View Full Version : One three letter word. Here's a hint, it rhymes with tag.

12-30-2007, 11:37 PM
I found this forum for the first time about three days ago while browsing the net for lgbt forums. I looked through the site and found it to be more of a giant ad for escorts and pornography (not that I have anything against either, whatever floats your boat I guess) and I was about to leave before I found a certain thread. All I can say is I was rather surprised to see the word fag thrown around so much. I've never really been fond of the word, I feel it is used to justify violence and contempt for people of any alternative orientation or alternative gender identity. I understand that as women you don't feel the term applies to you or has any weight in your situation, but the fact is that it is lgbt (lesbian, gay, bisexual, AND transgendered). A friend of mine was recently murdered for coming onto the wrong person and the killer got a reduced sentence with a gay panic defense. As transgendered citizens you too face the same kind of violence. I understand the person who uses the word may not feel they are using it to shame homosexuality, but in principle that is what you are doing. Be saying it you say that being gay is worth insulting.
I suppose I'll be "flamed" for this (I can't say "I'm going to get flamed" without smiling, it's such a lame word, just say it out loud and you'll realize how stupid it sounds. I am laughing now. teehee) but I just wanted to give my two cents.

I guess my point is, you can say it, but don't use it as an insult

12-30-2007, 11:44 PM
On a lighter note I love the snl skit with Will Ferrel playing Harry Caray as a host of a show about astronomy

12-31-2007, 12:00 AM
And as for the other side of the fence, I also agree the word bitch is offensive and derogatory towards all women.

12-31-2007, 12:16 AM
dude, are you having fun by yourself in here?

you can join us in chat

12-31-2007, 12:16 AM
Well bitch is a derogatory word and it's misogynistic. But let's not fall into the trap of thinking all epithets are the same in effect. I read an interesting article about this. Linguistically you can't make comparisons between words like fag, bitch, and a whole slew of racial epithets. This may or may not be true, but I read that the n word is by far the most powerful and vile word in the vernacular. Anyone who's ever heard it used isn't shocked by that.

But fag has to come very close. In terms of it's connotation and origin, it's a pretty disgusting word. I've used it here, but usually after having it flung my way; yet I've never heard it in real life. Don't know why people think they're going to use this word and have it be an amusing outcome.

12-31-2007, 12:21 AM
dude, are you having fun by yourself in here?

you can join us in chat
fine, I will.
But on the subject of your signature: I love the boondocks, but can never tell any jokes from the show on account of being white.

12-31-2007, 12:47 AM
A friend of mine was recently murdered for coming onto the wrong person and the killer got a reduced sentence with a gay panic defense.

Sorry to hear that. People suck. Nuff said.

12-31-2007, 12:48 AM
I found this forum for the first time about three days ago while browsing the net for lgbt forums. I looked through the site and found it to be more of a giant ad for escorts and pornography (not that I have anything against either, whatever floats your boat I guess) and I was about to leave before I found a certain thread. All I can say is I was rather surprised to see the word fag thrown around so much. I've never really been fond of the word, I feel it is used to justify violence and contempt for people of any alternative orientation or alternative gender identity. I understand that as women you don't feel the term applies to you or has any weight in your situation, but the fact is that it is lgbt (lesbian, gay, bisexual, AND transgendered). A friend of mine was recently murdered for coming onto the wrong person and the killer got a reduced sentence with a gay panic defense. As transgendered citizens you too face the same kind of violence. I understand the person who uses the word may not feel they are using it to shame homosexuality, but in principle that is what you are doing. Be saying it you say that being gay is worth insulting.
I suppose I'll be "flamed" for this (I can't say "I'm going to get flamed" without smiling, it's such a lame word, just say it out loud and you'll realize how stupid it sounds. I am laughing now. teehee) but I just wanted to give my two cents.

If I may, I'd like to suggest you stick around a bit longer, you may find
that some of the convos go beyong hate filled rhetoric and vitriol.

