View Full Version : Attn: Klaus Kinski Fans

Dino Velvet
01-14-2008, 07:32 AM
We had a thread awhile ago that revealed that there are a lot of Klaus Kinski fans here. I would like to share the wealth and allow the Kinski fans to be able to watch some of his movies. Anybody who sees these movies who is not already a Kinski fan will probably become one or at least agree that he's insane.

Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (1979) a.k.a. Nosferatu the Vampyre

Vampire In Venice (1988) a.k.a. Nosferatu a Venezia(Rare As Hell!)

Schizoid (1980) AKA Murder by Mail

Venom (1981)

Crawlspace (1986)

Jess Franco's Count Dracula (1970)

Jack the Ripper (1976)

Paganini (1989)

I couldn't find good downloads for some of his movies. I also recommend Aguirre, Wrath Of God, Mein Liebster Feind, and Android.




01-14-2008, 07:51 AM
I've seen Aguirre: Wrath of God which was bizarre and excellent.

One that isn't in Dino's list that is also very good is:

Fitzcarraldo This one co-stars the lovely Claudia Cardinale. Seriously, is there an actress today that holds a candle to some of these older European stars like Cardinale, Sofia Loren, and Brigitte Bardot in sheer beauty and talent? But I digress...

This movie has a great premise. Kinski's character develops a scheme for keeping a South American opera house going by operating a ferry service on a river on the other side of a mountain range. But the waterways between the 2 rivers are un-navigable. So Kinski gets the hare-brained idea to push this huge paddle boat steamship over the mountain range, using nothing but manpower. He turns into a mad-man in attempting to achieve the task.

Dino Velvet
01-14-2008, 07:57 AM
I've seen Aguirre: Wrath of God which was bizarre and excellent.

One that isn't in Dino's list that is also very good is:

Fitzcarraldo This one co-stars the lovely Claudia Cardinale. Seriously, is there an actress today that holds a candle to some of these older European stars like Cardinale, Sofia Loren, and Brigitte Bardot in sheer beauty and talent? But I digress...

This movie has a great premise. Kinski's character develops a scheme for keeping a South American opera house going by operating a ferry service on a river on the other side of a mountain range. But the waterways between the 2 rivers are un-navigable. So Kinski gets the hare-brained idea to push this huge paddle boat steamship over the mountain range, using nothing but manpower. He turns into a mad-man in attempting to achieve the task.

I own this. It's great and quite a deal here.

Werner Herzog and Klaus Kinski: A Film Legacy (1977)

01-14-2008, 08:08 AM
Very nice thread, Dino. You should also check out Sergio Corbucci´s "The Great Silence" with Jean-Louis Trintignant. Kinski is one hell of a villain. But I like his work with Herzog much more since all Herzog movies are true art works. Although he was born in Germany, Herzog´s parents were from Bosnia and Herzegovina which is why he took the name Herzog. His real name is Stipetic. I mention this because I was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina, too. :lol:

Dino Velvet
01-14-2008, 08:17 AM
Very nice thread, Dino. You should also check out Sergio Corbucci´s "The Great Silence" with Jean-Louis Trintignant. Kinski is one hell of a villain. But I like his work with Herzog much more since all Herzog movies are true art works. Although he was born in Germany, Herzog´s parents were from Bosnia and Herzegovina which is why he took the name Herzog. His real name is Stipetic. I mention this because I was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina, too. :lol:

How could I forget "The Great Silence"? It's got one of the ballsiest endings I've ever seen. When the movie was first released in Italy, people were so outraged at the ending that they rioted in the theater. Corbucci was the second best of all the Spaghetti Western directors only behind Sergio Leone.

Here 'ya go.


01-14-2008, 05:36 PM
Fitzcaraldo is based on an actual man/event that happened in the early 1900's. So is Aguirre for that matter,but many centuries earlier.

Can you imagine Kinski and Werner Herzog running around the Amazon for years making those films?

01-14-2008, 05:41 PM
Very nice thread, Dino. You should also check out Sergio Corbucci´s "The Great Silence" with Jean-Louis Trintignant. Kinski is one hell of a villain. But I like his work with Herzog much more since all Herzog movies are true art works. Although he was born in Germany, Herzog´s parents were from Bosnia and Herzegovina which is why he took the name Herzog. His real name is Stipetic. I mention this because I was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina, too. :lol:

How could I forget "The Great Silence"? It's got one of the ballsiest endings I've ever seen. When the movie was first released in Italy, people were so outraged at the ending that they rioted in the theater. Corbucci was the second best of all the Spaghetti Western directors only behind Sergio Leone.

Here 'ya go.


