View Full Version : POLL: Have you ever met a TS?

01-14-2008, 05:09 AM
As an escort, at a party, on the street, wherever. In a situation where you actually had a conversation with them longer than "Hi, how are ya?"

The reason I ask is that in a couple of threads some obvious exaggerations have been made about 99% of men on this board have never met a transsexual. Exaggeration is a good rhetorical effect that I have no problem with.

But I'm interested in what the real numbers are.

LURKERS feel free to vote, no one's gonna see your name.

P.S. I did a search and couldn't find any similar poll. If any of the long timers can recall a similar one and find it, please post the link here.

01-14-2008, 05:17 AM


01-14-2008, 05:32 AM


Hey Johnny, can you delete this thread real quick? I bumped the other one. No sense in getting duplicate or split votes. You know... hanging chads and all.

Can't believe it didn't turn up on the search. I used "have you ever met" and a search on all terms.