12-31-2007, 12:50 AM
If the word "bitch" is so bad towards women, then why do some take the word with open arms calling each other that and even claiming that their one themselves. But even though I don't understand it, I guess its almost like us black guys sayin "nigga" even though we kinda turned it around into a slang word, its not even offensive unless it was pronounced properly from a person of another race meant to be insulting.

12-31-2007, 12:51 AM
I found this forum for the first time about three days ago while browsing the net for lgbt forums. I looked through the site and found it to be more of a giant ad for escorts and pornography (not that I have anything against either, whatever floats your boat I guess) and I was about to leave before I found a certain thread. All I can say is I was rather surprised to see the word fag thrown around so much. I've never really been fond of the word, I feel it is used to justify violence and contempt for people of any alternative orientation or alternative gender identity. I understand that as women you don't feel the term applies to you or has any weight in your situation, but the fact is that it is lgbt (lesbian, gay, bisexual, AND transgendered). A friend of mine was recently murdered for coming onto the wrong person and the killer got a reduced sentence with a gay panic defense. As transgendered citizens you too face the same kind of violence. I understand the person who uses the word may not feel they are using it to shame homosexuality, but in principle that is what you are doing. Be saying it you say that being gay is worth insulting.
I suppose I'll be "flamed" for this (I can't say "I'm going to get flamed" without smiling, it's such a lame word, just say it out loud and you'll realize how stupid it sounds. I am laughing now. teehee) but I just wanted to give my two cents.

Let's not be naive here. Have you visited a rapper/hip hop site and not seen the word "nigger" thrown about like it was the word "the?"

I don't see the shock in any of it. It may be wrong here and there, but this is on the internet, people are often rude and obnoxious, and many of the girls here meet a lot of their frustration with letting people have the fag tag. Then the person has to wear it as they will.

Whether it's blacks using racial epithets or gays or whatever, the shock value or getting ruffled about it should be non-existent. These words have been brought into the mainstream by the very people that they were designed against.

I've seen more gays use the word faggot than anyone else. maybe it's a good thing too. Why should such words have such a bomb effect when maybe they should just be part of a push and a shove.

This site calls itself a "shemale" forum. Girls here call everyone fags. It's just an extension of shock. Don't read too much into it. Let's hope this place doesn't go totally PC. The raging belabored debate should be left for the mental masturbation going on at places like Columbia or NYU. And I can say that because I'm an alumni. LOL.

I doubt Jen is having dinner with any of the "fags" here anytime soon anyway. LOL.

12-31-2007, 12:52 AM
If the word "bitch" is so bad towards women, then why do some take the word with open arms calling each other that and even claiming that their one themselves. But even though I don't understand it, I guess its almost like us black guys sayin "nigga" even though we kinda turned it around into a slang word, its not even offensive unless it was pronounced properly from a person of another race meant to be insulting.
fag doesn't really work that way.

12-31-2007, 01:04 AM
If the word "bitch" is so bad towards women, then why do some take the word with open arms calling each other that and even claiming that their one themselves. But even though I don't understand it, I guess its almost like us black guys sayin "nigga" even though we kinda turned it around into a slang word, its not even offensive unless it was pronounced properly from a person of another race meant to be insulting.
fag doesn't really work that way.

And, you know this how????

12-31-2007, 01:04 AM
If the word "bitch" is so bad towards women, then why do some take the word with open arms calling each other that and even claiming that their one themselves. But even though I don't understand it, I guess its almost like us black guys sayin "nigga" even though we kinda turned it around into a slang word, its not even offensive unless it was pronounced properly from a person of another race meant to be insulting.

Me, I'm not a bitch or a hoe, and I damned sure ain't a ni$6@&,
No matter who's saying it. :smh

I'm a proud Black woman.