Yeah, I was actually shocked in the end. But I didn´t throw out my TV out of the window. :)

01-14-2008, 06:02 PM
Fitzcaraldo is based on an actual man/event that happened in the early 1900's. So is Aguirre for that matter,but many centuries earlier.

Can you imagine Kinski and Werner Herzog running around the Amazon for years making those films?

I believe the documentary "My Best Friend" devoted a lot of time to these years where Herzog was trying to keep Kinski on task while dealing with all the other production problems associated with filming in the Amazon.

01-14-2008, 06:49 PM
We had a thread awhile ago that revealed that there are a lot of Klaus Kinski fans here. I would like to share the wealth and allow the Kinski fans to be able to watch some of his movies. Anybody who sees these movies who is not already a Kinski fan will probably become one or at least agree that he's insane.

Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (1979) a.k.a. Nosferatu the Vampyre

Vampire In Venice (1988) a.k.a. Nosferatu a Venezia(Rare As Hell!)

Schizoid (1980) AKA Murder by Mail

Venom (1981)

Crawlspace (1986)

Jess Franco's Count Dracula (1970)

Jack the Ripper (1976)

Paganini (1989)

I couldn't find good downloads for some of his movies. I also recommend Aguirre, Wrath Of God, Mein Liebster Feind, and Android.




Thanks for the links to those downloads, though I may get the
DVDs via Netflix or Blockbuster.

Nosferatu is one of my all time faves.

I'm also a fan of his daughter Nastassja Kinski (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nastassja_Kinski)

01-14-2008, 07:04 PM
We had a thread awhile ago that revealed that there are a lot of Klaus Kinski fans here. I would like to share the wealth and allow the Kinski fans to be able to watch some of his movies. Anybody who sees these movies who is not already a Kinski fan will probably become one or at least agree that he's insane.

Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht (1979) a.k.a. Nosferatu the Vampyre

Vampire In Venice (1988) a.k.a. Nosferatu a Venezia(Rare As Hell!)

Schizoid (1980) AKA Murder by Mail

Venom (1981)

Crawlspace (1986)

Jess Franco's Count Dracula (1970)

Jack the Ripper (1976)

Paganini (1989)

I couldn't find good downloads for some of his movies. I also recommend Aguirre, Wrath Of God, Mein Liebster Feind, and Android.




Thanks for the links to those downloads, though I may get the
DVDs via Netflix or Blockbuster.

Nosferatu is one of my all time faves.

I'm also a fan of his daughter Nastassja Kinski (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nastassja_Kinski)

Nasty Kinski in her prime was such a babe .....

Klaus, on the other hand, would give all those current sissy-boys in hollywood a run for their money ;)

But I remember he also had some comical talent, for instance as a mad medical doctor running a sex-clinic in "Buddy Buddy"

Dino Velvet
01-15-2008, 12:24 AM
Nosferatu is one of my all time faves.

I'm also a fan of his daughter Nastassja Kinski (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nastassja_Kinski)

I watched Nosferatu on DVD again recently. It's still the creepiest vampire movie I've ever seen. Kinski and Herzog together really send the chills up your spine.

Nastassja was really hot in Cat People.

01-15-2008, 06:37 AM
Fitzcaraldo is based on an actual man/event that happened in the early 1900's. So is Aguirre for that matter,but many centuries earlier.

Can you imagine Kinski and Werner Herzog running around the Amazon for years making those films?

I believe the documentary "My Best Friend" devoted a lot of time to these years where Herzog was trying to keep Kinski on task while dealing with all the other production problems associated with filming in the Amazon.

I think I saw that. Wasn't it released shortly after Kinski died?

Dino Velvet
01-16-2008, 11:31 PM
Fitzcaraldo is based on an actual man/event that happened in the early 1900's. So is Aguirre for that matter,but many centuries earlier.

Can you imagine Kinski and Werner Herzog running around the Amazon for years making those films?

I believe the documentary "My Best Friend" devoted a lot of time to these years where Herzog was trying to keep Kinski on task while dealing with all the other production problems associated with filming in the Amazon.

I think I saw that. Wasn't it released shortly after Kinski died?

Klaus Kinski died 11/23/91.
Mein Liebster Feind was at Cannes Film Festival 5/17/99.




tgirl in platforms
01-24-2008, 09:28 AM
one of my fave actors. so intense - there's just nothing that comes close to touching him in hollywood today, and sadly probably never will. i just love the fact that he turned his back on a lot of the commercial money making blockbusters. for example spielberg wanted him to play a nazi in 'raiders of the lost ark' but kinski chose to do the rather terrible film 'venom' instead, because he was offered more money!

i've been looking for 'crawlspace' for years so thanks fr that.

