View Full Version : Should I Get Breast Implants?

01-01-2008, 11:22 AM
So, this is a bit random - but, in your opinion, should I get breast implants?

I know this is a board for horny men, so I can imagine what most answers will be - but being a normal attractive person is part of why I would do it, so input from horny men is important. If that makes any sense.

Anyways, I'm curious what people think.


01-01-2008, 11:25 AM
So, this is a bit random - but, in your opinion, should I get breast implants?

I know this is a board for horny men, so I can imagine what most answers will be - but being a normal attractive person is part of why I would do it, so input from horny men is important. If that makes any sense.

Anyways, I'm curious what people think.

Personally imo you look beautiful and i think its up to you if you want to or not but imho i would date you either way

Rod la Rod
01-01-2008, 11:26 AM
Very nice nipples. I love your coloring. I love redheads.

I think you could go either way.

01-01-2008, 11:29 AM
I agree with the above posters, you are lovely as is, but ultimately its up to you.

01-01-2008, 01:22 PM
I say no, stay natural!!

01-01-2008, 01:27 PM
Take another girls advice, not these men, a man once told me that he didnt want me to be on hormones!!! coz he was afraid it would....well you know what, that fag......

anyway, YES, if you can get them done i would say definetely! go for it! you wont regret it! you can go to the beach and show off!

i can't wait until the day i can afford to get mine done.

01-01-2008, 01:41 PM
Aww, she's got little nubbins.

Whatever you want though. Just don't go too big, small breasts seem like they would suit you.

Nubbins are great by the way.

01-01-2008, 04:27 PM
I would say, that since you've mentioned it,,,you will probably do it. IMO, it's not the boobs that make you a woman, rather what you feel inside. Woman need that personal gratification that they look good in the eyes of those from whom they seek admiration. If you feel you need them...do it. Either way, you're lookin' good!

01-01-2008, 06:44 PM
hey girl, your boobs look like mine!

with mine, it's more the pointiness that bothers me. i want them to look like full adult breasts. i've been taking progesterone to help with that but to no avail.

if i did get implants, i wouldn't go bigger than full b / small c. i've had ts friends whose breasts have exploded in size, it makes me so jealous. i want normal boobs...

implants are a pain in the ass for some people, they shift or even pop. if you have silicone ones, now your chest is full of free floating lumps. ick. they also decrease your chances of being able to breastfeed, if that's important to you.

there was a thread on here that polled the guys on whether small hormone tits or implants were better. essentially all the guys said to stay natural. the real question is: what do you want?

01-01-2008, 07:15 PM
Hey, Irish, what's going on. My two cents:

You're fine the way you are, but if getting implants will make you feel more confident about your appearance then do it. I've known a lot of women, both GG and TG, who feel that the aforementioned procedure has made a real difference for them. Conversely, some girls are perfectly happy going "all natural." In the end, you have to decide if you think this will make that much of a difference for you personally. You will have our support no matter what the decision, so just do what makes you happy. Good luck.


01-01-2008, 07:31 PM

01-01-2008, 07:36 PM
It's truly hard to give you an informed opinion from the photo.

That is why a surgeon will want to see you in person, to gauge
your proportions, to see the totality of you.

In general though for any transwoman, I tend to feel that there
will need to be some surgical interventions.

HRT, particularly when begun at a young age can and does work
wonders. However there are limitations to what it can ultimatetly

Will HRT continue to enlarge your breasts, that is unknown. Also
without knowing your height and weight it is hard to render a

But from just this one picture alone, I would say yes, surgery is

01-01-2008, 07:50 PM
Another, more doctor-y pic.

01-01-2008, 08:21 PM
Another, more doctor-y pic.

Again, this is why it's so important for you to meet with your
prospective surgeon so that you can reach a consensus on
what you want the finished results to look like.

You are seeking proportion.

You don't want to be top heavy. You don't want large breasts, and
poor hip to waist ratio.

