View Full Version : wednesday night

06-16-2005, 03:12 AM
i know tomorrow starts the party circuit (count me in) but I was wondering if anyone knew what the best tg scene is in nyc on wed nights? im actually going out tonight to begin the weekend early and would love some input on what the scope of things looks like on a wednesday night.

Ive been out to Luchos on wed before and its pretty happening but more input is appreciated,



06-16-2005, 06:32 AM
Go to Stonewall...Alot of TS go there on Wednesday...It's Latin nite. but trust me if you old and ugly..don't bother.

06-17-2005, 12:27 AM
did you know that way back when, it was illegal in NYC to serve alcohol to a known homosexual? Hot looking undercover cops would let themselves get picked up by Stonewall patrons and then bust the dudes for solicitation. The police would shake down the customers for possessing joints and not having valid ID's. Then, on a hot July night in 1967, a bunch of faggots hanging out in front of Stonewall saw their buddy getting arrested for hitting on a plainclothes and they said enough is enough. they threw the outnumbered cops a beating they wouldn't forget too soon. of course the faggots got blamed for the whole thing and it become known as the Stonewall riots. sorry for rambling, I'm trying to get points.