View Full Version : Man made viruses

01-15-2008, 05:11 AM

El Nino
01-15-2008, 08:08 AM

01-15-2008, 09:12 AM
Well I've always thought AIDS was a bit too convenient in how & where it spread. These same ideas crossed my mind back in the '80s & later. Especially since the origin of the disease has never been pinpointed.

Now that doesn't mean I'm willing to take a leap of faith & declare that the conspiracy is real. We know that the military contracted research into biological weaponry & genetic manipulation, but the kind of breakthrough that would create the AIDS virus would have to open all kinds of doors to the makeup of the immune system. A 30+ year coverup of a major medical-genetic breakthrough is a lot less plausible than any theory of the origin of AIDS, even the one that has it being planted by aliens.

All that said:
No matter what the origin of the AIDS virus, & no matter whether or not there were flaws in the polio vaccine, the attack on polio was the right thing to do & it worked. I remember the polio epidemic. It was nasty. Every neighborhood & classroom had at least one or two kids affected. Every household was filling the cards with dimes to pay for the research to rid the country of the scourge. My grandchildren have never seen a polio victem. Between '56 & '61, I had an initial injection of the vaccine & 2 booster shots. Then I took at least 2 oral boosters. Did I have infected monkey kidneys put in my body? Probably but I really don't know. What I do know is that I'm still alive & never had to wear braces on my legs. My limbs are still symetrical. I'm not waiting around for the muscle corruption to reach my chest & kill me slowly. Every time I think back on that little blond girl who lived across & down the street, & wore the lower body metal exoskeleton every time she came out to play, I thank the mother's march of dimes that it was never me.

01-15-2008, 03:31 PM
I'd feel more confident of my future if I knew what the scientist are working on at fort Dettrick. I know, I know. You can't make an omlette without breaking a few eggs. Which is fine unless YOU're one of the eggs.

01-16-2008, 10:05 AM
hep B vaccines late 70's................

03-19-2008, 02:13 AM
You sound more than sure about this... you sound HIV-positive!

03-19-2008, 03:00 AM
As I understand it, SV40 is found in many primate populations including monkeys and humans. Though it has the capacity to form tumors it is almost always dormant. The SV40 infected green Rhesus kidney cells upon which the polio vaccine was grown, being detached from the immune system of a living monkey, developed the tumors now associated with SV40. Infected monkeys and humans with an immune deficiency will also sometimes develop such tumors. If you don’t have an immune deficiency, there’s not much to fear from SV40. We are all literally loaded with dormant viruses.

Can anyone pinpoint the origin of the polio virus? How about SV40? I recall reading once that polio wasn’t much of a problem prior to the twentieth century improvements in public health and sanitation. It seems that if one is exposed to the virus before the age of two, the infant immune system is adequately equipped to deal with it. But with improvements in public sanitation more and more children were not being exposed to the virus early enough and the polio epidemic ensued. Anyone else here ever run across this explanation? If true I think the moral is two-fold. 1) Every large-scale public program to improve health will have known risks as well as unforeseen consequences. Such consequences are not evidence of conspiracy. 2) Viruses are wild and tiny and often go undiscovered until circumstances are such as to make their presence evident. It doesn’t surprise me at all that we can’t pinpoint the origin of the AIDs virus. I’m surprised when we can pinpoint the origin of a living organism.

03-19-2008, 07:26 AM
i dont thik it was a conspiracy ;however i think it was a huge scientific blunder in the vaccine makin process of maybe unicef polio vaccines and hep b vaccines......so much so the science community is doin every thing possible to restore confidence in their"treatments" ...maybe i should have said MEDICAL INDUSTRY instead of science community..............