View Full Version : Gia Darling tonight!!

06-15-2005, 01:50 AM
Don't forget everyone Gia is on tonight at 10pm est on MTv can't wait to watch it should be a great show

06-15-2005, 02:18 AM
Arggh! Gia vs. the season finale of The Shield (and Glenn Close's final appearance on said program). Choices!

06-15-2005, 02:41 AM
Or go old school and tape one of the shows! Remember VHS tape? I think my VCR is in the same rack as my 8-track, lol.

06-15-2005, 05:47 AM
Well, I used VHS tonight to tape Gia (and Allanah, I didn't know she'd be on the show as well, though I did know she offered Gia a lot of support as a good friend would) since I'd rather keep that for prosperity than the Shield (and I've been waiting all week for the Shield). Wasn't it fantastic? I was amazed at how detailed they got, how candid Gia was (way to go, babe), and how graphic things were (I'm talking incisions and liposuction tubes here).

Anyway, I was totally blown away at the end because Gia shows up at Allanah's One Night in Bangkok party from last September, the first party I went to. I remember seeing Gia very shortly after she arrived, looking absolutely fab, and she gave me a big hug. I even scanned the crowd to see if I made the video, lol. She told me she had just had work done, but little did I suspect that it was recorded for I Want a Famous Face!

06-15-2005, 05:50 AM
Ive been waiting for this ep all season, and finally, the night they show Pulp Fiction AND Batman Returns they decide to air her ep...well, thank you DVR and TiVO!

Anyway, it was cool watching someone Ive seen before. I was trippin out the whole ep, heh, it was awesome...altho the part where Allanah was "milking" Gia, yeah I turned to Batman...g'show tho, foreals!

06-15-2005, 06:17 AM
I made sure I didn't miss the show. I watched it, I also had set up my VCR to tape the show and I set my PC to record it. My PC crashed half way through though. :? Looks like it will repeat at 2:30 am, will try again on the PC.

Looks like a very painful process having all that surgery, but you gotta love the end results.

I thought they would have shown more from the party having shot all that footage there, but I guess they had many many hours of video they had to condense down to a 30 minute program.

They also had a small segment in the show of another TS, .ca. I had chatted with her a few times a few years ago and I had wondered what ever had happened to her when her website disappeared. She used to go my Brandy Richards back then. I never knew she had to have her implants removed due to medical problems she had.

06-15-2005, 04:45 PM
I saw the program last night very informable. Make you appreicate the work this girlies go though to make them self beautiful. I hope Gia make's in the mainstream. By the way Gia you don't have to look like Pamala Anderson you have a unique beauty of you own.To many of us want to be someone else and can't or will not accept that they have beauty already. Thanks Gia

06-15-2005, 10:07 PM
MTV will be showing this show all week just keep looking.

06-16-2005, 12:04 AM
I was amazed at the pain and suffering the girls go through to make themselves look the way they do. I always knew cosmetic surgery was no picnic, but seeing it so graphic is a real eye opener. And seeing Allanah on TV was a treat. She looked fab and is a great buddy to Gia.

06-16-2005, 08:05 AM
Damn I missed it, that God MTV replays their shows into the ground.