You want your breasts to be appropriate to your frame. A short,
small framed woman will look very different with the same size
breast implants as a tall large framed woman.

A very good thing that you have done is you have allowed HRT to
give you adipose tissue (fatty tissue) to work with.

Some chicks haven't taken estrogen pill one, and slap on the biggest
breasts that they can, and the results are very unnatural looking.

01-01-2008, 09:03 PM
this girls advice is to give it time- you look to have been on 'mones for maybe a year or two at the most. Small boobies are in now anyway, but here's the thing- if your mom's got big breasts, then you should grow into yours.

keep some bit of clinical perspective- if puberty starts at say ten years old for a girl and you've been on hormones for 2 years then you have wonderful development in comparison (sure you're not 12 years old, but give it a chance). you can always decide later if you still want implants. And nothing against advice from anyone previous, but always consider the source.

I myself have been on hormones for going on eleven years now and at first wanted implants so bad! Now, however i've got wonderful development- they feel incredible and they fit my body. Sure some days I think about implants, but I don't think I'll get them- I like my own far too much. :D

01-01-2008, 09:41 PM
breast implants would be fun!!!! you could do girls gone wild!!!

01-01-2008, 09:47 PM
It takes a few yrs to develope properly, just give it time and if you do decide to have a BA, at least you will have Breast Tissue for implants. I was in a rush also, as most TS are during HRT. Time flys 2 yrs isnt that long. :)

01-01-2008, 09:52 PM
I've been on estrogen and progesteron since like September 05.

01-01-2008, 09:58 PM
I've been on estrogen and progesteron since like September 05.

I agree with Kira. If you started September 5th, and I don't know your dosage, but even if you were injecting and taking 200 mg progesterone daily, your development probably barely has begun.

I've been on HRT, full dosage and injecting, for a year and a half (injections since Sept) and my breasts are just barely b's. I would still wait another 6 to 12 months for implants so there was more tissue to blend and the skin was more stretched out. You need trunk space for all those groceries.

01-01-2008, 10:00 PM
I've been on estrogen and progesteron since like September 05.

I agree with Kira. If you started September 5th, and I don't know your dosage, but even if you were injecting and taking 200 mg progesterone daily, your development probably barely has begun.

I've been on HRT, full dosage and injecting, for a year and a half (injections since Sept) and my breasts are just barely b's. I would still wait another 6 to 12 months for implants so there was more tissue to blend and the skin was more stretched out. You need trunk space for all those groceries.

I mean Like September 2005.

01-01-2008, 10:03 PM
...which is only three years, dear, the same as me.

EDIT: wait! that's TWO years for you, stupid new year threw me off. I started in 2004. mea culpa. Still, means you have a lot you might grow naturally yet!

I think what they're saying is wait another couple years. After year 5 though, you're probably done changing. Mine haven't appeared to change much in the past year. I'm still wanting to put my money towards body laser (permanently smooth legs and bush, yay!), orchi and facial surgery first. Those things won't change on their own but breasts might.

01-01-2008, 10:11 PM
...which is only three years, dear, the same as me.

EDIT: wait! that's TWO years for you, stupid new year threw me off. I started in 2004. mea culpa. Still, means you have a lot you might grow naturally yet!

I think what they're saying is wait another couple years. After year 5 though, you're probably done changing. Mine haven't appeared to change much in the past year. I'm still wanting to put my money towards body laser (permanently smooth legs and bush, yay!), orchi and facial surgery first. Those things won't change on their own but breasts might.
I love my implants, but part of me wonders how big I would have gotten naturally. I was a A cup before Implants. DD after surgery, and 1 yr later Im a DDD/F same size. So I still must be growing. Im on yr 3 now HRT

Quiet Reflections
01-01-2008, 10:42 PM
small boobs are cute.

01-01-2008, 11:47 PM
Do what feels right for you.
Personally, i think homegrowns rule.