12-31-2007, 01:05 AM
I found this forum for the first time about three days ago while browsing the net for lgbt forums. I looked through the site and found it to be more of a giant ad for escorts and pornography (not that I have anything against either, whatever floats your boat I guess) and I was about to leave before I found a certain thread. All I can say is I was rather surprised to see the word fag thrown around so much. I've never really been fond of the word, I feel it is used to justify violence and contempt for people of any alternative orientation or alternative gender identity. I understand that as women you don't feel the term applies to you or has any weight in your situation, but the fact is that it is lgbt (lesbian, gay, bisexual, AND transgendered). A friend of mine was recently murdered for coming onto the wrong person and the killer got a reduced sentence with a gay panic defense. As transgendered citizens you too face the same kind of violence. I understand the person who uses the word may not feel they are using it to shame homosexuality, but in principle that is what you are doing. Be saying it you say that being gay is worth insulting.
I suppose I'll be "flamed" for this (I can't say "I'm going to get flamed" without smiling, it's such a lame word, just say it out loud and you'll realize how stupid it sounds. I am laughing now. teehee) but I just wanted to give my two cents.

Let's not be naive here. Have you visited a rapper/hip hop site and not seen the word "nigger" thrown about like it was the word "the?"

I don't see the shock in any of it. It may be wrong here and there, but this is on the internet, people are often rude and obnoxious, and many of the girls here meet a lot of their frustration with letting people have the fag tag. Then the person has to wear it as they will.

Whether it's blacks using racial epithets or gays or whatever, the shock value or getting ruffled about it should be non-existent. These words have been brought into the mainstream by the very people that they were designed against.

I've seen more gays use the word faggot than anyone else. maybe it's a good thing too. Why should such words have such a bomb effect when maybe they should just be part of a push and a shove.

This site calls itself a "shemale" forum. Girls here call everyone fags. It's just an extension of shock. Don't read too much into it. Let's hope this place doesn't go totally PC. The raging belabored debate should be left for the mental masturbation going on at places like Columbia or NYU. And I can say that because I'm an alumni. LOL.

I doubt Jen is having dinner with any of the "fags" here anytime soon anyway. LOL.
who is Jennifer. I don't like the term shemale either. MAde up by the porn industsry

12-31-2007, 01:07 AM
If the word "bitch" is so bad towards women, then why do some take the word with open arms calling each other that and even claiming that their one themselves. But even though I don't understand it, I guess its almost like us black guys sayin "nigga" even though we kinda turned it around into a slang word, its not even offensive unless it was pronounced properly from a person of another race meant to be insulting.
fag doesn't really work that way.

And, you know this how????
I'm bisexual with gay friends
There is no way you can say fag and make it slang

12-31-2007, 01:10 AM
Let's not be naive here. Have you visited a rapper/hip hop site and not seen the word "nigger" thrown about like it was the word "the?"

I don't see the shock in any of it. It may be wrong here and there, but this is on the internet, people are often rude and obnoxious, and many of the girls here meet a lot of their frustration with letting people have the fag tag. Then the person has to wear it as they will.

Whether it's blacks using racial epithets or gays or whatever, the shock value or getting ruffled about it should be non-existent. These words have been brought into the mainstream by the very people that they were designed against.

I've seen more gays use the word faggot than anyone else. maybe it's a good thing too. Why should such words have such a bomb effect when maybe they should just be part of a push and a shove.

This site calls itself a "shemale" forum. Girls here call everyone fags. It's just an extension of shock. Don't read too much into it. Let's hope this place doesn't go totally PC. The raging belabored debate should be left for the mental masturbation going on at places like Columbia or NYU. And I can say that because I'm an alumni. LOL.

I doubt Jen is having dinner with any of the "fags" here anytime soon anyway. LOL.
Places like NYU or Columbia? I take it you didn't take much of your education with you. Nobody should be censored. But to make the argument that the word isn't offensive, but yet to be hypersensitive to any response is hypocritical.

The argument you make about blacks using the n word against each other is also facile to the point of being laughable. T-girls don't see themselves as "fags". If you call one a "fag" you are implying they're men, which is a cardinal sin here, and should be. But to argue that people should be desensitized to an epithet that doesn't describe them and should legitimately offend them is absurd.

