View Full Version : ANYBODY: What thoughts keep you up at night?

01-14-2008, 02:39 PM
What thoughts plague your mind? What keeps you up at night or interferes with your rest?

(I admit I'm watching Blood Diamond and it's somewhat disconcerting but I've seen worse.)

01-14-2008, 05:36 PM
Actually you plague several minds. Why not opening one thread with all your questions? Or create a website with a poll including this questions, so we can see how gay we are in percents.

01-14-2008, 11:02 PM
Good question. I often times find myself unable to sleep because my mind is racing into the wee morning hours.

Generally I find myself fantasizing about scenes I would like to shoot, and these elaborate scenarios generally end with me jerking off and then falling asleep. So in a way, its not entirely unproductive to have insomnia.

01-14-2008, 11:28 PM
What thoughts plague your mind? What keeps you up at night or interferes with your rest?

Everything. :x I suffer from what I call 'sticky mind' and the best way to describe it is that you have a computer with a very big harddrive, incredible memory, and a slow processor. You download everything from cake recipes to the details of the assassination attempt on Teddy Roosevelt (Who continued to give his speech at a Detroit rally while bleeding profusely from the abdomen) and never delete =anything=, and the damn shit multitasks into your head at the oddest times, usually when you don't want it to (And never such revelations like the cure for cancer, but some useless drivel like the true words to "Hickory, Dickery, Dock" - Hickory, Dickery, Dock. Two mice ran up a clock. The clock struck one, and the other escaped with minor injuries).

It's like having Times Square at New Year's in your head (Did you ever spend New Year's Eve in Allied Chemical Square? It used to be Times, but times have changed. Grand Central Station, now Pan Am's big goof, it's got trains in the cellar and planes on the roof. - See what I mean? :roll: ). All noise and ballyhoo, with little rhyme or reason, and most always when you just want it all to shut the fuck up so you can get some rest.

Most nutballs listen to the little voices in their heads. Me, I've got a jam-packed stadium full of the little fuckers crying for my attention. I daydream of a time when I might get a full night's sleep. :?

01-15-2008, 09:28 AM
Coroner, it's not rocket science if you're not interested in thread then you don't have to answer like everyone else who isn't interested.


Oh comes the dawn. Now if you want to take a poll (pun intended) to find out how gay you are then you can do so. But frankly I would not be interested in the results.

01-15-2008, 09:44 AM
Mandy that's definitely a nice way to cure insomnia.

B1, to say the least it definitely sounds like you have a lot on your mind. I hope you're putting all that brain power to good use. I know I feel like that sometimes but it passes.

How do you stay focused?

01-15-2008, 12:05 PM

01-15-2008, 12:11 PM


01-15-2008, 12:14 PM
Coroner, it's not rocket science if you're not interested in thread then you don't have to answer like everyone else who isn't interested.


Oh comes the dawn. Now if you want to take a poll (pun intended) to find out how gay you are then you can do so. But frankly I would not be interested in the results.

Maybe IŽd participate in the discussion if you wouldnŽt start 10 threads at the same time.

01-15-2008, 12:48 PM
Again Coroner if your not interested and I wasn't talking don't click on it. It's simple.

And Tiger if you got beef, I'm not exactly hiding am I.

01-15-2008, 03:12 PM
no beef its just u posted like 30 million posts at once and i took the time to have some fun......i do that when im bored and its late as hell around my area

D'yer Mak'er
01-15-2008, 04:12 PM
Good question. I often times find myself unable to sleep because my mind is racing

Same for me, only I work night shift, and I sleep in the morning. It's not necessarily the schedule, I've often slept just fine working this shift. But sometimes I go through monthly phases where I can't get to sleep well. Then there are just so many thoughts going through my head, movie scenes, songs that I enjoy, information I've read in books, the futility of existence, was that ivana trump, how long am I going to live, what can I do about koibito, will I really feel happier in a different country?

Lately I've taken up the (probably bad) habit of taking a lunesta with some whiskey at bedtime.
Eh, I've been sleeping anyway.