53 AM
Would You Rather?


or.. BE A LONLEY SOD.... ? LOL


01-19-2008, 11:42 AM
I'd rather be duct taped to a stool and forced to watch Dirty Love for 24 hours straight than answer any of Kelly's threads. :) Mahalo


01-19-2008, 02:33 PM
Be imprisoned for the rest of your life?
Kill someone?

Be extravagantly rich, but hated by others?
Be well loved and admired, but dirt poor?

always forget your name when asked or
never remember anyone else's name

Kill someone and not get caught, I dont want to be imprisoned for the rest of my life. Prison is not the place for a T-girl

Rich and hated bye others

Forget my name. I carry business cards.