Also, have you ever heard a person say, "I hear blacks calling each other the n word all the time, why can't I do it?" Or "when I do it it's racist." Of course it is, and you're in league with this same argument. The argument of a bigot actually. You think people who don't identify as gay should be able to call other people who don't identify as gay as "fags"? Sorry, but you'll have to do better, Ivy League education aside :D

12-31-2007, 01:42 AM
Who said I was referring to the word fag? I was referring how some women used the word "bitch" as if it was something to be proud of. Never referred to fag. Bezane there IS a difference in saying "nigger" and "nigga/niggie". Sure it doesn't make since but its just slang that won't go away.

Rod la Rod
12-31-2007, 02:04 AM
If the word "bitch" is so bad towards women, then why do some take the word with open arms calling each other that and even claiming that their one themselves. But even though I don't understand it, I guess its almost like us black guys sayin "nigga" even though we kinda turned it around into a slang word, its not even offensive unless it was pronounced properly from a person of another race meant to be insulting.
fag doesn't really work that way.

And, you know this how????
I'm bisexual with gay friends
There is no way you can say fag and make it slang

This is a site where the TS girls get the respect and the status that genetic girls enjoy in straight society. You need to learn more about what is going on around here before you make statements that are just not accurate. This is not a traditional "gay" or "Bisexual" message board in any way. This is a site where transsexual women don't have to put up with the disrespect or derision that they get from the rest of the traditional "Lgbt" or "gay" community.

Imho this site is for {pseudo}heterosexual guys and TS girls. It is not a gay site in the traditional sense.

:2cent :smh

12-31-2007, 02:08 AM
If the word "bitch" is so bad towards women, then why do some take the word with open arms calling each other that and even claiming that their one themselves. But even though I don't understand it, I guess its almost like us black guys sayin "nigga" even though we kinda turned it around into a slang word, its not even offensive unless it was pronounced properly from a person of another race meant to be insulting.
Bitch isnt the bad one.. Cunt will get you in trouble. I will never use the words Fag, Spick or Nigger in my language. Three of the worst, but many more offend me. I grew up in and around a PR guy and his family for 25 yrs. He was my best friend and brother untill I transitioned. The majority of my friends have been black and PR.

12-31-2007, 03:28 AM
If the word "bitch" is so bad towards women, then why do some take the word with open arms calling each other that and even claiming that their one themselves. But even though I don't understand it, I guess its almost like us black guys sayin "nigga" even though we kinda turned it around into a slang word, its not even offensive unless it was pronounced properly from a person of another race meant to be insulting.
fag doesn't really work that way.

And, you know this how????
I'm bisexual with gay friends
There is no way you can say fag and make it slang

This is a site where the TS girls get the respect and the status that genetic girls enjoy in straight society. You need to learn more about what is going on around here before you make statements that are just not accurate. This is not a traditional "gay" or "Bisexual" message board in any way. This is a site where transsexual women don't have to put up with the disrespect or derision that they get from the rest of the traditional "Lgbt" or "gay" community.

Imho this site is for {pseudo}heterosexual guys and TS girls. It is not a gay site in the traditional sense.

:2cent :smh
I understand, I never said it was a gay or bisexual board. There is only a small faction of the LGBT community that doesn't respect the T in LGBT. That doesn't give anyone the right to generalize. I understand wholeheartedly. I have very close transgendered friends. But there is never an excuse to promote hatred. If you choose to insult someone try to use something other than a far reaching epithet that will offend more than just your target.

