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01-09-2008, 02:50 PM
Hmmm, just been in a meeting discussing the sale of Jaguar and Land Rover (LR) to Tata Motors from India.

Has Ford totally lost its bottle when it comes to anything outside the core of it business? Im not sure that since 1987 when Ford got involved with Jaguar, if the company had been run properly (like a BMW or a Porsche) that the combined profits of Jaguar and LR would have made Ford one of the most profitable companies in the world, if they had got the product right.

"Good cars sell" Carlos Ghosn once said, and thankfully now with the new XK and XF the forthcoming XJ replacement, the product looks as good as it drives.

"Ford has confirmed that India's Tata Motors will be the likely buyer of its UK-based Jaguar and Land Rover brands.

The US giant said it is now committed to negotiations "at a more detailed level" with Tata over the sale.

Ford announced in June last year that it intended to sell Jaguar and Land Rover as a joint package."

Im intrested to hear what u think about this......

01-09-2008, 04:33 PM
Being in the car business, I can tell you that neither vehicle brand hold value well in the states. And, practically every Land Rover, regardless of model that I've appraised, as a trade-in, was in the throws of falling apart. I am not seeing a quality product in these vehicles, especially when you consider their initial cost and, cost of ownership.

Quality, with any auto maker, starts at the top. FMC, is in a world of shit! It suffers from gross mismanagement which flows all the way down to poor production line performance. As a consumer, that equates to quality issues in the vehicle you spend hard earned $$$ to purchase, which blossoms into excessive warranty issues, ultimately affecting the bottom line for FMC.

One reason why Toyota has just passed FMC as #2 in the world market. Chrysler is also in deep doodoo.

01-09-2008, 04:46 PM
Being in the car business, I can tell you that neither vehicle brand hold value well in the states. And, practically every Land Rover, regardless of model that I've appraised, as a trade-in, was in the throws of falling apart. I am not seeing a quality product in these vehicles, especially when you consider their initial cost and, cost of ownership.

Quality, with any auto maker, starts at the top. FMC, is in a world of shit! It suffers from gross mismanagement which flows all the way down to poor production line performance. As a consumer, that equates to quality issues in the vehicle you spend hard earned $$$ to purchase, which blossoms into excessive warranty issues, ultimately affecting the bottom line for FMC.

One reason why Toyota has just passed FMC as #2 in the world market. Chrysler is also in deep doodoo.

Very true - ~ Well Said.

01-09-2008, 06:46 PM
Being in the car business, I can tell you that neither vehicle brand hold value well in the states. And, practically every Land Rover, regardless of model that I've appraised, as a trade-in, was in the throws of falling apart. I am not seeing a quality product in these vehicles, especially when you consider their initial cost and, cost of ownership.

Quality, with any auto maker, starts at the top. FMC, is in a world of shit! It suffers from gross mismanagement which flows all the way down to poor production line performance. As a consumer, that equates to quality issues in the vehicle you spend hard earned $$$ to purchase, which blossoms into excessive warranty issues, ultimately affecting the bottom line for FMC.

One reason why Toyota has just passed FMC as #2 in the world market. Chrysler is also in deep doodoo.

So, you were the guy appraising my old 2002 RR. I told you it was a POS, and you readily agreed. Now I know why.

01-09-2008, 06:48 PM
Being in the car business, I can tell you that neither vehicle brand hold value well in the states. And, practically every Land Rover, regardless of model that I've appraised, as a trade-in, was in the throws of falling apart. I am not seeing a quality product in these vehicles, especially when you consider their initial cost and, cost of ownership.

Quality, with any auto maker, starts at the top. FMC, is in a world of shit! It suffers from gross mismanagement which flows all the way down to poor production line performance. As a consumer, that equates to quality issues in the vehicle you spend hard earned $$$ to purchase, which blossoms into excessive warranty issues, ultimately affecting the bottom line for FMC.

One reason why Toyota has just passed FMC as #2 in the world market. Chrysler is also in deep doodoo.

So, you were the guy appraising my old 2002 RR. I told you it was a POS, and you readily agreed. Now I know why.

LMAO. But hey you could drive OVER a mountain!

01-09-2008, 09:45 PM
I've got a Jag and love it. I'm not too worried about trade-in/resells, as I usually trade it back for a new one.

What does worry me, is in recent safety tests US autos were among the lowest passes compared to Japanese and European cars.

I would have though that in a country like the USA, people's safety and lives were more important than a few extra bucks.
[last line is meant to be sarcastic].

01-09-2008, 10:47 PM
Corvette, iwork in the trade as well, with jaguar now, the residuals of LR/RR do suck, always have done, just that the cars are built better now.

Its not a pleasant experience telling a customer the car they paid $100k for 3 years ago is now worth half that!

Admittedly, the cost of preping the vehicle keeps going up and up (more so with a car built in the midlands of the UK, anyway i digress.....)

Im just worried customers will know that an Indian company now own Jaguar/LR and that will put them off.

Would you buy an Indian owned, British built Jaguar?

01-09-2008, 11:42 PM
Corvette, iwork in the trade as well, with jaguar now, the residuals of LR/RR do suck, always have done, just that the cars are built better now.

Its not a pleasant experience telling a customer the car they paid $100k for 3 years ago is now worth half that!

Admittedly, the cost of preping the vehicle keeps going up and up (more so with a car built in the midlands of the UK, anyway i digress.....)

Im just worried customers will know that an Indian company now own Jaguar/LR and that will put them off.

Would you buy an Indian owned, British built Jaguar?

Does it really matter that its "Indian Owned"? People said the SAME thing when Ford bought them out...and guess what - they still sold. I don't think that the parent company is going to do anything to "soil" the image of Jag/LR.

01-09-2008, 11:49 PM
Jags suck - Rovers are cool! If you want quality buy a honda lol

01-10-2008, 12:02 AM

01-10-2008, 02:30 AM
One more indication that globalization doesn't work for America - unless, of course, you're interested in gorging yourself on low priced shit. I build antique and custom cars and know that one's car is a reflection of oneself. What a sad state of affairs for the once mighty USA.

I never heard of Tata. They made their cash reserves building what? A nice girl I know (who doesn't understand a crankshaft from an axle) said they build a car that runs on compressed air and gets 100 mpg. Not unless you believe in perpetual motion machines.

Willie Escalade
01-10-2008, 10:16 AM
It's a shame that the Jag and Land Rover names have been tarnished. A buddy of mine drives an LR3 (Discovery3 for my UK friends); he states he hasn't had any problems with it whatsoever. We went on an off-road trek; this baby goes everywhere!

When it comes to my luxury rides, I'd go with a Cadillac (personal favorite) or a Lexus (Toyota makes damn good cars). Ford, you fucked up!

I'm waiting to see what GM does with Saab. Also, what's Ford gonna do with Volvo?

01-10-2008, 10:22 AM
Land Rovers fall apart??????
So that must be why 80% of all Land Rovers ever built are still on the road.