03-05-2011, 01:49 AM

You'd think after 3 years, I would have finally seen "Nosferatu", but nope. Gotta go update my Netflix queue.

Dino Velvet
03-05-2011, 02:12 AM

You'd think after 3 years, I would have finally seen "Nosferatu", but nope. Gotta go update my Netflix queue.

Herzog did a great job capturing the look of the original film. Definitely see it.

03-05-2011, 04:14 PM
Good Stuff....I say no more.:Bowdown:

Dino Velvet
03-06-2011, 12:36 AM
Good Stuff....I say no more.:Bowdown:

You talking about Nosferatu or Kinski?

Dino Velvet
07-06-2011, 11:06 PM

You'd think after 3 years, I would have finally seen "Nosferatu", but nope. Gotta go update my Netflix queue.

You see Nosferatu yet?

YouTube - ‪Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979) - Theatrical Trailer‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEHUFjqg_EU)

YouTube - ‪Nosferatu 1979 (best scene)‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JdzHAKPV7dk&feature=related)

YouTube - ‪Kinski at shooting of "Nosferatu"‬‏ (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKlFIaEImKs&feature=related)

07-07-2011, 12:54 AM
I have never seen the appeal of vampire movies, although I have seen the original Nosferatu by Murnau as well as Herzog's film -it is well-made and in fact the 'vampiric' moments are the weakest. Herzog's films have survived where, for me, much of Fassbinder has not, and Kinski had enormous charisma -I even liked Cobra Verde the second time I saw it, something of the manic absurdity of men with colossal ambitions and equally colossal egos -eventually, one realises, Kinski is playing himself...now that's scary...

Heather Moorland
07-07-2011, 01:01 AM
Herzog's films have survived where, for me, much of Fassbinder has not,

To me Fassbinder is a lot like Bergman. To complicated. I agree that Herzog stnds out.

07-07-2011, 01:30 AM
I own the Herzog and Kinski box set.

All interesting movies and well worth seeing, but I'd strongly advise against trying to watch them in a single sitting. You'll end up in an asylum.

What makes the whole thing so enthralling is Herzog's recognition that Kinski's monstrous ego and pandering to it is crucial to the success of each film. Herzog's patience with him goes beyond saintly.

Heather Moorland
07-07-2011, 02:13 AM
Herzog's recognition that Kinski's monstrous ego and pandering to it is crucial to the success of each film

In many ways Claus Kinski resemple the Icelantic actor Helgi Skúlason (http://akas.imdb.com/name/nm0805100/) Though not so internationally known.

07-07-2011, 08:54 AM
Aquirre Wrath of God is close to being a masterpiece... the opening scene is utterly wonderful as the camera pulls back on spanish soldiers on a hill side to reveal a whole snaking line... and the end with a raft and monkeys. Brilliant.

Whatever happened to Nastassia?

07-07-2011, 02:19 PM
Aquirre Wrath of God is close to being a masterpiece... the opening scene is utterly wonderful as the camera pulls back on spanish soldiers on a hill side to reveal a whole snaking line... and the end with a raft and monkeys. Brilliant.

Whatever happened to Nastassia?

And didn't a tiny part of you just wish for a moment as the camera pans back in Kinski's final scene in the film that Herzog had left the mad bugger to his fate? :)

07-07-2011, 02:21 PM
nice find Dino, finally a thread that does not involve shit, piss, taco bell and KISS!!

07-07-2011, 02:29 PM
nice find Dino, finally a thread that does not involve shit, piss, taco bell and KISS!!

Hey, it's about Kinski, so you can bet that there was plenty of shit and piss flying about, even if most of it was offscreen!

Dino Velvet
07-07-2011, 11:23 PM
nice find Dino, finally a thread that does not involve shit, piss, taco bell and KISS!!

I'm more of a Del Taco guy and never was a huge fan of KISS. They're OK but they couldn't hold Black Sabbath's jock strap.

Hey, it's about Kinski, so you can bet that there was plenty of shit and piss flying about, even if most of it was offscreen!

Dino Velvet
07-07-2011, 11:27 PM
Heard a rumor that Klaus Kinski is Julian Assange's daddy.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-rwurjPVINTY/TbM1D1X2bGI/AAAAAAAAAJw/dR6iWbVhFdk/s1600/KLAUS-KINSKI_88__P-744_190_40.jpg http://wizbangblog.com/images/2010/12/Julian_Assange.jpg

07-08-2011, 02:48 AM
Heard a rumor that Klaus Kinski is Julian Assange's daddy

This thread gets spookier by the hour; is Murdoch behind it?