12-31-2007, 03:29 AM
If the word "bitch" is so bad towards women, then why do some take the word with open arms calling each other that and even claiming that their one themselves. But even though I don't understand it, I guess its almost like us black guys sayin "nigga" even though we kinda turned it around into a slang word, its not even offensive unless it was pronounced properly from a person of another race meant to be insulting.
Bitch isnt the bad one.. Cunt will get you in trouble. I will never use the words Fag, Spick or Nigger in my language. Three of the worst, but many more offend me. I grew up in and around a PR guy and his family for 25 yrs. He was my best friend and brother untill I transitioned. The majority of my friends have been black and PR.

Cunt won't get you in as much trouble across the pond. Just a fun fact. It's still wrong.

12-31-2007, 05:06 AM
thread is dead

12-31-2007, 08:00 AM
41 posts already, in one day? uh oh, not again lol

I think there's something in the water. Or maybe it's global warming. It took me years to get to 1000. I thought I was a hot shit. "A Certified Tranny Expert"!

Then my certification was stripped due to political correctness (not that I was an expert at anything - but it had a nice ring to it).

Now we have all these Red Bull jacked posters! How do they make a living?

12-31-2007, 08:40 AM
If the word "bitch" is so bad towards women, then why do some take the word with open arms calling each other that and even claiming that their one themselves. But even though I don't understand it, I guess its almost like us black guys sayin "nigga" even though we kinda turned it around into a slang word, its not even offensive unless it was pronounced properly from a person of another race meant to be insulting.
fag doesn't really work that way.

I have heard fag used in exactly that way many times within the gay community.

12-31-2007, 05:26 PM
Ironically though, why are gay guys using this word to insult other gay guys? Doesn't it go both ways? I remember when I was in school, these two gay guys were arguing. One gay guy calls the other guy a fag. Then they just kept on throwing the word around. I'm like OK, aren't you both fags? Didn't say it out loud though. But that's just one instance where I've heard gay guys calling each other fags at my old school. Not to mention the numerous times I've heard women call women bitches, some meaning it to insult and some meaning "independent women" as they say.

12-31-2007, 07:14 PM
I'm bisexual with gay friends
There is no way you can say fag and make it slang

Gay guys say "fag", "girl/"girlfriend", "queen", "queer" or whatnot to each other all the time.

The word so horrible that we can say damn, fuck, shit, whatever, but are supposed to simply call "the N word" simply comes from the Spanish for "black" - "negro" - which was acceptable as a term for the Black race until relatively recently while the slurred form was offensive. Now you have a certain subset of the Black culture that throws around "nigga" as supposedly not offensive. The problem comes from who is saying it and why.

When lesbians in San Francisco created the Dyke March, the government said they couldn't trademark it because "dyke" was offensive. They actually fought a court case to prove that "dyke" was a "reclaimed" word, acceptable in the hands of lesbians. If "dyke", why not "fag"? "Queer" has gone from offensive to radical to commonplace as slang for gay people.

We may see ourselves as straight men and women but the world may see us differently, especially us women. Walking down the street, holding hands with an FTM boyfriend, we got stares and someone shouted "lesbians" from a car. Walking with an MTF girlfriend, we got "dykes" screamed at us from a car in a completely different town. People do that to make you feel uncomfortable and nervous and unwelcome. Prior to and early in my transition, I drew both shouts and whispers of "faggot!" or "?hombre o mujer?" or other nasty things and if people find out that we are TS, other nasty things can be seen or done. Yes, to many people, we are just "faggots" with tits, we are well aware of this, I don't think we need to be reminded.

Sherman Alexie calls it "survival humor". I don't know how much shit you've been through as a queer boy - how much harassment and physical abuse you got at school. I have said that at least racial minorities have parents who deal with the same things. Queer folk, gay or trans, are born into families that don't understand and are often a source of prejudice and violence. We go through a lot of hell to get where we are today.

Is it productive to be calling eachother "faggots"? No. Do we understand the ramifications? Mostly. That's just the way it goes. Hell, some TS take offense at "tranny" and most at "shemale" but I used the latter just yesterday on this board and I'll use it occasionally with friends who know I'm teasing.

