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View Full Version : Anyone here have an iphone

01-08-2008, 09:12 PM
Im addicted to this damn phone! Anyone else having the same issue?

01-08-2008, 09:42 PM
The iPhone seems to be a cool toy, but I'm still trying to understand the addiction to the basic cell phone. I let the contract on mine lapse as I never used the damn thing and it was such a waste. The only times it was remotely useful was to call 911 (Which it is still capable of, for free) and that only because I was lucky enough to pull a signal when it was truly needed.

<Thinking> I wonder where it is now. :?

01-08-2008, 09:54 PM
No iphone, but I do love my motorola Q

01-08-2008, 11:43 PM
I can't leave my HTC smartphone

01-09-2008, 12:52 AM

01-09-2008, 01:27 AM
I love my Razr V3xx. Does all the stuff I need, and doesn't turn into a smudgy piece of shit after two seconds of using it, thanks to this awesome technology it has called tactile feedback.

01-09-2008, 02:14 AM
nope ill stick to my sidekick for now till i'm able to upgrade

Felicia Katt
01-09-2008, 06:50 AM
I have an Ipod touch, which I love, but will love even more in February, when they open it up to other programs.


01-09-2008, 07:03 AM
Here's a cool thing for iphones OR regular phones - and it's free!


You can have real time traffic maps in most major US cities sent directly to your phone.

It's kind of cool.

I'll get an iPhone 2 or 3 - once the bugs are all out and the price comes down into the straosphere.

Plus I like the keyboard and screen size of a laptop - I have a cell phone wireless receiver so I can get a connection whereever I am, even in the car.

TS Jamie :-)

01-09-2008, 07:16 AM
I have an Ipod touch, which I love, but will love even more in February, when they open it up to other programs.


What are they opening it up to? I have not kept up with it, and I'm thinking of getting one for my 16 year old godson as I might have told you ... Could it be too much for a 16 year old ya think?

Quiet Reflections
01-09-2008, 07:36 AM
is there any truth that they are easy to hack into?

01-10-2008, 01:35 AM
I have an Ipod touch, which I love, but will love even more in February, when they open it up to other programs.


Jailbreak that shit!

You can already "unlock it" and put apps on it.

Im using mine with TMobile. I pay $6/mo for the unlimited Internet hack.

As long as you have some basic computer skills and can resist playing iwth the stuff you're not supposed to, then yea, its easy to hack. Same thing as uploading a photo here.

My mother has the dash from HTC, but this is killing it. Its owrth it. I dont think you neccessarily have to wait for the next version. Some things suck like not being able to send MMS right out of the box, but some of the shit is the truth. Lke how the text automatically corrects for you when you type and learns the words. I can t put it down, LOL

01-10-2008, 07:27 AM
Maybe when the CDMA version comes out (ie Verizon Wireless). Around here, everyone says "its a cool phone, but the network sucks so everything is slow"

01-10-2008, 08:14 AM
I don't have a cell phone. I might get a pre-paid one for emergencies. I just use Skype when I need to make a call and I have WiFi. People pay so much for cell phones in general, even getting their kids ones (or godsons :-P). My parents finally got cell phones, but they're pay-as-you-go ones and the bill is always <$10/month, usually more like $5, they said. Skype needs a decent connection though so sometimes instant messaging is easier.

So my portable device of choice is a Nokia N800, which I got after the prices were slashed with the release of the N810. You can now get one for around two bills. Tons of programs (no "jailbreak" hacking necessary ~ they actually want people to make programs for it, imagine that!), better browsing than the iPhone (with a real Firefox-based browser!) and you can sync it to your cellphone if you have an internet plan on your phone and no WiFi connection. When you are stuck in traffic and really have to post on HA (seriously, though, get off your fucking cell phones and drive!)

The N810 is a decent upgrade, same RAM and CPU but has a slide-out keyboard and is a tad smaller, a sunlight-readable screen and built-in GPS. But now you can find the N800 for half the price of the new N810 and that's the clincher.


01-10-2008, 08:34 AM
I would like to get a laptop. My ideal size is 10". The 13.3" macbooks are a tad big and a 14" PC notebook is significantly too big. The Asus Eee PC is about right but it's a 7" screen inside a 9" frame. The new 9" ones will be coming out this year (as announced at CES), it was a cost issue before, I think, because they're selling this sucker for $300-400!

I don't know why people buy these giant 17", even 19" (!), laptops. You know you have to move that thing too.

http://oldcomputers.net/pics/compaqI.JPG (http://oldcomputers.net/compaqi.html)

01-10-2008, 08:35 AM
hmmmm im waiting for the touch screen blackberry to come out :)

01-15-2008, 08:34 PM
I don't know why people buy these giant 17", even 19" (!), laptops. You know you have to move that thing too.

http://oldcomputers.net/pics/compaqI.JPG (http://oldcomputers.net/compaqi.html)

A lot of people who play games want the bigger screen, i dont know, im not much of a gamer.

But for doing graphics, a bigger display is needed. When I do graphics, i might need to have 3 or 4 images open at one time and you cant really do that on a small screen.

01-16-2008, 01:48 AM
I just got mine and I love it.. I am a full on apple guy but usually wait for second generation technology to avoid out of the gate problems. must say i love it though....

how about the new mac book air.. what a cool toy