Dino Velvet
07-08-2011, 02:52 AM
Heard a rumor that Klaus Kinski is Julian Assange's daddy

This thread gets spookier by the hour; is Murdoch behind it?

Yep. Captain Redneck rides again!


07-08-2011, 08:07 AM
Thanks for this thread! I was unaware of these films, but they look like cult classics and right up my alley. Speaking of cult classics, did you know that Roger Corman's Battle Beyond the Stars comes out on DVD next week? Nothing like low budget space opera with John Boy!

Dino Velvet
07-08-2011, 08:17 AM
Thanks for this thread! I was unaware of these films, but they look like cult classics and right up my alley. Speaking of cult classics, did you know that Roger Corman's Battle Beyond the Stars comes out on DVD next week? Nothing like low budget space opera with John Boy!

I thought it was already out. I have a ton of those new Corman re-releases. The prints have been nice so far. Get Piranha, Humanoids From The Deep, Forbidden World, Galaxy Of Terror, Death Race 2000, and Rock 'n' Roll High School for sure.

07-08-2011, 08:25 AM
I thought it was already out. I have a ton of those new Corman re-releases. The prints have been nice so far. Get Piranha, Humanoids From The Deep, Forbidden World, Galaxy Of Terror, Death Race 2000, and Rock 'n' Roll High School for sure.

Yep, I got all those. I also bought the women in cages collection and the slumber party massacre collection. Also Barbarian Queen, with the late Lana Clarkson, who was murdered by Phil Spector, and Star Crash with the amazingly beautiful Caroline Munro. They should build a statue to Corman in Hollywood.

Dino Velvet
07-08-2011, 08:29 AM
Yep, I got all those. I also bought the women in cages collection and the slumber party massacre collection. Also Barbarian Queen, with the late Lana Clarkson, who was murdered by Phil Spector, and Star Crash with the amazingly beautiful Caroline Munro. They should build a statue to Corman in Hollywood.

You must have a pretty good DVD collection too. I have no idea how many movies I have.

07-08-2011, 08:34 AM
You must have a pretty good DVD collection too. I have no idea how many movies I have.

Yeah, I have a decent collection. I like the rarer stuff. They came out with a Dawn of the Dead box set a couple years back, it had the European cut, the directors cut, and the original cut, with documentaries and everything. They even showed a tour through the original mall in the present day with Ken Foree as the tour guide. Awesome! It has to be my favorite.

Dino Velvet
07-08-2011, 08:46 AM
Yeah, I have a decent collection. I like the rarer stuff. They came out with a Dawn of the Dead box set a couple years back, it had the European cut, the directors cut, and the original cut, with documentaries and everything. They even showed a tour through the original mall in the present day with Ken Foree as the tour guide. Awesome! It has to be my favorite.

I have that set too. I like all the different cuts and saw the Extended Cut the other night. That movie never gets old and the 156 minutes flies by.

07-08-2011, 08:46 AM
Yeah, I have a decent collection. I like the rarer stuff. They came out with a Dawn of the Dead box set a couple years back, it had the European cut, the directors cut, and the original cut, with documentaries and everything. They even showed a tour through the original mall in the present day with Ken Foree as the tour guide. Awesome! It has to be my favorite.

Dragging the thread slowly back towards the topic, wouldn't it have been great to see Corman tackling Kinski as an actor on set?

"No Klaus, one take. I've budgeted $4,781 for the entire movie, it has to be finished by 3 o'clock today, edited overnight and in cinemas by Friday. And stop chewing the scenery - we need it for tomorrow's movie."

Dino Velvet
07-08-2011, 08:48 AM
Dragging the thread slowly back towards the topic, wouldn't it have been great to see Corman tackling Kinski as an actor on set?

"No Klaus, one take. I've budgeted $4,781 for the entire movie, it has to be finished by 3 o'clock today, edited overnight and in cinemas by Friday. And stop chewing the scenery - we need it for tomorrow's movie."

Klaus would go apeshit ranting and raving in German then rape Corman and fall asleep spooning next to him.

07-08-2011, 08:52 AM
I have that set too. I like all the different cuts and saw the Extended Cut the other night. That movie never gets old and the 156 minutes flies by.

Yeah, the movie works on so many levels, it's just great. It's one of those movies I can watch 100 times and not get tired of it, or just start watching it at any point, like Cronenberg's The Fly, The Godfather, or Gremlins. Now that's an interesting combo!:)

07-08-2011, 08:55 AM
Klaus would go apeshit ranting and raving in German then rape Corman and fall asleep spooning next to him.

Which would of course end up as the movie for the day after, called Krazy Kraut in Hollywood.