Here's another thing to think about:
Black people specify who is a n-----.
Women specify who is a bitch, ho, slut, etc
Gay men specify who is a faggot.
Lesbians specify who is a dyke.
Transsexuals specify who is a shemale.
Obese people specify who is truly fat (it's funny if you ever witness it).

We all deride parts of our own culture or subculture, probably to keep those words off of us by using them on others. Healthy? No. Reality? Yes.

Sometimes things are the way they are.

12-31-2007, 07:16 PM
does anyone remember the poster general dissarray? wasn't he banned for being under-age?

12-31-2007, 07:19 PM
Hag..fag hag.

12-31-2007, 08:11 PM
41 posts already, in one day? uh oh, not again lol

I think there's something in the water. Or maybe it's global warming. It took me years to get to 1000. I thought I was a hot shit. "A Certified Tranny Expert"!

Then my certification was stripped due to political correctness (not that I was an expert at anything - but it had a nice ring to it).

Now we have all these Red Bull jacked posters! How do they make a living?

poor ezed. to me you will always be my special tranny expert. you know just where all the sweet spots are.

12-31-2007, 08:36 PM
I understand, I never said it was a gay or bisexual board. There is only a small faction of the LGBT community that doesn't respect the T in LGBT. That doesn't give anyone the right to generalize.

Pfft. Trans people get crap all the time from gay people - they're just as bad as straight people or worse because they think straight people will associate them with us. They tend not to get physical, but they are blunt with their words.

It used to just be "gay and lesbian", then the bisexuals wanted representation, and now the transgendered. Sometimes now even "LGBTQQSAILMNOP...". Even though we only have one foot in the gay scene, if any.

Tell me you never get shit from gay people for being bisexual, it happens all the time!

We aren't a community, we eat our young.

12-31-2007, 09:07 PM
Perhaps if people started spelling it phag the term would become more socially acceptable...as in "you're a phat phag..."

12-31-2007, 09:34 PM
I understand, I never said it was a gay or bisexual board. There is only a small faction of the LGBT community that doesn't respect the T in LGBT. That doesn't give anyone the right to generalize.

Pfft. Trans people get crap all the time from gay people - they're just as bad as straight people or worse because they think straight people will associate them with us. They tend not to get physical, but they are blunt with their words.

It used to just be "gay and lesbian", then the bisexuals wanted representation, and now the transgendered. Sometimes now even "LGBTQQSAILMNOP...". Even though we only have one foot in the gay scene, if any.

Tell me you never get shit from gay people for being bisexual, it happens all the time!

We aren't a community, we eat our young.

The enemy of my enemy is not neccessarily my friend. :smh

The GLB community has proved this time and time again.

Most recently selling us out with ENDA.

01-01-2008, 04:37 AM
41 posts already, in one day? uh oh, not again lol

I think there's something in the water. Or maybe it's global warming. It took me years to get to 1000. I thought I was a hot shit. "A Certified Tranny Expert"!

Then my certification was stripped due to political correctness (not that I was an expert at anything - but it had a nice ring to it).

Now we have all these Red Bull jacked posters! How do they make a living?

poor ezed. to me you will always be my special tranny expert. you know just where all the sweet spots are.

thanks love, if you fiddle around long enough you're bound to stumble across them! :wink:

01-01-2008, 06:37 AM
41 posts already, in one day? uh oh, not again lolLoosenoose is actually Lust4TS. A mod confirmed it in chat. :roll:
he was kidding
I am not lust4ts
hara juku tgirl can actually confirm it for you. Or you could have a mod try again. I don't want to be confused with him.

Hara_Juku Tgirl
01-01-2008, 09:31 AM
I guess I could clock you..But would you really want me to?!? LOL I *think I sorta did in one of the earlier threads anyways..if you people were paying attention. ;)



01-01-2008, 09:59 PM
I guess I could clock you..But would you really want me to?!? LOL I *think I sorta did in one of the earlier threads anyways..if you people were paying attention. ;)


not that
you know my secret identity : P