View Full Version : Best of 2007

12-31-2007, 08:38 PM
Recap time! One entry per category (though you can list contenders if you want).

1) What's your CD of the year? (2007 releases only)
2) What's your live gig of the year?
3) What's your favorite film release of 2007?
4) What's your book of the year?
5) What event, personal or otherwise was the highlight of your year.


1) This is a tough one indeed. Contenders include A Fine Frenzy: One Cell in the Sea, Suzanne Vega: Beauty and Crime, and Joni Mitchell: Shine. But the award goes to Over the Rhine: The Trumpet Child. Brilliant husband-wife duo; if you don't know them, you should. (Style? Cowboy Junkies meet jazz: caberet style jazz, Americana, roots, pop, folk.)

2) OK, this is just about impossible to pick: Over the Rhine, Richie Havens, Les Sampou and Brooks Williams (the bargain of the year: $15 for both), Ferron, Chad & Jeremy, and Carrie Newcomer. But top honors go to Rory Block and John Hammond: Rory doing her Robert Johnson material (which she does better than anyone this side of Eric Clapton), Hammond doing his classic material, and the two playing a set together.

3) OK, an easier one: Enchantment. (But the best movie I saw in 2007 was released a couple of years ago, Pan's Labyrinth.)

4) Blank. Best book I read this year: Neil Gaiman's American Gods.

5) Seeing my small business actually take off and be successful.

12-31-2007, 10:43 PM
1) What's your CD of the year? (2007 releases only)

I don't think i've listened to anything new since 1980! :P

3) What's your favorite film release of 2007?

Changes from week to week.

4) What's your book of the year?

Don't know when they were 1st published, but Bernard Cornwells' "Grail Quest" trilogy.

5) What event, personal or otherwise was the highlight of your year.

Visiting rights.

4) Blank. Best book I read this year: Neil Gaiman's American Gods.

Great book.
How long did it take for the penny to drop with "Low Key"? :lol:

12-31-2007, 11:34 PM
Great book.
How long did it take for the penny to drop with "Low Key"? :lol:
The moment I read the name! I also got Wednesday at first glance (Woden's Day). A few others were much more subtle, though. And I just loved the scam that Low Key and Wednesday were running on all the rest.

Gaiman brought a similar twist to Beowulf, which failed for me in some regards (8" stilletos in the 8th century? Not that Angelina doesn't look hot in them), but his twist (it has Gaiman written all over it) over the fatherhood of the dragon was great.

01-01-2008, 02:57 AM
The moment I read the name! I also got Wednesday at first glance (Woden's Day). A few others were much more subtle, though. And I just loved the scam that Low Key and Wednesday were running on all the rest.

Quicker than me then.
I was about a quarter of the way through before i had one of those "Heyyy, hold on a minute!" moments! :lol:

Have you seen Neverwhere?
That's crying out for a decent remake.

01-01-2008, 03:37 AM
Quicker than me then.
I was about a quarter of the way through before i had one of those "Heyyy, hold on a minute!" moments! :lol:

Have you seen Neverwhere?
That's crying out for a decent remake.
No, I haven't seen Neverwhere. Slipped by somehow.

What did you think of Stardust? I thought it had some nice Gaiman moments, but was overall too Hollywood by a span and a half.

01-01-2008, 04:05 AM
No, I haven't seen Neverwhere. Slipped by somehow.

What did you think of Stardust? I thought it had some nice Gaiman moments, but was overall too Hollywood by a span and a half.

I haven't seen Stardust.
One of those, "oh, i must see that", but still haven't got around to it yet.

If you get the chance though, Neverwhere's definitely worth watching [even if the effects are a bit cheesey]. Especially if you know London at all and catch the place names.

01-01-2008, 05:16 AM
I haven't seen Stardust.
One of those, "oh, i must see that", but still haven't got around to it yet.

If you get the chance though, Neverwhere's definitely worth watching [even if the effects are a bit cheesey]. Especially if you know London at all and catch the place names.
I don't know London all that well. I've spent about a half year in GB on four separate visits (including a summer session at Trinity College, Oxford) and got into London some, but I mostly focused on West Country, the Lake District, the Cotswold, and Scotland (especially Skye and Edinburgh). We'll see, maybe I remember more than I think.

Willie Escalade
01-01-2008, 01:52 PM
1) What's your CD of the year? (2007 releases only)
I'm really feeling Jay-Z's American Gangster. It's going back into my CD changer this week...and I may burn it to my mp3 player as well. I'll be getting the acapella version as well this Friday.

2) What's your live gig of the year?
I don't go to too many concerts, but I'll say that I always have a good time at the Long Beach Jazz Festival. Good music and hot babes! The Queen Universe pageant was a lot of fun as well.

3) What's your favorite film release of 2007?
Believe it or not, I actually didn't go to any movies this year. Too busy with work!

4) What's your book of the year?
I bought a lot of car books this year, so I'll chose one of those. It is a book about Chevrolet's Super Sports, both past and present. A close second would be one about Million Dollar Muscle Cars.

5) What event, personal or otherwise was the highlight of your year.
Can't really say. I'll have to really think about this one. Bob posting a new set of Devora would be on the list, but not at the top! :lol:

01-01-2008, 03:42 PM
1) Top 5:
Tomahawk - Anonymous
Between The Buried & Me - Colours
HORSE the band - A Natural Death
Hella - Theres No 666 In Outer Space
Cephalic Carnage - Xenosapien

2) Between The Buried & Me / HORSE the band

3)Grindhouse: Planet Terror & Death Proof

4)infinite love is the only truth and everything else is illusion

5)Wrote some stuff that'll eventually end up on an album

01-03-2008, 03:04 AM
1) What's your CD of the year? (2007 releases only)

Pigeon Detectives - Wait for me!

2) What's your live gig of the year?

T In The Park, Balado, Scotland. Been going for years but this year was the best yet!

3) What's your favorite film release of 2007?

American Gangster

4) What's your book of the year?

Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows (Sad I Know)

5) What event, personal or otherwise was the highlight of your year.

Scotland doing so well in the football was really good, it gave us back a bit of national pride after the disastrous few years we've had

01-03-2008, 03:26 AM
1) What's your CD of the year? (2007 releases only)

Deerhoof - Friendly Opportunity

3) What's your favorite film release of 2007?

This is England

4) What's your book of the year?

not read any new books but best book iv read this year is Americana by Don DeLillo

5) What event, personal or otherwise was the highlight of your year.

Gotta be promotion at work annd all the money that goes wit it!